



  1. s.initDiscoveryService(args) 该方法有什么用
  2. serviceEntryHandler 外部服务注册后触发的事件
  3. workloadEntryHandler内部服务注册后触发的事件
  4. initMulticluster 对集群原生资源的管理




  1. 创建一个grpc服务器.
  2. 为其添加一个handler,istio-proxy调用该handler进行服务注册功能.
  3. 将上游建立的连接存储到XDS中.


func (s *Server) initDiscoveryService(args *PilotArgs) {
    // 这里会在启动的时候运行,下文会重点讲解xdsserver的start
	s.addStartFunc(func(stop <-chan struct{}) error {
		log.Infof("Starting ADS server")
		return nil
    // 创建grpc服务并注册handler
	if args.ServerOptions.GRPCAddr != "" {
		s.grpcAddress = args.ServerOptions.GRPCAddr
	} else {
		// This happens only if the GRPC port (15010) is disabled. We will multiplex
		// it on the HTTP port. Does not impact the HTTPS gRPC or HTTPS.
		log.Info("multiplexing gRPC on http addr ", args.ServerOptions.HTTPAddr)
		s.MultiplexGRPC = true
func (s *Server) initGrpcServer(options *istiokeepalive.Options) {
	interceptors := []grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor{
		// setup server prometheus monitoring (as final interceptor in chain)
	grpcOptions := istiogrpc.ServerOptions(options, interceptors...)
    // 创建一个grpc服务
	s.grpcServer = grpc.NewServer(grpcOptions...)
    // 注册handler
	// 创建grpc反射服务,在 Server 端添加后可以通过该服务获取所有服务的信息,包括服务定义,方法,属性等;
    // 主要为了审计工作
func (s *DiscoveryServer) Register(rpcs *grpc.Server) {
	// Register v3 server
	discovery.RegisterAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer(rpcs, s)
func RegisterAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv AggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer) {
	s.RegisterService(&_AggregatedDiscoveryService_serviceDesc, srv)
// handler具体信息
var _AggregatedDiscoveryService_serviceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{
	ServiceName: "envoy.service.discovery.v3.AggregatedDiscoveryService",
	HandlerType: (*AggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer)(nil),
	Methods:     []grpc.MethodDesc{},
	Streams: []grpc.StreamDesc{
        // 全量连接
			StreamName:    "StreamAggregatedResources",
			Handler:       _AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResources_Handler,
			ServerStreams: true,
			ClientStreams: true,
        // 增量连接
			StreamName:    "DeltaAggregatedResources",
			Handler:       _AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResources_Handler,
			ServerStreams: true,
			ClientStreams: true,
	Metadata: "envoy/service/discovery/v3/ads.proto",


  1. 上游请求注册grpc触发handler方法
  2. grpc服务器首先对其身份认证
  3. 获取最新的PushContext(上一篇有介绍其作用)
  4. 将con添加到XDS中
  5. 如果有WorkloadEntryGroup则调用WorkloadEntryController根据当前连接信息,创建WorkloadEntry资源


type Connection struct {
    // 源地址,服务地址
	peerAddr string
	// 连接时间用于调试使用
	connectedAt time.Time
	// 使用 pod.namespaces+int(64)随机的,用于存储到xds时的key值
	conID string
	// 建立该连接的客户端,istio-proxy
	proxy *model.Proxy
	// istiod向该服务推送消息时所用到的管道
	pushChannel chan *Event
	// 因为是流连接,这里就是流数据
	stream DiscoveryStream
	// 这里是增量流数据
	deltaStream DeltaDiscoveryStream
	// Original node metadata, to avoid unmarshal/marshal.
	// This is included in internal events.
	node *core.Node
	// initialized channel will be closed when proxy is initialized. Pushes, or anything accessing
	// the proxy, should not be started until this channel is closed.
	initialized chan struct{}
	stop chan struct{}
	// envoy向istiod发送消息所用到的管道
	reqChan      chan *discovery.DiscoveryRequest
	deltaReqChan chan *discovery.DeltaDiscoveryRequest
	errorChan chan error


func (s *DiscoveryServer) Stream(stream DiscoveryStream) error {
	// 这时候的第一个请求还一致存在导致其他请求被阻塞
	// 所以需要第一个请求加载完成后立即退出,让客户端进行重试
	if knativeEnv != "" && firstRequest.Load() {
		return status.Error(codes.Unavailable, "server warmup not complete; try again")
	// istiod是否已经准备就绪,比如informer创建的缓存是否已经同步完成等操作
	if !s.IsServerReady() {
		return status.Error(codes.Unavailable, "server is not ready to serve discovery information")

	// 获取当前流的上下文
	ctx := stream.Context()
	peerAddr := ""
	// 获取服务IP地址
	if peerInfo, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		peerAddr = peerInfo.Addr.String()

	if err := s.WaitForRequestLimit(stream.Context()); err != nil {
		log.Warnf("ADS: %q exceeded rate limit: %v", peerAddr, err)
		return status.Errorf(codes.ResourceExhausted, "request rate limit exceeded: %v", err)

	// 这里会调用身份认证插件进行认证,默认使用jwt进行认证,有一个认证成功即可
	ids, err := s.authenticate(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return status.Error(codes.Unauthenticated, err.Error())
	if ids != nil {
		log.Debugf("Authenticated XDS: %v with identity %v", peerAddr, ids)
	} else {
		log.Debugf("Unauthenticated XDS: %s", peerAddr)

