- 1. emperor [ˈɛmpərər]
- 2. exact [ɪɡˈzækt]
- 3. traditional [trəˈdɪʃənl]
- 4. lack [læk]
- 5. pardon [ˈpɑːrdn]
- 6. regent [ˈriːdʒənt]
- 7. burgeon [ˈbɜːrdʒən]
- 8. argue [ˈɑːrɡjuː]
- 9. barely [ˈbɛrli]
- 10. methane [ˈmɛθeɪn]
- 11. hierarchy [ˈhaɪərɑːrki]
- 12. guidance [ˈɡaɪdəns]
- 13. easy-going [ˈiːziˈɡoʊɪŋ]
- 14. electrical [ɪˈlɛktrɪkl]
- 15. electronic [ɪˌlɛkˈtrɒnɪk]
- 16. roll film [roʊl fɪlm]
- 17. philosophy [fɪˈlɑːsəfi]
- 18. chronic [ˈkrɒnɪk]
- 19. desirable [dɪˈzaɪərəbl]
- 20. consortium [kənˈsɔːrtiəm]
- 21. buckle [ˈbʌkl]
- 22. curry [ˈkʌri]
- 23. subliminal [sʌbˈlɪmɪnl]
- 24. chamber [ˈtʃeɪmbər]
- 25. frequent [ˈfriːkwənt]
- 26. prosperous [ˈprɒspərəs]
- 27. purpose [ˈpɜːrpəs]
- 28. variety [vəˈraɪəti]
- 29. immigration [ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃən]
- 30. natural [ˈnætʃərəl]
- 31. bet [bet]
- 32. consumer [kənˈsjuːmər]
- 33. physician [fɪˈzɪʃən]
- 34. equal [ˈiːkwəl]
- 35. resort [rɪˈzɔːrt]
- 36. leadership [ˈliːdərʃɪp]
- 37. equity [ˈekwɪti]
- 38. excavate [ˈɛkskəveɪt]
- 39. nuclear [ˈnjuːkliər]
- 40. mutual [ˈmjuːtʃuəl]
- 41. hectare [ˈhɛktɛər]
- 42. density [ˈdɛnsɪti]
- 43. massive [ˈmæsɪv]
- 44. congratulate [kənˈɡrætjʊleɪt]
- 45. companion [kəmˈpænjən]
- 46. rig [rɪɡ]
- 47. input [ˈɪnpʊt]
- 48. merely [ˈmɪərli]
- 49. impart [ɪmˈpɑːrt]
- 50. forfeit [ˈfɔːrfɪt]
- 51. calorie [ˈkæləri
- 52. van [væn]
- 53. ventilation [ˌvɛntɪˈleɪʃən]
- 54. intermediate [ˌɪntərˈmiːdiət]
- 55. eternal [ɪˈtɜːrnəl]
- 56. invasion [ɪnˈveɪʒən]
- 57. nevertheless [ˌnɛvəðəˈlɛs]
- 58. celebrate [ˈsɛlɪbreɪt]
- 59. inspiring [ɪnˈspaɪərɪŋ]
- 60. attendance [əˈtɛndəns]
- 61. optional [ˈɒpʃənl]
- 62. enable [ɪnˈeɪbl]
- 63. department [dɪˈpɑːrtmənt]
- 64. heat [hiːt]
- 65. dismantle [dɪsˈmæntl]
- 66. wage [weɪdʒ]
- 67. landscape [ˈlændskeɪp]
- 68. emotion [ɪˈməʊʃən]
- 69. commonwealth [ˈkɒmənˌwɛlθ]
- 70. newsletter [ˈnjuːzˌlɛtər]
- 71. periodical [ˌpɪəriˈɒdɪkl]
- 72. receptionist [rɪˈsɛpʃənɪst]
- 73. security [sɪˈkjʊərɪti]
- 74. clip [klɪp]
- 75. apace [əˈpeɪs]
- 76. yield [jiːld]
- 77. fair [fɛr]
1. emperor [ˈɛmpərər]
- 中文意思:皇帝、君主、帝王、皇权、统治者
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- reign like an emperor: 像皇帝一样统治
- emperor’s new clothes: 皇帝的新装(指人们不敢指出明显错误或问题的情况)
- 例句:
- The emperor ruled over a vast empire.
(皇帝统治着一个辽阔的帝国。) - The story of the emperor’s new clothes teaches a valuable lesson about honesty.
