- Applicationsl
. Isolated DC-DC and AC-to-DC power supplies inserver, telecom, and industryl
. Motor Drive and DC-to-AC solar invertersl
. LED Lightingl
.UPS and battery chargers
- Featuresl
Universal: dual low-side, dual high-side orhalf-bridge driverl
Operation temperature: -40℃~125℃l
Up to 33V VDD output drive supply with UVLOl
Up to 5A peak source and 6A peak sink outputl
High CMTI: ±150kV/us typicall
25ns typical propagation delayl
5ns maximum delay matchingl
6ns maximum pulse width distortionl
Programmable deadtimel
Safety-related certifications (Planned): ·5000 VRMS isolation for 1 minute per UL 1577with SOP16W, SOP14W package
·3000VRMS isolation for 1 minute per UL 1577with SOP16 package
·2500 VRMS for 1 minute per UL 1577 with LGA13package
·CQC certification per GB4943.1-2022
·DIN VDE 0884-17: 2021-10
- Description
The ZC21550 is an isolated dual channel gate driverfamily with programmable dead time and widetemperature range. It is designed with 5-A peaksource and 6-A peak-sink current todrivepowerMOSFET, SiC, GaN, and IGBT transistors upto2MHzswitching frequency. The ZC21550 can be configured as two low-sidedrivers,twohigh-side drivers, or a half-bridge driverwithprogrammabledead time (DT). The input side is isolated fromthetwooutput drivers by a silicondioxide isolationbarrier, witha150kV/us typical common-mode transient immunity(CMTI).Both outputs shut down simultaneously thedisablepinissetto high. The driver operates with a maximumsupplyvoltageof 33V, while the input-side accepts from3Vto5Vsupplyvoltage. Under voltage lock-out (UVLO) protectionissupportedby all the power supply voltage pins. The ZC21550 provides 2500Vrms isolationperUL1577 in 5-mm x 5-mmLGA13 package, 3000Vrmsisolation in SOP16 (150mil) package, and5000Vrmsisolation in SOP16 (300mil) or SOP14(300mil)package.