	// 初始化上下文信息,根据注册中心获取所有的需要填充的资源然后填充到属性中
	// 比如使用了k8s作为注册中心,要填充该上下文中的virtualService,那么就会调用client-go的list获取当前集群中的所有virtualService信息填充到上下文中.
	if err = s.globalPushContext().InitContext(s.Env, nil, nil); err != nil {
		// Error accessing the data - log and close, maybe a different pilot replica
		// has more luck
		log.Warnf("Error reading config %v", err)
		return status.Error(codes.Unavailable, "error reading config")
	// 封装成Connection结构体
	con := newConnection(peerAddr, stream)
	// 对当前连接进行初始化,比如创建workloadentry资源
	// 接受服务传来的数据,放入reqChan,然后触发下面的for-select循环
	go s.receive(con, ids)
	// 这里是envoy->istiod  istiod->envoy双方互发数据的流程
	for {
		select {
            // 这里是envoy->istiod
		case req, ok := <-con.reqChan:
			if ok {
				if err := s.processRequest(req, con); err != nil {
					return err
			} else {
				// Remote side closed connection or error processing the request.
				return <-con.errorChan
            // 这里是istiod->envoy
		case pushEv := <-con.pushChannel:
			err := s.pushConnection(con, pushEv)
			if err != nil {
				return err
		case <-con.stop:
			return nil

这里我们重点关注s.receive(con, ids)方法,至于下面的数据互发流程,会在本文正文(是的现在是前序)讲到

func (s *DiscoveryServer) receive(con *Connection, identities []string) {
	defer func() {
		// Close the initialized channel, if its not already closed, to prevent blocking the stream.
		select {
		case <-con.initialized:

	firstRequest := true
	for {
		// 接受请求信息
		req, err :=
		if err != nil {
			if istiogrpc.IsExpectedGRPCError(err) {
				log.Infof("ADS: %q %s terminated", con.peerAddr, con.conID)
			con.errorChan <- err
			log.Errorf("ADS: %q %s terminated with error: %v", con.peerAddr, con.conID, err)
		// This should be only set for the first request. The node id may not be set - for example malicious clients.
		if firstRequest {
			// probe happens before envoy sends first xDS request
			if req.TypeUrl == v3.HealthInfoType {
				log.Warnf("ADS: %q %s send health check probe before normal xDS request", con.peerAddr, con.conID)
			firstRequest = false
			if req.Node == nil || req.Node.Id == "" {
				con.errorChan <- status.New(codes.InvalidArgument, "missing node information").Err()
			// 将con添加到xds当中,并创建workloadentry资源
			if err := s.initConnection(req.Node, con, identities); err != nil {
				con.errorChan <- err
			defer s.closeConnection(con)
			log.Infof("ADS: new connection for node:%s", con.conID)
		// 将请求信息传入reqChan管道,然后由监听事件进行处理
		select {
		case con.reqChan <- req:
		case <
			log.Infof("ADS: %q %s terminated with stream closed", con.peerAddr, con.conID)
// 进入initConnection
func (s *DiscoveryServer) initConnection(node *core.Node, con *Connection, identities []string) error {
	// Setup the initial proxy metadata
	proxy, err := s.initProxyMetadata(node)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// proxy所标识的集群如果有别名,则使用别名
	if alias, exists := s.ClusterAliases[proxy.Metadata.ClusterID]; exists {
		proxy.Metadata.ClusterID = alias
	// 获取最新的上下文信息
	proxy.LastPushContext = s.globalPushContext()
	con.conID = connectionID(proxy.ID)
	con.node = node
	con.proxy = proxy
	// 这里会进行判断如果没有进行认证,则直接返回
	if err := s.authorize(con, identities); err != nil {
		return err
	// 将con添加到xds当中
	s.addCon(con.conID, con)
	defer close(con.initialized)
	// 初始化代理,这里会调用workloadentry控制器对该服务创建workloadentry
	if err := s.initializeProxy(node, con); err != nil {
		return err

	if s.StatusGen != nil {
	return nil

func (s *DiscoveryServer) initializeProxy(node *core.Node, con *Connection) error {
	proxy := con.proxy
	// this should be done before we look for service instances, but after we load metadata
	// TODO fix check in kubecontroller treat echo VMs like there isn't a pod
	// 创建WorkloadEntry
	if err := s.WorkloadEntryController.RegisterWorkload(proxy, con.connectedAt); err != nil {
		return err
	// 设置SidecarScope
	// SidecarScope 是在 Istio 1.1 版本中引入的,
	//它并不是一个直接面向用户的配置项,而是 Sidecar 资源的包装器,
	//具体来说就是 Sidecar 资源中的 egress 选项。通过该配置可以减少 Istio 向 Sidecar 下发的数据量,
	//例如只向某个命名空间中的某些服务下发某些 hosts 的访问配置,从而提高应用提高性能。
	s.computeProxyState(proxy, nil)

	if len(proxy.ServiceInstances) > 0 {
		proxy.Locality = util.ConvertLocality(proxy.ServiceInstances[0].Endpoint.Locality.Label)

	// If there is no locality in the registry then use the one sent as part of the discovery request.
	// This is not preferable as only the connected Pilot is aware of this proxies location, but it
	// can still help provide some client-side Envoy context when load balancing based on location.
	if util.IsLocalityEmpty(proxy.Locality) {
		proxy.Locality = &core.Locality{
			Region:  node.Locality.GetRegion(),
			Zone:    node.Locality.GetZone(),
			SubZone: node.Locality.GetSubZone(),

	locality := util.LocalityToString(proxy.Locality)
	// add topology labels to proxy metadata labels
	proxy.Metadata.Labels = labelutil.AugmentLabels(proxy.Metadata.Labels, proxy.Metadata.ClusterID, locality, proxy.Metadata.Network)
	// Discover supported IP Versions of proxy so that appropriate config can be delivered.

