

(Q:XT.COM  A:Daikokuten & Eric & Otomo)



Hi, everyone! Welcome to the XT AMA Channel. XT is honored to invite Daikokuten Sama project today. Let me give a brief introduction to XT first.

大家好,欢迎来到XT AMA频道!今天,我们邀请到DKKS项目的嘉宾做客我们的AMA。首先,请允许我简单地介绍一下XT。

XT.com is the world's first real-time social trading platform with 0% leverage interest. The XT ecosystem has over 6 million global users with a daily transaction volume of close to $5 billion. The platform has real-time indicators and tools that bring the best trading atmosphere for all users.

XT.com是世界首个杠杆率为0%的实时社交化数字资产交易所。 XT生态系统拥有超过600万来自全球各地的用户,日交易额近50亿美元。 XT交易平台有实时指标和工具,可以给所有用户带来最佳的交易氛围。

XT Group governs the XT Exchange, XT Capital, XT Labs, XT Academy, XT PooL, and among additional institutions, which comprehensively lay out the industrial chain of digital asset ecology.

XT Group 管理XT Exchange、XT Capital、XT Labs、XT Academy、XT PooL 等机构,全面布局数字资产生态产业链。

XT exchange's innovative social model empowers the blockchain industry through newly developed social trading avenues, which were once not possible. XT has achieved this through a combined effort with our partners, like Btok and Tapatalk.


Today, our guest is Mr DAIKOKUTEN, Otomo and Eric.Let's talk to him to learn about Daikokuten Sama project.

Hello Mr DAIKOKUTEN , thank you for joining us for the XT and Daikokuten Sama project AMA!

Can you give our audience a brief introduction of Daikokuten Sama project?

今天,我们邀请到了来自Daikokuten Sama的嘉宾DAIKOKUTEN先生, Otomo 和 Eric 。让我们跟随嘉宾的步伐,深入了解Daikokuten Sama吧。

DAIKOKUTEN先生,您好,欢迎来到XT和Daikokuten Sama的AMA!

您能给我们的观众简单介绍一下Daikokuten Sama 吗?


Hi everyone, how are you today?

My name is Daikokuten.

First of all, I want to thanks TX on behalf of my team members, for being the bridge that brought us here, the Daikokuten Sama to introduce to this amazing community!

大家好,我的名字是 Daikokuten。

首先,我要代表我的团队感谢 TX,感谢大家邀请我们,将 Daikokuten Sama 介绍给这个了不起的社区!

Daikokuten Sama's purpose is simple, it is designed to support everyone about their financial, to give everybody a chance to take it under control, a chance to take their money and future in their hands, and a great opportunity to be wealthy as well!

Daikokuten Sama的目的很简单,它可以帮助每个人都有机会掌控自己的财务,将金钱和未来掌握在自己的手中,同时这也是一个致富的好机会!

We have a lot to tell you about it, but that will be too much to say, so i'll make it short and simple, how it effects to our community:

Daikokuten Sama is the god of luck who is the leader of the 7 gods in Japanese legend. Symbolizes luck, wealth and prosperity. The goal of Daikokuten Sama project makes the lives of all those who believe in the project always lucky in life, enrich spiritually and materially, and have the opportunity to help people who are unlucky in the world.


Daikokuten Sama(大黑天大人)是日本传说中七神之首的幸运之神。象征着幸运、财富和繁荣。 Daikokuten Sama 项目的目标是让所有相信该项目的人在生活中永远幸运,在精神和物质上富有,并且能有机会帮助世界上不幸的人。

What will we do?



A marketplace where our community can use #DKKS and other partner tokens to purchase goods with the transaction fee close zero.


建立一个可以使用#DKKS 和其他合作伙伴代币,用接近零的手续费来购买商品的市场。


Building quality free education’s channels for the Daikokuten community, support education to all countries in our community.




A platform where our community can make daily passive profit, and accompanying products typical of global finance (DaikoWallet, DaikoSwap, Daiko NFT Trading…)


建立一个能每天赚取被动利润的平台,上面有全球金融的特色产品(DaikoWallet、DaikoSwap、Daiko NFT Trading……)


We are also building DaikoEntertainment for our community can connect with free cost to huge Music, Sport, Art… channels. Also our first product: DKKS Lucky Draw will be released on 10th November.


我们还为社区建立了 Daiko Entertainment,可以免费连接到庞大的音乐、体育、艺术……频道。 我们的第一个产品:“DKKS 幸运抽奖”将于 11 月 10 日发布。


I have checked your project has got impressive ratings by some top crypto rating websites. How do you take these ratings?



