ModelRight Professional v3.0.0.54

Database design has never been more professional

Whether you are creating a new database application or need to manage an existing database, you would benefit from ModelRight 3. It will help you to visualize and manage the complexity of your database and create a solid database design.

If you have an existing database, ModelRight 3 can Reverse Engineer it to give you a graphical view of it. You can then use our Database Compare feature to display changes that you've made in your model and to push those changes to the database via ALTER scripts.

If you want to create a new database, you can create it graphically with ModelRight - and then automatically generate the necessary SQL DDL.

  ModelRight 3 Workflow Use ModelRight's Reverse Engineering feature to create a graphical model of your existing database. Use its Forward Engineering capability to create your database from a model. Or compare your model with the database to see the differences and resolve them.

Innovative Modeling Environment

Workspace of ModelRight 3 - Click on the image to see the full size screen shot

Various User Interface windows work together to provide an intuitive and natural design environment. With a mode-less and hyperlinked user interface, editing and navigating the data model is intuitive and easy.

You wouldn't want to have to endlessly pop up dialogs to edit a document, so why would you want to edit your data model that way? With ModelRight, you don't have to. Simply select the object you want to edit and change its properties in the Property Browser. Its a common User-Interface design that provides better overall ease of use, but only ModelRight makes it available in a data modeling tool.

And with unlimited Undo, you don't need to worry about making a mistake - you can always undo it. Use the Transaction History window to view the full impact of any changes you make.

The Diagram drawing capabilities are advanced and full featured - allowing you to make your models look great!

Detailed Feature List

ModelRight 3 provides all features you expect in a mature database design product and more. It also adds functionality to support many of your database's most advanced features. It is the answer when you need a database modeling tool that surpasses the “least common denominator” approach taken by others.

Please click on the detail button button to display a screen shot and a more detailed description of the feature.

General Features

unlimited or user-defined number of levels.

Copy/Paste and Drag/Drop
within or between models. Careful. You'ld be surprised how many other products either don't have this or it doesn't work as advertised.

Find any object in the model by its type, name or any other property. Search using regular expressions and other common search criteria.

maximum reporting flexibility by using XSLT Templates to generate reports. Click on the icon on the right to view an actual generated report.

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Impact Analysis
the transaction history shows the full impact of any change that you make as you make it. View, save or print this info or use it to roll back changes.

Scalable Printing
simply drag the page bounds to specify how much of your Diagram you want on each printed page.

Custom Print Dialog
lets you select specific pages to print and change the print scale

Self-Validating Foundation
Building on over 15 years of experience developing database design software, ModelRight has been written from scratch with a framework that offers significant design tool functionality and a solid foundation on which to provide current service and to move forward.

used internally to generate the database schema, a scripting interface (using any COM-based scripting languages – like VBScript, Javascript in an HTML page, or any .NET language) provides transparent access to model objects and properties for any purpose - like creating custom features. There's no need for a proprietary API.

User Interface

Click for screen shot

Model Explorer
an expandable/collapsible, categorized tree view of all your model objects.

Our innovative mode-less style of interaction is simple and intuitive.  Just click on an object in either the Model Explorer or Diagram to edit its properties. No need to pop up dialog on top of dialog to make changes.

Hyperlinked Navigation
Like a Web browser, you can navigate to related objects by clicking hyperlinks on property pages.  Navigate backwards and forwards in the selection history using >the navigate back/forward controls.

Display Options
More display options than you can shake a stick at. Change font, color, 2D or 3D outlining, solid or gradient fill. Display table columns in Pk/non-Pk or generation order, Pk columns only or table comment.  Display any child category (i.e. column, index, key, trigger, etc…) along with the table.  Hide/display, expand/collapse the table display.

Click for screen shot
Diagram Navigator
gives you a bird’s eye view of your Diagram. The Diagram Navigator shows you a scaled down view of the current diagram so you can see exactly where you are within the overall Diagram. Move the red rectangle/navigator to quickly pan around the diagram. Scale it to quickly zoom in or out.

On-diagram Editing
create, delete, rename objects right on the Diagram.  For columns, you can also change datatype, domain, PK option, and null option right on the Diagram.

Misc. Graphics
add text, rectangles, images, lines, circles, etc… as a backdrop to or to add interest to your Diagram.