	proxy.WatchedResources = map[string]*model.WatchedResource{}
	// Based on node metadata and version, we can associate a different generator.
	if proxy.Metadata.Generator != "" {
		proxy.XdsResourceGenerator = s.Generators[proxy.Metadata.Generator]

	return nil




  1. 判断事件类型(增删改),将serviceEntry转换成serviceInstances
  2. cache更新
  3. xds推送


func (s *Controller) serviceEntryHandler(_, curr config.Config, event model.Event) {
	currentServiceEntry := curr.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
	//将当前ServiceEntry 转换为Serivce资源,将host与adress进行一一对应两个集合之间做积运算
	// 得出 []mode.service
	cs := convertServices(curr)
	configsUpdated := map[model.ConfigKey]struct{}{}
	key := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: curr.Namespace, Name: curr.Name}

	// If it is add/delete event we should always do a full push. If it is update event, we should do full push,
	// only when services have changed - otherwise, just push endpoint updates.
	var addedSvcs, deletedSvcs, updatedSvcs, unchangedSvcs []*model.Service
	switch event {
	case model.EventUpdate:
		addedSvcs, deletedSvcs, updatedSvcs, unchangedSvcs = servicesDiff(, cs)
		//更新缓存中的所有mdoe.service, cs)
	case model.EventDelete:
		deletedSvcs = cs
	case model.EventAdd:
		addedSvcs = cs, cs)
		// 默认没有改变
		unchangedSvcs = cs

	//根据mode.service构建 serviceInstances 这是istio中的一个重要的结构体,它不存在于k8s中
	serviceInstancesByConfig, serviceInstances := s.buildServiceInstances(curr, cs)
	oldInstances := s.serviceInstances.getServiceEntryInstances(key)
	for configKey, old := range oldInstances {
		s.serviceInstances.deleteInstances(configKey, old)
	if event == model.EventDelete {
	} else {
		// 从多个维度存储 serviceInstance ,IP地址维度,namespaces/hosts   维度
		for ckey, value := range serviceInstancesByConfig {
			s.serviceInstances.addInstances(ckey, value)
		s.serviceInstances.updateServiceEntryInstances(key, serviceInstancesByConfig)

	shard := model.ShardKeyFromRegistry(s)

	for _, svc := range addedSvcs {
		// 发送更新统计
		s.XdsUpdater.SvcUpdate(shard, string(svc.Hostname), svc.Attributes.Namespace, model.EventAdd)
		configsUpdated[makeConfigKey(svc)] = struct{}{}

	for _, svc := range updatedSvcs {
		s.XdsUpdater.SvcUpdate(shard, string(svc.Hostname), svc.Attributes.Namespace, model.EventUpdate)
		configsUpdated[makeConfigKey(svc)] = struct{}{}
	// If service entry is deleted, call SvcUpdate to cleanup endpoint shards for services.
	for _, svc := range deletedSvcs {
		instanceKey := instancesKey{namespace: svc.Attributes.Namespace, hostname: svc.Hostname}
		// There can be multiple service entries of same host reside in same namespace.
		// Delete endpoint shards only if there are no service instances.
		if len(s.serviceInstances.getByKey(instanceKey)) == 0 {
			s.XdsUpdater.SvcUpdate(shard, string(svc.Hostname), svc.Attributes.Namespace, model.EventDelete)
		configsUpdated[makeConfigKey(svc)] = struct{}{}

	// If a service is updated and is not part of updatedSvcs, that means its endpoints might have changed.
	// If this service entry had endpoints with IPs (i.e. resolution STATIC), then we do EDS update.
	// If the service entry had endpoints with FQDNs (i.e. resolution DNS), then we need to do
	// full push (as fqdn endpoints go via strict_dns clusters in cds).
	if len(unchangedSvcs) > 0 {
		if currentServiceEntry.Resolution == networking.ServiceEntry_DNS || currentServiceEntry.Resolution == networking.ServiceEntry_DNS_ROUND_ROBIN {
			for _, svc := range unchangedSvcs {
				configsUpdated[makeConfigKey(svc)] = struct{}{}

	fullPush := len(configsUpdated) > 0
	// if not full push needed, at least one service unchanged
	if !fullPush {

	// When doing a full push, the non DNS added, updated, unchanged services trigger an eds update
	// so that endpoint shards are updated.
	allServices := make([]*model.Service, 0, len(addedSvcs)+len(updatedSvcs)+len(unchangedSvcs))
	nonDNSServices := make([]*model.Service, 0, len(addedSvcs)+len(updatedSvcs)+len(unchangedSvcs))
	allServices = append(allServices, addedSvcs...)
	allServices = append(allServices, updatedSvcs...)
	allServices = append(allServices, unchangedSvcs...)
	for _, svc := range allServices {
		if !(svc.Resolution == model.DNSLB || svc.Resolution == model.DNSRoundRobinLB) {
			nonDNSServices = append(nonDNSServices, svc)
	// non dns service instances
	keys := map[instancesKey]struct{}{}
	for _, svc := range nonDNSServices {
		keys[instancesKey{hostname: svc.Hostname, namespace: curr.Namespace}] = struct{}{}