WOW, that's a good question!


It was a long journey to get to this point, it was tough and challenging. We had a lot to do, as they say Easy said than done, it wasn't an easy task at all! But with our mindset, we strongly believe we have to make and we will make it for our community that was what kept us going and brought the best our of us! Through the darkness we shall see the brightest day, our hard work has paid off, our wishes came true, Daikokuten Sama was launch in 10th of August 2021 after all!

达成这一点是一段既艰难又充满挑战的漫长旅程。我们有很多事情要做,说起来容易做起来难,这是一件难的事!但以我们的心态,我们坚信我们必须做到,而且我们将为我们的社区去努力,这是我们前进的动力,也会促成了最好的我们!穿过黑暗,我们将看到最光明的一天,我们的努力得到了回报,我们的愿望实现了,Daikokuten Sama 终于在 2021 年 8 月 10 日推出了!

Now, Daikokuten Sama is listed on the most popular exchange market of the crypto currency industry as Coinmarketcap and Coingecko. We're being on big social media with high volume of coverage and it's growing.

现在,Daikokuten Sama 在加密货币行业最受欢迎的交易所市场 Coinmarketcap 和 Coingecko 上市了。我们在大型社交媒体上进行大量报道,而且报道还在不断增加。

Our purpose DOES NOT stop there until the Daikokuten Same be popular and trending at the end of 2021 and early 2022!

我们的目标是Daikokuten Sama 在 2021 年底和 2022 年初持续流行并成为趋势!

I'll tell you a little secret that our marketing plans are starting to work; and the DKKS project will be mentioned and developed rapidly in the near future, it will not come as a surprise.

And I want to give a BIG THANKS to our community, thank you for your support and being with us from the beginning, thanks a lot!




Can you introduce the core team members of Daikokuten SamaWe hear that the team is highly experienced, can we get some examples?

能介绍一下Daikokuten Sama团队的核心成员吗?我们听说这个团队经验丰富,能举一些例子吗?


Our core team has 8 members and each individual of us has some special skills, and these are necessary skills to help us to handle each development part of our project!

Firstly, Mr. DAIKOKUTEN is the founder of our project, he is currently living and working in Japan! He has at least 6 years of experience in e-commerce, 3 years in experience of marketing and project management. He is also a person with good cryptocurrency trading skills!

And Eric, he has 5 years of experience in sales logistics and has extremely customer care skill.

We have Otomo and Kobayashi are our main developer, who are programmers for fintech projects in big Japanese finance and technologies companies....

Other members, they are spending huge effort to build up this project from the early and their attempt will push up this project to higher position on this market.

我们的核心团队有 8 名成员,每个人都有一些特殊技能,帮助我们处理项目和开发!

首先,DAIKOKUTEN 先生是我们项目的创始人,他目前在日本生活和工作! 他拥有至少 6 年的电子商务经验,3 年的市场营销和项目管理经验。 他也是一个有着厉害加密货币交易技巧的人!

Eric,他有 5 年的销售物流经验,并且具有极强关怀客户的技巧。

Otomo 和 Kobayashi 是我们的主要开发人员,他们是日本大型金融和技术公司的金融科技项目的程序员



Can you give our community a brief introduction behind the inspiration to build Daikokuten Sama?

可以跟我们的社区简单分享一下当初创办Daikokuten Sama的灵感吗?


Thanks for the question XT.

Ummm, as you know, there are lots of people around us or cross the world, people who are struggled, desperate and poor!

Especially the countries in Africa, and other poor countries around the world! Life has been hashed and tough for those people, unfortune people, with no food, no electricity, uneducated and technology! People who are facing with lack of every meal on every day.

These, all of these problems to be solved, people to be helped, but "How? How can we help? What can we do to help those poor people!" The urge to help other people, these are the basic reasons for our team to create Daikokuten Sama. Our project is designed to bring to people opportunity, chance to change their life, to make life easier and better for those poor people!



尤其是非洲国家,以及其他贫穷国家! 对于那些没有食物、没有电、没有受过教育和缺乏技术的人来说,生活已经变得艰难! 每天都面临温饱问题。

所有这些问题都需要解决,需要帮助他们,但是“怎么做?我们怎么帮助?我们可以做些什么来帮助那些可怜的人!” 帮助他人的冲动,是我们团队创建Daikokuten Sama 的根本原因。我们的项目旨在为人们带来机会,改变他们的生活,让穷人的生活更轻松、更美好!


In the Crypto industry, what do you think of the current state? What do you think that needs to be improved?



