


Release Candidate,发行候选版本,基本不再加入新的功能,主要修复bug。是最终发布成正式版的前一个版本,将bug修改完就可以发布成正式版了。

General Availability,正式发布的版本,官方开始推荐广泛使用,国外有的用GA来表示release版本。




Full version:完整版,属于正式版。

Enhance :增强版或者加强版 属于正式版1
Free :自由版
Release :发行版 有时间限制
Upgrade :升级版
Retail  :零售版
Cardware :属共享软件的一种,只要给作者回复一封电邮或明信片即可。(有的作者并由此提供注册码等),目前这种形式已不多见。
Plus :属增强版,不过这种大部分是在程序界面及多媒体功能上增强。
Preview :预览版
Corporation & Enterprise :企业版
Standard :标准版
Mini :迷你版也叫精简版只有最基本的功能
Premium : 贵价版
Professional(Pro) : 专业版
Express : 特别版
Deluxe : 豪华版
Regged : 已注册版

Delux:豪华版 (deluxe: 豪华的,华丽的)

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httpd2.2.12.tar编码工具APACHE 2.x VERSIONING ===================== [$LastChangedDate: 2005-10-17 17:17:21 +0000 (Mon, 17 Oct 2005) $] INTRODUCTION ------------ The Apache HTTP Server project must balance two competing and disjoint objectives: maintain stable code for third party authors, distributors and most importantly users so that bug and security fixes can be quickly adopted without significant hardship due to user-visible changes; and continue the development process that requires ongoing redesign to correct earlier oversights and to add additional features. The Apache HTTP Server, through version 2.0, used the Module Magic Number (MMN) to reflect API changes. This had the shortcoming of often leaving users hunting to replace binary third party modules that were now incompatible. This also left module authors searching through the API change histories to determine the exact cause for the MMN change and whether their module was affected. With the simultaneous release of Apache 2.2-stable and Apache 2.3-development, the Apache HTTP Server project is moving towards a more predictable stable release cycle, while allowing forward progress to occur without concern for breaking the stable branch. This document explains the rationale between the two versions and their behavior. STABLE RELEASES, 2.{even}.{revision} ------------------------------------ All even numbered releases will be considered stable revisions. Stable revisions will retain forward compatiblity to the maximum possible extent. Features may be added during minor revisions, and features may be deprecated by making appropriate notations in the documentation, but no features may be removed. In essence, that implies that you can upgrade from one minor revision to the next with a minimum of trouble. In particular, this means: * The Module API will retain forward compatibility. It will not be necessary to update modules to work with new revisions of the stable tree. * The run-time configuration will be forward compatible. No configuration changes will be necessary to work with new revisions of the stable tree. * Compile-time configuration will be forward compatible. The configure command line options that work in one release of the stable tree will also work in the next release. As always, it will be necessary to test any new release to assure that it works correctly with a particular configuration and a particular set of modules, but every effort will be made to assure that upgrades are as smooth as possible. In addition, the following development restrictions will aid in keeping the stable tree as safe as possible: * No 'Experimental' modules; while it may be possible (based on API changes required to support a given module) to load a 2.3-development module into a 2.2-stable build of Apache, there are no guarantees. Experimental modules will be introduced to the 2.3-development versions and either added to 2.2-stable once they are proven and compatible, or deferred to the 2.4-stable release if they cannot be incorporated in the current stable release due to API change requirements. * The stable subversion tree should not remain unstable at any time. Atomic commits aught be used to introduce code from the development version to the stable tree. At any given time a security release may be in preparation, unbeknownst to other contributors. At any given time, testers may be checking out SVN trunk to confirm that a bug has been corrected. And as all code was well-tested in development prior to committing to the stable tree, there is really no reason for this tree to be broken for more than a few minutes during a lengthy commit. In order to avoid 'skipped' release numbers in the stable releases, the Release Manager will generally roll a release candidate (APACHE_#_#_#_RC#) tag. Release Candidate tarballs will be announced to the stable[email protected] for the stable tree. Then, the participants will vote on the quality of the proposed release tarball. The final APACHE_#_#_# tag will not exist until the APACHE_#_#_#_RC# candidate has passed the usual votes to release that version. Only then is the final tarball packaged, removing all -rc# designations from the version number, and tagging the tree with the release number. DEVELOPMENT RELEASES, 2.