	// 更新当前缓存
	s.queueEdsEvent(keys, s.doEdsCacheUpdate)

	// 推送当前配置
	pushReq := &model.PushRequest{
		Full:           true,
		ConfigsUpdated: configsUpdated,
		Reason:         []model.TriggerReason{model.ServiceUpdate},




  1. 将workloadEntry转化为workloadInstance
  2. 获取当前命名空间下的ServiceEntry,然后根据ServiceEntry的workloadSelect



func (s *Server) initMulticluster(args *PilotArgs) {
	s.addStartFunc(func(stop <-chan struct{}) error {
		return s.multiclusterController.Run(stop)
// 上面含义在上一篇创建 中有所讲解,这里不再叙述我们直接进入Run
func (c *Controller) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
	// 对于本地集群进行处理
	localCluster := &Cluster{Client: c.localClusterClient, ID: c.localClusterID}
	if err := c.handleAdd(localCluster, stopCh);
	go func() {
		t0 := time.Now()
        // 这里开始监控secert资源,监控远程集群注册动态
		go c.informer.Run(stopCh)
'		// 这里会进行超时缓存等待,等待远程缓存同步
		if !kube.WaitForCacheSyncInterval(stopCh, c.syncInterval, c.informer.HasSynced) {
			log.Error("Failed to sync multicluster remote secrets controller cache")
        // 判断超时等待
		if features.RemoteClusterTimeout != 0 {
			time.AfterFunc(features.RemoteClusterTimeout, func() {
        // 控制器运行,开始根据secert的值对集群进行注册(我称之为注册,其实是将集群中的资源存储到istio中)
	return nil


  1. 根据当前secert.data生成envoy认证信息,这样可以供envoy进行访问
  2. 创建k8s资源管理器(主要是创建informer,然后设置informer事件)
  3. 根据配置参数,判断是否开启夸集群资源关联操作


func (c *Controller) handleAdd(cluster *Cluster, stop <-chan struct{}) error {
	var errs *multierror.Error
    // 循环调用,现在有两个handler,第一个handler运行了第一步的功能
    // 第二个handler运行了2,3步的功能
	for _, handler := range c.handlers {
		errs = multierror.Append(errs, handler.ClusterAdded(cluster, stop))
	return errs.ErrorOrNil()
// 2,3步
func (m *Multicluster) ClusterAdded(cluster *multicluster.Cluster, clusterStopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
	client := cluster.Client
	options := m.opts
	options.ClusterID = cluster.ID
	options.SyncTimeout = cluster.SyncTimeout
	// 判断endpoint是否为分片
	options.EndpointMode = DetectEndpointMode(client)
	kubeRegistry := NewController(client, options)
	// 根据集群的id 存放注册控制器
	m.remoteKubeControllers[cluster.ID] = &kubeController{
		Controller: kubeRegistry,
	// 这里可以设置本地集群的名称,默认为kubernetes
	localCluster := m.opts.ClusterID == cluster.ID


	// 为workloadEntryHandler添加前置处理器,就是上面我们说到的,会判断serviceEntry中WorkloadSelector匹配的项目,然后进行转换推送给上游proxy
	if m.serviceEntryController != nil && features.EnableServiceEntrySelectPods {
		// Add an instance handler in the kubernetes registry to notify service entry store about pod events


	if m.serviceEntryController != nil && localCluster {
		// 为workloadHandlers添加handler,该handler主要作用是根据workload获取service然后推送到envoy中
		// 下面如果为真,那么一个集群的serviceEntry可以使用另一个集群的workloadentry
	} else if features.WorkloadEntryCrossCluster {
		// TODO only do this for non-remotes, can't guarantee CRDs in remotes (depends on
		if configStore, err := createWleConfigStore(client, m.revision, options); err == nil {
			m.remoteKubeControllers[cluster.ID].workloadEntryController = serviceentry.NewWorkloadEntryController(
				configStore, model.MakeIstioStore(configStore), options.XDSUpdater,
			// Services can select WorkloadEntry from the same cluster. We only duplicate the Service to configure kube-dns.
			// ServiceEntry selects WorkloadEntry from remote cluster
			m.opts.MeshServiceController.AddRegistryAndRun(m.remoteKubeControllers[cluster.ID].workloadEntryController, clusterStopCh)
			go configStore.Run(clusterStopCh)
		} else {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed creating config configStore for cluster %s: %v", cluster.ID, err)

	// run after WorkloadHandler is added
	m.opts.MeshServiceController.AddRegistryAndRun(kubeRegistry, clusterStopCh)

	if m.startNsController && (features.ExternalIstiod || localCluster) {
		// Block server exit on graceful termination of the leader controller.
		m.s.RunComponentAsyncAndWait(func(_ <-chan struct{}) error {
			log.Infof("joining leader-election for %s in %s on cluster %s",
				leaderelection.NamespaceController, options.SystemNamespace, options.ClusterID)
				NewLeaderElectionMulticluster(options.SystemNamespace, m.serverID, leaderelection.NamespaceController, m.revision, !localCluster, client).
				AddRunFunction(func(leaderStop <-chan struct{}) {
					log.Infof("starting namespace controller for cluster %s", cluster.ID)
					nc := NewNamespaceController(client, m.caBundleWatcher)
					// Start informers again. This fixes the case where informers for namespace do not start,
					// as we create them only after acquiring the leader lock
					// Note: stop here should be the overall pilot stop, NOT the leader election stop. We are
					// basically lazy loading the informer, if we stop it when we lose the lock we will never
					// recreate it again.
			return nil

