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Android Programming

with Tutorials from the

written by Nicolas Gramlich


Check for the latest version on




Foreword / How to read this doc ................................................. 5

Introduction................................................................................ 6

What is Android – a GPhone? ...................................................... 7

Android from above ........................................................................ 8

Openness ....................................................................................................... 8

All applications are created equal ................................................................. 9

Breaking down application boundaries ......................................................... 9

Fast & easy application development ........................................................... 9

The first weeks .............................................................................. 12

Dalvik.equals(Java) == false ........................................................... 13

Differences to a normal JavaVM ................................................................. 13

The Android Code Challenge ..................................................... 14

Creating Android Applications .................................................. 15

Anatomy of an Android Application ............................................... 15

Activity ......................................................................................................... 15

Intent Receiver ............................................................................................ 17

Service ......................................................................................................... 17

Content Provider ......................................................................................... 18

Android User Interfaces ................................................................. 19

Hierarchy of Screen Elements ..................................................................... 19

Comparing Android UI Elements to Swing UI Elements .............................. 22

The AndroidManifest.xml ......................................................... 23

General ......................................................................................... 24

<manifest> ................................................................................................... 25

<uses-permission> ....................................................................................... 25

<permission> ............................................................................................... 25

<instrumentation> ....................................................................................... 25

<application> ............................................................................................... 25

<meta-data> ................................................................................................ 27

<receiver> .................................................................................................... 27

<service> ...................................................................................................... 27

<provider> ................................................................................................... 28

Resources and the magic ................................................ 29

Resources ..................................................................................... 29

List of resources ........................................................................................... 29

Using resources in code ............................................................................... 30

Referencing Resources ................................................................................ 31

Alternate Resources & Localization ................................................ 32

The magic ........................................................................... 33

Hello World – The Android way. ................................................ 34

Installing the Android SDK ............................................................. 35

The Android Development Tools (ADT) ....................................................... 35

Installation done, let’s do some code ............................................. 37

Creating a new Android Project .................................................................. 37

Running your first application ..................................................................... 43

UIs the Java way ........................................................................... 45

System.out.println(…) ? ................................................................. 46

The LogCat ................................................................................................... 46

Using Intents ............................................................................ 49

Starting (Sub)Activities .................................................................. 49

Finding XML-defined Views in Java-Code .................................................... 52

Handling Clicks to Views .............................................................................. 53

Returning values from SubActivities ........................................................... 56

Passing Data to (Sub)Activities ...................................................... 58

Important Layouts and ViewGroups .......................................... 60

The RelativeLayout ........................................................................ 60

Bibliography ............................................................................. 61

Lost chapters ............................................................................ 62

The communities .......................................................................... 62




Foreword / How to read this doc


This document was written for developers who have worked with Java.

before and want to start developing for the Android Platform. I tried to

make this as much “hands on” as possible, placing example codes

everywhere it fit. Also I tried to insert as many picture as possible,

because they liven up the learning process and relax the reader’s eyes.


But unfortunately coding is not everything; one has to learn about

some basic facts of the Android Platform to fully understand. That is

what is described on the first ~XXX pages. It is not necessary to read all

those describing pages, but it is preferable. You could decide to treat it as

a kind of reference. What you would read there is also explained when it

occurs during the “hands on”-process. So you could directly start at Hello

World – The Android Way.

但不幸的编码不是万能的,人们必须了解在Android平台的一些基本事实,以便于充分理解。这就是在最开始的部分要描述的内容。虽然不必要全部阅读这些描述部分,但是最好还是读一下。你可以决定将其视为一种参考,你在这些部分读到的内容也会在之后实际动手的过程中有相关解释。因此,你可以直接开始你的Android旅程的第一个程序Hello World

All codes you see in this document (the whole workspace) will be

available on:



Have fun reading…





The Open Handset Alliance (1) released the Google Android SDK on

November 12th, 2007, having announced it about a week before. The

impact was unbelievable, almost every IT/programming-related news-

page dumped a news-post about the SDK release – the Google Groups (2)

was overwhelmed with over 2000 Messages within the first two Days.

The idea of the Android Platform was and still is amazing and is of course

attracting more and more programmers every day. Especially the open

architecture based on Intents and the possibility to replace even the

Home-application grant a really large amount of flexibility to the whole


一个星期前的报道宣称,开放手机联盟在20071112日发布了Google Android SDK。其影响真是令人难以置信,几乎所有IT和编程有关的页面都开辟专栏报道有关的SDK发布信息,而Google的工作小组更是在前两天被超过2000条的邮件弄的不堪重负。Android平台的想法过去并且现在仍然是令人惊异的并且每天都吸引着越来越多的程序员的加入。尤其是基于意图和甚至可能替代桌面应用的开发架构保证了真正的整个平台的灵活性。

Android – Imagination is the limit”1



1 Nicolas Gramlich – Site-Admin

尼古拉格拉姆利克 - anddev.org网站管理员

What is Android – a GPhone?

什么是Android 是一个google的手机GPhone?

The weeks and months before Google released the Android SDK there

had been a lot of rumors about a so called GPhone. It was said to be a

mobile device manufactured by Google providing free communication by

showing context-sensitive advertisements to the user on the device


几个星期和几个月前谷歌发布了Android SDK,一直有很多传言这只是所谓的Gphone。据说这是一个由google生产的移动设备,它通过在设备上显示上下文敏感的广告给用户提供免费的通信。

Picture 1 Render of a potential GPhone


But on November 5th 2007 Andy Rubin2 announced:


[The] Android [Platform] – is more significant and ambitious than a single


该机器人平台 比单一手机更有意义并且更有雄心。

Google within the Open Handset Alliance (OHA) delivers a complete set

of software for mobile devices: an operating system, middleware and key

mobile applications. What was released a week later was not a final

product, but a “First Look SDK” what many did not realize. Major news

sites grabbed the discomforts of some developers who said that Android

is full of bugs and heavily lacks of documentation. But the majority says

that Android is not buggier than any other software at this stage.

移动应用。发布一周之后仍然不是一个最终产品,但是,在“第一印象的SDK”里,很多人都没有意识到。主要的新闻网站抓住一些开发人员对 Android 充满了错误并且严重缺乏的文档的不适。但多数不说,Android是在现阶段比任何其他软件bug更少。


2 Andy Rubin – Google Director of Mobile Platforms

安迪鲁宾 - 谷歌移动平台总监

Android from above

Let’s take a look at what the OHA emphasizes on its Android Platform:




Android was built from the ground-up to enable developers to create

compelling mobile applications that take full advantage of all a

handset has to offer. It is built to be truly open. For example, an

application could call upon any of the phone's core functionality such

as making calls, sending text messages, or using the camera, allowing

developers to create richer and more cohesive experiences for users.”