{odd}.{revision} ----------------------------------------- All odd numbered releases designate the 'next' possible stable release, therefore the current development version will always be one greater than the current stable release. Work proceeds on development releases, permitting the modification of the MMN at any time in order to correct deficiencies or shortcomings in the API. This means that modules from one development release to another may not be binary compatible, or may not successfully compile without modification to accomodate the API changes. The only 'supported' development release at any time will be the most recently released version. Developers will not be answering bug reports of older development releases once a new release is available. It becomes the resposibility of the reporter to use the latest development version to confirm that any issue still exists. Any new code, new API features or new ('experimental') modules may be promoted at any time to the next stable release, by a vote of the project contributors. This vote is based on the technical stability of the new code and the stability of the interface. Once moved to stable, that feature cannot change for the remainder of that stable release cycle, so the vote must reflect that the final decisions on the behavior and naming of that new feature were reached. Vetos continue to apply to this choice of introducing the new work to the stable version. At any given time, when the quality of changes to the development branch is considered release quality, that version may become a candidate for the next stable release. This includes some or all of the API changes, promoting experimental modules to stable or deprecating and eliminating older modules from the last stable release. All of these choices are considered by the project as a group in the interests of promoting the stable release, so that any given change may be 'deferred' for a future release by the group, rather than introduce unacceptable risks to adopting the next stable release. Third party module authors are strongly encouraged to test with the latest development version. This assures that the module will be ready for the next stable release, but more importantly, the author can react to shortcomings in the API early enough to warn the [email protected] community of the shortcomings so that they can be addressed before the stable release. The entire burden is on the module author to anticipate the needs of their module before the stable release is created. Once a new stable release cycle has begun, that API will be present for the lifetime of the stable release. Any desired changes in the stable versions must wait for inclusion into the next release cycle. When deciding to promote a development tree to being stable, a determination should be made whether the changes since the last stable version warrant a major version bump. That is, if 2.2 is the current stable version and 2.3 is 'ready' to become stable, the group needs to decide if the next stable version is 2.4 or 3.0. One suggested rule of thumb is that if it requires too much effort to port a module from 2.2 to 2.4, then the stable version should be labeled 3.0. In order to ease the burden of creating development releases, the process for packaging a development releases is less formal than for the stable release. This strategy reflects the fact that while in development, versions are cheap. Development releases may be classified as alpha, beta, or GA to reflect the group's perceived stability of the tree. Development releases may be made at any time by any committer. Please read the following link for a more detailed description of the development release strategy: http://httpd.apache.org/dev/release.html
