

(Q:XT.COM  A:Nutthalyne )


Hi, everyone! Welcome to the XT AMA Channel. XT is honored to invite Ms.Nutthalyne today. Let me give a brief introduction to XT first.

大家好,欢迎来到XT AMA频道!今天,我们邀请到Nutthalyne做客我们的AMA。首先,请允许我简单地介绍一下XT。

XT.com is the world's first real-time social trading platform with 0% leverage interest. The XT ecosystem has over 6 million global users with a daily transaction volume of close to $5 billion. The platform has real-time indicators and tools that bring the best trading atmosphere for all users.

XT.com是世界首个杠杆率为0%的实时社交化数字资产交易所。 XT生态系统拥有超过600万来自全球各地的用户,日交易额近50亿美元。 XT交易平台有实时指标和工具,可以给所有用户带来最佳的交易氛围。

XT Group governs the XT Exchange, XT Capital, XT Labs, XT Academy, XT PooL, and among additional institutions, which comprehensively lay out the industrial chain of digital asset ecology.

XT Group 管理XT Exchange、XT Capital、XT Labs、XT Academy、XT PooL 等机构,全面布局数字资产生态产业链。

XT exchange's innovative social model empowers the blockchain industry through newly developed social trading avenues, which were once not possible. XT has achieved this through a combined effort with our partners, like Btok and Tapatalk.


Today, our guest is Nutthalyne Let's talk to him to learn about NeteFi. Hello Nutthalyne , thank you for joining us for the XT and NeteFi AMA!



Can you give our audience a brief introduction of NeteFi ?

您能给我们的观众简单介绍一下NeteFi 吗?


Hello everyone, My name is Nutthalyne, the CMO of NeteFi network, It’s an honor to be welcomed here in the community of XT.com. I can’t wait to get connected with everyone and get you guys to know more about us

大家好,我叫Nutthalyne,是NeteFi网络CMO,很荣幸来到XT.com社区。 我非常想和大家沟通,让你们更了解我们。


Can you introduce brief information about NeteFi?



My pleasure, well NeteFi concepts were actually inspired by social trading trends from another market such as Forex market or Moneygame investment which we know that they are very diverse and various functions to be played with, which allow the investor to choose their own investments. However, with the attractive returns, there are a lot of new unregulated brokers that come to the market every day and turn out as fraud and scam money and run away. Well, actually there are companies like that in every market because you have to be involved with intermediaries.

NeteFi 概念实际上是受到来自另一个市场的社会交易趋势的启发,比如Forex市场和 Moneygame 投资,我们知道它们非常多样化,有各种功能可以使用,允许投资者选择自己的投资。 然而,因为诱人的回报,每天都有许多新的不受监管的经纪人进入市场,导致欺诈和骗钱。实际上每个市场都有这样的公司,因为你需要中介。

Secondly, according to our research, we found that the referral programs helped to grow the business in most of the industries multiply, and our team is highly experienced in both markets for a very long time so that is how we came up with the idea.


And when we do research, there is no source code that has done this before within the industry so we implemented the whole new coding to create this platform to remove the intermediaries and allow the users to create their business with us freely with everything will be handled on Blockchain.


by NeteFi will create a solution to investing in Crypto as easy as possible and add options to generate returns for investors in a variety of ways, such as copying investments from experts, Auto BOT Trading system, invest in Crypto without having to trade by yourself, system Auto Farm + Rebalalncing, automatic farming, Pool Staking system, holding NEFI Token = holding Earn Reward in BTC, BNB, NEFI, Referral Program system, generating returns from marketing, referring investors around the world to receive commissions from various products.

by NeteFi 将创建一个尽可能简单地投资加密货币的解决方案,并添加选项,通过多种方式为投资者产生回报,例如从专家那里复制投资、自动 BOT 交易系统、无需自己交易即可投资加密货币、Auto Farm + Rebalalncing系统、自动耕作、质押池系统、持有NEFI Token = 持有Earn Reward in BTC、BNB、NEFI、推荐计划系统,从营销中产生回报,推荐世界各地的投资者从各种产品中获得佣金。


Can you give me a list 1-3 of the deadly features of your Project that make it stand out from its competitors? What competitive advantage does your platform have that makes you feel the most confidence in yourself?.?

