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AJAX && .NET && Java && Python

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原创 在 Windows 7 x64 上安装 PL/SQL Developer

从 Oracle 官方网站下载 32bit 的 Oracle Instant Client 。将下载的文件解压,例如解压到:D:/Oracle_Instant_Client。设置环境变量:ORACLE_HOME:D:/Oracle_Instant_Clientpath:%ORACLE_HOME%TNS_ADMIN:%ORACLE_HOME%NLS_LANG:AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK安装 PL/SQL Developer(注:不能安装到 C:/Program Files (x86)

2011-03-11 16:06:00 1160

原创 jQuery 关键字高亮插件 - jQuery Highlighter v1.0.0 发布

jQuery Highlighter 是一个用来高亮显示文本关键字的 jQuery 插件。

2010-10-23 14:05:00 3186

转载 ModelRight Professional v3.0.0.54

Database design has never been more professional Whetheryou are creating a new database application or need to manage anexisting database, you would benefit from ModelRight 3. It will help

2008-09-30 11:08:00 1077

转载 DXperience and eXpressApp Framework v2008 vol 2.3 for Visual Studio 2005, 2008

The DXperience unified installer includes the following Visual Studio technologies:Windows® Components* XtraGrid™ Suite* XtraBars™ Suite* XtraPivotGrid™ Suite* XtraScheduler™ Suite* XtraReports™

2008-09-29 11:11:00 1401

转载 Nevron NET Vision 2008 Q2 For VS2008

Nevron .NET Vision is the ultimate suite for creating unique and powerful data presentation applications with spectacular data visualization capabilities. Flexible and extensible, it delivers powe

2008-09-29 11:06:00 1211

原创 JBoss Config GUI:Version 0.6.0 Beta 4

 Beta 4 更改: 增加了两个启动脚本:run.bat 和 run.sh Beta 3 更改: 下载包中加入了 JCG 源码和 Ant 构建脚本 改变 Aspect 的织入方式为 "Load-Time Weaving" Beta 2 Bug 修正: 在 Linux 操作系统上使用时,

2008-03-07 20:38:00 1158

原创 JBoss Config GUI:简介

JBoss Config GUI,简称为 JCG,是一款个人软件,所有JBoss爱好者均可免费使用。JCG 可对 JBoss Application Server 进行以下配置: 更改 HTTP 服务端口 配置虚拟目录 配置数据源 更改控制台信息显示级别 启动 JBoss 服务器 ……源码说明: 所有源码均采

2008-03-07 20:13:00 1135

原创 用 Java + ExtJS 的 Grid 控件做一个 Demo

    今天我的主要任务就是用 Java + ExtJS 的 Grid 控件做一个 Demo,做这个 Demo 的主要目的就是为了验证 AJAX 在项目中的可行性。    我首先写了一个 Servlet 用做 Ajax 请求的处理器,测试后出现“内存溢出”异常,查了一下原因,原来是从数据库获取的数据量太大了(5万多条记录),已超出了所使用集合的最大容量。修正了这个问题后,又出现了“未找到类”异常,

2007-04-20 20:54:00 3133

原创 重新找回 Java 的感觉,推荐在项目中使用 AJAX

    目前着手的这个项目(预购电系统)下个星期就要开始编码了,由于我在以前的公司主要从事 .NET 开发,今天赶紧找了本 Java 相关书籍来看,希望能重新找回对 Java 的感觉 ,所谓“温故而知新”,这次复习还让我弄懂了一些以前比较模糊的知识点 。    听我的同学说, 这个公司还没有用 AJAX 开发过项目,由于”预购电系统“是采用”B/S“的架构,所以我向公司技术开发部的部长推荐使用”A

2007-04-19 19:10:00 1046

原创 新的公司,新的开始

    上个星期二,我来到了同学上班的公司工作,一个完全陌生的环境……    这个公司从事电力行业的软件系统开发,分为 Java 和 .NET 两个开发组,我被分配到了 Java 开发组(那个同学和我是同一组,他告诉我,Java 开发组很少加班 ^_^)。    目前,我和另外三个同事(其中一个是我的同学)正在开发一个定制的“预购电系统”(B/S),前两天还开了界面评审会议(报表页面是我设

2007-04-18 19:45:00 1285

Web 2.0 的视觉设计

If you didn’t blink, you may have noticed that for a few days recently Wikipedia’s entry for Web 2.0 included a subsection describing the visual elements of Web 2.0. Gradients, colorful icons, reflect...