libevent-1.1b ~ 1.4.13-stable ~ 2.0.3-alpha libevent-2.0.3-alpha.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2009-11-19 libevent-1.4.13-stable.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2009-11-17 libevent-1.4.12-stable.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2009-07-24 libevent-2.0.2-alpha.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2009-07-24 libevent-1.4.11-stable.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2009-05-14 libevent-2.0.1-alpha.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - What's new - Release 2009-04-17 libevent-1.4.10-stable.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2009-04-17 libevent-1.4.9-stable.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2008-12-12 libevent-1.4.8-stable.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2008-09-13 libevent-1.4.7-stable.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2008-08-25 libevent-1.4.6-stable.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2008-07-24 libevent-1.4.5-stable.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2008-06-25 libevent-1.4.4-stable.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2008-05-13 libevent-1.4.3-stable.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2008-04-07 libevent-1.4.2-rc.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2008-02-25 make Solaris event subsystems more reliable; from W.C.A. Wijngaards event_base_get_method(); from Springande Ulv fix HTTP/1.1 chunk formatting; from "propanbutan" allow 64-bit content lengths; from Scott Lamb and more... libevent-1.4.1-beta.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2007-12-21 fixed some memory leaks and other misc cleanup; from Christopher Layne, Scott Lamb and Charles Kerr introduced event_reinit to deal with fork() improved efficiency of generated RPC structure performance improvements to Win32 backend and many more... libevent-1.4.0-beta.tar.gz [GPG Sig] - ChangeLog - Release 2007-11-11 a new RPC subsytem for writing distributed clients and servers almost everything is documented via Doxygen now many fixes and improvements to evdns and evhttp libevent now builds two additional libraries: libevent_core (containing only
ant-1.6.2.jar asm-analysis-3.2.jar asm-commons-3.2.jar asm-tree-3.2.jar asm-util-3.2.jar aspectjweaver-1.7.4.jar avalon-framework-4.1.3.jar bsf-api-3.1.jar cache-api-0.4.jar cglib-nodep-2.2.jar citrus-webx-all-3.0.8.jar classworlds-1.1-alpha-2.jar classworlds-1.1.jar commons-beanutils.jar commons-cli-1.0.jar commons-collections-3.2.jar commons-digester-1.6.jar commons-httpclient-2.0.2.jar commons-io-1.3.2.jar commons-io-2.1.jar commons-lang-2.5.jar commons-logging-1.1.jar commons-validator-1.2.0.jar curator-framework-1.1.16.jar cxf-rt-frontend-simple-2.6.1.jar cxf-rt-transports-http-2.6.1.jar doxia-core-1.0-alpha-11.jar doxia-core-1.0.jar doxia-decoration-model-1.0-alpha-11.jar doxia-decoration-model-1.0.jar doxia-module-apt-1.0-alpha-11.jar doxia-module-apt-1.0.jar doxia-module-fml-1.0-alpha-11.jar doxia-module-fml-1.0.jar doxia-module-xdoc-1.0-alpha-11.jar doxia-module-xdoc-1.0.jar doxia-module-xhtml-1.0-alpha-11.jar doxia-module-xhtml-1.0.jar doxia-sink-api-1.0-alpha-10.jar doxia-sink-api-1.0-alpha-11.jar doxia-sink-api-1.0-alpha-4.jar doxia-sink-api-1.0.jar doxia-site-renderer-1.0-alpha-11.jar doxia-site-renderer-1.0.jar dummy.jar.zip dummy1.0.jar easymock-1.2_Java1.3.jar easymock-3.0.jar easymockclassextension-3.0.jar fastjson-1.1.31.jar fastjson-1.2.28.jar fastjson-1.2.31.jar file-management-1.2.1.jar fst-1.55.jar grizzly-core-2.1.4.jar hessian-lite-3.2.1-fixed-2.jar hibernate-validator-4.2.0.Final.jar hsqldb-1.7.1.jar htmlunit-1.9.jar httpclient-4.0.1.jar httpclient-4.1.2.jar httpclient-4.2.5.jar httpclient-4.4.jar httpcore-4.0.1.jar httpcore-4.1.2.jar jackson-core-2.8.8.jar jackson-core-asl-1.9.13.jar jackson-databind-2.3.3.jar jackson-datatype-joda-2.4.0.jar jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.12.jar javassist-3.20.0-GA.jar javax.ws.rs-api-2.0.1.jar jaxen-core-1.0-FCS.jar jaxen-jdom-1.0-FCS.jar jdependency-0.6.jar jdom-1.1.jar jedis-2.1.0.jar jetty-4.2.10.jar jetty-4.2.12.jar jfreechart-1.0.13.jar jmockit-0.999.8.jar jsch-0.1.23.jar jsch-0.1.27.jar jsr305-2.0.1.jar jtid


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