Time Limit:
Case Time Limit:
Memory Limit:
3 3 3 8 4 5 13 7 14 86
Sample Output
Case #1: 5 Case #2: 18 Case #3: 1398
完整代码://#include "header.h" //AnycodeX includes the header.h by default, needn't cancle the notation. #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void calculate(int *ptr, int index, int N, int M, int K); void printResult(int N, int *ptr); int main() { int K; //K stones in total int N, M; //N lines, M columns int T; //T groups of data cin >> T; int *result = new int[T]; //saving results, T groups in total for (int i = 0; i < T; i++) { cin >> N; cin >> M; cin >> K; calculate(result, i, N, M, K); } printResult(T, result); } void calculate(int *ptr, int index, int N, int M, int K) { int result = 0; int temp1 = sqrt(K); int temp2 = K - temp1 * temp1; int lines = 0; int coloum = 0; int small = 0; int flag = 0; if (temp1 < min(N, M)) { if (temp2 > temp1) { coloum = temp1; if (temp1 <= N - 2 || temp1 <= M - 2) { lines = temp1 + temp2/temp1; //按行优先排或者按列排 small = temp2 - temp2/temp1 * temp1; flag = 1; } else { lines = temp1 + 1; small = temp2 - temp1; flag = 0; } } else { lines = temp1; coloum = temp1; small = temp2; } } else { coloum = min(N, M); lines = K / coloum; small = K % coloum; flag = 1; } result = lines*(lines-1)*coloum*(coloum-1)/4; if (flag == 1) result += small*(small-1)*lines/2; else result += small*(small-1)*coloum/2; ptr[index] = result; } void printResult(int N, int *ptr) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) cout << "case #" << i+1 << ": " << ptr[i] << endl; }
在 N 条水平线与 M 条竖直线构成的网格中,放 K 枚石子,每个石子都只能放在网格的交叉点上。问在最优的摆放方式下,最多能找到多少四边平行于坐标轴的长方形,它的四个角上都恰好放着一枚石子。
每组数据为三个用空格隔开的整数 N,M,K。
1 ≤ T ≤ 100
0 ≤ K ≤ N * M
小数据:0 < N, M ≤ 30
大数据:0 < N, M ≤ 30000
对于每组测试数据,输出一行"Case #X: Y",其中X表示测试数据编号,Y表示最多能找到的符合条件的长方形数量。所有数据按读入顺序从1开始编号。