This is true, as a developer you can do everything, from sending short

messages with just 2 lines of code, up to replacing even the HOME-

Screen of your device. One could easily create a fully customized

operating system within weeks, providing no more of Google’s default

application to the user.


Android is built on the open Linux Kernel. Furthermore, it utilizes a

custom virtual machine that has been designed to optimize memory

and hardware resources in a mobile environment. Android will be

open source; it can be liberally extended to incorporate new cutting

edge technologies as they emerge. The platform will continue to

evolve as the developer community works together to build innovative

mobile applications.”


Here Google is talking of the so called Dalvik virtual machine (DalvikVM),

which is a register based virtual machine, designed and written by Dan

Bornstein and some other Google engineers, to be an important part of

the Android platform. In the words “register based” we find the first

difference to normal Java virtual machines (JVM) which are stack based.

See the “Dalvik.equals(Java) == false”-chapter for more details on that


谷歌提出的是这里的所谓的Dalvik虚拟机(DalvikVM)是基于寄存器的虚拟机,它由丹伯恩斯坦和其他一些谷歌工程师设计并编码,是Android平台一个重要组成部分。在该平台基于寄存器的设计中,我们发现了它区别于java虚拟机的第一个不同点那就是java虚拟机是基于堆栈设计的。在文章的“Dalvik.equals(Java) == false”这章可以看到更加详细的信息。

All applications are created equal


Android does not differentiate between the phone's core applications

and third-party applications. They can all be built to have equal access

to a phone's capabilities providing users with a broad spectrum of

applications and services. With devices built on the Android Platform,

users will be able to fully tailor the phone to their interests. They can

swap out the phone's home screen, the style of the dialer, or any of

the applications. They can even instruct their phones to use their

favorite photo viewing application to handle the viewing of all



Once again this is all true. Developers can 100% customize their Android-

Device. The Android System Communication is based on so called Intents,

which are more or less just a String (with some data attached) which

defines an action that needs to be handled. An example for this is:





One can simply listen on that Intent by writing about 5 lines of

definitions. The system would then recognize that there is more than one

application that wants to handle that Intent and ask the user to choose

which one he or she would like to handle the Intent.


Breaking down application boundaries


Android breaks down the barriers to building new and innovative

applications. For example, a developer can combine information from

the web with data on an individual's mobile phone - such as the user's

contacts, calendar, or geographic location - to provide a more relevant

user experience. With Android, a developer could build an application

that enables users to view the location of their friends and be alerted

when they are in the vicinity giving them a chance to connect.”



Fast & easy application development


Android provides access to a wide range of useful libraries and tools

that can be used to build rich applications. For example, Android

enables developers to obtain the location of the device, and allows

devices to communicate with one another enabling rich peer-to-peer

social applications. In addition, Android includes a full set of tools that

have been built from the ground up alongside the platform providing

developers with high productivity and deep insight into their


Android 提供了丰富的有用的库和工具来建立丰富多彩的应用。




Since the Web 2.0 revolution, making content rich applications within

minutes is no more illusion. Android has brought developing to unknown

speeds. Let me provide an example:

Someday I stumbled over the Buzzword ‘DrivingDirections’ within the



 Thought – done.

Picture 2 Google DrivingDirections implementation in Android


The development process of the application in the picture above took

about 1. hours! (Including the simple user interface and all images you

see). Could one create such a sophisticated application on any other

mobile-platform? – No.




Additionally this application could be enriched with the current GPS-

position of the device within a handful of code-lines.


Google emphasizes Androids power of providing location-based-services.

Google Maps are so neat within Android as if it was just developed for

Android. One can integrate a fully zoom and drag enabled map by adding

just 3(!) characters in the Java-Code of the Android-Default-Application

and 3 lines of XML-Code.

Google 强调Android基于位置服务的权限。Google地图在Android里应用如此容易仿佛它就是为了Android而开发的。人们可以完全集成地图的变焦和拖动只用在默认应用里添加3java代码和3xml代码。

Other nice features that are easy to use with Android are Animations and

media-playback. Since version m5, the Android SDK contains functions

for straight and reverse GeoCoding and in addition to mp3, playback of:

ogg-Vorbis, MIDI and a bunch of other formats.

其他一些用Android容易实现的简单功能有动画和媒体播放,从M5版本开始,Android SDK包含了为正反地理编码和支持mp3播放 ogg-Vorbis,MIDI以及其他一系列播放格式。


The first weeks


Unfortunately the developers had to deal with a not fully implemented

preview-SDK (initially released build: ‘m3-rc20’), where even some key-

parts of the SDK were poorly documented. The lack of documentation

leaded to an explosion of the Android-Developer-Group within the



Sooner or later one had to respect the statement from


If it is not documented it is not meant to work yet.“

Many developers did not realize that fact that the first SDK released were

first-looks or developer-previews, where changes in the API had to be




Another annoying bug was the choppy emulator-sound, which was said

fixed with the release of build ‘m3-rc37a’ about 4 weeks later, but still

happened on some setups up to m5.



Dalvik.equals(Java) == false


Why “Dalvik”? – The Dalvik virtual machine was named by Bornstein after

the fishing village of Dalvík in Eyjafj.reur (Iceland), where some of his

ancestors lived.

为什么叫Dalvik- Dalvik虚拟机是由Bornstein根据冰岛的小渔村Dalvik村命名的,他的祖先曾居住在那里。

As you may have heard of, Dalvik is the name of Android's virtual

machine. It is an interpreter-only virtual machine that executes files in

the Dalvik Executable (*.dex) format, a format that is optimized for

efficient storage and memory-mappable execution. The virtual machine

is register-based, and it can run classes compiled by a Java language

compiler that have been transformed into its native format using the

included "dx" tool. The VM runs on top of a Linux 2.6 kernel, which it

relies on for underlying functionality (such as threading and low level

memory management). The DalvikVM was also optimized to be running

in multiple instances with a very low memory-footprint. Several VMs

protect ones application from being dragged down by another crashed


正如你已经听说过,DalvikAndroid的虚拟机。它是一个解释执行的虚拟机,它执行Dalvik可执行文件(*.dex)格式,一个对有效存储和内存填涂执行优化的格式。这个虚拟机是基于寄存器的,并且它可以执行由java语言编译的类。编译器包含“dx”工具已经被转化为本地格式。虚拟机在Linux 2.6版本内核上运行。它依靠一些基本的功能(比如线程和低水平内存管理)。这个Dalvik虚拟机还优化运行多个实例仅仅使用一个非常低的内存足迹。几个虚拟机保护一些应用防止他们被其他突然崩溃的应用所毁坏。

Differences to a normal JavaVM


JavaVM’s one can find on almost any desktop computer nowadays are

Stack-based Virtual Machines (VM).The DalvikVM on the other hand is

register based, because on mobile-processors are optimized for register-

based execution. Also of register-based VMs allow faster execution times

at the expense of programs which are larger after compilation.




