





select a.* , b.score 课程01的分数,c.score 课程02的分数 from Student a , SC b , SC c

where a.SID = b.SID and a.SID = c.SID and b.CID = '01' and c.CID = '02' and b.score > c.score;


select m.*,sc.score 
from (select student.* from student 
where sid in (
select sid from 
    sum(case when cid='01'  then score  else null end) c1,
    sum(case when cid='02'  then score  else null end) c2
    from sc 
    group by sid
    order by sid) c
where c.c1>c.c2 )) m left join sc on m.sid=sc.sid

select s.* ,b.score from student s  left join sc b on s.sid=b.sid where s.sid in 
(select a.sid from (select * from sc  where cid='01' ) a left join (select * from sc  where cid='02' ) b on a.sid=b.sid where a.score>b.score) ;




分析:成绩表SC ,学生表



select a.SID,Sname,cast(avg(b.score) as decimal(18,2)) as 平均分
from Student a ,SC b
where a.SID =b.SID 
HAVING cast(avg(b.score) as decimal(18,2))>=60



select a.SID , a.Sname , cast(avg(b.score) as decimal(18,2)) avg_score

from Student a , sc b

where a.SID = b.SID

group by a.SID , a.Sname

having cast(avg(b.score) as decimal(18,2)) < 60

order by a.SID



select a.SID , a.Sname , ifnull(cast(avg(b.score) as decimal(18,2)),0) avg_score

from Student a left join sc b

on a.SID = b.SID

group by a.SID , a.Sname

having ifnull(cast(avg(b.score) as decimal(18,2)),0) < 60

order by a.SID;



分析:有Student,SC表 字段有:学生编号、学生姓名、选课总数、所有课程的总成绩

select a.SID 学生编号 , a.Sname 学生姓名 , count(b.CID) 选课总数, sum(score) 所有课程的总成绩

from Student a , SC b

where a.SID = b.SID

group by a.SID,a.Sname

order by a.SID;


select a.SID,a.Sname,count(b.Cid),sum(b.score)  from student a 
left join sc b on a.SID =b.SID 
GROUP BY a.SID,a.Sname


SELECT count(tname) from teacher where Tname  like "李%";


select distinct Student.* from Student , SC , Course , Teacher
where Student.SID = SC.SID and SC.CID = Course.CID and Course.TID = Teacher.TID and Teacher.Tname = '张三'
order by Student.SID;

select s.*,t.tname,sc.score
 student s 
 left join sc on s.sid=sc.sid
 left join course c on sc.cid =c.cid
 left join teacher t on t.tid=c.tid
 where t.tname='张三';



select distinct Student.SID from Student , SC , Course , Teacher
where Student.SID = SC.SID and SC.CID = Course.CID and Course.TID = Teacher.TID and Teacher.Tname = '张三'
order by Student.SID;

select m.* from Student m where SID not in (select distinct Student.SID from Student , SC , Course , Teacher
where Student.SID = SC.SID and SC.CID = Course.CID and Course.TID = Teacher.TID and Teacher.Tname = '张三') order by m.SID;



select student.*from student,sc where student.sid=sc.sid 
and sc.cid='01' and exists(SELECT 1 FROM sc sc_2 where sc_2.sid=sc.sid and sc_2.cid='02')
order by student.SID;


select m.* from student m where sid in (
select sid from (
select distinct SID from SC where CID = '01'
union all
select distinct SID from SC where CID = '02'
)t GROUP BY sid HAVING count(1)=2


select * from student s where s.sid in (
select s1.sid
    (select  sid,cid,score from sc where cid='01') s1
    left join 
    (select  sid,cid,score from sc where cid='02') s2
    on s1.sid=s2.sid);


select Student.* from Student , SC where Student.SID = SC.SID and SC.CID = '01' and not exists (Select 1 from SC SC_2 where SC_2.SID = SC.SID and SC_2.CID = '02') order by Student.SID;

select student.* from student,sc where student.sid=sc.sid and sc.cid='01' and student.sid not in (select sc_2.sid from sc sc_2 where sc_2.sid=sc.sid and sc_2.cid='02');

