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#region 文件定义
        public static int PALETTE_SIZE = 4 * 256; //RGBQUAD * 256 colours
        public static readonly int streamtypeVIDEO = mmioFOURCC('v', 'i', 'd', 's');
        public static readonly int streamtypeAUDIO = mmioFOURCC('a', 'u', 'd', 's');
        public static readonly int streamtypeMIDI = mmioFOURCC('m', 'i', 'd', 's');
        public static readonly int streamtypeTEXT = mmioFOURCC('t', 'x', 't', 's');

        public const int OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE = 32;
        public const int OF_WRITE = 1;
        public const int OF_READWRITE = 2;
        public const int OF_CREATE = 4096;

        public const int BMP_MAGIC_COOKIE = 19778; //ascii string "BM"

        public const int AVICOMPRESSF_INTERLEAVE = 0x00000001;    // interleave
        public const int AVICOMPRESSF_DATARATE = 0x00000002;    // use a data rate
        public const int AVICOMPRESSF_KEYFRAMES = 0x00000004;    // use keyframes
        public const int AVICOMPRESSF_VALID = 0x00000008;    // has valid data
        public const int AVIIF_KEYFRAME = 0x00000010;

        public const UInt32 ICMF_CHOOSE_KEYFRAME = 0x0001;	// show KeyFrame Every box
        public const UInt32 ICMF_CHOOSE_DATARATE = 0x0002;	// show DataRate box
        public const UInt32 ICMF_CHOOSE_PREVIEW = 0x0004;	// allow expanded preview dialog

        //macro mmioFOURCC
        public static Int32 mmioFOURCC(char ch0, char ch1, char ch2, char ch3)
            return ((Int32)(byte)(ch0) | ((byte)(ch1) << 8) |
                ((byte)(ch2) << 16) | ((byte)(ch3) << 24));

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        public struct RECT
            public UInt32 left;
            public UInt32 top;
            public UInt32 right;
            public UInt32 bottom;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        public struct BITMAPINFOHEADER
            public Int32 biSize;
            public Int32 biWidth;
            public Int32 biHeight;
            public Int16 biPlanes;
            public Int16 biBitCount;
            public Int32 biCompression;
            public Int32 biSizeImage;
            public Int32 biXPelsPerMeter;
            public Int32 biYPelsPerMeter;
            public Int32 biClrUsed;
            public Int32 biClrImportant;

        public struct PCMWAVEFORMAT
            public short wFormatTag;
            public short nChannels;
            public int nSamplesPerSec;
            public int nAvgBytesPerSec;
            public short nBlockAlign;
            public short wBitsPerSample;
            public short cbSize;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        public struct AVISTREAMINFO
            public Int32 fccType;
            public Int32 fccHandler;
            public Int32 dwFlags;
            public Int32 dwCaps;
            public Int16 wPriority;
            public Int16 wLanguage;
            public Int32 dwScale;
            public Int32 dwRate;
            public Int32 dwStart;
            public Int32 dwLength;
            public Int32 dwInitialFrames;
            public Int32 dwSuggestedBufferSize;
            public Int32 dwQuality;
            public Int32 dwSampleSize;
            public RECT rcFrame;
            public Int32 dwEditCount;
            public Int32 dwFormatChangeCount;
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 64)]
            public UInt16[] szName;
        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        public struct BITMAPFILEHEADER
            public Int16 bfType; //"magic cookie" - must be "BM"
            public Int32 bfSize;
            public Int16 bfReserved1;
            public Int16 bfReserved2;
            public Int32 bfOffBits;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        public struct AVIFILEINFO
            public Int32 dwMaxBytesPerSecond;
            public Int32 dwFlags;
            public Int32 dwCaps;
            public Int32 dwStreams;
            public Int32 dwSuggestedBufferSize;
            public Int32 dwWidth;
            public Int32 dwHeight;
            public Int32 dwScale;
            public Int32 dwRate;
            public Int32 dwLength;
            public Int32 dwEditCount;
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 64)]
            public char[] szFileType;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        public struct AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS
            public UInt32 fccType;
            public UInt32 fccHandler;
            public UInt32 dwKeyFrameEvery;  // only used with AVICOMRPESSF_KEYFRAMES
            public UInt32 dwQuality;
            public UInt32 dwBytesPerSecond; // only used with AVICOMPRESSF_DATARATE
            public UInt32 dwFlags;
            public IntPtr lpFormat;
            public UInt32 cbFormat;
            public IntPtr lpParms;
            public UInt32 cbParms;
            public UInt32 dwInterleaveEvery;