您能否列出 1-3 项让您的项目从竞争对手中脱颖而出的关键特征? 您的平台有什么竞争优势让您最有信心?


Let’s talk about our key factors as follows:


-Pool funding: Decentralized Fund management is live

Everyone can create their own Pool and attract investors with their unique strategies. Start the swap trading and make a profit. Earn 0.06% in return on the Swap Trading Fee plus profit sharing from 10 up to 50% according to the condition set at the beginning.

- 资金池:去中心化资金管理上线

每个人都可以创建自己的矿池,并以独特的策略吸引投资者。 开始swap交易并获利。 根据最初设定的条件,赚取 0.06% 的swap交易费和 10% 至 50% 的利润分享。

Investors : Choose the top performance Pool and get a return for putting their assets into the Pool Funding.The return depends on the profit made by the fund manager.

投资者:选择表现最好的Pool,将资产投入Pool Funding即可获得回报。回报取决于基金经理的利润。

-Decentralized Auto BOT Trading will launch Betatesting in this month

The world's first automated trading BOT system in Crypto, able to trade a variety of strategies, such as Rebalancing, Grid Trading, Scalping Trade, with every BOT can Backtest to see historical statistics before actually running. By testing, it can generate annual profits of


- 去中心化Auto BOT Trading将于本月上线Bettesting

世界上第一个加密的自动交易 BOT 系统,能够交易多种策略,例如投资组合平衡、网格交易、超短线交易,每个 BOT 都可以在实际运行之前回测,来查看历史统计数据。 通过测试,它可以产生200%-500%年利润。


1.Investors deposit money into Pool BOT's central Smart contract.

2.Deposit a certain amount of gas to allow the system to automatically swap.

3.Set the bots according to each strategy (with Standard recommended)

4.Press Start to start running (can press stop running, withdraw money, modify at any time)

5.Wait to see the operating results and profits


-1.投资者将资金存入Pool BOT的中央智能合约。





-Pool staking: NeteFi aims NEFI token (Governance Token) to be like an asset similar to stock so we develop a pool staking function where investors hold our coins and place it in the pool in return for income earned from the service fee of NeteFi platform. An average of 30-40 percent of total income will be paid to the NEFI holder. The demand for NEFI Token holds will continuously grow according to the growth of the platform and there will be no panic selloff since the pool stake brings the revenue that is generated from the platform to pay in other coins, such as BTC, BNB. Furthermore,

-质押池:NeteFi 旨在将 NEFI 代币(Governance Token)作为类似于股票的资产,因此我们开发了一个质押池功能,投资者持有我们的代币并将其放入池中,以换取 NeteFi 平台服务费的收入 。平均总收入的 30-40% 将支付给 NEFI 持有人。持有 NEFI Token 的需求将随着平台的增长而不断增加,并且不会出现恐慌性抛售,因为池权益带来了平台产生的收入,可以支付其他币种,例如 BTC、BNB。

-Referral Program : Invite friends to our platform. Receive profit sharing.



Moreover, we will support marketing, PR, SEO, SEM to help promote the business for participants on our platform as well.



In the Crypto industry, what do you think of the current state? What do you think that needs to be improved?



Crypto space is growing really fast and we all can see, every day there is a new interesting project popping up. What we have to improve is our Dev team in terms of scaling up and getting more expertise in Devs in order to develop specific products to meet the needs of the community and get along with the trend in the industry.

我们都能看到,加密空间增长非常快,每天都有一个新的有趣的项目出现。我们需要改进我们的 Dev 团队,扩大和获得更多 Devs 专业知识,以便开发特定的产品以满足社区的需求并顺应行业趋势。


What is your timeline, and what can we look forward to from NeteFi ?



Roadmap Progress

 * Feb – June DONE!

-Create Website

-Pool Funding Products (Beta test)

-Referral Program


  * 2 月至 6 月完成!

- 创建网站

- 资金池产品(Beta 测试)


 * July - August DONE!



* 七月 - 八月完成!



Launch NEFI Token 


推出 NEFI 代币


Audit 审计


 * Sep-Oct-Nov-Dec : INPROGRESS !

-Master Trading Competition

-Official Launch Products

-Auto bot trading

-Token listing ; We are on the process with XT.com and it is our honored

* 9-10-11-12 月:进展中!