- The emperor ruled over a vast empire.
2. exact [ɪɡˈzækt]
- 中文意思:精确的、确切的、精密的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- exact science: 精密科学
- to exact revenge: 寻求报复
- 例句:
- The scientist made an exact calculation of the distance between the planets.
(科学家精确计算了行星之间的距离。) - She wanted to exact revenge on those who had wronged her.
- The scientist made an exact calculation of the distance between the planets.
3. traditional [trəˈdɪʃənl]
- 中文意思:传统的、惯例的、习俗的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- traditional values: 传统价值观
- traditional ceremony: 传统仪式
- 例句:
- They celebrate the New Year with traditional customs.
(他们用传统习俗来庆祝新年。) - The family has a traditional recipe for Thanksgiving dinner.
- They celebrate the New Year with traditional customs.
4. lack [læk]
- 中文意思:缺少、不足、欠缺
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- lack of communication: 沟通不足
- lack of motivation: 缺乏动力
- 例句:
- There is a lack of evidence to support that theory.
(缺乏证据支持那个理论。) - The team’s performance suffered due to a lack of proper training.
- There is a lack of evidence to support that theory.
5. pardon [ˈpɑːrdn]
- 中文意思:原谅、宽恕、赦免
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- ask for pardon: 请求原谅
- grant a pardon: 发布赦免令
- 例句:
- Please pardon my mistake.
(请原谅我的错误。) - The governor granted a pardon to the wrongly convicted man.
- Please pardon my mistake.
6. regent [ˈriːdʒənt]
- 中文意思:摄政者、代理人、执政者
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- appointed as regent: 被任命为摄政者
- regent in charge: 负责的摄政者
- 例句:
- During the king’s absence, the regent ruled the kingdom.
(在国王离开期间,摄政者统治着王国。) - The council appointed her as regent until the heir came of age.
- During the king’s absence, the regent ruled the kingdom.
7. burgeon [ˈbɜːrdʒən]
- 中文意思:迅速发展、蓬勃发展、迅速增长
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- burgeon with creativity: 充满创造力
- business is burgeoning: 生意蒸蒸日上
- 例句:
- The city’s population began to burgeon after the new factory opened.
(新工厂开业后,这座城市的人口开始迅速增长。) - Her talent for painting burgeoned as she continued to practice.
- The city’s population began to burgeon after the new factory opened.
8. argue [ˈɑːrɡjuː]
- 中文意思:争吵、辩论、争论
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- argue a point: 辩论一个观点
- get into an argument: 陷入争论
- 例句:
- They always argue about politics.
(他们总是就政治问题争论不休。) - Let’s not argue and find a solution together.
- They always argue about politics.
9. barely [ˈbɛrli]
- 中文意思:勉强、几乎不、刚刚
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- barely make it: 勉强做到
- barely enough: 刚刚够
- 例句:
- She barely passed the exam.
(她勉强通过了考试。) - There is barely enough time to finish this task.
- She barely passed the exam.
10. methane [ˈmɛθeɪn]
- 中文意思:甲烷
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- methane emissions: 甲烷排放
- methane gas: 甲烷气体
- 例句:
- Methane is a potent greenhouse gas.
(甲烷是一种强效的温室气体。) - The study focused on reducing methane emissions from agriculture.
- Methane is a potent greenhouse gas.
11. hierarchy [ˈhaɪərɑːrki]
- 中文意思:等级制度、阶层
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- corporate hierarchy: 公司等级制度
- social hierarchy: 社会阶层
- 例句:
- The company has a strict hierarchy of management.
(公司有严格的管理层级制度。) - There is a clear hierarchy within the royal family.
- The company has a strict hierarchy of management.
12. guidance [ˈɡaɪdəns]
- 中文意思:指导、引导、指引
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- offer guidance: 提供指导
- seek guidance: 寻求指引
- 例句:
- She provided guidance on how to complete the project.
(她提供了完成项目的指导。) - Students often seek guidance from their teachers.
- She provided guidance on how to complete the project.
13. easy-going [ˈiːziˈɡoʊɪŋ]
- 中文意思:随和的、轻松愉快的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- an easy-going attitude: 随和的态度
- easy-going personality: 轻松愉快的个性
- 例句:
- He has an easy-going nature that makes everyone comfortable around him.
(他随和的性格让大家感到舒服。) - The office environment is easy-going and friendly.