仍然还是嵌套,三层嵌套, 或者多表联合查询

select * from student
    where student.sid not in(
        select sc.sid from sc where sc.cid in(
            select course.cid from course where course.tid in(
                select teacher.tid from teacher where tname = "张三"


select * from student
where student.sid not in(
    select sc.sid from sc,course,teacher 
        sc.cid = course.cid
        and course.tid = teacher.tid
        and teacher.tname= "张三"


select s.* from student s inner join (select * from sc a where a.cid='01' and a.sid not in (select b.sid from sc b where cid='02')) c on s.sid=c.sid;

select  distinct s.* from student s inner join sc on s.sid=sc.sid and s.sid in (select a.sid from sc a where a.cid='01') and s.sid not in (select b.sid from sc b where b.cid='02');

select  s.sid,s.sname,s.sage,s.ssex from student s inner join sc on s.sid=sc.sid where sc.cid  in (select cid from sc where sc.sid="01") and s.sid <> '01' group by s.sid,s.sname,s.sage,s.ssex;


select a.sid,a.sname,a.sage,a.ssex
from student a left join sc b
on a.sid=b.sid
GROUP BY a.sid,a.sname,a.sage,a.ssex
HAVING count(b.cid)<(select count(cid) from course)
ORDER BY a.sid;

select a.sid,a.sname,a.sage,a.ssex
from student a ,sc b 
where a.sid=b.sid
GROUP BY a.sid,a.sname,a.sage,a.ssex
HAVING count(b.cid)<(select count(cid) from course)
ORDER BY a.sid;



select distinct student.* from student,sc where student.sid =sc.sid and sc.cid in (select cid from sc where sid='01') and student.sid <>'01';

select distinct s.* from student s inner join sc on s.sid=sc.sid where sc.cid  in (select cid from sc where sc.sid="01") and s.sid <> '01';

select * from student s where s.sid in (select stu.sid from (
select other.s sid,other.c cid
select cid from sc where sid=01
) s01
inner join
select sid s,cid c from sc where sid!=01
) other
on other.c=s01.cid) stu
group by sid 
having count(cid)>=1);


分析:student sc 

select Student.* from Student where SID in
(select distinct SC.SID from SC where SID <> '01' and SC.CID in (select distinct CID from SC where SID = '01')
group by SC.SID having count(1) = (select count(1) from SC where SID='01'));

select  Student.* from Student , SC where Student.SID = SC.SID and sc.cid in (
select cid from sc where sid='01') and  student.sid <>'01'
GROUP BY student.sid,student.sname,student.sage,student.ssex 
HAVING count(student.sid)=(select count(1) from sc where sid='01');


select student.* from student where student.sid not in (select DISTINCT(sc.sid) from sc,course,teacher where sc.cid=course.cid and course.tid=teacher.tid and teacher.tname='张三');


select * from student s where s.sid not in (select sid from course c left join teacher t on c.tid =t.tid left join sc on sc.cid=c.cid where t.tname='张三');



分析:student score 


select student.sid,student.sname,avg(score) from student,sc
where student.sid=sc.sid and student.sid in (select sid from sc where score<60
HAVING count(1)>=2)
GROUP BY student.sid,student.sname;

select s.sid,s.sname,avg(sc.score) avgscore from student s left join sc on s.sid=sc.sid where sc.score<60 group by s.sid,s.sname having count(1)>=2



分析:学生表 student  sc


select a.*,sc.* from student a,sc 
where sc.sid=a.sid and sc.cid='01'
and sc.score<=60
order by sc.score desc;