- 正式推出产品

- 自动机器人交易

-代币上市; 我们正在与 XT.com 合作,这是我们的荣幸。


How does NeteFi increase the token's value, liquidity and utility? So that it can lead to an increase in token prices? What is your plan to make your project stable and provide the highest return for investors in the long term?

NeteFi 如何提高代币的价值、流动性和实用性? 这些会导致代币价格上涨吗? 您打算如何使您的项目稳定并长期为投资者提供最高回报?


We believed that if our system is fully operational, the functions in our platforms could attract more investors, masters, and marketers to our platform. When this happens, the demand for our NEFI token will tremendously grow since more users join our platform meaning that we can generate more income. Investors who hold the NEFI token and place it in the Pool Staking will earn a real-time dividend of up to 40% of the total revenue generated in the platform. This makes a sustainable return for our investors in the long run.

我们相信,如果我们的系统全面运行,我们平台中的功能可以吸引更多的投资者、专业人士和营销人员加入。这时我们 NEFI 代币的需求将大幅增长,因为更多用户加入我们的平台意味着我们可以产生更多的收入。持有 NEFI 代币并放入质押池的投资者将获得高达平台总收入 40% 的实时红利。长远来看,这为我们的投资者带来了可持续的回报。

And in fact, our marketcap is now only $200,000. We plan to sign up to Binance Lab and expand our products to the Arbitrum Chain or Solana in January to provide opportunities from multiple locations with different products. There has been some contact To seek support from various chains, NEFI Token growth opportunities can go 10x or 100x in Marketcap $2m or $20m.

我们的市值现在只有 20 万美元。 我们计划在 1 月份注册 Binance Lab,并将我们的产品扩展到 Arbitrum Chain 或 Solana,提供来自多个地点的不同产品的机会。 正在联系寻求各种链的支持,NEFI 代币的增长可能会是市值 200 万美元或 2000 万美元的10 倍或 100 倍。


What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team leading the market? In contrast, what is your weakness? How do you plan to overcome it?

您认为您的团队领先市场的最强优势是什么? 相比之下,弱点是什么? 您打算如何克服它?


Our strongest advantage is that we have real product development that helps solve existing problems that occur in the crypto and DeFi Market including loss of money on trading and scamming. We have come up with copy trading for newbies and investors to earn along with master via pool funding functions. In the future, we will have yield farming, robot trading, trading terminal, dex aggregator, arbitrage swap, leverage swap, Limit orders trading, Market Place, and other Hidden projects. These services will make a lot of benefits to all users.

我们最大的优势是我们有真正的产品开发,可以帮助解决加密和 DeFi 市场中出现的现有问题,包括交易和诈骗造成的资金损失。 我们为新手和投资者提供了复制交易,通过池资金功能与投资大师一起赚钱。 未来,我们将有收益耕作、机器人交易、交易终端、dex聚合器、套利swap、杠杆swap、限价单交易、Market Place等隐藏项目。 这些服务将为所有用户带来很多好处。

WIith our different products, Therefore, we have many opportunities from various chains that we can grow. For example, a funding platform like Solrise in Solana Chain that operates a product fund management pool like ours has seen very high growth. And it's backed by Solana or Copy Cat that has been acquired by Binance Lab. Only Products Copy or in Chain Arbrtrum don't have a project like this yet. There are many investor groups, so NeteFi has a variety of products and more suitable for investors. So we can compete and received many more support, which is a key strength that will make it easier for us to achieve 10x-100x growth.

Another advantage is that Our executive IT Teams are experienced in coding systems in smart contracts for years, our team has created coding for several businesses such as You Drink I drive and other crypto platforms.

凭借我们不同的产品,我们可以从各种链条中获得许多成长的机会。 例如,在 Solana Chain 中,Solrise 运营着我们的基金管理池的融资平台,已经有了非常高的增长。它得到了币安实验室收购的 Solana 或 Copy Cat 的支持。 只有 Products Copy 或 in Chain Arbrtrum 还没有这样的项目。 投资者群体众多,所以NeteFi的产品种类繁多,更适合投资者。 因此,我们可以竞争并获得更多支持,这是一个关键优势,可以让我们轻松地实现 10-100 倍的增长。

另一个优势是我们的执行 IT 团队在智能合约编码系统方面拥有多年经验,我们的团队已经为多家企业创建了编码,例如You Drink I drive和其他加密平台。

Our weakness is that we lack IT manpower which makes our development system slower than we thought. However, we are rushing to hire more people to our team to make our operational planning succeed on time.

