if __name__ == '__main__':
inputs = input().split(" ")
A1 = "0"
hasA1 = False
A2 = "0"
hasA2 = False
flag2 = 1
A3 = "0"
hasA3 = False
num4 = 0
A4 = "0"
hasA4 = False
A5 = "0"
hasA5 = False
for i in range(1, len(inputs)):
if int(inputs[i]) % 5 == 0 and int(inputs[i]) % 2 == 0:
A1 = str(int(A1) + int(inputs[i]))
hasA1 = True
elif int(inputs[i]) % 5 == 1:
A2 = str(int(A2) + (flag2 * int(inputs[i])))
flag2 *= -1
hasA2 = True
elif int(inputs[i]) % 5 == 2:
A3 = str(int(A3) + 1)
hasA3 = True
elif int(inputs[i]) % 5 == 3:
A4 = str(int(A4) + int(inputs[i]))
num4 += 1
hasA4 = True
elif int(inputs[i]) % 5 == 4:
A5 = str(max(int(inputs[i]), int(A5)))
hasA5 = True
if A1 == "0" and not hasA1:
A1 = "N"
if A2 == "0" and not hasA2:
A2 = "N"
if A3 == "0" and not hasA3:
A3 = "N"
if A4 == "0" and not hasA4:
A4 = "N"
A4 = str(round(int(A4) / num4, 1))
if A5 == "0" and not hasA5:
A5 = "N"
print("%s %s %s %s %s" % (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5))