The Android Code Challenge


The Android Code Challenge (ADC) is an idea of Google to encourage the

community to build cool applications for the Android Platform by

rewarding the 50 most promising applications submitted.



Picture 3 Android Developer Challenge Logo

Of course the Android Developers Challenge, with its overall 10 Million

Dollars of prize money, was attracting even more software-developers to

create a bunch of really useful applications. On the other side many

voices said, that this was no good choice from Google, because it would

lead to less code-sharing, as many would fear sharing their ideas with a

community, during the first important months after the SDK release.


There were two Challenges planned:


. Android Developer Challenge I: Submissions up to April 14, 2008

. Android Developer Challenge II: This part will launch after the

first handsets built on the platform become available in the

second half of 2008.





In the Android Developer Challenge I, the 50 most promising entries

submitted by April 14 will each receive a $25,000 award to fund further

development. Those selected will then be eligible for even greater

recognition via ten $275,000 awards and ten $100,000 awards.

Applications submitted to the Challenge were supposed to be innovative

and demonstrate all the capabilities of the Android platform, like location

based services, media consumption, gaming and social networking, to

enrich mobile experience.




Creating Android Applications


In this chapter we will concentrate on the specialties in creating any



Anatomy of an Android Application


There are four building blocks to an Android application:


. Activity

. Intent Receiver

. Service

. Content Provider







Not every application needs to have all four, but your application will be

written with some combination of these.


Once you have decided what components you need for your application,

you should list them in a file called AndroidManifest.xml. This is an

XML file where you declare the components of your application and what

their capabilities and requirements are. We will discuss soon, what the

AndroidManifest.xml is responsible for.

一旦决定您的应用程序需要哪些组件,您应该在一个名为 AndroidManifest.xml 的文件中对其进行列表声明。这是一个声明应用程序组件的功能和需求的XML文件。我们很快就会谈到,AndroidManifest.xml是做什么用的。




Activities are the most common of the four Android building blocks. An

activity is usually a single screen in your application. Each activity is

implemented as a single class that extends the Activity base class. Your

class will display a user interface composed of Views and respond to




Most applications consist of multiple screens. For example, a text

messaging application might have one screen that shows a list of

contacts to send messages to, a second screen to write the message to

the chosen contact, and other screens to review old messages or change

settings. Each of these screens would be implemented as an activity.

Moving to another screen is accomplished by a starting a new activity. In

some cases an Activity may return a value to the previous activity - for example an activity that lets the user pick a photo would return the chosen photo to the caller.

When a new screen opens, the previous screen is paused and put onto a

history stack. The user can navigate backward through previously opened

screens in the history. Screens can also choose to be removed from the

history stack when it would be inappropriate for them to remain.

Android retains history stacks for each application launched from the

home screen.




Intent and Intent Filters


Android uses a special class called Intent to move from screen to

screen. Intent describe what an application wants done. The two most

important parts of the intent data structure are the action and the data

to act upon. Typical values for action are MAIN (the front door of the

application), VIEW, PICK, EDIT, etc. The data is expressed as a Uniform

Resource Indicator (URI). For example, to view a website in the browser,

you would create an Intent with the VIEW action and the data set to a



new Intent(android.content.Intent.VIEW_ACTION,



There is a related class called an IntentFilter. While an intent is

effectively a request to do something, an intent filter is a description of

what intents an activity (or intent receiver, see below) is capable of

handling. An activity that is able to display contact information for a

person would publish an IntentFilter that said that it knows how to

handle the action VIEW when applied to data representing a person.

Activities publish their IntentFilters in the AndroidManifest.xml




一个能够对一个人显示联系人信息的活动会发布一个IntentFilter表示它知道如何处理当代表一个人的操作数据的VIEW的这个动作。活动把他们的IntentFilters声明在AndroidManifest.xml 文件中。


Navigating from screen to screen is accomplished by resolving intents. To

navigate forward, an activity calls startActivity(myIntent). The

system then looks at the intent filters for all installed applications and

picks the activity whose intent filters best matches myIntent. The new

activity is informed of the intent, which causes it to be launched. The

process of resolving intents happens at run time when startActivity is

called, which offers two key benefits:

从页面到页面的导航通过载入intents实现。为了载入下一个页面,一个活动调用函数startActivity(myIntent)。系统将会从相应的intent filters中找出安装了的应用并且选在这些intent filters最适合自己Intent的应用。这个新的活动在这个intent中声明并启动。解析intents的过程发生在startActivity调用时,提供了两个比较方便的应用:


. Activities can reuse functionality from other components simply

by making a request in the form of an Intent

. Activities can be replaced at any time by a new Activity with an

equivalent IntentFilter




Intent Receiver


You can use an IntentReceiver when you want code in your

application to execute in reaction to an external event, for example,

when the phone rings, or when the data network is available, or when it's

midnight. Intent receivers do not display a UI, although they may display

Notifications to alert the user if something interesting has


当你想要在你的应用程序中编码来对一个外部事件做出响应,可以用一个IntentReceiver 。比如,当电话铃响起时或者当数据网络可以使用时,或者当半夜来临时。虽然Intent receivers可以能显示通知提醒用户如果有一些用户感兴趣的事情发生了,但是它们不会显示一个用户界面。

Intent receivers are also registered in

AndroidManifest.xml, but you can also register them from code

using Context.registerReceiver(). Your application does not

have to be running for its intent receivers to be called; the system will

start your application, if necessary, when an intent receiver is triggered.

Applications can also send their own intent broadcasts to others with


Intent receivers也会在AndroidManifest.xml中进行声明,但是您也可以在代码中声明,调用语句Context.registerReceiver()。您的应用程序并不是必须运行所谓的intent receivers;系统将会启动您的应用程序,如果有必要的话,一个intent receiver会被触发。应用程序也可以发送给其他intent一个广播用Context.broadcastIntent()




A Service is code that is long-lived and runs without a UI. A good

example of this is a media player playing songs from a play list. In a

media player application, there would probably be one or more activities

that allow the user to choose songs and start playing them. However, the

music playback itself should not be handled by an activity because the

user will expect the music to keep playing even after navigating to a new



 In this case, the media player activity could start a service using

Context.startService() to run in the background to keep the

music going.


The system will then keep the music playback service

running until it has finished. (You can learn more about the priority given

to services in the system by reading Life Cycle of an Android Application.)

Note that you can connect to a service (and start it if it's not already

running) with the Context.bindService() method. When

connected to a service, you can communicate with it through an

interface exposed by the service. For the music service, this might allow

you to pause, rewind, etc.


Content Provider


Applications can store their data in files, a SQLite database, preferences

or any other mechanism that makes sense. A content provider, however,

is useful if you want your application's data to be shared with other

applications. A content provider is a class that implements a standard set

of methods to let other applications store and retrieve the type of data

that is handled by that content provider.

