// Cpp_Study.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
@ name:Stack or STACK
@ struct: To restore the info of the stack,including
int *arr:The header pointer of the stack
int cap:The capacity(or size) of the stack
int top:The position pointer of the top of the stack
typedef struct Stack
int *arr;
int cap;
int top;
@ name:Stack_Init
@ func:alloc the memory for the stack and init the varialbes of stack
@ args:stack: The pointer of the stack that is to store the info of the stack
size:The size of the stack that is to initialize
@return value: null
void Stack_Init(STACK* stack,int size)
if (size <= 0)
printf("Size of Stack must be greater than 0\nInit failed!\n");
return ;
stack->cap = size;
stack->top = 0;
stack->arr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(stack->arr[0]) * size);
return ;
@ name:Stack_Deinit
@ func:To free the memory of the stack alloced by Func Stack_Init;
@ args:stack: The pointer of the stack that is to deinit
@return value: null
void Stack_Deinit(STACK* stack)
stack->arr = NULL;
stack->cap = 0;
stack->top = 0;
return ;
@ name:Stack_Is_Full
@ func:To check whether the stack is full
@ args:stack: The pointer of the stack that is to check
@ return value: true: The stack is full
false: The stack is not full
int Stack_Is_Full(STACK* stack)
if (stack->cap == stack->top)
return 1;
return 0;
@ name:Stack_Is_Empty
@ func:To check whether the stack is empty
@ args:stack: The pointer of the stack that is to check
@ return value: true: The stack is empty
false: The stack is not empty
int Stack_Is_Empty(STACK* stack)
if (stack->top == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
@ name:Stack_Push
@ func:To Push a number into the buffer of the stack
@ args:stack: The pointer of the stack that is to push
Data: The number to push
@ return value: null
void Stack_Push(STACK* stack,int Data)
if (stack->top == stack->cap)
printf("The stack has been full. Cannot push any more numbers\n");
return ;
stack->arr[stack->top] = Data;
stack->top ++;
return ;
@ name:Stack_Push
@ func:To pop x number out of the stack, where x = popNum
@ args:stack: The pointer of the stack that is to pop
@ return value: null
void Stack_Pop(STACK* stack,int popNum)
if (popNum > stack->top)
printf("There are only %d number(s) in the stack.Cannot pop %d number(s)",stack->top,popNum);
return ;
stack->top -= popNum;
return ;
int main()
//Test code of the stack
printf("Please input the operation Num\n1.Push 2.Pop");
STACK stack;
int a = 0,b = 0;
if (a == 1)
else if (a == 2)
printf("\nThe num of the stack is:");
for (int i = 0;i<stack.top;i++)
printf("%d ",stack.arr[i]);