- He has an easy-going nature that makes everyone comfortable around him.
14. electrical [ɪˈlɛktrɪkl]
- 中文意思:电的、电气的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- electrical appliances: 电器
- electrical engineering: 电气工程
- 例句:
- Please turn off all electrical devices before leaving the house.
(离开房间前请关闭所有电器设备。) - He works in the field of electrical engineering.
- Please turn off all electrical devices before leaving the house.
15. electronic [ɪˌlɛkˈtrɒnɪk]
- 中文意思:电子的、电子设备的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- electronic devices: 电子设备
- electronic music: 电子音乐
- 例句:
- Modern cars are equipped with various electronic systems.
(现代汽车配备了各种电子系统。) - She enjoys listening to electronic music in her free time.
- Modern cars are equipped with various electronic systems.
16. roll film [roʊl fɪlm]
- 中文意思:胶卷
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- black-and-white roll film: 黑白胶卷
- color roll film: 彩色胶卷
- 例句:
- Roll film was commonly used before the digital era.
(在数字时代之前,胶卷很常见。) - He enjoys the nostalgic feel of shooting with roll film.
- Roll film was commonly used before the digital era.
17. philosophy [fɪˈlɑːsəfi]
- 中文意思:哲学
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- study of philosophy: 哲学研究
- philosophy of life: 人生哲学
- 例句:
- She’s studying philosophy at the university.
(她在大学学习哲学。) - His philosophy of life revolves around kindness and empathy.
- She’s studying philosophy at the university.
18. chronic [ˈkrɒnɪk]
- 中文意思:慢性的、长期的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- chronic illness: 慢性疾病
- chronic pain: 长期疼痛
- 例句:
- He suffers from chronic back pain.
(他患有慢性背痛。) - Chronic stress can have detrimental effects on health.
- He suffers from chronic back pain.
19. desirable [dɪˈzaɪərəbl]
- 中文意思:理想的、值得拥有的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- highly desirable: 非常理想的
- desirable outcome: 理想结果
- 例句:
- A good salary is desirable in a job.
(一个好的薪水在工作中是理想的。) - A peaceful resolution is the most desirable outcome.
- A good salary is desirable in a job.
20. consortium [kənˈsɔːrtiəm]
- 中文意思:财团、联合企业、集团
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- international consortium: 国际财团
- consortium agreement: 财团协议
- 例句:
- The project was funded by an international consortium.
(这个项目是由国际财团资助的。) - They entered into a consortium agreement to develop new technology.
- The project was funded by an international consortium.
21. buckle [ˈbʌkl]
- 中文意思:扣子、搭扣、皮带扣
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- fasten the buckle: 扣紧搭扣
- belt buckle: 皮带扣
- 例句:
- She quickly fastened the buckle on her bag.
(她迅速扣上了包的搭扣。) - His belt buckle was decorated with intricate designs.
- She quickly fastened the buckle on her bag.
22. curry [ˈkʌri]
- 中文意思:咖喱
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- curry powder: 咖喱粉
- curry sauce: 咖喱酱
- 例句:
- She prepared a delicious chicken curry for dinner.
(她为晚餐做了一道美味的咖喱鸡。) - Do you prefer red or green curry?
- She prepared a delicious chicken curry for dinner.
23. subliminal [sʌbˈlɪmɪnl]
- 中文意思:潜意识的、下意识的
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- subliminal messages: 潜意识信息
- subliminal advertising: 潜意识广告
- 例句:
- The advertisement had subliminal messages hidden within it.
(广告中隐藏了潜意识信息。) - Subliminal advertising can influence consumer behavior without their awareness.
- The advertisement had subliminal messages hidden within it.
24. chamber [ˈtʃeɪmbər]
- 中文意思:室、房间、腔
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- chamber of commerce: 商会
- combustion chamber: 燃烧室
- 例句:
- The meeting will take place in the boardroom chamber.
(会议将在董事会室举行。) - The engine’s combustion chamber was damaged.
- The meeting will take place in the boardroom chamber.
25. frequent [ˈfriːkwənt]
- 中文意思:频繁的、经常的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- frequent visits: 频繁访问
- frequent traveler: 经常旅行者
- 例句:
- He makes frequent trips to the gym.
(他经常去健身房。) - The restaurant is a favorite among frequent diners.
- He makes frequent trips to the gym.