  --17、按平均成绩从高到低显示所有学生的所有课程的成绩以及平均成绩--17.1 SQL 2000 静态




select a.SID 学生编号, a.Sname,b.*,c.*,
case c.Cname when '语文' then b.score else null end '语文',
case c.Cname when '数学' then b.score else null end '数学',
case c.Cname when '英语' then b.score else null end '英语'
from Student a 
left join SC b on a.SID = b.SID
left join Course c on b.CID = c.CID;


select a.SID 学生编号, a.Sname,
max(case c.Cname when '语文' then b.score else null end) '语文',
max(case c.Cname when '数学' then b.score else null end) '数学',
max(case c.Cname when '英语' then b.score else null end) '英语',
cast(avg(b.score) as decimal(18,2)) '平均分'
from Student a 
left join SC b on a.SID = b.SID
left join Course c on b.CID = c.CID
group by a.SID , a.Sname
order by '平均分' desc;

select a.SID 学生编号, a.Sname,
max(case c.Cname when '语文' then b.score else null end) 语文,
max(case c.Cname when '数学' then b.score else null end) 数学,
max(case c.Cname when '英语' then b.score else null end) 英语,
cast(avg(b.score) as decimal(18,2)) 平均分
from Student a 
left join SC b on a.SID = b.SID
left join Course c on b.CID = c.CID
group by a.SID , a.Sname
order by 平均分 desc;



-- 感觉是错的
select b.cid,b.cname,max(c.score) 最高分,min(c.score) 最低分,cast(avg(c.score) as decimal(18,2)) 平均分,
cast((select count(1) from sc where score>=60)*100/(select count(1) from sc) as decimal(18,2)) 及格率
from course b,sc c where b.cid=c.cid group by b.cid,b.cname
order by b.cid;

select f.cname,e.* 
from course f 
left join 
(select c.cid,c.max,d.jigelv from 
	(select sc.cid,max(sc.score) max
		from sc group by sc.cid) c 
left join 
	(select a.cid,c1/c2 jigelv from 
		(select cid ,count(1) c1 from sc where sc.score>=60 group by cid) a 
		left join 
		(select cid ,count(1) c2 from sc  group by cid) b on a.cid=b.cid
	) d 
on c.cid=d.cid
) e 
on e.cid=f.cid;

select f.cname,e.* 
from course f 
left join 
select sc.cid,max(score) max,min(score) min,
sum(case when score>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(sc.cid) ge60,
sum(case when score>=70 and score<80 then 1 else 0 end)/count(sc.cid) ge70,
sum(case when score>=80 and score<90 then 1 else 0 end)/count(sc.cid) ge80,
sum(case when score>=90 then 1 else 0 end)/count(sc.cid) ge90
from sc group by cid

) e 
on e.cid=f.cid;



select t.* ,((select count(1) from SC where CID = t.CID and score > t.score) + 1) px from sc t order by t.cid , px

select t.* ,((select count(distinct(score)) from SC where CID = t.CID and score >= t.score) + 1) px from sc t order by t.cid , px


select t.* , rank() over(partition by cid order by score desc) as ranking  from sc t order by t.CID , ranking

select t.* , dense_rank() over(partition by cid order by score desc) as ranking  from sc t order by t.CID , ranking



--20.1 查询学生的总成绩

select m.sid,m.sname,ifnull(sum(n.score),0) 总成绩
from student m left join sc n on m.sid=n.sid
group by m.sid,m.sname
order by 总成绩 desc

--20.2 查询学生的总成绩并进行排名,sql 2000用子查询完成,分总分重复时保留名次空缺和不保留名次空缺两种。

select t1.* , ((select count(1) from
select m.SID 学生编号 ,
m.Sname 学生姓名 ,
ifnull(sum(score),0) 总成绩
from Student m left join SC n on m.SID = n.SID
group by m.SID , m.Sname
) t2 where 总成绩 > t1.总成绩) + 1) px from
select m.SID 学生编号 ,
m.Sname 学生姓名 ,
ifnull(sum(score),0) 总成绩
from Student m left join SC n on m.SID = n.SID
group by m.SID , m.Sname
) t1
order by px

select t1.* , ((select count(distinct 总成绩) from
select m.SID 学生编号 ,
m.Sname 学生姓名 ,
ifnull(sum(score),0) 总成绩
from Student m left join SC n on m.SID = n.SID
group by m.SID , m.Sname
) t2 where 总成绩 >= t1.总成绩) + 1) px from
select m.SID 学生编号 ,
m.Sname 学生姓名 ,
ifnull(sum(score),0) 总成绩
from Student m left join SC n on m.SID = n.SID
group by m.SID , m.Sname
) t1
order by px;

select sid,sum(score) sumscore 
,rank() over(order by sum(score) desc) from SC group by sid;