我们的弱点是我们缺乏 IT 人力,这使得我们的开发系统比我们想象的要慢。 但是,我们正在招聘更多人,保证我们的运营计划按时完成。

In the future, we will deal with big corporations to work together in order to make sustainable growth and to attract more investors as our platform has more credibility and trustworthiness because we have already passed the audit with Techrate, and we shall get the audit done with Certik in the upcoming quarter once we are done with our final development on the existing product

未来我们将与大公司合作,实现可持续增长,吸引更多投资者,我们的平台已经通过了Techrate的审核,更具公信力和可信赖度。 一旦我们完成对现有产品的最终开发,将在下一季度进行 Certik的审核。


Why did you know about blockchain and come up with the idea to create "NeteFi " ? Why does "NeteFi " need a blockchain and What motivated you to build and develop "NeteFi " successfully?

您是怎么知道区块链并提出创建“NeteFi”的想法? 为什么“NeteFi”需要区块链,是什么促使您成功创造和开发“NeteFi”?


Our executive teams are groups of experts in the stock, forex and crypto market for many years and we found out that the main problems that occur in centralized finance is that there are lots of scams and many companies closing down without caring about investor’s funds. So we surely know that if we develop NeteFi as a decentralized network where every transaction occurs through smart contracts where no one can intervene or change the activities. Moreover, as decentralized finance there is no middleman so this makes the system more fair, transparent and secure.

我们的执行团队是在股票、外汇和加密市场多年的专家组,我们发现中心化金融的主要问题是有很多骗局,许多公司在不关心投资者资金的情况下倒闭。 所以我们知道,如果我们将 NeteFi 开发为一个去中心化的网络,每笔交易都会通过智能合约进行,没有人可以干预或改变。 此外,去中心化金融没有中间人,这使得系统更加公平、透明和安全。

Investors who invest in our platform just need to connect their wallet without having to transfer their funds to somewhere else. This means that there is zero chance to lose their money from scamming. Further, they can decide to invest with a master in the pool funding functions without having to transfer their funds to the master wallet since every activity is automatic via a smart contract.

我们平台的投资者只需要连接钱包,不必将资金转移到其他地方。因此从诈骗中赔钱的可能性为零。 此外,由于每项活动都是通过智能合约自动进行的,他们可以决定与投资专家一起投资,无需将资金转移到主钱包。


Is your platform suitable for Crypto beginners? Or does it only appeal to professional users?

您的平台适合加密初学者吗? 还是只对专业用户有吸引力?


Our platform is absolutely suitable for crypto beginners since we have pool funding functions where newbies could earn together with various worldwide masters that are available on our platform. Every pool fund master will have to create their condition to invest, describe a clear trading strategy, and link their social community where investors can communicate directly with the master. Auto bot Trading you can backtest to see the statistics of the few trades after. View all trading history and run BOT. It's easy, just deposit the asset, press Run and stop withdrawing money immediately.

我们的平台绝对适合初学者,因为我们有池资金功能,新手可以与我们平台上提供的各种投资大师们一起赚钱。每个池基金主都必须建立他们的投资条件,描述清晰的交易策略,并连接社区,投资者可以直接与项目主沟通。您可以回测之后几笔交易的统计数据。 查看所有交易历史并运行 BOT。很简单,只需存入资产,按运行,也可以立即停止提现。


Are you planning to promote your project in countries/regions where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project?

您是否打算在非英语沐浴的国家/地区推广您的项目? 是否有当地社区让他们更好地了解您的项目?


Since the beginning, we have promoted our project worldwide. Currently, we have 6 countries that we have local communities for 6 different languages including:

我们从一开始就在全球范围内推广我们的项目。目前,我们在 6 个国家/地区拥有 6 种不同语言的本地社区。


Thank you, Nutthalyne , for taking the time to do this AMA with us today. It has been great learning more about NeteFi and the team behind it!








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