26. prosperous [ˈprɒspərəs]
- 中文意思:繁荣的、兴旺的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- prosperous economy: 繁荣的经济
- prosperous business: 兴旺的生意
- 例句:
- The country enjoyed a period of prosperous growth.
(这个国家经历了一段繁荣增长的时期。) - She built a prosperous business from scratch.
- The country enjoyed a period of prosperous growth.
27. purpose [ˈpɜːrpəs]
- 中文意思:目的、意图、用途
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- serve a purpose: 起到作用
- clear purpose: 明确目的
- 例句:
- The purpose of the meeting is to discuss future plans.
(会议的目的是讨论未来计划。) - His speech had a clear purpose: to motivate the team.
- The purpose of the meeting is to discuss future plans.
28. variety [vəˈraɪəti]
- 中文意思:多样、种类、品种
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- wide variety: 大多样性
- variety of options: 多种选择
- 例句:
- The buffet offered a wide variety of dishes.
(自助餐提供了各种各样的菜肴。) - There’s a variety of colors to choose from.
- The buffet offered a wide variety of dishes.
29. immigration [ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃən]
- 中文意思:移民、移居
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- illegal immigration: 非法移民
- immigration policy: 移民政策
- 例句:
- Immigration laws regulate the movement of people into a country.
(移民法规管控着人们进入一个国家的行为。) - The government is revising its immigration policy.
- Immigration laws regulate the movement of people into a country.
30. natural [ˈnætʃərəl]
- 中文意思:自然的、天然的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- natural beauty: 自然美
- natural resources: 自然资源
- 例句:
- The park is known for its natural beauty.
(这个公园以其自然美景而闻名。) - The country is rich in natural resources.
- The park is known for its natural beauty.
31. bet [bet]
- 中文意思:打赌、赌注
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- place a bet: 下注
- take a bet: 接受赌注
- 例句:
- He made a bet on the horse race.
(他在赛马比赛上下注了。) - I’ll take that bet!
- He made a bet on the horse race.
32. consumer [kənˈsjuːmər]
- 中文意思:消费者、顾客
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- consumer rights: 消费者权利
- consumer behavior: 消费者行为
- 例句:
- The company focuses on meeting consumer demands.
(公司专注于满足消费者需求。) - Understanding consumer behavior is crucial in marketing.
- The company focuses on meeting consumer demands.
33. physician [fɪˈzɪʃən]
- 中文意思:医生、内科医生
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- family physician: 家庭医生
- specialist physician: 专科医生
- 例句:
- She works as a physician at the local hospital.
(她在当地的医院工作。) - The physician recommended rest and medication.
- She works as a physician at the local hospital.
34. equal [ˈiːkwəl]
- 中文意思:平等的、相等的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- equal rights: 平等权利
- equal opportunity: 平等机会
- 例句:
- Everyone should have equal rights regardless of their background.
(每个人都应该有平等的权利,不论他们的背景如何。) - The company provides equal opportunities for all employees.
- Everyone should have equal rights regardless of their background.
35. resort [rɪˈzɔːrt]
- 中文意思:度假胜地、求助、采取措施
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- holiday resort: 度假胜地
- last resort: 最后手段
- 例句:
- They spent their vacation at a beautiful beach resort.
(他们在一个美丽的海滩度假胜地度过了假期。) - Going to court should be a last resort.
- They spent their vacation at a beautiful beach resort.
36. leadership [ˈliːdərʃɪp]
- 中文意思:领导力、领导地位
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- effective leadership: 有效领导力
- demonstrate leadership: 展现领导力
- 例句:
- Good leadership is essential for the success of any team.
(良好的领导力对于任何团队的成功都是必不可少的。) - She was chosen for her ability to demonstrate strong leadership.
- Good leadership is essential for the success of any team.
37. equity [ˈekwɪti]
- 中文意思:公平、公正、股权
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- equity market: 股票市场
- social equity: 社会公平
- 例句:
- The company aims to promote equity in its hiring practices.
(公司旨在促进招聘实践中的公平。) - They invested in the equity market to diversify their portfolio.
- The company aims to promote equity in its hiring practices.
38. excavate [ˈɛkskəveɪt]
- 中文意思:挖掘、发掘
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- excavate artifacts: 发掘文物
- excavate a site: 挖掘一个遗址
- 例句:
- The archaeologists excavated ancient ruins.
(考古学家们挖掘了古代遗迹。) - The team plans to excavate the site next month.