        /// <summary>AviSaveV needs a pointer to a pointer to an AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS structure</summary>
        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
            public UInt32 fccType;
            public UInt32 fccHandler;
            public UInt32 dwKeyFrameEvery;  // only used with AVICOMRPESSF_KEYFRAMES
            public UInt32 dwQuality;
            public UInt32 dwBytesPerSecond; // only used with AVICOMPRESSF_DATARATE
            public UInt32 dwFlags;
            public IntPtr lpFormat;
            public UInt32 cbFormat;
            public IntPtr lpParms;
            public UInt32 cbParms;
            public UInt32 dwInterleaveEvery;

            public AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS ToStruct()
                returnVar.fccType = this.fccType;
                returnVar.fccHandler = this.fccHandler;
                returnVar.dwKeyFrameEvery = this.dwKeyFrameEvery;
                returnVar.dwQuality = this.dwQuality;
                returnVar.dwBytesPerSecond = this.dwBytesPerSecond;
                returnVar.dwFlags = this.dwFlags;
                returnVar.lpFormat = this.lpFormat;
                returnVar.cbFormat = this.cbFormat;
                returnVar.lpParms = this.lpParms;
                returnVar.cbParms = this.cbParms;
                returnVar.dwInterleaveEvery = this.dwInterleaveEvery;
                return returnVar;


 #region 导入动态库函数
        //Initialize the AVI library
        public static extern void AVIFileInit();

        //Open an AVI file
        [DllImport("avifil32.dll", PreserveSig = true)]
        public static extern int AVIFileOpen(
            ref int ppfile,
            String szFile,
            int uMode,
            int pclsidHandler);

        //Get a stream from an open AVI file
        public static extern int AVIFileGetStream(
            int pfile,
            out IntPtr ppavi,
            int fccType,
            int lParam);

        //Get the start position of a stream
        [DllImport("avifil32.dll", PreserveSig = true)]
        public static extern int AVIStreamStart(int pavi);

        //Get the length of a stream in frames
        [DllImport("avifil32.dll", PreserveSig = true)]
        public static extern int AVIStreamLength(int pavi);

        //Get information about an open stream
        public static extern int AVIStreamInfo(
            IntPtr pAVIStream,
            ref AVISTREAMINFO psi,
            int lSize);

        //Get a pointer to a GETFRAME object (returns 0 on error)
        public static extern int AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(
            IntPtr pAVIStream,
            ref BITMAPINFOHEADER bih);

        //Get a pointer to a packed DIB (returns 0 on error)
        public static extern int AVIStreamGetFrame(
            int pGetFrameObj,
            int lPos);

        //Create a new stream in an open AVI file
        public static extern int AVIFileCreateStream(
            int pfile,
            out IntPtr ppavi,
            ref AVISTREAMINFO ptr_streaminfo);

        //Create an editable stream
        public static extern int CreateEditableStream(
            ref IntPtr ppsEditable,
            IntPtr psSource

        //Cut samples from an editable stream
        public static extern int EditStreamCut(
            IntPtr pStream,
            ref Int32 plStart,
            ref Int32 plLength,
            ref IntPtr ppResult

        //Copy a part of an editable stream
        public static extern int EditStreamCopy(
            IntPtr pStream,
            ref Int32 plStart,
            ref Int32 plLength,
            ref IntPtr ppResult

        //Paste an editable stream into another editable stream
        public static extern int EditStreamPaste(
            IntPtr pStream,
            ref Int32 plPos,
            ref Int32 plLength,
            IntPtr pstream,
            Int32 lStart,
            Int32 lLength

        //Change a stream's header values
        public static extern int EditStreamSetInfo(
            IntPtr pStream,
            ref AVISTREAMINFO lpInfo,
            Int32 cbInfo

        public static extern int AVIMakeFileFromStreams(
            ref IntPtr ppfile,
            int nStreams,
            ref IntPtr papStreams

        //Set the format for a new stream
        public static extern int AVIStreamSetFormat(
            IntPtr aviStream, Int32 lPos,
            ref BITMAPINFOHEADER lpFormat, Int32 cbFormat);

        //Set the format for a new stream
        public static extern int AVIStreamSetFormat(
            IntPtr aviStream, Int32 lPos,
            ref PCMWAVEFORMAT lpFormat, Int32 cbFormat);

        //Read the format for a stream
        public static extern int AVIStreamReadFormat(
            IntPtr aviStream, Int32 lPos,
            ref BITMAPINFOHEADER lpFormat, ref Int32 cbFormat

        //Read the size of the format for a stream
        public static extern int AVIStreamReadFormat(
            IntPtr aviStream, Int32 lPos,
            int empty, ref Int32 cbFormat