应用程序可以把他们的数据保存在文件,SQLite数据库,首选项或者其他有意义的机制里。如果您想要您的应用程序数据与其他应用程序共享,那么一个content provider无疑是有用的。一个content provider就是一个类,实现一组标准的方法使其他应用程序通过自己的content provider存储和检索自己的数据

Android User Interfaces

Android 用户界面

User Interfaces (UI) in Android can be built within two ways, by defining

XML-Code or by writing Java-Code. Defining the GUI structure in XML is

highly preferable, because as one knows from the Model-Viewer-Control

principle that the UI should always be separated from the program-logic.

Additionally adapting a program from one screen-resolution to another is

a lot easier.


Defining a UI in XML is very similar to creating a common HTML-

document, where you have i.e. such a simple file:




<title>Page Title</title>



The content of the body element.



Just the same as in Android’s XML-Layouts. Everything is well structured

and can be expressed by tree-structures:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>









android:text="Hello World"/>



Hierarchy of Screen Elements


The basic functional unit of an Android application is the activity-an

object of the class An activity can do many

things, but by itself it does not have a presence on the screen. To give

your activity a screen presence and design its UI, you work with views

and viewgroups - basic units of user interface expression on the Android







A view is an object extending the base class android.view.View. It's

a data structure whose properties store the layout and content for a

specific rectangular area of the screen. A View object handles measuring,

its layout, drawing, focus changes, scrolling, and key/gestures for the

screen area it represents.


The View class serves as a base class for all widgets - a set of fully

implemented subclasses that draw interactive screen elements. Widgets

handle their own measuring and drawing, so you can use them to build

your UI more quickly. The list of widgets available includes i.e. TextView,

EditText, Button, RadioButton, Checkbox, ScrollView, …


widgets处理自己的测量和绘图,因此您可以使用它们更快地构建您的用户界面。可用的widgets控件包括TextView, EditText, Button, RadioButton, Checkbox, ScrollView,


A viewgroup is an object of class android.view.Viewgroup. As its

name indicates, a viewgroup is a special type of view object whose

function is to contain and manage a subordinate set of views and other

viewgroups, Viewgroups let you add structure to your UI and build up

complex screen elements that can be addressed as a single entity.

The Viewgroup class serves as a base class for layouts - a set of fully

implemented subclasses that provide common types of screen layout.

The layouts give you a way to build a structure for a set of views.

viewgroup是从基类android.view. Viewgroup扩展出来的一个对象。正如其名字我们可以猜测,一个viewgroup就是一个特殊类型的view对象,功能就是包含和管理从属的viewsviewgroupsViewgroups可以将结构添加到您的用户界面,并建立可作为单个实体的复杂的屏幕元素。Viewgroup就用作是一个基类,用于布局-完全实现一般的屏幕布局的子类。这个布局给了你一种方法来建立一个view的结构。


A Tree-Structured UI


On the Android platform, you define an Activity's UI using a tree of view

and viewgroup nodes, as shown in the diagram below. The tree can be as

simple or complex as you need to make it, and you can build it up using

Android's set of predefined widgets and layouts or custom view types

that you create yourself.

Android平台上,您定义一个活动的用户界面用棵树的view viewgroup 节点,来在下面显示图标。树可以是简单或者复杂都由您自己决定,您可以用Android的预定义的widgets和布局或者您自己创建的自定义视图类来建立它。

Picture 4 Android UI - Tree structure

To attach the tree to the screen for rendering, your Activity calls its

setContentView() method and passes a reference to the root node

object. Once the Android system has the reference to the root node

object, it can work directly with the node to invalidate, measure, and

draw the tree. When your Activity becomes active and receives focus, the

system notifies your activity and requests the root node to measure and

draw the tree. The root node then requests that its child nodes draw

themselves - in turn, each viewgroup node in the tree is responsible for

drawing its direct children.



As mentioned previously, each view group has the responsibility of

measuring its available space, laying out its children, and calling draw()

on each child to let it render itself. The children may request a size and

location in the parent, but the parent object has the final decision on

where how big each child can be.

  正如前面提到的,每个view group将有责任测量其可用空间,画出其子级布局,对每一个子布局调用draw()。子布局可以在父布局里请求一个空间和位置,但是父对象有最终决定权决定每个孩子有多大。



Comparing Android UI Elements to Swing UI Elements

比较Android UI元素和Swing UI元素

As some developers who are reading this have probably coded UIs with

Swing before here are some similarities between Android and Swing.


. Activities in Android refers almost to a (J)Frame in Swing.

. Views in Android refers to (J)Components in Swing.

. TextViews in Android refers to a (J)Labels in Swing.

. EditTexts in Android refers to a (J)TextFields in Swing.

. Buttons in Android refers to a (J)Buttons in Swing.






Setting listeners to a View is nearly the same in Android than in Swing.



// Android

myView.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){ ...

// Swing

myButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {...


The AndroidManifest.xml


The AndroidManifest.xml is a required file for every Android

application. It is located in the root folder of the application, and

describes global values for your package, including the application

components (activities, services, etc) that the package exposes to the

outer world’, what kind of data each of our Activities and co. can handle,

and how they can be launched.

AndroidManifest.xml是一个对于每一个Android 应用都需要的。它位于应用的根目录,并且说明了为你的软件的全球的一个值。包括应用程序组件(活动,服务等),包公开向外部世界包括了每一个活动处理什么数据并且他们应该怎么运行。

An important thing to mention of this file are its so called IntentFilters.

These filters describe where and when that activity can be started. When

an activity (or the operating system) wants to perform an action such as

open a Web page or open a contact picker screen, it creates an Intent



This Intent-object can hold several information describing what

you want to do, what data is needed to accomplish it and other bits of

information. Android compares the information in an Intent object with

the intent filter exposed by every application and finds the activity most

appropriate to handle the data or action specified by the caller. If there it

more than one application capable of handling that Intent, the user gets

asked, which app he would prefer handling it.

此目的对象可以保存几个要做的信息描述,需要哪些数据完成它和其他一些信息。Android intent中的信息对象与每一个应用程序的intent filter进行比较并且找出最适合处理这个数据的程序,或者调用者定义的特殊动作来处理。如果有超过一个应用程序恩能够处理这个Intent,用户将会获取到一个询问,让他选择一个应用程序来处理。

Besides declaring your application's Activities, Content Providers,

Services, and Intent Receivers, you can also specify permissions in


除了声明您的应用程序的Activities, Content Providers, Services, Intent Receivers,你也可以在AndroidManifest.xml定义权限。




A very simple AndroidManifest.xml looks like this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<manifest xmlns:android=""


<application android:icon="@drawable/icon">

<activity android:name=".Hello_Android"



<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />






. Almost every AndroidManifest.xml (as well as many other

Android XML files) will include the namespace declaration




in its first element. This makes a variety of standard Android

attributes available in the file, which will be used to supply most

of the data for elements in that file.



