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原创 Hadoop 常用命令

1、展示HDFS目录结构hadoop fs -ls [DIR][DIR] / 根目录/app app目录2、将HDFS中的文件拷贝到本地hadoop fs -get [REMOTE_DIR] [LOCAL_DIR][REMOTE_DIR] HDFS目录地址[LOCAL_DIR] 本地地址

2016-03-30 11:01:48 347

转载 C 语言 Signal 函数

C 语言 signal 函数,基本是根据系统中断,调用handler函数Example:#include #include #include #include void sighandler(int);int main(){ signal(SIGINT, sighandler); while(1) { printf("Going t

2015-12-21 16:11:24 621

转载 网络编程--IO模型示例(阻塞式IO)

IO模型在Richard Stevens的《UNIX网络编程,第一卷》(程序猿必备!)一书中有非常详尽的描述,以下简要介绍,并给出代码示例。另外比较好的总结性blog,推荐:使用异步 I/O 大大提高应用程序的性能IO - 同步,异步,阻塞,非阻塞 (亡羊补牢篇)常见网络IO模型:阻塞式IO、无阻塞式IO、IO复用、异步IO、信号驱动阻塞式IO:在一个进程发

2015-12-14 10:02:50 536

原创 Linux Shell 常用命令

1. 进程查询ps -ef | grep [感兴趣的进程]top2. 网络端口查询netstat -apn | grep [查询的端口]3. 查看文件/目录大小du -h [文件/目录]4. 拷贝文件/目录至当前使用机器scp [-r] [用户名]@[FROM地址IP]:[FRO文件/目录路径]  [本地地址]lftp [用户名]@[FR

2015-10-15 18:38:01 608

原创 MySQL 常用命令

1. 数据库相关1.1 创建数据库create databse [数据库名];1.2 使用数据库use [数据库名]1.3 删除数据库drop database [数据库名]1.4 显示当前数据库show databases;1.5 登陆数据库mysql -u[用户名] -p[密码] -h[主机IP] -p[端口]2. 表相关2.1 显示数据

2015-10-15 18:30:24 324

原创 LeetCode #58 Length of Last Word

Given a string s consists of upper/lower-case alphabets and empty space characters ' ', return the length of last word in the string.If the last word does not exist, return 0.Note: A word is defined a

2015-10-08 17:48:34 307

原创 汉字数字转化为阿拉伯数字

#汉字数字转化为阿拉伯数字def hanTwoMoney(s): money = {u'一':1,u'二':2,u'三':3,u'四':4,u'五':5,u'六':6,u'七':7,u'八':8,u'九':9} if len(s) == 0: return None sum = 0 if len(s) >= 0: if money.has_key(s[len(s)-1]):

2015-09-08 19:52:39 853

原创 判断一个树是否为另一棵树的子树

class treeNode(object): def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.left = None self.right = Nonedef loopTree(node): if node!= None: print node.val loopTree(node.left) loopTree(node.right

2015-09-07 22:22:50 644

转载 Binary Search 二分查找

def binarySearch(A,val): if A == None or len(A) == 0: return None l = 0 h = len(A) - 1 while l <= h: mid = l + (h-l) / 2 if A[mid] > val: h = mid - 1 elif A[mid] < val: l = mid +

2015-09-07 21:38:11 259

转载 5道经典的程序题 (5)

输入一个已经按升序排序过的数组和一个数字,在数组中查找两个数,使得它们的和正好是输入的那个数字。要求时间复杂度是O(n)。如果有多对数字的和等于输入的数字,输出任意一对即可。def sumVal(A,k): i = 0 j = len(A)-1 while i < j: if A[i] + A[j] > k: j-=1 elif A[i] + A[j] < k:

2015-09-04 21:34:07 439

转载 5道经典的程序题 (4)

求1+2+…+n,要求不能使用乘除法、for、while、if、else、switch、case等关键字以及条件判断语句(A?B:C)。def nSum(n): if n == 0: return 0 return n + nSum(n-1)

2015-09-04 21:26:19 313

转载 5道经典的程序题 (3)

输入一个英文句子,翻转句子中单词的顺序,但单词内字符的顺序不变。句子中单词以空格符隔开。为简单起见,标点符号和普通字母一样处理。例如输入“I am a student.”,则输出“student. a am I”。def reverseSentense(S): i = 0 j = len(S) - 1 while i<j: temp = S[i] S[i

2015-09-04 18:06:02 370

转载 5道经典的程序题 (2)

输入n个整数,输出其中最小的k个。例如输入1,2,3,4,5,6,7和8这8个数字,则最小的4个数字为1,2,3和4。def minKValues(A,k): kValues = [] for i in range(0,k): kValues.append(A[i]) for i in range(k,len(A)): maxPos = 0

2015-09-04 13:44:36 334

转载 5道经典的程序题 (1)

题目1输入一个整形数组,数组里有正数也有负数。数组中连续的一个或多个整数组成一个子数组,每个子数组都有一个和。求所有子数组的和的最大值。要求时间复杂度为O(n)。例如输入的数组为1, -2, 3, 10, -4, 7, 2, -5,和最大的子数组为3, 10, -4, 7, 2,因此输出为该子数组的和18。def maxSubArry(A): sumVal =