        //Read the format for a stream
        public static extern int AVIStreamReadFormat(
            IntPtr aviStream, Int32 lPos,
            ref PCMWAVEFORMAT lpFormat, ref Int32 cbFormat

        //Write a sample to a stream
        public static extern int AVIStreamWrite(
            IntPtr aviStream, Int32 lStart, Int32 lSamples,
            IntPtr lpBuffer, Int32 cbBuffer, Int32 dwFlags,
            Int32 dummy1, Int32 dummy2);

        //Release the GETFRAME object
        public static extern int AVIStreamGetFrameClose(
            int pGetFrameObj);

        //Release an open AVI stream
        public static extern int AVIStreamRelease(IntPtr aviStream);

        //Release an open AVI file
        public static extern int AVIFileRelease(int pfile);

        //Close the AVI library
        public static extern void AVIFileExit();

        public static extern int AVIMakeCompressedStream(
            out IntPtr ppsCompressed, IntPtr aviStream,
            ref AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS ao, int dummy);

        public static extern bool AVISaveOptions(
            IntPtr hwnd,
            UInt32 uiFlags,
            Int32 nStreams,
            ref IntPtr ppavi,
            ref AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS_CLASS plpOptions

        public static extern long AVISaveOptionsFree(
            int nStreams,
            ref AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS_CLASS plpOptions

        public static extern int AVIFileInfo(
            int pfile,
            ref AVIFILEINFO pfi,
            int lSize);

        [DllImport("winmm.dll", EntryPoint = "mmioStringToFOURCCA")]
        public static extern int mmioStringToFOURCC(String sz, int uFlags);

        public static extern int AVIStreamRead(
            IntPtr pavi,
            Int32 lStart,
            Int32 lSamples,
            IntPtr lpBuffer,
            Int32 cbBuffer,
            Int32 plBytes,
            Int32 plSamples

        public static extern int AVISaveV(
            String szFile,
            Int16 empty,
            Int16 lpfnCallback,
            Int16 nStreams,
            ref IntPtr ppavi,
            ref AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS_CLASS plpOptions



#region 方法
        private int aviFile = 0;
        private IntPtr aviStream;
        private uint frameRate;
        private int countFrames = 0;
        private uint stride;
        private int width;
        private int height;
        private int fccType = mmioStringToFOURCC("vids", 0);
        private int fccHandler = mmioStringToFOURCC("CVID", 0);

        //Create an empty AVI file
        private void Open(string fileName, UInt32 frameRate)
            this.frameRate = frameRate;


            int hr = AVIFileOpen(
                ref aviFile, fileName,
                OF_WRITE | OF_CREATE, 0);

        //Add a sample to the stream - for first sample: create the stream 
        private void AddFrame(Bitmap bmp)
            BitmapData bmpDat = bmp.LockBits(
                new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height),
                ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            //this is the first frame - get size and create a new stream
            if (this.countFrames == 0)
                this.stride = (uint)bmpDat.Stride;
                this.width = bmp.Width;
                this.height = bmp.Height;
                CreateStream(); //a method to create a new video stream

            //add the bitmap to the stream
            int result = AVIStreamWrite(aviStream,
                countFrames, 1,
                bmpDat.Scan0, //pointer to the beginning of the image data
                (Int32)(stride * height),
                0, 0, 0);


        //Create a new video stream
        private void CreateStream()
            //describe the stream to create
            AVISTREAMINFO strhdr = new AVISTREAMINFO();
            strhdr.fccType = this.fccType; //mmioStringToFOURCC("vids", 0)
            strhdr.fccHandler = this.fccHandler; //"Microsoft Video 1"
            strhdr.dwScale = 1;
            strhdr.dwRate = (int)frameRate;
            strhdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = (int)(height * stride);
            //use highest quality! Compression destroys the hidden message.
            strhdr.dwQuality = 10000;
   = 0;
            strhdr.rcFrame.bottom = (UInt32)height;
            strhdr.rcFrame.right = (UInt32)width;
            strhdr.szName = new UInt16[64];

            //create the stream
            int result = AVIFileCreateStream(aviFile, out aviStream, ref strhdr);

            //define the image format
            bi.biSize = Marshal.SizeOf(bi);
            bi.biWidth = (Int32)width;
            bi.biHeight = (Int32)height;
            bi.biCompression = 0; // BI_RGB
            bi.biPlanes = 1;
            bi.biBitCount = 24;
            bi.biSizeImage = 0/*(Int32)this.stride * this.height*/;

            //format the stream
            result = AVIStreamSetFormat(aviStream, 0, ref bi, Marshal.SizeOf(bi));




Open(strAviPathName, frameRate);
for (int i = m_nStart; i <= m_nEnd; i++)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(m_listShowImage[i]);




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