. Almost every manifest includes a single <application> tag,

which itself contains several tags describing Applications,

IntentReceivers, etc… that are available in this application.

. If you want to make an Activity launchable directly through the

user, you will need to make it support the MAIN action and

LAUNCHER category, what result as shown here:

几乎每个清单包含一个单一的 <application>标记,而其本身包含几个关键词描述 IntentReceivers,等可在的应用</application> 的此应用程序中,这个程序中可用的IntentReceivers等等。

如果你想让一个应用可以直接通过用户执行,你需要让它支持MAIN动作和LAUNCHER 类别,这将会有如下的结果:




Picture 5 Directly launchable Activity


What follows is a detailed list of the structure of an

AndroidManifest file, describing all available <tags>, with an

Example for each:




This is the root node of each AndroisManifest.xml. It contains the

package-attribute, which points to any package in out Activity. Other

Activities-path will base relative to its value.


<manifest xmlns:android=""





Describes a security permission, which your package must be

granted in order for it to operate correctly (i.e. when you want to send

SMS or use the Phone-Contacts). The permissions get granted by the user

during installation of your application. Quantity: 0+


<uses-permission android:name=" android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS"/>




Declares a security permission that can be used to restrict which

applications can access components or features in your (or another)

package. Quantity: 0+




Declares the code of an instrumentation component that is

available to test the functionality of this or another package. See

Instrumentation for more details. Quantity: 0+





Root element containing declarations of the application-level

components contained in the package. This element can also include

global and/or default attributes for the application, such as a label, icon,

theme, required permission, etc. Quantity: 0 or 1.


<application android:icon="@drawable/icon">



You can place 0+of each of the following children:




An Activity is the primary thing for an application to

interact with the user. The initial screen the user sees when

launching an application is an activity, and most other screens

they use will be implemented as separate activities declared with

additional activity tags.


<activity android:name=".Welcome" android:label="@string/app_name">


 Note: Every Activity must have an <activity> tag in the

manifest whether it is exposed to the world or intended for use

only within its own package. If an Activity has no matching tag

in the manifest, you won't be able to launch it.

Optionally, to support late runtime lookup, you can

include 1+ <intent-filter> elements to describe the actions the

activity supports.




Declares what kind of Intents a component

supports. In addition to the various kinds of values that

can be specified under this element, attributes can be

given here to supply a unique label, icon, and other

information for the action being described.






An action-type that the component

supports. Example:

<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />




A category-type that the component

supports. Example:

<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />




An MIME type, URI scheme, URI

authority, or URI path that the component


You can also associate 1+ pieces of meta-

data with your activity:

一个MIME 类型URI 方案,URI 机构或组件支持的 URI 路径。



Adds a new piece of meta data to the activity,

which clients can retrieve through





An IntentReceiver allows an application to be told

about changes to data or actions that happen, even if it is not

currently running. As with the activity tag, you can optionally

include 1+ <intent-filter> elements that the receiver

supports or <meta-data> values, just all the same as with


一个 IntentReceiver 允许讲数据或执行,操作的更改,即使它当前没有运行。


<receiver android:name=".SMSReceiver">


A Service is a component that can run in the background

for an arbitrary amount of time. As with the activity tag, you can

optionally include one or more <intent-filter> elements that the

service supports or <meta-data> values; see the activity's

<intent-filter> and <meta-data> descriptions for more






A ContentProvider is a component that manages

persistent data and publishes it for access by other applications.

You can also optionally attach one or more <meta-data> values,

as described in the activity's <meta-data> description.

Of course all <tags> have to be </closed> or closed



Resources and the magic


The resources of a project and the are very close related.




Resources are external files (non-code files) that are used by your code

and compiled into your application at build time. Android supports a

number of different kinds of resource files, including XML, PNG, and JPEG

files. The XML files have very different formats depending on what they


Resources are externalized from source code, and XML files are compiled

into a binary, fast loading format for efficiency reasons. Strings are

compressed into a more efficient storage form.


List of resources


Resource-types and where to place them:


. layout-files . “/res/layout/”

. images . “/res/drawable/”

. animations . “/res/anim/”

. styles, strings and arrays . “/res/values/”

o Names do not have to be exactly like:

o ‘arrays.xml’ to define arrays

o ‘colors.xml’ to define colors




o ‘dimens.xml’ to define dimensions

o ‘strings.xml’ to define strings

o ‘styles.xml’ to define style objects



. raw files like mp3s or videos . “/res/raw/”


Using resources in code


Using resources in code is just a matter of knowing the full resource ID

and what type of object your resource has been compiled into. Here is

the syntax for referring to a resource:






Where resource_type is the R subclass that holds a specific type of

resource.resource_name is the name attribute for resources

defined in XML files, or the file name (without the extension) for

resources defined by other file types.


Each type of resource will be added

to a specific R subclass, depending on the type of resource it is.

每种类型的资源将被添加到一个特定 R 子类,这取决于它是的资源的类型。

Resources compiled by your own application can be referred to without a

package name (simply as R.resource_type.resource_name).


Android contains a number of standard resources, such as screen styles

and button backgrounds. To refer to these in code, you must qualify

them with android, as for example in:






Referencing Resources


A value supplied in an attribute (or resource) can also be a reference to

another resource. This is often used in layout files to supply strings (so

they can be localized) and images (which exist in another file), though a

reference can be any resource type including colors and integers.

For example, if we have color resources, we can write a layout file that

sets the text color size to be the value contained in one of those







android:text="Hello, World!" />

Note here the use of the '@' prefix to introduce a resource reference --

the text following that is the name of a resource in the form of

@[package:]type/name. In this case we didn't need to specify the

package because we are referencing a resource in our own package. To

reference a system resource, you would need to write:






android:text="Hello, World!" />

As another example, you should always use resource references when

supplying strings in a layout file so that they can be localized:






android:text="@string/hello_world" />




Alternate Resources & Localization


Alternate Resources and Localization is a very useful issue you will love

Android for. Expect you would have to design a GUI that fits landscape

and portrait screen-orientation well at the same time – that is almost



You can supply different resources for your application according to the

UI language or hardware configuration of the device. Note that

Even though you can include different string, layout, and all other

resources, the SDK does not expose methods to let you specify which

alternate resource set to be used. Android detects the proper set for the

hardware and location, and loads them as appropriate.



Only the user can select alternate language settings using the settings panel on the device.

To include alternate resources, create parallel resource folders with

dash-separated qualifiers appended to the folder names, indicating the

configuration it applies to (language, screen orientation, dpi, resolution,



For example, here is a project differs between differs between English

and German value-resources (here only strings):








Android supports several types of qualifiers, with various values for each.

