Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Frame Sampling for Effective Untrimmed Video Recognition

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Frame Sampling for Effective Untrimmed Video Recognition

ICCV 2019 (oral)

2019-08-01 15:08:19




1. Backgroud and Motivation



2. Architecture 

2.1 Context-aware Observation Network

这个 context-aware observation network 是一个基础的观测网络,随后是 context network。这个基础的观测网络是用于编码 选中的视频帧的视频信息,输出为 feature vector,作为 context network 的输入。与 single-agent 系统不同的是,multi-agent 的系统,每一个智能体的选择不仅依赖于 local environment state,而且受到 context information 的影响。所以,我们设计了一个 context-aware module,来维持一个  joint internal state of agents,用一个 RNN 网络将 history context information 进行总结。为了能够使之更加有效的工作,每一个智能体 only accesses context information from its 2M neighboring agents but not from all agents. 正式的来说,所有的时间步骤 t,智能体 a 观测到一个组合的状态 $s_t^a$ 及其 之前的 hidden state $h_{t-1}^a$ 作为 context module 的输入,然后产生其当前的 hidden states:



2.2 Policy Network

作者采用 fc + softmax function 作为 policy network。在每一个时间步骤 t,每一个智能体 a,根据策略网络产生的概率分布, 选择一个动作 $u_t^a$ 来执行。动作集合是一个离散的空间 {moving ahead, moving back and staying}。并且设置一定的步幅。当所有的智能体都选择 staying 的时候,意味着该停止了。


2.3 Classification Network

就是将选中的视频帧进行 action 的分类。


3. Objectives 

本文将同时进行 奖励最大化的优化 以及 分类网络的优化。

3.1 MARL Objective

Reward function: 奖励函数反应了 agents 选择动作的好坏。当所有的智能体都选择动作时,每一个时刻 t,每一个智能体基于分类的概率 $p_t^a$ 得到了其各自的奖励 $r_t^a$ 。给予 agent 奖励可以促使其知道更加具有信息量的 frame,从而一步一步的改善正确预测的概率。所以,作者设计了一个简单的奖励函数,鼓励模型增加其 confidence。特定的,对于第 t 个时间步骤来说,agent a 接收的奖励按照如下的方式进行计算:

其中,$p_{t,c}^a$ 代表了智能体 a 在时刻 t 模型将其预测为 class c 的概率,gt 是视频的 ground truth label。所有的智能体共享同一个 reward function。考虑到序列决策的场景,考虑累积折扣回报是更加合适的,即:将来的奖励对当前的步骤贡献更小一些。特别的,在时刻 t,对于智能体 a 来说,折扣的回报可以计算如下:

Policy Gradient: 服从 REINFORCE 算法,作者将目标函数设置为:


这变成了一个 non-trivial optimization problem, 由于 action sequence space 的维度过高。REINFORCE 通过蒙特卡洛采样的方式,进行梯度的估计:




Maximum entropy

为了避免让策略迅速变的 deterministic,研究者考虑将 entropy regularization 技术引入到 DRL 算法中,以鼓励探索。更大的熵,agent 就会更加偏向于探索其他动作。所以,我们利用 policy 的 entropy 来进行正则:

所以,MARL 总得损失是上述两个损失函数的加和:



3.2 Classification Objective

作者用 Cross-entropy loss 来最小化 gt 和 prediction p 之间的 KL-散度:



4. Experiments





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Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) is a subfield of reinforcement learning (RL) that involves multiple agents learning simultaneously in a shared environment. MARL has been studied for several decades, but recent advances in deep learning and computational power have led to significant progress in the field. The development of MARL can be divided into several key stages: 1. Early approaches: In the early days, MARL algorithms were based on game theory and heuristic methods. These approaches were limited in their ability to handle complex environments or large numbers of agents. 2. Independent Learners: The Independent Learners (IL) algorithm was proposed in the 1990s, which allowed agents to learn independently while interacting with a shared environment. This approach was successful in simple environments but often led to convergence issues in more complex scenarios. 3. Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (Dec-POMDP): The Dec-POMDP framework was introduced to address the challenges of coordinating multiple agents in a decentralized manner. This approach models the environment as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP), which allows agents to reason about the beliefs and actions of other agents. 4. Deep MARL: The development of deep learning techniques, such as deep neural networks, has enabled the use of MARL in more complex environments. Deep MARL algorithms, such as Deep Q-Networks (DQN) and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG), have achieved state-of-the-art performance in many applications. 5. Multi-Agent Actor-Critic (MAAC): MAAC is a recent algorithm that combines the advantages of policy-based and value-based methods. MAAC uses an actor-critic architecture to learn decentralized policies and value functions for each agent, while also incorporating a centralized critic to estimate the global value function. Overall, the development of MARL has been driven by the need to address the challenges of coordinating multiple agents in complex environments. While there is still much to be learned in this field, recent advancements in deep learning and reinforcement learning have opened up new possibilities for developing more effective MARL algorithms.




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