	// The local cluster has this patching set-up elsewhere. We may eventually want to move it here.
	if features.ExternalIstiod && !localCluster && m.caBundleWatcher != nil {
		// Patch injection webhook cert
		// This requires RBAC permissions - a low-priv Istiod should not attempt to patch but rely on
		// operator or CI/CD
		if features.InjectionWebhookConfigName != "" {
			// TODO prevent istiods in primary clusters from trying to patch eachother. should we also leader-elect?
			log.Infof("initializing webhook cert patch for cluster %s", cluster.ID)
			patcher, err := webhooks.NewWebhookCertPatcher(client, m.revision, webhookName, m.caBundleWatcher)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("could not initialize webhook cert patcher: %v", err)
			} else {
				go patcher.Run(clusterStopCh)
		// Patch validation webhook cert
		go controller.NewValidatingWebhookController(client, m.revision, m.secretNamespace, m.caBundleWatcher).Run(clusterStopCh)


	// setting up the serviceexport controller if and only if it is turned on in the meshconfig.
	// TODO(nmittler): Need a better solution. Leader election doesn't take into account locality.
	if features.EnableMCSAutoExport {
		log.Infof("joining leader-election for %s in %s on cluster %s",
			leaderelection.ServiceExportController, options.SystemNamespace, options.ClusterID)
		// Block server exit on graceful termination of the leader controller.
		m.s.RunComponentAsyncAndWait(func(_ <-chan struct{}) error {
				NewLeaderElection(options.SystemNamespace, m.serverID, leaderelection.ServiceExportController, m.revision, client).
				AddRunFunction(func(leaderStop <-chan struct{}) {
					serviceExportController := newAutoServiceExportController(autoServiceExportOptions{
						Client:       client,
						ClusterID:    options.ClusterID,
						DomainSuffix: options.DomainSuffix,
						ClusterLocal: m.clusterLocal,
					// Start informers again. This fixes the case where informers do not start,
					// as we create them only after acquiring the leader lock
					// Note: stop here should be the overall pilot stop, NOT the leader election stop. We are
					// basically lazy loading the informer, if we stop it when we lose the lock we will never
					// recreate it again.
			return nil

	return nil

对于k8s资源的管理,我们主要看kubeRegistry := NewController(client, options)这个方法,该方法主要对service,node,POD,Endpoints资源进行管理

func NewController(kubeClient kubelib.Client, options Options) *Controller {
	c := &Controller{
		opts:                       options,
		client:                     kubeClient,
		queue:                      queue.NewQueueWithID(1*time.Second, string(options.ClusterID)),
		servicesMap:                make(map[host.Name]*model.Service),
		nodeSelectorsForServices:   make(map[host.Name]labels.Instance),
		nodeInfoMap:                make(map[string]kubernetesNode),
		externalNameSvcInstanceMap: make(map[host.Name][]*model.ServiceInstance),
		workloadInstancesIndex:     workloadinstances.NewIndex(),
		informerInit:               atomic.NewBool(false),
		beginSync:                  atomic.NewBool(false),
		initialSync:                atomic.NewBool(false),

		multinetwork: initMultinetwork(),

	if features.EnableMCSHost {
		c.hostNamesForNamespacedName = func(name types.NamespacedName) []host.Name {
			return []host.Name{
				kube.ServiceHostname(name.Name, name.Namespace, c.opts.DomainSuffix),
		c.servicesForNamespacedName = func(name types.NamespacedName) []*model.Service {
			out := make([]*model.Service, 0, 2)

			if svc := c.servicesMap[kube.ServiceHostname(name.Name, name.Namespace, c.opts.DomainSuffix)]; svc != nil {
				out = append(out, svc)

			if svc := c.servicesMap[serviceClusterSetLocalHostname(name)]; svc != nil {
				out = append(out, svc)

			return out
	} else {
		c.hostNamesForNamespacedName = func(name types.NamespacedName) []host.Name {
			return []host.Name{
				kube.ServiceHostname(name.Name, name.Namespace, c.opts.DomainSuffix),
		c.servicesForNamespacedName = func(name types.NamespacedName) []*model.Service {
			if svc := c.GetService(kube.ServiceHostname(name.Name, name.Namespace, c.opts.DomainSuffix)); svc != nil {
				return []*model.Service{svc}
			return nil

	c.nsInformer = kubeClient.KubeInformer().Core().V1().Namespaces().Informer()
	c.nsLister = kubeClient.KubeInformer().Core().V1().Namespaces().Lister()
	if c.opts.SystemNamespace != "" {
		nsInformer := filter.NewFilteredSharedIndexInformer(func(obj interface{}) bool {
			ns, ok := obj.(*v1.Namespace)
			if !ok {
				log.Warnf("Namespace watch getting wrong type in event: %T", obj)
				return false
			return ns.Name == c.opts.SystemNamespace
		}, c.nsInformer)
		// 为informer注册事件
		c.registerHandlers(nsInformer, "Namespaces", c.onSystemNamespaceEvent, nil)

	// 根据mesh.discoverySelectors配置创建的过滤器
	// 功能是选择指定的命名空间集,如果不指定k8s资源管理器会管理所有命名空间的资源
	// 如果指定了则会管理指定的命名空间中的k8s资源
	if c.opts.DiscoveryNamespacesFilter == nil {
		c.opts.DiscoveryNamespacesFilter = filter.NewDiscoveryNamespacesFilter(c.nsLister, options.MeshWatcher.Mesh().DiscoverySelectors)