- The archaeologists excavated ancient ruins.
39. nuclear [ˈnjuːkliər]
- 中文意思:核的、原子能的
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- nuclear power: 核能
- nuclear weapons: 核武器
- 例句:
- Many countries use nuclear power for electricity generation.
(许多国家利用核能发电。) - The treaty aimed to limit the spread of nuclear weapons.
- Many countries use nuclear power for electricity generation.
40. mutual [ˈmjuːtʃuəl]
- 中文意思:相互的、共同的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- mutual agreement: 相互协议
- mutual respect: 相互尊重
- 例句:
- The decision was based on mutual consent.
(这个决定是基于相互的同意。) - They have a relationship built on mutual respect.
- The decision was based on mutual consent.
41. hectare [ˈhɛktɛər]
- 中文意思:公顷
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- farm hectare: 农场面积(公顷)
- hectare of land: 一公顷的土地
- 例句:
- The farm covers several hectares of land.
(这个农场覆盖了几公顷的土地。) - The government allocated a hectare of land for the project.
- The farm covers several hectares of land.
42. density [ˈdɛnsɪti]
- 中文意思:密度、浓度
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- high density: 高密度
- density of population: 人口密度
- 例句:
- The city has a high population density.
(这个城市人口密度很高。) - The density of the liquid affects its properties.
- The city has a high population density.
43. massive [ˈmæsɪv]
- 中文意思:巨大的、大量的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- massive structure: 巨大结构
- massive amounts: 大量的
- 例句:
- They built a massive dam to control flooding.
(他们建造了一座巨大的水坝来控制洪水。) - The project required massive amounts of funding.
- They built a massive dam to control flooding.
44. congratulate [kənˈɡrætjʊleɪt]
- 中文意思:祝贺、庆贺
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- congratulate on success: 祝贺成功
- congratulate someone for: 因为……而祝贺某人
- 例句:
- I want to congratulate you on your promotion!
(我想祝贺你的晋升!) - They congratulated him for his outstanding performance.
- I want to congratulate you on your promotion!
45. companion [kəmˈpænjən]
- 中文意思:同伴、伴侣
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- travel companion: 旅行伴侣
- loyal companion: 忠实的同伴
- 例句:
- She’s been my companion since childhood.
(她从小就是我的伴侣。) - He’s looking for a reliable travel companion.
- She’s been my companion since childhood.
46. rig [rɪɡ]
- 中文意思:操纵、装配
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- oil rig: 石油钻井平台
- rig elections: 操纵选举
- 例句:
- The company set up an oil rig in the offshore region.
(该公司在近海地区设置了石油钻井平台。) - They were accused of trying to rig the elections.
- The company set up an oil rig in the offshore region.
47. input [ˈɪnpʊt]
- 中文意思:输入、意见、信息
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- input data: 输入数据
- valuable input: 有价值的意见
- 例句:
- Please input your username and password.
(请键入您的用户名和密码。) - Your input is crucial for our decision-making process.
- Please input your username and password.
48. merely [ˈmɪərli]
- 中文意思:仅仅、只不过
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- not merely… but also: 不仅……而且
- merely a coincidence: 仅仅是巧合
- 例句:
- She was merely trying to help.
(她只是想帮忙。) - It’s not merely about winning; it’s about doing your best.
- She was merely trying to help.
49. impart [ɪmˈpɑːrt]
- 中文意思:传授、给予
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- impart knowledge: 传授知识
- impart wisdom: 传授智慧
- 例句:
- Teachers impart knowledge to their students.
(老师向学生传授知识。) - Her experiences imparted valuable lessons.
- Teachers impart knowledge to their students.
50. forfeit [ˈfɔːrfɪt]
- 中文意思:丧失、放弃、罚金
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- forfeit a game: 输掉比赛
- forfeit a deposit: 放弃押金
- 例句:
- If you break the rules, you may forfeit your chance to participate.
(如果你违反规定,可能会失去参与的机会。) - They had to forfeit a portion of their deposit.
- If you break the rules, you may forfeit your chance to participate.
51. calorie [ˈkæləri
- 中文意思:卡路里
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- burn calories: 消耗卡路里
- calorie count: 卡路里计算
- 例句:
- He watches his calorie intake carefully.
(他仔细控制卡路里的摄入量。) - Running can help you burn calories.
- He watches his calorie intake carefully.
