【英语】Laughter - transfer positive energy

We all know the conservation of energy .And when I was learning to write a chemical equation, according to the law of conservation of mass, equal to equal. Later, the physics teacher told me, a kind of energy is not without any cause or reason to produce, will not disappear without any cause or reason. An increase in energy means that other energy is reduced. This is the law of conservation of energy.

I believe that the law of conservation of energy is also established in society. So, when you think too much negative energy, as long as the release of positive energy, negative energy naturally less. Laughter is a good way to release positive energy. Especially a smile full of positive energy .

“I will never understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.”------Mother Teresa once said.

Laughter is good for our physical and mental health. First of all, laughter is a good fitness. Laugh 100 times, the blood circulation of the heart and lung function exercise, equivalent to rowing for ten minutes. Furthermore, laughter is a very good beauty. If the smile can affect 17 muscles. Smile 10 minutes a day, you can consume up to 50 thousand calories.

 Laughter is closely related to our success and our lives. A study by the University of Berkeley in California found that it was enough to speculate on the student's score in the standardized happiness assessment by measuring the smile in the photo of a student. Let's take a look at the bright smile of the students, he is the prepresident of the United States, Obama, which is the standard "Austrlian smile". Another university in the United States, a Wayne State University study, found that the smiles of baseball players have a lot to do with his life. Those players who have no smiling faces have an average life expectancy of 7 years shorter than those with a brilliant smile. 

Most of the time, when people laugh around us, although we do not know why they want to laugh, we will not help to laugh together.

A team from the University of London 's neurology team studied this. In the test, the volunteers were asked to listen to a variety of sounds, including "positive" sounds such as laughter and cheers, and to track their brains. Scanning results show that all the voices will be a part of the cerebral cortex stimulation, and laughter is the most exciting part of the sound. 

The researchers explained that the stimulus sound location is dedicated to control the facial muscles, also is the expression control part, because laughter maximum stimulation to the site, in the laughter, the brain will be facial muscles to "laugh" expression adjustment, and even did not know why they laugh, he is also very easy to laugh up.

May 8th, is the world smile day, the only one to celebrate the expression of human behavior festival. If you smile at others, you will see the world smile at you. 

Even if life gives you one hundred reasons to cry, you have to find a reason to smile. Let smile change the world.

                                                 JUST SMILE
Laughter - transfer positive energy - 14期  杨子颍 - 杨子颍 廊坊师范学院信息技术提高班十四期

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