--20.3 查询学生的总成绩并进行排名,sql 2005用rank,DENSE_RANK完成,分总分重复时保留名次空缺和不保留名次空缺两种。

select t.*,(rank() over( order by 总成绩 desc)) px from 
(select m.sid,m.sname,ifnull(sum(n.score),0) 总成绩
from student m left join sc n on m.sid=n.sid
group by m.sid,m.sname)t
order by px

select t.*,(dense_rank() over( order by 总成绩 desc)) px from 
(select m.sid,m.sname,ifnull(sum(n.score),0) 总成绩
from student m left join sc n on m.sid=n.sid
group by m.sid,m.sname)t
order by px


select m.tid,m.tname,avg(o.score) avg_score
from teacher m,course n,sc o 
where m.tid=n.tid and n.cid=o.cid
group by m.tid,m.tname
order by avg(score) desc;

select t.tid,t.tname,c.cname,avg(sc.score) avg from teacher t left join course c on c.tid=t.tid left join sc on sc.cid=c.cid group by t.tid,t.tname,c.cname order by avg desc


--22.1 sql 2000用子查询完成


select * from (select t.* , ( (select count(1) from SC where CID = t.CID and score > t.score) + 1) px from sc t) m where px between 2 and 3 order by m.cid , m.px;

select * from (select t.*,((select count(1) from sc where cid=t.cid and score>t.score)+1) px from sc t) m where px between 2 and 3 order by m.cid,m.px;


select * from (select t.* ,  (select count(distinct score) from SC where CID = t.CID and score >= t.score) px from sc t) m where px between 2 and 3 order by m.cid , m.px

--22.2 用窗口函数

select * from (select t.* , RANK() over(partition by Cid order by score desc) px from sc t) m where px between 2 and 3 order by m.cid,m.px
select * from (select t.* , dense_rank() over(partition by cid order by score desc) px from sc t) m where px between 2 and 3 order by m.CID , m.px


--23、统计各科成绩各分数段人数:课程编号,课程名称, 100-85 , 85-70 , 70-60 , 0-60 及所占百分比

--23.1 统计各科成绩各分数段人数:课程编号,课程名称, 100-85 , 85-70 , 70-60 , 0-60


select b.cid,b.cname,
sum(case when c.score<=100 and c.score>85 then 1 else 0 end) as '100-85',
sum(case when c.score<=85 and c.score>70 then 1 else 0 end) as '85-70',
sum(case when c.score<=70 and c.score>60 then 1 else 0 end ) as '70-60',
sum(case when c.score<=60 and c.score>0 then 1 else 0 end )as '60-0'
from course b,sc c
where b.cid=c.cid
group by b.cid,b.cname



select b.cid,b.cname,
count(case when c.score<=100 and c.score>85 then 1  end) as '100-85',
count(case when c.score<=85 and c.score>70 then 1  end) as '85-70',
count(case when c.score<=70 and c.score>60 then 1  end ) as '70-60',
count(case when c.score<=60 and c.score>0 then 1  end )as '60-0'
from course b,sc c
where b.cid=c.cid
group by b.cid,b.cname


select m.CID 课程编号, m.Cname 课程名称,
(select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score <= 60) '0-60',
(select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score > 60 and score <= 70) '60-70' ,
(select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score >70 and score <= 85) '70-85' ,
(select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score > 85) '85-100' 
from Course m
order by m.CID


select b.cid,b.cname,
case when c.score>=85 then '85-100'
when c.score>=70 and c.score<85 then '70-85'
when c.score>=60 and c.score<70 then '60-70'
else '0-60'
) '分数段'
count(1) '数量'
from course b,sc c
where b.cid=c.cid
group by b.cid,b.cname,
case when c.score>=85 then '85-100'
when c.score>=70 and c.score<85 then '70-85'
when c.score>=60 and c.score<70 then '60-70'
else '0-60'