52. van [væn]
- 中文意思:货车、面包车
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- delivery van: 送货车
- camper van: 房车
- 例句:
- The company uses vans for deliveries.
(公司使用货车进行送货。) - They traveled across the country in a camper van.
- The company uses vans for deliveries.
53. ventilation [ˌvɛntɪˈleɪʃən]
- 中文意思:通风、通风设备
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- proper ventilation: 适当通风
- ventilation system: 通风系统
- 例句:
- Good ventilation is crucial for a healthy indoor environment.
(良好的通风对于室内健康环境至关重要。) - The building is equipped with an efficient ventilation system.
- Good ventilation is crucial for a healthy indoor environment.
54. intermediate [ˌɪntərˈmiːdiət]
- 中文意思:中间的、中级的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- intermediate level: 中级水平
- intermediate step: 中间步骤
- 例句:
- She’s studying at an intermediate level.
(她在学习中级水平的课程。) - The project requires completing several intermediate steps.
- She’s studying at an intermediate level.
55. eternal [ɪˈtɜːrnəl]
- 中文意思:永恒的、永远的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- eternal love: 永恒的爱
- eternal happiness: 永恒的幸福
- 例句:
- Their love for each other seemed eternal.
(他们之间的爱似乎是永恒的。) - Many seek eternal happiness in different ways.
- Their love for each other seemed eternal.
56. invasion [ɪnˈveɪʒən]
- 中文意思:入侵、侵略
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- military invasion: 军事入侵
- invasion of privacy: 侵犯隐私
- 例句:
- The country was under threat of invasion.
(这个国家面临入侵的威胁。) - The scandal was seen as an invasion of privacy.
- The country was under threat of invasion.
57. nevertheless [ˌnɛvəðəˈlɛs]
- 中文意思:然而、但是
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- despite nevertheless: 尽管如此
- nevertheless, I’ll try: 尽管如此,我会尝试
- 例句:
- She knew it was risky; nevertheless, she proceeded.
(她知道这很冒险,但她还是继续了。) - Despite the challenges, he remained optimistic nevertheless.
- She knew it was risky; nevertheless, she proceeded.
58. celebrate [ˈsɛlɪbreɪt]
- 中文意思:庆祝、赞美
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- celebrate a birthday: 庆祝生日
- celebrate success: 庆祝成功
- 例句:
- They plan to celebrate their anniversary with a party.
(他们打算用派对来庆祝他们的周年纪念。) - Let’s celebrate the team’s victory!
- They plan to celebrate their anniversary with a party.
59. inspiring [ɪnˈspaɪərɪŋ]
- 中文意思:鼓舞人心的、激励的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- inspiring speech: 鼓舞人心的演讲
- inspiring story: 感人的故事
- 例句:
- Her journey was truly inspiring.
(她的旅程真的很鼓舞人心。) - His inspiring words motivated the team.
- Her journey was truly inspiring.
60. attendance [əˈtɛndəns]
- 中文意思:出席、出勤
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- record attendance: 记录出席情况
- low attendance: 低出勤率
- 例句:
- The school reported high attendance at the event.
(学校报道称该活动的出席率很高。) - The company monitors employees’ attendance closely.
- The school reported high attendance at the event.
61. optional [ˈɒpʃənl]
- 中文意思:可选择的、任意的
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- optional course: 选修课
- optional extras: 附加选择项
- 例句:
- Taking part in the extracurricular activity is optional.
(参加课外活动是可选的。) - The hotel offers optional extras for guests.
- Taking part in the extracurricular activity is optional.
62. enable [ɪnˈeɪbl]
- 中文意思:使能够、使可能
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- enable access: 允许访问
- enable growth: 促进增长
- 例句:
- The new software will enable faster processing.
(新软件将使处理速度更快。) - Proper planning will enable better results.
- The new software will enable faster processing.
63. department [dɪˈpɑːrtmənt]
- 中文意思:部门、系
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- sales department: 销售部门
- department store: 百货商店
- 例句:
- He works in the marketing department.
(他在市场营销部门工作。) - The department store is having a sale.
- He works in the marketing department.
64. heat [hiːt]
- 中文意思:热、加热
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- intense heat: 强烈热度
- heat up: 加热
- 例句:
- The heat in the desert was unbearable.
(沙漠中的热度令人难以忍受。) - Heat up the soup before serving.
- The heat in the desert was unbearable.
