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2006-06-29 02:17:00 1326

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2006-06-29 02:16:00 2397

转载 gpl&cpl

gpl和cplhttp://shanyou.cnblogs.com/archive/2005/09/30/247539.html  首先,要对几个概念有所了解:(1)Contributors 和 Recipients      Contributors 指的是对某个开源软件或项目提供了代码(包括最初的或者修改过的)发布的人或者实体(团队、公司、组织等),Contributors 按照参与某个软件开

2006-06-29 01:25:00 1429

原创 讲座提纲

李冰 soainternational journal  of web services research :ontology&service oriental只是标准,没有技术上的革新,没有本质的进步目标:automatic bussiness process composition分布式系统 legacy system heterogeneous 开发工作少 集成工作多wsdl:xml描述

2006-06-29 01:23:00 1272

转载 Business analysis and SOA part 4 of 6: SOA delivery lifecycle and the top-down approach [by Thomas Erl]

 Development projects for service-oriented solutions are, on the surface, much like any other custom development projects for distributed applications. Services are designed, developed, and deployed

2006-06-01 15:27:00 2127

转载 Business analysis and SOA part 3 of 6: Process-centric business services [by Thomas Erl]

 In the previous article we described the role of service models and explored the design standards for an entity-centric business service. This model establishes a highly process-agnostic encapsulat

2006-06-01 15:24:00 1779

转载 Business analysis and SOA part 2 of 6: Business service models and the entity-centric business service [by Thomas Erl]

 As part of the design of service-oriented solutions it is common to label individual services according to the roles they fulfill. There are different types of roles, depending on the nature of the

2006-06-01 15:23:00 2376

转载 Business analysis and SOA part 1 of 6: The benefits of business services [by Thomas Erl]

 This is the first article in a six-part series dedicated to exploring how SOA and service-orientation relate to and affect business analysis processes and approaches. Acclaimed author Thomas Erl sh

2006-06-01 15:20:00 1485

转载 The principles of service-orientation part 4 of 6: Service discoverability and composition [by Thomas Erl]

 Continuing our exploration of service-orientation, we now focus on two principles that tend to receive much less attention than they deserve. When it comes to service design, so much of the spotlight

2006-06-01 15:17:00 1169

转载 The principles of service-orientation part 3 of 6: Service abstraction and reuse [by Thomas Erl]

 An aspect of service-orientation that ties directly into our previous discussion of service contracts and loose coupling is that of abstraction. It is through abstraction that we can control what p

2006-06-01 15:15:00 1300

转载 The principles of service-orientation part 2 of 6: Service contracts and loose coupling [by Thomas Erl]

 In the previous article we established the service-orientation design paradigm as currently providing us with the following eight common principles:• services share a formal contract• services

2006-06-01 15:14:00 1299

转载 The principles of service-orientation part 1 of 6: Introduction to service-orientation [by Thomas Erl]

 This is the first article in a six-part series dedicated to exploring the common principles of service-orientation. Acclaimed author Thomas Erl shares his insights into the service-orientation design

2006-06-01 15:10:00 1324

原创 提供服务的组织

2006-05-07 16:16:00 983

原创 基于服务的社会

2006-05-07 16:11:00 899

原创 扬帆启航

2006-05-07 16:04:00 951

原创 大怪兽社区


2006-04-19 18:23:00 1078



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