--纵向显示2(显示存在的分数段,不存在的分数段用0显示) ,

求百分比的时候 有点不理解,cast(count(1) * 100.0 / (select count(1) from sc where CID = m.CID) as decimal(18,2)) 百分比


select m.CID 课程编号, m.Cname 课程名称,

(select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score < 60) 0-60 ,

cast((select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score < 60)*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID) as decimal(18,2)) 百分比 ,

(select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score >= 60 and score < 70) 60-70 ,

cast((select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score >= 60 and score < 70)*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID) as decimal(18,2)) 百分比 ,

(select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score >= 70 and score < 85) 70-85 ,

cast((select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score >= 70 and score < 85)*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID) as decimal(18,2)) 百分比 ,

(select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score >= 85) 85-100 ,

cast((select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score >= 85)*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID) as decimal(18,2)) 百分比

from Course m

order by m.CID


select m.CID 课程编号 , m.Cname 课程名称 ,  (

case when n.score >= 85 then '85-100'

when n.score >= 70 and n.score < 85 then '70-85'

when n.score >= 60 and n.score < 70 then '60-70'

else '0-60'

end)  分数段,

count(1) 数量 ,

cast(count(1) * 100.0 / (select count(1) from sc where CID = m.CID) as decimal(18,2)) 百分比

from Course m , sc n

where m.CID = n.CID

group by m.CID , m.Cname , (

case when n.score >= 85 then '85-100'

when n.score >= 70 and n.score < 85 then '70-85'

when n.score >= 60 and n.score < 70 then '60-70'

else '0-60'


order by m.CID , m.Cname , 分数段

--24、查询学生平均成绩及其名次--24.1 查询学生的平均成绩并进行排名,sql 2000用子查询完成,分平均成绩重复时保留名次空缺和不保留名次空缺两种。


select t1.* , px = (select count(1) from


select m.SID 学生编号 ,

m.Sname 学生姓名 ,

isnull(cast(avg(score) as decimal(18,2)),0) 平均成绩

from Student m left join SC n on m.SID = n.SID

group by m.SID , m.Sname

) t2 where 平均成绩 > t1.平均成绩) + 1 from


select m.SID 学生编号 ,

m.Sname 学生姓名 ,

isnull(cast(avg(score) as decimal(18,2)),0) 平均成绩

from Student m left join SC n on m.SID = n.SID

group by m.SID , m.Sname

) t1

order by px

select t1.* , px = (select count(distinct 平均成绩) from


select m.SID 学生编号 ,

m.Sname 学生姓名 ,

isnull(cast(avg(score) as decimal(18,2)),0) 平均成绩

from Student m left join SC n on m.SID = n.SID

group by m.SID , m.Sname

) t2 where 平均成绩 >= t1.平均成绩) from


select m.SID 学生编号 ,

m.Sname 学生姓名 ,

isnull(cast(avg(score) as decimal(18,2)),0) 平均成绩

from Student m left join SC n on m.SID = n.SID

group by m.SID , m.Sname

) t1

order by px

二:sql 2005用rank,DENSE_RANK完成,分平均成绩重复时保留名次空缺和不保留名次空缺两种。

select t.* ,  rank() over(order by 平均成绩 desc) ranking from
select m.SID 学生编号 ,
m.Sname 学生姓名 ,
ifnull(cast(avg(score) as decimal(18,2)),0) 平均成绩
from Student m left join SC n on m.SID = n.SID
group by m.SID , m.Sname
) t
order by ranking



--25.2 分数重复时不保留名次空缺,合并名次

--sql 2000用子查询实现

select * from (select t.* , (select count(distinct score)  from SC where CID = t.CID and score >= t.score) px from sc t) m where px between 1 and 3 order by m.Cid , m.px