Click for screen shot
Multiple Notations
Barker, IE, and IDEF1X notations are all supported.

Click for screen shot
Auto Layout
an expandable/collapsible, categorized tree view of all your model objects.


Domains are simply objects that define properties that can be inherited by other objects of that type. For example, a Diagram could inherit its background color from a Diagram Domain. If you change the background color of a Diagram Domain, all of the Diagrams and Diagram Domains that inherit that property would change. Many products define something akin to a Column Domain – so that a datatype can be consistently applied to a set of columns, but ModelRight extends this capability by introducing many more types of domains (Tables, Materialized Views, Relations, Columns, Indexes, Diagrams, Tablespaces, Graphics, etc..).

display, edit, and generate many types of relations - table relations, view relations, “select from” relations, and REF relations.

Compare with Model
compare models to see their differences and exchange information.

naming options let you specify how to handle non-unique name conflicts, max name lengths, case sensitivity and special characters.

Model Subsets
organize your tables and/or views into different subsets for display or other purposes.

Key Migration
specify whether you would like to migrate the columns of a key (alternate or primary), define which columns to migrate manually, or specify no migration.

migrated columns are unified in the child table with other columns that have the same name.

By default, a migrated column has the same name as it has in the parent column.  This is maintained automatically.  So if the parent column name changes, the child column will also.  With rolenaming, you can specify that a migrated column should have a different name than it does in the parent table.

User-defined Properties
create your own properties and associate them with different types of model objects.

Model Validation
run an interactive report to show invalid and incomplete model objects.  Click on the report items to correct the issue.

Incomplete objects
objects that have not been fully specified are colored red in the Model Explorer for quick identification.  Display a message box or run Model Validation to see why.

Alias Types
define your own datatypes as an alias for a built-in datatype


Schema Generation
ModelRight makes the schema generation process completely transparent and user-extensible.  VB scripts (or any COM enabled program) access the model’s objects and properties to generate the database schema.   Use the scripts we provide or overwrite them at the table, model, or cross-model level.

Click for screen shot
Reverse Engineering
connects directly to using a native driver.  Filter by schema, storage, object type and expression to pick exactly what you want from your database.

Click for screen shot
Database Compare
You can compare your model with the current database to update the database with an ALTER script or to update your model from the database.

Click for screen shot
Modeless Database Compare
shows you a comparison of your Model with the Database as you Model. Keep it open as you model and changes made to the Model will be automatically reflected in the Database Compare window - so you can always have a view of how your Model differs from the database. You can import or export differences without having to restart the compare process.

Oracle support - 8i, 9i, 10g and 11g
ModelRight supports the usual database objects like Table, View, Index, Constraint (PK, FK, UK) and Oracle specific features like, Materialized Views, Tablespaces, Clusters, Sequences, Packages, Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Synonyms, Schemas, Index-organized tables, Table and Index (Local and Global) Partitions, LOB storage options, REF columns, Function-based indexes, etc…

SQL Server – 2000, 2005 and 2008
provides in-depth support - including many SQL Server-specific features like Fulltext Indexes, Filestreams, Computed Columns, Partitioning, etc..

MySQL support - 5.x and 6
ModelRight supports the usual database objects like Table, View, Index, Constraint (PK, FK, UK) - plus MySQL specific features like Collations, Character Sets, Engines, Logfile Groups, Databases, Tablespaces, Datafiles, and many MySQL-specific properties.

if you need to connect to a database that is not explicitly supported, you can use the ODBC database. ModelRight 3 can Reverse Engineer, Forward Engineer, and Synchronize with any ODBC compliant database. While ODBC support does not have the in-depth support for physical details, it does support basic objects like Schemas, Tables, Views, Columns, Indexes, Key and Foreign Key Constraints and all the database functions (Reverse/Forward Engineer and Compare/Alter).

Object-Relational (Oracle only)
create new Types, attributes, object tables, object views, etc…

Views (and Oracle Materialized Views)
keeps the view up to date even when the referenced objects change.  Changes made to the underlying objects are automatically reflected in the View definition.