	// 当mesh配置更改时,更新k8s资源
	c.initDiscoveryHandlers(kubeClient, options.EndpointMode, options.MeshWatcher, c.opts.DiscoveryNamespacesFilter)

	// 创建service监听器,然后添加监听事件
	// 该事件主要做了将service转换为istioService然后推送给上游proxy
	// 本文会具体讲解它
	c.serviceInformer = filter.NewFilteredSharedIndexInformer(c.opts.DiscoveryNamespacesFilter.Filter, kubeClient.KubeInformer().Core().V1().Services().Informer())
	c.serviceLister = listerv1.NewServiceLister(c.serviceInformer.GetIndexer())

	c.registerHandlers(c.serviceInformer, "Services", c.onServiceEvent, nil)

	// 这里是对endpoint模式的判断如果采用分片则创建分片控制器
	// 这里会根据endpoint去istioService缓存中查找ServiceInstance然后封装推送给上游proxy
	switch options.EndpointMode {
	case EndpointsOnly:
		c.endpoints = newEndpointsController(c)
	case EndpointSliceOnly:
		c.endpoints = newEndpointSliceController(c)
	// 主要更新有nodeport相关的serviceInstance,原理与上面类似
	c.nodeInformer = kubeClient.KubeInformer().Core().V1().Nodes().Informer()
	c.nodeLister = kubeClient.KubeInformer().Core().V1().Nodes().Lister()
	c.registerHandlers(c.nodeInformer, "Nodes", c.onNodeEvent, nil)

	// 监听POD信息,主要功能为,获取与POD相关的Endpoint然后与上面流程一样查找对应的ServiceInstance然后推送给上游proxy
	podInformer := filter.NewFilteredSharedIndexInformer(c.opts.DiscoveryNamespacesFilter.Filter, kubeClient.KubeInformer().Core().V1().Pods().Informer())
	c.pods = newPodCache(c, podInformer, func(key string) {
		item, exists, err := c.endpoints.getInformer().GetIndexer().GetByKey(key)
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("Endpoint %v lookup failed with error %v, skipping stale endpoint", key, err)
		if !exists {
			log.Debugf("Endpoint %v not found, skipping stale endpoint", key)
		if shouldEnqueue("Pods", c.beginSync) {
			c.queue.Push(func() error {
				return c.endpoints.onEvent(item, model.EventUpdate)
	c.registerHandlers(c.pods.informer, "Pods", c.pods.onEvent, nil)

	c.exports = newServiceExportCache(c)
	c.imports = newServiceImportCache(c)

	return c


func (c *Controller) onServiceEvent(curr interface{}, event model.Event) error {
    // 将当前事件转化为v1.Service,了解client-go的同学应该明白,当事件触发后实际上需要转换一下
	svc, err := convertToService(curr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	log.Debugf("Handle event %s for service %s in namespace %s", event, svc.Name, svc.Namespace)

	// 这里会将k8sService转化为IstioService
	svcConv := kube.ConvertService(*svc, c.opts.DomainSuffix, c.Cluster())
    // 判断事件类型,这里我们假设是添加操作
	switch event {
	case model.EventDelete:
		c.addOrUpdateService(svc, svcConv, event, false)

	return nil

// 接下来让我们看一下k8sService如何转化成IstioService的
func ConvertService(svc coreV1.Service, domainSuffix string, clusterID cluster.ID) *model.Service {
	addr := constants.UnspecifiedIP // 赋默认值
	resolution := model.ClientSideLB  //
	meshExternal := false

    // 判断Service的类型,如果是ExternalName,并且ExternalName有值说明当前地址类型为DNS
	if svc.Spec.Type == coreV1.ServiceTypeExternalName && svc.Spec.ExternalName != "" {
		resolution = model.DNSLB
		meshExternal = true

    // 判断目的地址,有四种类型
    // ClientSideLB 意味着代理将从其本地 lb 池中决定端点
    // DNSLB 表示代理会解析一个 DNS 地址并转发到解析后的地址
    // Passthrough 意味着代理应该将流量转发到调用者请求的目标 IP
    // DNSRoundRobinLB 暗示代理会解析一个DNS地址并转发到解析后的地址
	if svc.Spec.ClusterIP == coreV1.ClusterIPNone { // headless services should not be load balanced
		resolution = model.Passthrough
	} else if svc.Spec.ClusterIP != "" {
		addr = svc.Spec.ClusterIP

    // 这里是对ServicePorts的转换
    // 这里需要注意,新手在使用的过程中容易犯的错误,port的名称如果不正确,又没有指定AppProtocol会造成传输协议不正确,无法访问
    // 1.判断proto是否为udp,是则直接返回UDP
    // 2. 根据appProto判断,就是赋值然后返回
    // 3. 判断是否为GRPCWeb
    // 4. 然后根据name进行判断
    // 5. 如果都不是则默认为TCP
	ports := make([]*model.Port, 0, len(svc.Spec.Ports))
	for _, port := range svc.Spec.Ports {
		ports = append(ports, convertPort(port))

