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原创 pycaffe problem: loss doesn't display correctly by using python loss layer on caffe

In general, the caffe log will print out two losses: 1. Iteration x, loss = … 2. Train net output #x: loss = …The problem is only the second loss displays correctly when we use a python loss

2017-03-21 07:58:29 534

原创 matcaffe compilation problem: undefined reference to mxIsGPUArray

Even if the mxGPUArray.h is added to the include path. The library is not linked. Solution is following:https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/294938-cannot-find-lmwgpuThe error message is as

2017-03-08 10:07:06 1565 5

原创 caffe compilation: libopencv_highgui undefined reference to TIFF library

The problem is caused by adding some include and library to makefile.config.One should eliminate the one which actually cause the problem and delete it. And reboot is required to solve this.

2017-03-08 02:32:47 2064 2

原创 release and lib correspondence

some open source library has debug and release version for visual studio. Need to be careful here. If we want to use the release lib, we need to change debug to release first and also change MDd (Multi

2017-02-15 13:33:06 632

原创 X86 dismatch X64 visual studio

In general, the .lib file you are using is compiled in different setting. 1. find other .lib compiled in the X64 2. use cmake to compile it yourself 3. change debug/release to 32bit in visual studi

2017-02-15 13:29:58 370

原创 solution for debuging unresolved external in visual sutdio

trying following 1. include /bin to environment variable of system path 2. include /bin to project exe(equal to first one) 3. include .lib to the linker/input of project configuration

2017-02-15 13:27:49 613

原创 Fix for Debug Assertion Failed! Expression: __acrt_first_block == header

When opencv with c++ is used, it may happen this runtime error problem when feeding some container (eg:vector) to the opencv built-in function. So it is good to use Mat datatype to save the output rec

2017-02-04 06:43:38 4515

原创 display disk usage only on current folder ubuntu

sudo du -h –max-depth=1

2017-02-02 07:33:58 718

原创 label for caffe image data layer

caffe image data layer can only load integer label due to the function it uses (atoi) in the source code. And also one single label. So it might not be suitable for regression problem.

2017-02-01 02:50:59 771

原创 caffe self-customized log displaying method

add LOG(INFO) << “”; to the caffe source code

2017-01-31 08:44:29 387

原创 Training parameter explanation in caffe

RepostBatch Size Batch size in mainly depended to your memory in GPU/RAM. Most time it is used power of two (64,128,256). I always try to choose 256, because it works better with SGD. But for bigger

2017-01-28 12:36:39 287

原创 Tips for preparing input data in caffe

For ImageDataLayer, image_data_param will only perform on data. The label won't be affected and should be the second top layer in the layer definition.

2017-01-28 12:23:15 328

原创 Tips for uploading arXiv

add \pdfoutput = 1. And then including all pdf files in the submission folder. Only eps file doesn’t work.nohyperef override.compile bbl file offine.

2016-12-09 09:37:27 541

原创 Adobe plugin on Linux

It’s natural to happen that the online video cannot be displayed on Ubuntu due to the lack of adobe flash player. And as default, there is not available installation candidate by simply running as foll

2016-11-21 01:18:29 515

原创 Linux Icon Customization

linux icon customization

2016-11-19 23:36:03 592



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