2015-09-03 22:15:17 414

转载 归并排序 MergeSort

def mergeSort(arry,left,right): if left < right: mid = (left + right) / 2 mergeSort(arry,left,mid) mergeSort(arry,mid+1,right) mergeArry(arry,left,right,mid) return arrydef mergeArry(arry

2015-08-16 11:14:23 293

转载 快速排序 QuickSort

def adjustArry(arry,left,right): i = left j = right x = arry[i] while i < j: while i= x: j-=1 if arry[j] < x: arry[i] = arry[j] i+=1 while i<j and arry[i] <= x: i+=1 if arry[

2015-08-11 17:02:31 276

原创 LeetCode #27 Remove Element

class Solution: # @param {integer[]} nums # @param {integer} val # @return {integer} def removeElement(self, nums, val): size = 0 for i in range(0,len(nums)):

2015-08-05 17:07:19 238

原创 LeetCode #26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array

class Solution: # @param {integer[]} nums # @return {integer} def removeDuplicates(self, nums): if len(nums) == 0: return 0 if len(nums) == 1: retur

2015-08-05 16:31:08 258

转载 LeetCode #22 Generate Parentheses

class Solution: # @param {integer} n # @return {string[]} def generateParenthesis(self, n): left = right = n s = '' sset = set() self.parentGen(s,left,righ

2015-08-05 12:01:29 265

原创 LeetCode #21 Merge Two Sorted Lists

# Definition for singly-linked list.# class ListNode:# def __init__(self, x):# self.val = x# self.next = Noneclass Solution: # @param {ListNode} l1 # @param {ListNode

2015-08-04 21:37:18 251

原创 LeetCode #20 Valid Parentheses

class Solution: # @param {string} s # @return {boolean} def isValid(self, s): tack = [] for i in range(0,len(s)): if s[i] == '(' or s[i] == '{' or s[i] == '[' o

2015-07-24 08:37:15 302

原创 LeetCode #19 Remove Nth Node From End of List

# Definition for singly-linked list.# class ListNode:# def __init__(self, x):# self.val = x# self.next = Noneclass Solution: # @param {ListNode} head # @param {intege

2015-07-23 11:57:42 242

转载 LeetCode #18 4Sum

class Solution: # @param {integer[]} nums # @param {integer} target # @return {integer[][]} def fourSum(self, nums, target): valMap = {} ans = set() nums.sort()

2015-07-23 10:49:38 270

转载 LeetCode #17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

class Solution: # @param {string} digits # @return {string[]} def letterCombinations(self, digits): depth = 0 ans = [] path = "" self.comb(depth,ans,digits,

2015-07-21 11:25:43 345

原创 LeetCode #16 3Sum Closest

class Solution: # @param {integer[]} nums # @param {integer} target # @return {integer} def threeSumClosest(self, nums, target): if len(nums) == 0: return None

2015-07-17 17:19:54 270

转载 【综述】(MIT博士)林达华老师-"概率模型与计算机视觉”


2015-07-12 21:30:44 713

原创 LeetCode #15 3Sum

class Solution: # @param {integer[]} nums # @return {integer[][]} def threeSum(self, nums): if nums == None: return None if len(nums) == 0: return [

2015-07-12 15:44:12 265

原创 LeetCode #14 Longest Common Prefix

class Solution: # @param {string[]} strs # @return {string} def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs): if len(strs) == 0: return "" #find the longest substr

2015-07-12 10:40:16 288

原创 LeetCode #9 Palindrome Number

class Solution: # @param {integer} x # @return {boolean} def isPalindrome(self, x): if x < 0: return False y = 0 cX = x while x:

2015-07-12 10:02:45 295

原创 LeetCode #7 Reverse Integer

class Solution: # @param {integer} x # @return {integer} def reverse(self, x): isNegative = 1 y = 0.0 if x < 0: isNegative = -1 x = abs(x)

2015-07-11 19:00:47 451

原创 LeetCode#5 Longest Palindromic Substring

class Solution: # @param {string} s # @return {string} def longestPalindrome(self, s): lenS = len(s) maxLen = 0 maxStr = "" for i in range(0,lenS):

2015-07-11 18:17:50 449

转载 LeetCode#4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays (2)

def findKth(self,a,b,k,aStart,aEnd,bStart,bEnd): aLen = aEnd - aStart + 1 bLen = bEnd - bStart + 1 if aLen == 0: return b[bStart+k] if bLe

2015-07-09 12:23:29 379

原创 LeetCode#4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays

There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).class Solution: #

2015-07-04 07:21:25 366

原创 LeetCode #3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. For example, the longest substring without repeating letters for "abcabcbb" is "abc", which the length is 3. Fo

2015-07-03 13:43:14 298

原创 LeetCode #2 Add Two Numbers

You are given two linked lists representing two non-negative numbers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a link

2015-07-03 07:51:55 371

原创 LeetCode #1 Two Sum

Given an array of integers, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number.The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, whe

2015-07-03 07:50:18 400

原创 Notes on C programming language (0)

Why I wrote these notes on C?Before

2014-11-16 20:38:14 656



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