Wow, again it is a significant question, and i know most of us are questioning about this as well.

Apparently, the world is changing, no matter with or without your recognize, cryptocurrency was appeared and became an important part, a part of the economy, political and social.

Nowadays, cryptocurrency is popular, it attracts huge number of investors and this number is still increasing day by day! This is a amazing opportunity but challenging for all the new and single investors as well, as far as I know!

But in actually, it's not really fair with them, they sometime stuck in a whale trap, or scam project and lose their all money. And what we all need is a fair-finance-place, a safe launchpad for new and single investor.



如今,加密货币很受欢迎,它吸引了大量的投资者,而且这个数字还在增加! 据我所知,这是一个了不起的机会,但对所有新投资者和单一投资者来说也是一个挑战!

但实际上,这对他们来说并不公平,他们有时会陷入鲸鱼陷阱或诈骗项目,赔光所有钱。 我们都需要一个公平的融资场所,一个适合新投资者和单一投资者的安全的launchpad。


How does the Daikokuten Sama team plan to tackle these issues to reach mass adoption?

Daikokuten Sama团队打算如何解决这些问题,实现大规模的应用?


What do we need to do? and What can we do about it? I can't say much about that, i know there are gaps to be filled, problems to be fixed and trust to be gain! What i can say right now is, we give our best to this project, our knowledges and experiences to put into that, to make our product secure, transparency and fair for anybody who comes with us! Let’s make the market fairer and safer with every investor

In additional, we are creating a finance product, that run a lucky draw on blockchain, the opportunity will be shared for all. And many upcoming finance products which was mentioned on our roadmap.

我们需要做什么? 我们能做些什么呢? 我不能说太多,我知道我们还有差距需要填补,有问题需要解决,有更多信任需要获得!我现在可以说的是,我们为这个项目尽我们最大的努力,我们将我们的知识和经验投入其中,使我们的产品对任何人来说都是安全、透明和公平的! 让市场更公平、更安全。



What is your timeline, and what can we look forward to from Daikokuten Sama?



Thanks for that, this is also what i would like to share with XT community as well.

As i said before, we overcame obstacles and challenges, phase 1 is done, phase 2 is almost there as well, soon enough !

We're reaching over 7000 holders, hundreds of thousands for daily trading volume and marketcap is over 1.7 million, an important mark for us! And this will grow even faster and larger in November, i have my words!

When the TESTNET process is done, our first product: LuckyDraw will be launched and run in next few days!

We already signed contracts with the most trusted and popular, the tops in the cryptocurrency industry!

And when phase 2 is done, our holders and members are large, and if we are asked to edit the OWNER RENOUCE as the community's wish, we will change that, will do!

And i know this will make you happy, drive you crazy of joy and hope after what i just announced, what all i want to say!

感谢您,这也是我想与 XT 社区分享的内容。


我们拥有超过 7000 名持有者,日交易量数十万,市值超过 170 万,对我们来说是一个重要的标志! 11 月将会增长得更快、更大!

TESTNET 流程完成后,我们的第一个产品:LuckyDraw 将在接下来的几天内推出并运行!


当第二阶段完成时,我们会有很多持有者和成员,如果我们要按照社区的意愿编辑 OWNER RENOUCE,我们也一定会去做!



Anything else do you want to share with our community?



It's a great honor, and such a joy to share these to you, to our community!

I, myself when decided to join the Cryptocurrency, i knew where i was going, i chose this path, to make my wishes come true, to make the dream becomes reality. To take control of my own finance, to be financial free. And to be able to help the others, who around me and people in the community!

Life will be so much better and meaningful when you share with people the goods, what bring what you good at to other people, not waste it! Those are the base, the reason for us to build Daikokuten Sama project, it means what it meant to be: Lucky-Opportunity!

That's why i'm here today. WE ARE HERE today, to share this OPPORTUNITY and bring us together, to support each and others for the long way of benefits to come!

(Stay loyal, help us, help yourself! It's a long-term relationship, we have to trust each other, AND WE WILL BE SUCCESS!)



当你与别人分享商品时,生活会变得更加美好和有意义,把你擅长的东西带给别人,而不是浪费! 这些是我们建立 Daikokuten Sama 项目的原因,它意味着:幸运的机会!




Thank you, Daikokuten Sama, for taking the time to do this AMA with us today. It has been great learning more about Daikokuten Samaand the team behind it!

Daikokuten Sama,感谢您能参与我们今天的AMA,非常荣幸能对 Daikokuten Sama及其背后团队有更深的了解。








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