2007-01-31 07:53:13 184


现在网页设计师除了把页面做的漂亮以外,越来越注重“用户体验”,就是要做“别让用户思考”的网页,使网站真正做到“可用性”。望望结合几年的工作经验,粗谈这方面的一些问题,和大家共勉! 一、人们如何浏览网页首先本书说明了上网的人是如何浏览网页的,这似乎跟我们想象有很大的差距,因为我 们觉得“用户会盯着每个网页,仔细阅读我们精心制作的文字,领会我们页面的组织方式”,事实上大部分时间用户看网页就象“高速公...

2007-01-31 07:47:06 207

为 Flex Application 添加自定义鼠标右键菜单项

import flash.ui.ContextMenu; import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem; import flash.events.ContextMenuEvent; // 为鼠标右键添加关闭当前浏览器窗口的菜单 var contextMenu : ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); contextMenu.hideBuiltInIt...

2006-12-14 02:20:07 126

给 Flex Label 控件添加阴影滤镜

一、声明方式:<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:flash="flash.filters.*">    <mx:Label text="DropShadowFilter" fontSize="20">      <mx:filters>       &a

2006-12-10 04:47:19 282


有两个解决办法: 把Web.config文件中的 requestEncoding 和 responseEncoding 都设置成utf-8 在Web.config文件中的 requestEncoding 和 responseEncoding 都设置成gb2312的情况下,在服务器端对返回的中文字符串进行编码:string temp = Microsoft.JScript.GlobalObjec...

2006-08-14 04:33:35 168

C# 4.0 How-To

Real Solutions for C# 4.0 Programmers Need fast, robust, efficient code solutions for Microsoft C# 4.0? This book delivers exactly what you’re looking for. You’ll find more than 200 solutions, best-practice techniques, and tested code samples for everything from classes to exceptions, networking to XML, LINQ to Silverlight. Completely up-to-date, this book fully reflects major language enhancements introduced with the new C# 4.0 and .NET 4.0. When time is of the essence, turn here first: Get answers you can trust and code you can use, right now! Beginning with the language essentials and moving on to solving common problems using the .NET Framework, C# 4.0 How-To addresses a wide range of general programming problems and algorithms. Along the way is clear, concise coverage of a broad spectrum of C# techniques that will help developers of all levels become more proficient with C# and the most popular .NET tools. Fast, Reliable, and Easy to Use! * Write more elegant, efficient, and reusable code * Take advantage of real-world tips and best-practices advice * Create more effective classes, interfaces, and types * Master powerful data handling techniques using collections, serialization, databases, and XML * Implement more effective user interfaces with both WPF and WinForms * Construct Web-based and media-rich applications with ASP.NET and Silverlight * Make the most of delegates, events, and anonymous methods * Leverage advanced C# features ranging from reflection to asynchronous programming * Harness the power of regular expressions * Interact effectively with Windows and underlying hardware * Master the best reusable patterns for designing complex programs About the Author Ben Watson, a software engineer on Microsoft’s Bing team, helps design and implement massively scalable distributed systems and other internals for the Bing search engine. Before joining Microsoft he served as a lead developer for GeoEye, a top provider of satellite imagery. He blogs at PhilosophicalGeek.com, where he has presented many popular coding tutorials in C# and C++. Product Details * Paperback: 672 pages * Publisher: Sams; 1 edition (March 19, 2010) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 0672330636 * ISBN-13: 978-0672330636


JBoss Config GUI : Version 0.6.0 Beta 4



Softx HTTP Debugger Pro 2.1

View and analyze the HTTP traffic between your computer and the Internet. If you need to view and analyze all of the HTTP traffic between a web browser or any program that uses the HTTP protocol and the web server, then HTTP Debugger is the program for you.<br><br>Web developers can view and analyze HTTP header parameter values, cookies, query strings, the source code of HTML/XML web pages and Java/VB scripts, error codes etc. They can measure the size and downloading time of their web pages and identify web site performance bottlenecks.<br><br>You can improve your web programming skills by viewing and analyzing how other web sites work and how they implement certain features.<br><br>Software developers can view and analyze the HTTP traffic of their own or any third party software program and the Internet, irrespective of whether this program is a user mode application or works as a Windows NT Service.<br><br>System and network administrators can analyze the behavior of suspicious web sites and view what information programs have sent from your computer to their owners (for example, during a registration or update procedure).



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