Append these to the end of the resource folder name, separated by

dashes. You can add multiple qualifiers to each folder name, but they

must appear in the order they are listed here. For example, a folder

containing drawable resources for a fully specified configuration would

look like:

Android 支持集中类型的定义限定符,每一种使用不同的资源。将这些添加到文件夹名结尾,用短划线分隔开。您可以将多个限定符添加到每个文件夹名,但是它们必须按它们列出的顺序出现。比如文件夹包含drawable资源的完全指定配置如下所示:





More typically, you will only specify a few specific configuration options

that a resource is defined for. You may drop any of the values from the

complete list, as long as the remaining values are still in the same order:








Android will pick which of the various underlying resource files fits best

during runtime, depending on the current device-configuration.


The magic


A project's is an auto-generated file indexing all the resources of

your project. You use this class in your source code as a sort of short-

hand way to refer to resources you've included in your project. This is

particularly powerful with the code-completion features of IDEs like

Eclipse because it lets you quickly and interactively locate the specific

reference you're looking for. Additionally you gain compile-time safety that the resource you want to use really exists.







Hello World – The Android way.


In this very first tutorial one will learn how to create an Android

Application using a XML layout. Keep in mind that, using XML-Layouts is

highly preferable!

What it will finally look like:



Picture 6 First Android Application - Final look (sdk-version: m5)

But before all that one needs to download and install the Android SDK…



Installing the Android SDK


The latest Android SDK for Windows, Mac and Linux can always be

obtained from the following URI:

It only needs to be downloaded and unzipped to your preferred hdd-



The Android Development Tools (ADT)


Android provides an Eclipse plugin called ‘ADT’ to make programming

and debugging easier.

The ADT provides easy access to the LogCat, the Android-

Manifest/Resource-Editor, File, Thread, and Heap Control, incoming

call/sms simulation, etc… – since SDK-version m5 all for multiple

emulator instances at the same time.


Installing the Eclipse Plugin (ADT)


To download and install the ADT plugin, follow the steps Google provides

to developers:


1. Start Eclipse, then select Help > Software Updates > Find and


2. In the dialog that appears, select Search for new features to

install and press Next.

3. Press New Remote Site.

4. In the resulting dialog box, enter a name for the remote site (e.g.

Android Plugin) and enter this as its URL:

Press OK.


5. You should now see the new site added to the search list (and

checked). Press Finish.




6. In the subsequent Search Results dialog box, select the checkbox

for Android Plugin > Developer Tools. This will check both

features: "Android Developer Tools", and "Android Editors". The

Android Editors feature is optional, but recommended. If you

choose to install it, you need the WST plugin mentioned earlier in

this page.



Now press Next.


7. Read the license agreement and then select Accept terms of the

license agreement, if appropriate. Press Next.

8. Press Finish.

9. The ADT plugin is not signed; you can accept the installation

anyway by pressing Install All.

10. Restart Eclipse.

11. After restart, update your Eclipse preferences to point to the

SDK directory:

a. Select Window > Preferences... to open the Preferences

panel. (Mac OS X: Eclipse > Preferences)

b. Select Android from the left panel.

c. For the SDK Location in the main panel, press Browse...

and locate the SDK directory.

d. Press Apply, then OK.





Updating the ADT Plugin


Updating the ADT Plugin follows the standard procedure of upgrading a

common Eclipse plugin:


1. Select Help > Software Updates > Find and Install....

2. Select Search for updates of the currently installed features and

press Finish.

3. If any update for ADT is available, select and install.






Installation done, let’s do some code


Before we can start coding we obviously have to create a new Android



Creating a new Android Project


1. The first thing that needs to be for every Android Application is

to create a new Android Project. To do that, simply open

the Package Exlporer in Eclipse right-click on some blank space

and choose:



New > Project…



Picture 7 First Android Application - Step 1


2. Select:



Android > Android Project



 Picture 8 First Android Application - Step 2


3. Fill out the form with values fitting your applications purpose...




Picture 9 First Android Application - Step 3



4. This are all the files for your first Android-Application (don't

panic, mostly all of them are resource-files)




Picture 10 First Android Application - Step 4


Huh, what are all that files supposed to do ?


As you now have created your first Android Project you will see a bunch

of files appear in that new project.


The Main Activity


 You’ll see some default code like the following, when you now navigate





import android.os.Bundle;

public class Hello_Android extends Activity {

/** Called when the activity is first created. */


public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {


/* Make this application use

* the main.xml-layout-file. */








We could now immediately our Application but let me explain of the

other files too.


The XML-Layout (main.xml)


The ADT created this very basic Activity for you. As we know Activities

are somehow like JFrames in Swing. In Android we extend from Activity

and need to overwrite a single function, called onCreate(…). Within

this function we have to call i.e.

setContentView(R.layout.main)which makes our Activity use

the main.xml which was also created by the ADT:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>









android:text="Hello World, Hello_Android"/>


We have a ‘fullscreen’ vertical LinearLayout, that contains a single

TextView showing a pre-defined String.


The AndroidManifest.xml


So let’s face the AndroidManifest.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<manifest xmlns:android=""


<application android:icon="@drawable/icon">

<activity android:name=".Hello_Android"



<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />


android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />







Let’s split that up…

Every xml-file starts with the following line, it defines the xml-version and

encoding-type of the xml-text. Just copy-paste it to every new file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

As we know the outermost tag in every xml-file should contain this



Because it makes a variety of general Android attributes available in the


<manifest xmlns:android=""




The <application> tag is the root element containing declarations of

all application-level components contained in the package. This element

can also include global and/or default attributes for the application, such

as a label, icon, theme, required permission, etc…

Here we define just the icon, by making a ‘@-refer’ to a image placed

under "/res/drawable/".

<application android:icon="@drawable/icon">



Inside of the <application> tag we need to define all

Activities/IntentReceivers that need to be started via Intents. In this case

we have only one simple Activity.

<activity android:name=".Hello_Android"







You probably have recognizes that the package-attribute from the

<manifest> tag together with the android:name attribute from

the <activity> tag always result in the complete package-path to the

Activity described.

The innermost tag is the <intent-filter> tag which defines on

which Intents we want to listen. Here we want the Hello_Android Activity

launchable from within the emulator by clicking the icon (that was

defined in the <application> tag).


<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />


android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />



 Note: The debugging-process with a Android Application is

exactly the same than with a normal Java Application.










Running your first application


Now we need to create a ‘-Configuration’. Open the -DropDown in

the Eclipses upper menu and Click "Open Run Dialog..."



Picture 11 Opening the run-dialog



Picture 12 Creating a run-configuration





From now on you can run your application by clicking the button.

Having done that you’ll see this:



Picture 13 First Android Application - The result (sdk-version m5)

After the first deploy you can also see your application being listed in the

quick-menu, displayed with the default icon:



Picture 14 First Android Application - Added to QuickMenu (sdk-version m5)





UIs the Java way


The same thing as we have just done with XML-Code can be achieved by

hacking some lines of Java-Code.