二:用rank() 窗口函数

select * from (select sc.sid,sc.cid,sc.score, rank() over(partition by sc.cid order by sc.score desc) ranking
from sc ) t
where t.ranking <=3

select t.* , DENSE_RANK() over(partition by Cid order by score desc) px from sc t

select * from (select t.* , DENSE_RANK() over(partition by Cid order by score desc) px from sc t) m where px between 1 and 3 order by m.cid,m.px


select sc.cid,count(sc.sid) 学生数 from sc 
group by sc.cid;



select a.sid,a.sname ,d.count from student a
left join (SELECT c.sid,count(c.cid) as count from sc c group by c.sid) d on a.sid=d.sid 
where count=2;


select a.sid,a.sname,count(c.cid)  count from student a
left join sc c on a.sid=c.sid 
group by a.sid,a.sname
having count=2;


select a.sid,a.sname,count(c.cid) count from student a ,sc c
where a.sid =c.sid
group by a.sid,a.sname
having count=2;


select ssex ,count(1) from student
group by ssex;

对这case when 不是很清晰,得捋捋

select count(Ssex) as 男生人数 from Student where Ssex = N'男'

select count(Ssex) as 女生人数 from Student where Ssex = N'女'

select sum(case when Ssex = N'男' then 1 else 0 end) 男生人数 ,sum(case when Ssex = N'女' then 1 else 0 end) 女生人数 from student

select case when Ssex = N'男' then N'男生人数' else N'女生人数' end 男女情况 , count(1) 人数 from student group by case when Ssex = N'男' then N'男生人数' else N'女生人数' end


SELECT * from student where sname  like "%风%";


select sname,count(*) from student group by sname
having count(*)>1;


select * from student where year(student.sage)=1990;


select * from Student where datediff(yy,sage,'1990-01-01') = 0

select * from Student where datepart(yy,sage) = 1990

select * from Student where convert(varchar(4),sage,120) = '1990'


select m.cid,m.cname,avg(n.score) avg_score 
from course m,sc n
where m.cid =n.cid
group by m.cid,m.cname
order by avg_score desc,m.cid asc;


select a.sid,a.sname,avg(c.score) avg_score 
from student a,sc c
where a.sid =c.sid
group by a.sid,a.sname
having avg_score>=85
order by a.sid;


select a.sid,a.sname,b.cname,c.score
from student a,sc c,course b
where a.sid =c.sid and c.cid=b.cid
and b.cname='数学' and c.score<60;


select a.sid,a.sname,b.cname,c.score
from student a,sc c,course b
where a.sid =c.sid and c.cid=b.cid


select a.sid,a.sname,b.cname,c.cid,c.score
from student a,sc c,course b
where a.sid =c.sid and c.cid=b.cid and c.score >= 70
order by a.sid,c.cid


select a.sid,a.sname,b.cname,c.cid,c.score
from student a,sc c,course b
where a.sid =c.sid and c.cid=b.cid  and c.score < 60
order by a.sid,c.cid


select a.sid,a.sname,c.score,c.cid from student a,sc c 
where a.sid =c.sid and c.cid ='01' and c.score>=80;


select b.cid,b.cname,count(1) from course b,sc c 
where b.cid=c.cid 
group by b.cid,b.cname;


--40.1 当最高分只有一个时

select  Student.* , Course.Cname , SC.CID , SC.score
from Student, SC , Course , Teacher
where Student.SID = SC.SID and SC.CID = Course.CID and Course.TID = Teacher.TID and Teacher.Tname = N'张三'
order by SC.score desc 
limit 1

--40.2 当最高分出现多个时

select a.sid,a.sname,a.sage,a.ssex,d.score from student a,course b,teacher c,sc d 
where a.sid=d.sid and d.cid=b.cid and b.tid=c.tid and c.tname='张三' and d.score=(select max(e.score) from 
(select a.*,d.score from student a,course b,teacher c,sc d 
where a.sid=d.sid and d.cid=b.cid and b.tid=c.tid 
and c.tname='张三') e)



select  a.sid,a.cid,a.score,s.sname from student s left join sc a on s.sid=a.sid  left join sc b on a.sid=b.sid where a.cid <> b.cid and a.score=b.score 
group by a.sid,a.cid,a.score,s.sname;






