上一篇文章介绍了在2台电脑上同时修改数据的feedsync 同步过程, 今天再讨论一下当在2台电脑上同时删除同一个数据的情况。
假设最初feed 里面数据是这样的
< sx:sync id ="ep2.100" updates ="1" deleted ="false" noconflicts ="false" >
< sx:history sequence ="1" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:12Z" by ="B" />
</ sx:sync >
< title > Return books to library </ title >
< description > 2 books in total </ description >
</ item >
< sx:sync id ="ep2.100" updates ="1" deleted ="false" noconflicts ="false" >
< sx:history sequence ="1" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:12Z" by ="B" />
</ sx:sync >
< title > Return books to library </ title >
< description > 2 books in total </ description >
</ item >
接下来, 我先在电脑A 删除"Return books to library" 这项, 暂时不和Server 做同步。然后再到电脑B 上,因为电脑B也还没有做同步, 所以电脑B 上还有"Return books to library" 这项,我再对它进行删除操作。
这时电脑A 上的Feed
< sx:sync id ="ep2.100" updates ="2" deleted ="true" noconflicts ="false" >
< sx:history sequence ="2" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:16Z" by ="A" />
< sx:history sequence ="1" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:12Z" by ="B" />
</ sx:sync >
< title > Return books to library </ title >
< description > 2 books in total </ description >
</ item >
< sx:sync id ="ep2.100" updates ="2" deleted ="true" noconflicts ="false" >
< sx:history sequence ="2" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:16Z" by ="A" />
< sx:history sequence ="1" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:12Z" by ="B" />
</ sx:sync >
< title > Return books to library </ title >
< description > 2 books in total </ description >
</ item >
电脑B 上的Feed
< sx:sync id ="ep2.100" updates ="2" deleted ="true" noconflicts ="false" >
< sx:history sequence ="2" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:18Z" by ="B" />
< sx:history sequence ="1" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:12Z" by ="B" />
</ sx:sync >
< title > Return books to library </ title >
< description > 2 books in total </ description >
</ item >
< sx:sync id ="ep2.100" updates ="2" deleted ="true" noconflicts ="false" >
< sx:history sequence ="2" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:18Z" by ="B" />
< sx:history sequence ="1" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:12Z" by ="B" />
</ sx:sync >
< title > Return books to library </ title >
< description > 2 books in total </ description >
</ item >
这个时候,同步电脑A、B 和Server, Server上的feed 变成
< sx:sync id ="ep2.100" updates ="2" deleted ="true" noconflicts ="false" >
< sx:history sequence ="2" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:18Z" by ="B" />
< sx:history sequence ="1" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:12Z" by ="B" />
< sx:conflicts >
< item >
< sx:sync id ="ep2.100" updates ="2" deleted ="true" noconflicts ="false" >
< sx:history sequence ="2" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:16Z" by ="A" />
< sx:history sequence ="1" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:12Z" by ="B" />
</ sx:sync >
< title > Return books to library </ title >
< description > 2 books in total </ description >
</ item >
</ sx:conflicts >
</ sx:sync >
< title > Return books to library </ title >
< description > 2 books in total </ description >
</ item >
< sx:sync id ="ep2.100" updates ="2" deleted ="true" noconflicts ="false" >
< sx:history sequence ="2" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:18Z" by ="B" />
< sx:history sequence ="1" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:12Z" by ="B" />
< sx:conflicts >
< item >
< sx:sync id ="ep2.100" updates ="2" deleted ="true" noconflicts ="false" >
< sx:history sequence ="2" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:16Z" by ="A" />
< sx:history sequence ="1" when ="2007-11-29T06:27:12Z" by ="B" />
</ sx:sync >
< title > Return books to library </ title >
< description > 2 books in total </ description >
</ item >
</ sx:conflicts >
</ sx:sync >
< title > Return books to library </ title >
< description > 2 books in total </ description >
</ item >
我们可以看到, 改数据还被存在Feed 文件里面,并没有因为被删除而消失, 只是属性 deleted="true" 。虽然两个电脑的操作是一样的,但电脑A 的操作还是被保存在冲突列表<sx:conflicts> 里面。