ModelRight 3 introduces the following features:

I.Support for SQL Server – Versions 2000, 2005 and 2008.  ModelRight 3 provides in-depth support for SQL Server - including many SQL Server-specific features like Fulltext Indexes, Filestreams, Computed Columns, Partitioning, etc..
II.ODBC - if you need to connect to a database that is not explicitly supported by ModelRight 3 you can use the ODBC database.  ModelRight 3 can Reverse Engineer, Forward Engineer, and Synchronize with any ODBC compliant database. While ODBC support does not have the in-depth support for physical details, it does support basic objects like Schemas, Tables, Views, Columns, Indexes, Key and Foreign Key Constraints and all the database functions (Reverse/Forward Engineer and Compare/Alter).
III.Oracle 11g (ModelRight 3 already supports 8i, 9i, and 10g) - added support for Virtual Columns, Invisible Indexes, and the new LOB physical properties
IV.MySQL 6 (ModelRight 3 already support 5.x)
V.Default Oracle Tablespace and Default Tablespace File Size options
VI.User Interface - two innovative dockable windows have been added - Database Compare window and the Diagram Navigator
A.Modeless Database Compare - shows you a comparison of your Model with the Database as you Model.  Keep it open as you model and changes made to the Model will be automatically reflected in the Database Compare window - so you can always have a view of how your Model differs from the database. You can import or export differences without having to restart the compare process.
B.Diagram Navigator– gives you a bird’s eye view of your Diagram.  The Diagram Navigator shows you a scaled down view of the current diagram so you can see exactly where you are within the overall Diagram.  Move the red rectangle to quickly pan around the diagram.  Scale it to quickly zoom in or out.
C.Used By Property Page - lets you see and change how re-usable objects like Schemas, Tablespaces, and Domains, etc.. are being used.
D.Improved Print Dialog -  Print dialog has been enhanced to allow you to select specific pages to print and scale the print pages.
E.Full Screen - Ctrl+F (or View/Full Screen) lets you quickly toggle your Diagram to/from full-screen mode.  It maximizes the display of your Diagram and closes all toolbars and windows to quickly give you as much diagramming space as possible.
A.Alias Types - define your own datatypes as an alias for a built-in datatype
B.Independent Defaults - define a Default and re-use it throughout the Columns in your Model
C.Check Constraint Domains - define a check constraint and re-use it throughout your Model's Columns and Tables
D.Add to Model Subset Options - add related Tables/Views (parent and/or child) when you add a Table/View to a Model Subset
E.Model-level Pre & Post Scripts
VIII. Miscellaneous
A.arrow navigation - if nothing is selected, up, down, right, and left arrows scroll the Diagram
B.mouse wheel and middle mouse handling - mouse wheel scrolls Diagram, middle mouse click starts dynamically panning Diagram based on current mouse position, Ctrl+middle mouse, then mouse wheel zooms in or out
C.New Sample model of SQL Server's sample database Adventure Works.
D.uses last size when application first start
E.ability to select multiple objects in the Find and Validation results windows - lets you update all selected objects at once
IX. Shortcut Links - give you the ability to quickly navigate to any model object, a file, or a website.  You can define a shortcut link on any object in your Model.  Keyboard accelerators (Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, ...Ctrl+8) can then be used to quickly navigate the link and take you to the link's target - just like a browser hyperlink.  Links can also be defined on Text and Image graphics.  In this case, just clicking on the Text or Image Graphic will cause ModelRight 3 to navigate to the link's target.
X.Diagram Tooltips - ModelRight 3 can show additional information when you hover over objects on a Diagram.  It also provides options to let you specify what information to display.
XI. Diagram Zoom Sliders - slider controls have been added to the main toolbar and the Diagram Navigator window to let you quickly and easily zoom your Diagram.
XII.Ctrl+9 and Ctrl+0 keyboard accelerators to quickly and easily navigate to associated parent/child objects - for tables, columns, and relations.

User Interface

Illustrates the various user interface components.
Diagram Display

...or as fancy as you like.

Take your choice of notations.
Forward Engineer/Generate Schema

Specify what part of the database you want to compare your model to.

Specify which model objects you want to generate.
ModelRight creates the script to generate those objects.

Reverse Engineering
Connect directly to the database using the native OCI driver.
Specify which database objects to RE.
ModelRight will RE the portion of the database that you specify.

Database Compare/Alter Scripts

Specify what part of the database you want to compare your model to.

View the differences and update either your model or the database.

ModelRight can generate ALTER scripts.


Here is an actual report that was generated from the Sample HR model.

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