Remember how we set our main.xml as the ContentView in the xml-

example. We accomplished that by doing the following:

/* Make this application use

* the main.xml-layout-file. */


Activity.setContentView(…) also accepts a View as the

parameter. We will use that to set a simple TextView as our




import android.os.Bundle;

import android.widget.TextView;

public class Hello_Android extends Activity {

/** Called when the activity is first created. */


public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {


/* We want to view some very simple text,

* so we need a TextView associated with this Activity. */

TextView tv = new TextView(this);

/* Put some text to the newly created TextView */

tv.setText("Hello Android - by: /n" +

"This is soooo simple =D ");

/* Tell our Activity to display that TextView */








System.out.println(…) ?


Debugging in Android cannot be done using

System.out.println(…) because as we know Android is not

running on a normal VM but inside of emulated hardware on the

DalvikVM. ( To be honest, it can be done but is should definitely be not

your choice)

But don’t worry, Android provides a much more powerful debugging

feature – The LogCat.


The LogCat


The LogCat is a part of the DDMS (Dalvik Debug Monitor service) that

provides a mechanism for collecting and viewing system debug output.

Logs from various applications and portions of the system are collected in

the LogCat, which then can be viewed and filtered.


If you cannot see A, do it the B way.

Picture 15 Opening the DDMS View


Using the LogCat


Every Android log message has a tag and a priority associated with it.





The tag of a log message is a short string indicating the system

component from which the message originates (for example, "View" for

the view system).

The priority is one of the following character values, ordered from lowest

to highest priority:


. V — Verbose (lowest priority)

. D — Debug

. I — Info

. W — Warning

. E — Error (highest priority)



As we are using Eclipse we can simply filter by priority clicking the “V-D-I-

W-E” Buttons in the LogCat View one can also see below. You’ll love the

ADT plugin for that feature, because, in the masses of output the whole

system generates, it is really hard to find anything without filters.



Picture 16 The LogCat

The usage in the code is pretty simple. You need to make a single import:

import android.util.Log;

Then you are able to use debugging statements, like this:

Log.d("DEBUGTAG", "My debug-message.");



When some critical things happened you can pass the

Throwable/Exception to Log.e(…),to get the StackTrace printed

to the LogCat:


throw new Exception();

}catch(Exception e){

Log.e("DEBUGTAG","Error occured", e);





Using Intents


As we know things needed to be done are expressed by Intents. Intents

can i.e. be used to start other Activities.


Starting (Sub)Activities


An essential thing in the lifetime of an application, that is more

sophisticated than a HelloWorld Application, is to start other Activities,

especially SubActivitites. Let’s assume the following scenario:

We want to have something like an InputDialog where the user can write

a keyword he wants to search on Google for.

So we will create a new Android Project as we already did it before. The

first thing we will do is to add a second Activity we will name


In the beginning the code shall look like this:

package org.anddev.andbook.startingsubactivities;


import android.os.Bundle;

public class MySecondActivity extends Activity {

/** Called when the activity is first created. */


public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {










We now will add a Button to the first Activity. We do that by altering the

main.xml, of course, and not by switching to a Java UI.

Browse to “/res/layout/main.xml” and you will see code similar

to this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>





android:layout_height="fill_parent" >




android:text="Hello World, StartingSubactivities" />


Note: maybe Eclipse opened the main.xml with its default xml-Editor which is

not of any use for us. Since SDK-version m5 the ADT plugin provides a

Resource-Editor with Syntax-Highlighting.



Picture 17 Opening the Resource Editor

If we would start the Application right now it would look like this:




Picture 18 Layout default (sdk-version m5)




As we want to have a Button in our application, we will have to come up

with some xml-code:




android:text="Open Search-Dialog" />

As one can imagine, “fill_parent” makes a View us all space the

parent View provides and “wrap_content” uses just as much layout

space as it needs to display its content correctly.

So our button will fill the whole screen in width and wrap around the

Open Search-Dialog” we typed for the android:text attribute.

Our application now looks like this:



Picture 19 Layout with Button (sdk-version m5)

When we now click the button – nothing happens, of course. We will

have to apply a Listener to be specific an OnClickListener to Handle clicks

to this Buttons.

But wait… how can we refer to that Button in Java Code ?





Finding XML-defined Views in Java-Code


To find a View that was defined in XML we first have to add one single

line to the XML-definition of that View, an android:id attribute. In

this case we will give it the id “btn_open_search”:





android:text="Open Search-Dialog" />

Finding that View in Java Code is same easy. Within an Activity you can

use the findViewById(int resourceID) method, to get a

reference to a View using the android:id that has been defined in


The same can be done with any other class that extends View, i.e.

EditText, TextView, MapView, etc…


 But findViewById(…) can only be used with Views that are

placed within the Layout that was loaded to that Activity using


Coming back to our example, we add the following in Code to

onCreate(…), right after the setContentView(…):

/* Find the Button from our XML-layout. */

Button b = (Button)this.findViewById(;

If Eclipse cannot find i.e. the Button-Class, just hit ‘CTRL+SHIFT+O’

what will organize the imports and automatically add (in this case):

import android.widget.Button;





Handling Clicks to Views


We now remember that we once wanted to make our button

clickable. Therefore we simply set an anonymous OnClickListener

to our Button:

b.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){

public void onClick(View arg0) {

// Place code to handle Button-Click here.



Note: Eclipse might not recognize the following import by itself:

import android.view.View.OnClickListener;

Now we will add an Intent to the onClick-Event that will start our


/* Create an Intent to start

* MySecondActivity. */

Intent i = new Intent(



/* Send intent to the OS to make

* it aware that we want to start

* MySecondActivity as a SubActivity. */

startSubActivity(i, 0x1337);

The second parameter of startSubActivity can be any unique

Integer. It will get useful later on (then we will be placing it declared as

final to our Activity), when we want to retrieve a result from the







If we would now run our code and click our button we would receive the

following error-message:



Picture 20 Activity not defined in AndroidManifest.xml


 Note: Some of the messages shown are really helpful, read them.

So we need to define our “MySecondActivity” in the

AndroidManiufest.xml too. Just after the first </activity> tag

we write:

<activity android:name=".MySecondActivity"




android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />


android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />



This time we did not choose “…MAIN” for <action> and

“…LAUNCHER” for <category> because there is no need to get

MySecondActivity” launched from outside of our Application.





