
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 CRITICAL nova [req-f5a4b361-f052-4ef0-892d-3b188aa996e9 - - - - -] Unhandled error: AccessRefused: (0, 0): (403) ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using authentication mechanism AMQPLAIN. For details see the broker logfile.
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/bin/nova-compute", line 10, in <module>
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     sys.exit(main())
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/cmd/", line 57, in main
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     topic=compute_rpcapi.RPC_TOPIC)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/", line 271, in create
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     periodic_interval_max=periodic_interval_max)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/", line 128, in __init__
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     conductor_api.wait_until_ready(context.get_admin_context())
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/conductor/", line 67, in wait_until_ready
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     timeout=timeout)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/", line 58, in ping
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     return, 'ping', arg=arg_p)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/rpc/", line 181, in call
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     transport_options=self.transport_options)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/", line 129, in _send
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     transport_options=transport_options)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/_drivers/", line 674, in send
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     transport_options=transport_options)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/_drivers/", line 618, in _send
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     msg.update({'_reply_q': self._get_reply_q()})
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/_drivers/", line 599, in _get_reply_q
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     conn = self._get_connection(rpc_common.PURPOSE_LISTEN)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/_drivers/", line 590, in _get_connection
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     purpose=purpose)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/_drivers/", line 432, in __init__
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     self.connection = connection_pool.create(purpose)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/_drivers/", line 148, in create
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     return self.connection_cls(self.conf, self.url, purpose)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/_drivers/", line 625, in __init__
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     self.ensure_connection()
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/_drivers/", line 740, in ensure_connection
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     self.connection.ensure_connection(errback=on_error)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/", line 422, in ensure_connection
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     callback, timeout=timeout)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/utils/", line 343, in retry_over_time
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     return fun(*args, **kwargs)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/", line 275, in connect
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     return self.connection
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/", line 823, in connection
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     self._connection = self._establish_connection()
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/", line 778, in _establish_connection
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     conn = self.transport.establish_connection()
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/transport/", line 130, in establish_connection
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     conn.connect()
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/amqp/", line 313, in connect
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     self.drain_events(timeout=self.connect_timeout)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/amqp/", line 500, in drain_events
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     while not self.blocking_read(timeout):
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/amqp/", line 506, in blocking_read
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     return self.on_inbound_frame(frame)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/amqp/", line 55, in on_frame
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     callback(channel, method_sig, buf, None)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/amqp/", line 510, in on_inbound_method
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     method_sig, payload, content,
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/amqp/", line 126, in dispatch_method
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     listener(*args)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/amqp/", line 639, in _on_close
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova     (class_id, method_id), ConnectionError)
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova AccessRefused: (0, 0): (403) ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using authentication mechanism AMQPLAIN. For details see the broker logfile.
2022-05-21 19:38:03.589 8905 ERROR nova 
2022-05-21 19:38:04.784 8918 INFO os_vif [-] Loaded VIF plugins: ovs, linux_bridge, noop
2022-05-21 19:38:04.825 8918 CRITICAL nova [req-161a5854-e2a8-47f5-bad3-214fd16d393b - - - - -] Unhandled error: AccessRefused: (0, 0): (403) ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using authentication mechanism AMQPLAIN. For details see the broker logfile.


enabled_apis = osapi_compute,metadata
transport_url = rabbit://openstack:openstack123@controller    rabbitmqd的账户和密码
my_ip = 节点ip
use_neutron = true
firewall_driver = nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver



 systemctl restart openstack-nova-api.service openstack-nova-scheduler.service openstack-nova-conductor.service openstack-nova-novncproxy.service


systemctl restart libvirtd.service openstack-nova-compute.service

# 查看日志
tail -f  /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log
2022-05-21 19:50:48.928 9111 INFO nova.service [-] Starting compute node (version 20.6.0-1.el7)
2022-05-21 19:50:48.986 9111 INFO nova.virt.libvirt.driver [-] Connection event '1' reason 'None'
2022-05-21 19:50:49.007 9111 INFO [-] Libvirt host capabilities <capabilities>

      <microcode version='52'/>
      <counter name='tsc' frequency='2303997000' scaling='no'/>
      <topology sockets='2' cores='2' threads='1'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>
      <feature name='ss'/>
      <feature name='ht'/>
      <feature name='vmx'/>


2022-05-21 19:47:18.129 9111 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-9ea7bbe6-5f44-4c64-85fc-3d28d0305a6b - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor.  Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?  Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID b35b94db002f4f91b69b70704b47f41a
2022-05-21 19:47:28.131 9111 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-9ea7bbe6-5f44-4c64-85fc-3d28d0305a6b - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor.  Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?  Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID e11176b17e0849fcb52e24366392b97a
2022-05-21 19:47:38.133 9111 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-9ea7bbe6-5f44-4c64-85fc-3d28d0305a6b - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor.  Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?  Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID ce5777da9aa5462592fdd3c3f47e58fc
2022-05-21 19:47:48.136 9111 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-9ea7bbe6-5f44-4c64-85fc-3d28d0305a6b - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor.  Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?  Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID 6d1b1acf25f042988d726e5f4ad44daa
2022-05-21 19:47:58.138 9111 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-9ea7bbe6-5f44-4c64-85fc-3d28d0305a6b - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor.  Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?  Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID 14b620d74a014c06b537519f170554fd
2022-05-21 19:48:08.141 9111 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-9ea7bbe6-5f44-4c64-85fc-3d28d0305a6b - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor.  Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?  Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID 2a0d9f96908d4cf993c9a3d38cf66479
2022-05-21 19:48:18.144 9111 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-9ea7bbe6-5f44-4c64-85fc-3d28d0305a6b - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor.  Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?  Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID 8bbe958ecc1e463aa4750003eef6d5f0
2022-05-21 19:48:28.146 9111 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-9ea7bbe6-5f44-4c64-85fc-3d28d0305a6b - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor.  Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?  Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID bb86454749b0439ba8a3baaba886ced9
2022-05-21 19:48:38.148 9111 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-9ea7bbe6-5f44-4c64-85fc-3d28d0305a6b - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor.  Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?  Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID e4fb3598e076437d97c3826c81b2b66b
2022-05-21 19:48:48.151 9111 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-9ea7bbe6-5f44-4c64-85fc-3d28d0305a6b - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor.  Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?  Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID 0316a24e75ee46ddaed83a788406bc4d
2022-05-21 19:49:48.153 9111 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-9ea7bbe6-5f44-4c64-85fc-3d28d0305a6b - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor.  Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?  Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID 58907370c34c44d990231f5070906d8c
2022-05-21 19:50:48.155 9111 WARNING nova.conductor.api [req-9ea7bbe6-5f44-4c64-85fc-3d28d0305a6b - - - - -] Timed out waiting for nova-conductor.  Is it running? Or did this service start before nova-conductor?  Reattempting establishment of nova-conductor connection...: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID cd1c68fa7d4c41098371b4c1371daa08

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