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转载 The Electron Microscope, A Personal Recollection (H.L.Watson)

原文链接:The Electron Microscope, A Personal Recollection内容简介:H.L.Watson对二战期间多伦多大学物理系研制透射式电子显微镜的有趣历史的回忆转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/WeirdWiredThings/p/6369852.html...

2017-02-06 12:24:00 146

转载 To insert user data unregistered SEI message in a H.264 bit stream

How to insert some user data unregistered SEI messages in H.264 compressed bit stream, for example in a MP4 container? That is what I will talk about here.The H.264 coding standard ISO/IEC 144...

2016-12-15 16:05:00 400

转载 鲍勃迪伦在2016诺贝尔晚宴上的讲话


2016-12-13 13:22:00 195

转载 OpenSSL Command Line RSA Signing and Verifying Test

Pre-requirment: compile and install openssl library, which includes a command line utility opensslStep 1: Generate a RSA key pair and save them to two different files> openssl genrsa -out ...

2016-11-29 18:59:00 313

转载 How to Setup Code::Blocks IDE for FFmpeg development

I am digging into a project that needs to use some open source video codec library. FFmpeg is very powerful video codec library, which I decided to use in my project. I compiled and installed the...

2016-11-20 17:00:00 137

转载 一个令人兴奋的项目设想,dylansongs!

突然想在业余时间想做一个在linux/macOS shell下运行的鲍勃迪伦歌词与音乐数据库程序!主要功能是检索和显示Dylan歌曲的歌词和不同版本的和弦编配。计划用Shell脚本来做前端程序,定义一个文本的和弦编配格式规范,通过git来在世界范围内协作维护每首歌曲的和弦编配,歌词是不需要维护的,但每首歌的和弦编配可能有很多版本,前端程序可以对和弦的版本进行选择显示,甚至可以设置歌曲的速...

2016-10-26 10:19:00 149

转载 macOS Sierra中的自动照片识别

周末把mac mini升级到了macOS Sierra。”照片“应用的自动分类是个很有意义的升级,因为这台mini在家里主要的实用功能除了上网就是归档照片。归档照片总是一件耗时的事情,尤其是对于经常旅行又热爱拍照的人来说,照片的数量增长很快,而人脸识别等图像识别技术可以让这件事变得简单很多。对于人物的识别,苹果做得还可以,我的照片,大部分都是闺女,闺女为画面中主要部分的照片基本都识别...

2016-10-23 12:26:00 232

转载 三个伟大的犹太人

在地铁里翻看柏格森的“The Two Sources of Morality and Religion”中译本,确切的说是法文译到英文,英文再译到中文的文字,这个人的思辨能力之强让我这个凡夫俗子叹为观止!他和爱因斯坦谁更聪明?如果柏格森、爱因斯坦和鲍勃.迪伦他们三个坐在一起,这三个犹太人,会聊些什么呢?转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/WeirdWiredThi...

2016-10-20 16:26:00 204

转载 老人与海

突然想看一看很多年前就看过的“老人与海”,翻译了第一段:他是个在湾流中的一条小船上独自钓鱼的老人, 有八十四天没有钓到一条鱼了。前四十天里,有个孩子跟着他。孩子的爸妈说老人是个萨拉奥,就是最走霉运的人。孩子顺从了他们,去了另一条船,那船第一周就捕到了三条好鱼,这让孩子每当看见老人带着空空的小船回来,就感到难过,总是过去帮老人拿鱼线、挽钩、鱼叉和卷在桅杆上的帆。那帆上补了几只...

2016-10-19 11:49:00 172

转载 A LED AC driver Research: open-loop peak current control type

For some days, I have always wanted to design a LED driver which driving mid-power LEDs, to replace low-power LED tube design that we are using now. Start to do it, now!First of all, a speci...

2016-10-09 16:09:00 157

转载 转载:苹果流媒体产品诞生点滴--写在乔布斯逝世5周年

苹果流媒体产品诞生点滴--写在乔布斯逝世5周年喜欢作者办公室墙上那两幅照片,60年代的Bob Dylan和毕加索。Bob Dylan可以说是流行音乐界的毕加索。回到正题,流媒体,是改变世界的一件事。转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/WeirdWiredThings/p/5941294.html...

2016-10-09 10:48:00 131

转载 The Difference between 8051, PIC, AVR and ARM

Here is a question posted on Quora. What is the difference between 8051, PIC, AVR and ARM? I have ever used a few components of all of them, but have never made a compare between them seriously. ...

2016-09-28 17:01:00 164

转载 Drones made of Lego!

I once wanted to do something interesting and cool with my daughter’s Lego bricks, for example, bricks that can produce light, which could be used to build beautiful shining city in the night. ...

2016-09-27 17:47:00 159

转载 A few words at the beginning

This is my first blog post in many years, and I want to continue writing things in this new blog, which is called Weird Wired Things (Is the name weird?).First of all, what does the name mea...

2016-09-27 11:48:00 201



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