MySecondActivity” is now reachable through a click to the button,

but it also refers to our main.xml:


So we have to create an additional layout file for

MySecondActivity”. It will contain a so called EditText what in

Swing jargon would be a TextField and another Button to return to

our “Main”-Activity:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>





android:layout_height="fill_parent" >









android:text="Submit" />


Of course both need an android:id that we can use the in our

JavaCode. Now we can change the setContentView of

MySecondActivity” to:

/* Get the EditText from the XML-file. */

this.et_keyword = (EditText)this.findViewById(;

/* Get the return-Button from the XML-file. */

Button b = (Button)this.findViewById(;

/* Make that Button handle clicks to itself. */

b.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){

public void onClick(View arg0) {

/* Place code to handle Button-Click here. */






Returning values from SubActivities


Returning values from SubActivities to the caller is also very simple:

/* Retrieve the Text from the EditText. */

String keyword =


/* The parameters passed to this function

* will be available to the caller. */

MySecondActivity.this.setResult(1, keyword);

/* Our Activity is done and shall be closed. */


One could additionally pass a so called Bundle back to the caller (what

is more or less a HashMap), but I’ll tell you more of that soon.

Obviously the caller has to react on the fact that the SubActivity decided

to return. To accomplish that, we have to override a single method

coming from the Activity class. It is called onActivityResult(…):


protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode,

String data, Bundle extras) {

/* Place out code to react on Activity-Result here. */

super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data, extras);


You probably recognized that the first parameter is called

requestCode – yes it is the same requestCode that we passed to

startSubActivity earlier. So if we have more than one SubActivity,

we can use requestCode to differentiate which SubActivity has just


Tipp: Eclipse provides a very useful function that you’ll learn to love,

especially if you are extending a base-class and search for methods to





Picture 21 Using Eclipse to find methods to override

So now we can simply switch on the requestCode and create another

Intent to do the Google-search.

/* Check which SubActivity returned.

* (Here we have only one.) */



/* Create a new Intent to

* show the Google-Search Page

* with the keyword returned. */

Intent webIntent = new Intent(


Uri.parse("" + data));




As you probably have recognized this time we are creating the Intent

another way. Last time we said like: “We want to start XYZ.class“,

but this time we describe what we want to get done. We want to VIEW a

URI (Uniform Resource Indicator), which can be constructed by using i.e.


Our Application is now capable of starting a (Sub)Activity, grabbing its

results and launching the Browser using an Intent.

But how to pass data to a (Sub)Activity?



Passing Data to (Sub)Activities


Passing data to (Sub)Activities is, once again, not hard to manage. One

can use so called Bundles, which are more or less ordinary HashMap’s

that can take only trivial data types, to carry information from one

Activity to another. Just remember where we started our SubActivity in

the last chapter:

/* Create an Intent to start

* MySecondActivity. */

Intent i = new Intent(



/* Send intent to the OS to make

* it aware that we want to start

* MySecondActivity as a SubActivity. */

startSubActivity(i, 0x1337);

Right between these two lines, we will put the following:

/* Create a bundle which will be

* attached to the Intent, to carry

* information to our SubActivity. */

Bundle b = new Bundle();

b.putString(MY_DEFAULTSTRING_ID, "");

/* Attach Bundle to our Intent. */


Where MY_DEFAULTSTRING_ID can be any identifying String you can

imagine. There is also a method Intent.putExtra(…,…) which takes only

one information each call, which we could have used also.





Now we have to extract that information within our SubActivity. Every

Activity can access the original Intent it was started with, by calling

getIntent(). If there was a Bundle attached to the Intent we can

grab that by using getIntent().getExtras(). In this case we, we

will fill the EditText, where the user would type the keyword(s) with

the DefaultString we passed over the Intent :



/* Get the Bundle from the Intent

* this Activity was started with.*/

Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();

/* Extract the default keyword

* by using the public ID we

* defined in the caller. */

String default_keyword = bundle.getString(


/* Get the EditText from the XML-file. */

this.et_keyword = (EditText)this.findViewById(;

/* Set the default keyword to the EditText. */


/* Get the return-Button from the XML-file. */


So let’s resume what you have learned up to here:


. Create an simple Application using a XML Layout

. Do the same with a Java-based Layout

. Run Android Applications

. Using the LogCat for debugging purpose

. Use Intents to start (Sub)Activities

. Find Views defined in XML to use them in Java Code

. Handle Clicks to Views

. Return values from SubActivities

. Pass data to SubActivities using Bundles





Not bad for now .




Important Layouts and ViewGroups


Android provides many more Layouts than just the LinearLayout we used

up to here. The most important Layouts, except LinearLayout, you will

get to know closer here are:


. RelativeLayout (Views are placed relative to each other)

. TableLayout (Uses tables like in HTML)



Additionally to that I will introduce to you the following really often used



. GridView (similar to TableLayout, supports ‘Adapters’)

. ScrollView (If your content exceeds the screen-size, you’ll need

to scroll)

. TabHost (Displays content in tabs)



The RelativeLayout


According to its name, when using RelativeLayouts one defines the

position of Views relative to other ‘neighbors-Views’.








1. Open Hanset Alliance. Open Hanset Alliance. [Online]


2. GoogleGroups. Android Discussion Groups. [Online]


3. Alexa Webstats. The Web Information Company. [Online]


4. Gramlich, Nicolas. Android Development Community | Android

Tutorials. [Online]


5. Hobbs, Zach. Hello Android. [Online]


6. Nguyen, Vincent. Android Community. [Online]


7. Srinivas, Davanum. Show me the code! [Online]






Lost chapters


The communities


From the first day on, a couple of communities arose from the depth of

the internet. The most important community-website to mention

(depending on Alexa-stats (3)) is (4) , which is the most

viewed Tutorial/Community-Board for Google Android up to date. Also

well known are the Community-Boards: (5) and (6). Last but definitely not least to mention is the (7), which provided some very early

sample code where many programmers found a good first source.

Some sites were more, some less promising, so sooner or later the

viewers pointed their focus to the more-important sites listed above.



andbook - Android 编程 中文翻译版 时间:2009年5月9日凌晨3:09 译者:地狱怒兽单位:重庆邮电大学 目录序言/如何阅读本文……………………… 5 介绍……………………………………… 6 什么是Android --一款GPhone?……… 7 俯瞰Android………………………………………… 8 开放性……………………………………………………………………… 8 所有应用程序都是平等地创建………………………………………… 9 打破应用程序局限……………………………………………………… 9 快速& 简单的应用程序开发………………………………………… 9 第一周……………………………………………… 12 Dalvik.equals(Java)==false……………………………… 13 与普通Java 虚拟机的差异…………………………………………… 13 Android Code Challenge……………… 14 创建Android 应用程序…………………15 剖析一个Android 应用程序……………………… 15 Activity…………………………………………………………………15 Intent Receiver…………………………………………………………17 Service…………………………………………………………………17 Content Provider………………………………………………………18 Android 用户界面………………………………… 19 屏幕元素层次…………………………………………………………19 Android UI 元素与Swing UI 元素比较………………………………22 AndroidManifest.xml 文件………………23 一般的……………………………………………… 24 <manifest>……………………………………………………………… 25 <uses-permission>……………………………………………………… 25 <permission>……………………………………………………………
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