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转载 Implementing Enterprise Systems

1. Why implement ESa

2014-06-12 14:57:40 663

转载 Types of Enterprise Systems

1. Synonyms of Enterprise Systems

2014-06-12 14:16:14 787

转载 Business Process and SAP ERP

1. Definition of Organisation-

2014-06-11 14:26:02 1407

转载 Introduction

1.Organizations use ICT in three main ways

2014-06-11 13:21:35 563

转载 Doing Enterprise Architecture- Benefits and Realizing Value

1. Key Messagesd

2014-06-08 10:04:06 1422

转载 Doing Enterprise Architecture- EA Key Success Factors

1. Risk DefinitionProject risk is- a combination of probability of an event occurring, and- the impact that that event may have on the projectProject risk is an uncertain event or condition th

2014-06-07 17:30:56 1144

转载 Doing Enterprise Architecture- Part 2- Implementation, Projects & Governance

1. Why Enterprise Architecture

2014-06-07 13:06:38 760

转载 Doing Enterprise Architecture-Planning: TOGAF


2014-06-07 09:07:08 1210

转载 The Building Blocks-Enterprise Applications Part 3- Differentiation and Innovation

1.Tailoring the ERP

2014-06-06 15:22:43 819

转载 The Building Blocks-Enterprise Applications Part 2- Information Management and Business Analytics

1. Business Analytic ApplicationsData AnalyticsAlso referred to as 'Business Analytics' or 'Business Intelligence'Although basic reporting capabilities have been built into ERP systems since the

2014-06-06 12:58:49 1556

转载 The Building Blocks-Enterprise Applications Part 1- Overview and ERP

1. Key Messages

2014-06-06 08:53:59 1895

转载 The Building Blocks- Components of EA Part 2- Process, People, Network and Time

1. Zachman Framework

2014-06-05 14:09:23 1078

转载 The Building Blocks-Components of EA part 1- Information and Strategy

1. Zachman FrameworkPresented as matrix of Rows and C

2014-06-04 14:13:23 1164

转载 Building Block of Enterprise Architecture

1. Why need EA?

2014-06-04 12:05:46 994

转载 Introduction

1.what is Architecture?

2014-06-02 10:02:39 677

转载 WebGL and WebSocket

Additional Web TechnologiesWebGL: OpenGL (graphics language) in the browser                 provides high performace graphicsWebSocket: asynchrounous, bidirectional, fullduplex communication c

2013-11-07 17:54:51 1136

转载 Testing

Performance TestingPerformance testing is commonly conducted to accomplish the following:    Assessproduction readiness    Evaluate against criteria    Compare performancecharacteristics

2013-11-07 17:22:27 960

转载 Controller and Concurrency

Model View Controller

2013-11-07 13:01:37 1076

转载 Session and Distribution

Session StateA stateless server doesn't retain state between requests. On the other hand, some sessions are inherently stateful.Session state is differentto record data, which is the long-term p

2013-11-06 12:23:52 1065

原创 Layers

Presentation: provision of services, displayer of information (e.g. in Windows or HTML,handling user requests), HTTP requests, commond-line invocations, batch API.Domain: Logic that is the real

2013-11-06 08:14:00 936

原创 Database

Databases and Data SourcesAny data stored directly in the web server's memory (in a servlet or in a session), is volatile in that it will be lost if the web server terminates. The use of database of

2013-11-05 13:55:07 2307

原创 Apache Tomcat, J2EE, WAR file

Apache TomcatApache Tomcat server is a web server that does everything that the Apache web server dose. The sever implements Java Servlet and Java Server Pages technologies, that allow you to buil

2013-10-26 21:28:14 622

原创 Apache Tomcat, Servlet, AJAX

Apache TomcatThe Tomcat server does what a regular web server does while also providing an environment for running Servlets, such as JAVA classes, that can receive web requests and generate web resp

2013-10-25 22:57:01 995

原创 Web Browser as generic Client

The web browser maintains a Document Object Model (DOM) for each window, along with Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), that describes what should be rendered. The DOM is constructed from a Web document su

2013-10-22 23:12:24 713

转载 JAVA如何对ArrayList中对象按照该对象某属性排序(实例)

输出学生对象的时候,需要先按照年龄排序,如果年龄相同,则按照姓名排序,如果姓名也相同,则按照学号排序import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.Comparator;public class ComparableTest { public static void m

2013-05-09 00:33:38 1607

转载 JAVA compareTo

字典顺序compareTopublic int compareTo(String anotherString)按字典顺序比较两个字符串。该比较基于字符串中各个字符的 Unicode 值。按字典顺序将此 String 对象表示的字符序列与参数字符串所表示的字符序列进行比较。如果按字典顺序此 String 对象位于参数字符串之前,则比较结果为一个负整数。如果按字典顺序此 String 对象位于

2013-05-09 00:29:47 758

转载 如何将CHM转换为PDF文件?

如何将CHM转换为PDF文件 CHM是 Windows下的标准帮助文件格式,也是网上比较流行的电子书格式,通过免费制作工具Microsoft HTML Help Workshop可以十分方便地把HTML格式编译成CHM文件。由于工作需要,笔者想把CHM文件转换成PDF文件格式,一般的方法是先把CHM文件反编译后再用ht

2012-10-19 19:20:17 5666


多年来,总是能听说身边的某个朋友转入 SAP 行业,又有某个公司正在招聘 SAP顾问并开出高薪。想当初,SAP刚进中国还不被人所熟悉,大家对SAP,ASP,甚至 SPA 因分不清楚而开玩笑。可事实上,当初不为人熟悉,曾被誉为管理神明的SAP,仅过了短短五,六年时间,就已经渗入到各个行业。从传统制造业到石化电力能源,从金融证券到政府机关,甚至到军事部门,无一不被 SAP 触及,同时也带来 SAP 咨

2012-08-08 00:03:02 2033

转载 爱因斯坦斑马难题


2012-04-14 19:02:28 6504 5

原创 Fahrenheit-Celsius table

//print Fahrenheit-Celsius table for fahr=0,20,...,300 #includeint main(){        int fahr,celsius;    int lower,upper,step;        lower=0;    upper=300;    step=20;

2012-03-25 21:33:41 594



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