65. dismantle [dɪsˈmæntl]
- 中文意思:拆除、解散
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- dismantle equipment: 拆除设备
- dismantle a system: 解散一个系统
- 例句:
- The company decided to dismantle the old machinery.
(公司决定拆除旧机器。) - It took weeks to dismantle the entire system.
- The company decided to dismantle the old machinery.
66. wage [weɪdʒ]
- 中文意思:工资、工资发放
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- minimum wage: 最低工资
- wage increase: 工资增长
- 例句:
- They’re negotiating for higher wages.
(他们正在谈判要求更高的工资。) - The company announced a wage increase for its employees.
- They’re negotiating for higher wages.
67. landscape [ˈlændskeɪp]
- 中文意思:景观、风景
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- beautiful landscape: 美丽的景观
- change the landscape: 改变风景
- 例句:
- The landscape of the countryside is breathtaking.
(乡村的景色令人惊叹。) - The construction project will change the landscape of the area.
- The landscape of the countryside is breathtaking.
68. emotion [ɪˈməʊʃən]
- 中文意思:情感、情绪
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- express emotion: 表达情感
- control emotions: 控制情绪
- 例句:
- She couldn’t hide her emotions during the speech.
(她在演讲中无法掩饰自己的情感。) - Learning to control your emotions is important.
- She couldn’t hide her emotions during the speech.
69. commonwealth [ˈkɒmənˌwɛlθ]
- 中文意思:联邦、共和国
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- British Commonwealth: 英联邦
- the Commonwealth countries: 英联邦国家
- 例句:
- The Commonwealth comprises various nations.
(英联邦包括各个国家。) - Australia is a member of the Commonwealth.
- The Commonwealth comprises various nations.
70. newsletter [ˈnjuːzˌlɛtər]
- 中文意思:通讯、时事通讯
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- monthly newsletter: 月刊通讯
- email newsletter: 电子邮件通讯
- 例句:
- I subscribe to their monthly newsletter.
(我订阅了他们的月刊通讯。) - The company sends out an email newsletter every week.
- I subscribe to their monthly newsletter.
71. periodical [ˌpɪəriˈɒdɪkl]
- 中文意思:期刊、定期发行的刊物
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- scientific periodical: 科学期刊
- academic periodical: 学术期刊
- 例句:
- He often publishes articles in academic periodicals.
(他经常在学术期刊上发表文章。) - The library subscribes to various periodicals.
- He often publishes articles in academic periodicals.
72. receptionist [rɪˈsɛpʃənɪst]
- 中文意思:接待员、前台接待人员
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- hotel receptionist: 酒店前台接待员
- friendly receptionist: 友好的接待员
- 例句:
- The receptionist greeted the guests warmly.
(接待员热情地迎接客人。) - She works as a receptionist at a dental clinic.
- The receptionist greeted the guests warmly.
73. security [sɪˈkjʊərɪti]
- 中文意思:安全、保安
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- national security: 国家安全
- security measures: 安全措施
- 例句:
- Security at the airport has been increased.
(机场的安全性已经提高了。) - The company implemented new security measures.
- Security at the airport has been increased.
74. clip [klɪp]
- 中文意思:夹子、剪辑
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- paper clip: 回形针
- video clip: 视频剪辑
- 例句:
- He attached the papers with a paper clip.
(他用回形针夹住了文件。) - She edited the video clip for the presentation.
- He attached the papers with a paper clip.
75. apace [əˈpeɪs]
- 中文意思:快速地、迅速地
- 使用频率:低
- 常用短语:
- grow apace: 快速增长
- move apace: 迅速移动
- 例句:
- The technology industry is growing apace.
(科技行业正在快速增长。) - Changes in the market are moving apace.
- The technology industry is growing apace.
76. yield [jiːld]
- 中文意思:产量、产出
- 使用频率:中
- 常用短语:
- high yield: 高产量
- agricultural yield: 农业产量
- 例句:
- The farm had a high yield of crops this year.
(今年农场的农作物产量很高。) - Agricultural practices aim to increase yield.
- The farm had a high yield of crops this year.
77. fair [fɛr]
- 中文意思:公平的、交易会
- 使用频率:高
- 常用短语:
- fair treatment: 公平对待
- job fair: 招聘会
- 例句:
- The company ensures fair treatment for all employees.
(公司确保对所有员工公平对待。) - Many companies participate in the annual job fair.
- The company ensures fair treatment for all employees.