    // 下面是根据注释设置的一些配置
    // 根据来行使exportTo的作用,指定命名空间
	var exportTo map[visibility.Instance]bool
	serviceaccounts := make([]string, 0)
	if svc.Annotations[annotation.AlphaCanonicalServiceAccounts.Name] != "" {
		serviceaccounts = append(serviceaccounts, strings.Split(svc.Annotations[annotation.AlphaCanonicalServiceAccounts.Name], ",")...)
	if svc.Annotations[annotation.AlphaKubernetesServiceAccounts.Name] != "" {
		for _, ksa := range strings.Split(svc.Annotations[annotation.AlphaKubernetesServiceAccounts.Name], ",") {
			serviceaccounts = append(serviceaccounts, kubeToIstioServiceAccount(ksa, svc.Namespace))
	if svc.Annotations[annotation.NetworkingExportTo.Name] != "" {
		namespaces := strings.Split(svc.Annotations[annotation.NetworkingExportTo.Name], ",")
		exportTo = make(map[visibility.Instance]bool, len(namespaces))
		for _, ns := range namespaces {
			exportTo[visibility.Instance(ns)] = true

	istioService := &model.Service{
		Hostname: ServiceHostname(svc.Name, svc.Namespace, domainSuffix),
		ClusterVIPs: model.AddressMap{
			Addresses: map[cluster.ID][]string{
				clusterID: {addr},
		Ports:           ports,
		DefaultAddress:  addr,
		ServiceAccounts: serviceaccounts,
		MeshExternal:    meshExternal,
		Resolution:      resolution,
		CreationTime:    svc.CreationTimestamp.Time,
		ResourceVersion: svc.ResourceVersion,
		Attributes: model.ServiceAttributes{
			ServiceRegistry: provider.Kubernetes,
			Name:            svc.Name,
			Namespace:       svc.Namespace,
			Labels:          svc.Labels,
			ExportTo:        exportTo,
			LabelSelectors:  svc.Spec.Selector,

    // 下面是根据NodePort进行的一些列配置操作
	switch svc.Spec.Type {
	case coreV1.ServiceTypeNodePort:
		if _, ok := svc.Annotations[NodeSelectorAnnotation]; !ok {
			// only do this for istio ingress-gateway services
		// store the service port to node port mappings
		portMap := make(map[uint32]uint32)
		for _, p := range svc.Spec.Ports {
			portMap[uint32(p.Port)] = uint32(p.NodePort)
		istioService.Attributes.ClusterExternalPorts = map[cluster.ID]map[uint32]uint32{clusterID: portMap}
		// address mappings will be done elsewhere
	case coreV1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer:
		if len(svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) > 0 {
			var lbAddrs []string
			for _, ingress := range svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress {
				if len(ingress.IP) > 0 {
					lbAddrs = append(lbAddrs, ingress.IP)
				} else if len(ingress.Hostname) > 0 {
					// DO NOT resolve the DNS here. In environments like AWS, the ELB hostname
					// does not have a repeatable DNS address and IPs resolved at an earlier point
					// in time may not work. So, when we get just hostnames instead of IPs, we need
					// to smartly switch from EDS to strict_dns rather than doing the naive thing of
					// resolving the DNS name and hoping the resolution is one-time task.
					lbAddrs = append(lbAddrs, ingress.Hostname)
			if len(lbAddrs) > 0 {
				istioService.Attributes.ClusterExternalAddresses.SetAddressesFor(clusterID, lbAddrs)

	istioService.Attributes.ClusterExternalAddresses.AddAddressesFor(clusterID, svc.Spec.ExternalIPs)

	return istioService



func (c *Controller) addOrUpdateService(svc *v1.Service, svcConv *model.Service, event model.Event, updateEDSCache bool) {
	// 全量推送判断值
	needsFullPush := false
	// First, process nodePort gateway service, whose externalIPs specified
	// and loadbalancer gateway service
	if !svcConv.Attributes.ClusterExternalAddresses.IsEmpty() {
		needsFullPush = c.extractGatewaysFromService(svcConv)
	} else if isNodePortGatewayService(svc) {
		// We need to know which services are using node selectors because during node events,
		// we have to update all the node port services accordingly.
		nodeSelector := getNodeSelectorsForService(svc)
		// only add when it is nodePort gateway service
		c.nodeSelectorsForServices[svcConv.Hostname] = nodeSelector
		needsFullPush = c.updateServiceNodePortAddresses(svcConv)

	// instance conversion is only required when service is added/updated.
	// 根据port生成istioEndpoint
	instances := kube.ExternalNameServiceInstances(svc, svcConv)
	c.servicesMap[svcConv.Hostname] = svcConv
	if len(instances) > 0 {
		c.externalNameSvcInstanceMap[svcConv.Hostname] = instances

	// 这里会根据上面的操作进行判断,如果需要全量更新,那么要把所有的EDS全部生成一遍
	if needsFullPush {
		// networks are different, we need to update all eds endpoints
		c.opts.XDSUpdater.ConfigUpdate(&model.PushRequest{Full: true, Reason: []model.TriggerReason{model.NetworksTrigger}})

	shard := model.ShardKeyFromRegistry(c)
	ns := svcConv.Attributes.Namespace
	// We also need to update when the Service changes. For Kubernetes, a service change will result in Endpoint updates,
	// but workload entries will also need to be updated.
	// TODO(nmittler): Build different sets of endpoints for cluster.local and clusterset.local.
	endpoints := c.buildEndpointsForService(svcConv, updateEDSCache)
	if len(endpoints) > 0 {
		// 这里进行缓存更新
		c.opts.XDSUpdater.EDSCacheUpdate(shard, string(svcConv.Hostname), ns, endpoints)

	c.opts.XDSUpdater.SvcUpdate(shard, string(svcConv.Hostname), ns, event)
	// 主要向上游推送service更新命令
	c.handlers.NotifyServiceHandlers(svcConv, event)