select m.* from SC m ,(select CID , score from SC group by CID , score having count(1) > 1) n

where m.CID= n.CID and m.score = n.score order by m.CID , m.score , m.SID


select m.* from SC m where exists (select 1 from (select CID , score from SC group by CID , score having count(1) > 1) n

where m.CID= n.CID and m.score = n.score) order by m.CID , m.score , m.SID



select * from (select t.* , RANK() over(partition by Cid order by score desc) px from sc t) m where px between 1 and 2 order by m.cid,m.px
select * from (select t.* , dense_rank() over(partition by cid order by score desc) px from sc t) m where px between 1 and 2 order by m.CID , m.px

select * from (select t.* , RANK() over(partition by Cid order by score desc) px from sc t ) m where m.px <3


select course.cid,course.cname ,count(*) 学生人数
from course,sc
where course.cid=sc.cid
group by course.cid,course.cname
having count(*) >=5
order by 学生人数 desc,course.cid asc


select a.sid,a.sname from student a,sc 
where a.sid=sc.sid group by a.sid,a.sname
having count(1)>=2


select a.sid,a.sname from student a,sc 
where a.sid=sc.sid group by a.sid,a.sname
having count(1)>2

select student.* from student where SID in
(select SID from sc group by SID having count(1) = (select count(1) from course))



select student.sid ,student.sname,TIMESTAMPDIFF(year,sage,now()) from student;


select *
from student 


select * from student where WEEKOFYEAR(student.Sage)=WEEKOFYEAR(CURDATE())+1;


select * from student where MONTH(student.Sage)=MONTH(CURDATE());


select * from student where MONTH(student.Sage)=MONTH(CURDATE())+1;

--51 查询选修了全部课程的学生信息

 select s.sid,s.sname from student s inner join 
(select sid from 
(select count(cid) c1 from course) c
left join (select sc.sid,count(cid) c2 from sc group by sc.sid ) d
on c.c1=d.c2) co
on s.sid=co.sid;



2.mysql 中 isnull 和 ifnull 判断字段是否为null https://blog.csdn.net/cxqiang2013/article/details/35587295

3.SQL:mysql中如何使用isnull函数 https://blog.csdn.net/lch_2016/article/details/81007761




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当谈到 Java 和 SQL经典面试时,有几个常见的问可以提及: 1. 什么是 JDBC?它的作用是什么? JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)是 Java 语言与数据库进行交互的标准 API。它提供了一组用于执行 SQL 语句、访问和处理数据库的类和接口。通过 JDBC,Java 程序可以连接到不同的数据库管理系统(如MySQL、Oracle等),执行查询、插入、更新和删除等操作。 2. JDBC 的工作原理是什么? JDBC 使用驱动程序(Driver)来连接和操作数据库。驱动程序根据特定数据库的规范实现了 JDBC 接口,通过提供连接、执行 SQL 语句和处理结果等功能来实现与数据库的交互。 3. 什么是连接池(Connection Pool)?为什么要使用连接池? 连接池是一组数据库连接的缓存,用于提高数据库连接的复用性和性能。当应用程序需要与数据库进行交互时,可以从连接池中获取一个可用的连接,完成数据库操作后将连接归还给连接池,而不是每次都重新创建和销毁连接。这样可以减少连接的创建和销毁开销,提高数据库操作的效率。 4. 什么是事务(Transaction)?请解释 ACID 原则。 事务是一组数据库操作,要么全部成功执行(提交),要么全部失败(回滚)。ACID 是事务的四个特性原则,分别是原子性(Atomicity)、一致性(Consistency)、隔离性(Isolation)和持久性(Durability)。原子性指事务中的操作要么全部执行,要么全部取消;一致性指事务的执行将数据库从一个一致状态转换为另一个一致状态;隔离性指事务的执行在不同的并发环境下不相互影响;持久性指一旦事务提交,对数据库的修改将永久保存。 这些是一些常见的 Java SQL 面试,希望能对你有所帮助!如果你还有其他问,可以继续提问。


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