  1. 向push管道传入推送请求
  2. 接受到请求后首先做防抖处理,就是等个一段时间将当前推送信息合并一起再发送
  3. 创建pushContext,该上下文存储了当前系统中的所有service等信息
  4. 然后将pushContext与推送请求信息封装起来然后放入每个con的pushChannel中


// 这里是envoy->istiod  istiod->envoy双方互发数据的流程
	for {
		select {
            // 这里是envoy->istiod
		case req, ok := <-con.reqChan:
			if ok {
				if err := s.processRequest(req, con); err != nil {
					return err
			} else {
				// Remote side closed connection or error processing the request.
				return <-con.errorChan
            // 这里是istiod->envoy
		case pushEv := <-con.pushChannel:
			err := s.pushConnection(con, pushEv)
			if err != nil {
				return err
		case <-con.stop:
			return nil


// Compute and send the new configuration for a connection.
func (s *DiscoveryServer) pushConnection(con *Connection, pushEv *Event) error {
	pushRequest := pushEv.pushRequest

	// 判断是否为全量推送,假设我们更新的是virtualService,那么就是全量更新
	if pushRequest.Full {
		// Update Proxy with current information.
		s.updateProxy(con.proxy, pushRequest)

	// 判断当前是否需要推送
	if !s.ProxyNeedsPush(con.proxy, pushRequest) {
		log.Debugf("Skipping push to %v, no updates required", con.conID)
		if pushRequest.Full {
			// Only report for full versions, incremental pushes do not have a new version.
			reportAllEvents(s.StatusReporter, con.conID, pushRequest.Push.LedgerVersion, nil)
		return nil

	// Send pushes to all generators
	// Each Generator is responsible for determining if the push event requires a push
	// 这里获取当前conn所监听的资源
	wrl, ignoreEvents := con.pushDetails()
	// 然后根据每个资源生成配置推送到上游
	for _, w := range wrl {
		if err := s.pushXds(con, w, pushRequest); err != nil {
			return err
	if pushRequest.Full {
		// Report all events for unwatched resources. Watched resources will be reported in pushXds or on ack.
		reportAllEvents(s.StatusReporter, con.conID, pushRequest.Push.LedgerVersion, ignoreEvents)

	return nil
// 在生成以后,会通过con进行流传输(也就是推送)
func (s *DiscoveryServer) pushXds(con *Connection, w *model.WatchedResource, req *model.PushRequest) error {
	if w == nil {
		return nil
    // 查找生成器
	gen := s.findGenerator(w.TypeUrl, con)
	if gen == nil {
		return nil

	t0 := time.Now()

	// If delta is set, client is requesting new resources or removing old ones. We should just generate the
	// new resources it needs, rather than the entire set of known resources.
	// Note: we do not need to account for unsubscribed resources as these are handled by parent removal;
	// See
	// This means if there are only removals, we will not respond.
	var logFiltered string
	if !req.Delta.IsEmpty() && features.PartialFullPushes &&
		!con.proxy.IsProxylessGrpc() {
		logFiltered = " filtered:" + strconv.Itoa(len(w.ResourceNames)-len(req.Delta.Subscribed))
		w = &model.WatchedResource{
			TypeUrl:       w.TypeUrl,
			ResourceNames: req.Delta.Subscribed.UnsortedList(),
    // 生成配置
	res, logdata, err := gen.Generate(con.proxy, w, req)
	if err != nil || res == nil {
		// If we have nothing to send, report that we got an ACK for this version.
		if s.StatusReporter != nil {
			s.StatusReporter.RegisterEvent(con.conID, w.TypeUrl, req.Push.LedgerVersion)
		return err
	defer func() { recordPushTime(w.TypeUrl, time.Since(t0)) }()
    // 构造推送请求
	resp := &discovery.DiscoveryResponse{
		ControlPlane: ControlPlane(),
		TypeUrl:      w.TypeUrl,
		// TODO: send different version for incremental eds
		VersionInfo: req.Push.PushVersion,
		Nonce:       nonce(req.Push.LedgerVersion),
		Resources:   model.ResourcesToAny(res),

	configSize := ResourceSize(res)

	ptype := "PUSH"
	info := ""
	if logdata.Incremental {
		ptype = "PUSH INC"
	if len(logdata.AdditionalInfo) > 0 {
		info = " " + logdata.AdditionalInfo
	if len(logFiltered) > 0 {
		info += logFiltered
    // 发送数据
	if err := con.send(resp); err != nil {
		if recordSendError(w.TypeUrl, err) {
			log.Warnf("%s: Send failure for node:%s resources:%d size:%s%s: %v",
				v3.GetShortType(w.TypeUrl), con.proxy.ID, len(res), util.ByteCount(configSize), info, err)
		return err

	switch {
	case logdata.Incremental:
		if log.DebugEnabled() {
			log.Debugf("%s: %s%s for node:%s resources:%d size:%s%s",
				v3.GetShortType(w.TypeUrl), ptype, req.PushReason(), con.proxy.ID, len(res), util.ByteCount(configSize), info)
		debug := ""
		if log.DebugEnabled() {
			// Add additional information to logs when debug mode enabled.
			debug = " nonce:" + resp.Nonce + " version:" + resp.VersionInfo
		log.Infof("%s: %s%s for node:%s resources:%d size:%v%s%s", v3.GetShortType(w.TypeUrl), ptype, req.PushReason(), con.proxy.ID, len(res),
			util.ByteCount(ResourceSize(res)), info, debug)

	return nil




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