
Consumer Offset Checker

         This tool has been removed in Kafka 1.0.0.  Use kafka-consumer-groups.sh to get consumer group details.

         Displays the:  Consumer Group, Topic, Partitions, Offset, logSize, Lag, Owner for the specified set of Topics and Consumer Group。这个工具1.0版本已经移除,可以使用kafka-consumer-groups 去获取消费者组信息。

bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.ConsumerOffsetChecker

使用参数说明:required argument: [group]
Option Description 
------ ----------- 
--broker-info Print broker info 
--group Consumer group. 
--help Print this message. 
--topic Comma-separated list of consumer 
topics (all topics if absent). 
--zkconnect ZooKeeper connect string. (default: localhost:2181)

Dump Log Segment

This can print the messages directly from the log files or just verify the indexes correct for the logs

查看kafka log 日志,时间戳日志,索引日志,都非常便利,可以查看offset,物理位置,时间戳。

bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments

required argument "[files]"

Option Description 
------ ----------- 
--deep-iteration if set, uses deep instead of shallow iteration 
--files <file1, file2, ...> REQUIRED: The comma separated list of data and index log files to be dumped。
--max-message-size <Integer: size> Size of largest message. (default: 5242880) 
--print-data-log if set, printing the messages content when dumping data logs 
--verify-index-only if set, just verify the index log without printing its content

Export Zookeeper Offsets

A utility that retrieves the offsets of broker partitions in ZK and prints to an output file in the following format:

从zookeeper中读取查看消费者组消息topic 的offset。


bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.ExportZkOffsets

required argument: [zkconnect]
Option Description 
------ ----------- 
--group Consumer group. 
--help Print this message. 
--output-file Output file 
--zkconnect ZooKeeper connect string. (default: localhost:2181)

Get Offset Shell  获取offset

get offsets for a topic。这工具非常好用,可以直接从kafka 获取topic 最早时间戳、最新时间戳。以及根据时间戳直接获取offset偏移量。

bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell

required argument [broker-list], [topic]
Option Description 
------ ----------- 
--broker-list <hostname:port,..., REQUIRED: The list of hostname and hostname:port> port of the server to connect to. 
--max-wait-ms <Integer: ms> The max amount of time each fetch request waits. (default: 1000) 
--offsets <Integer: count> number of offsets returned (default: 1)
--partitions <partition ids> comma separated list of partition ids. If not specified, will find offsets for all partitions (default) 
--time <Long: timestamp in milliseconds / -1(latest) / -2 (earliest) timestamp; offsets will come before this timestamp, as in getOffsetsBefore  > 
--topic <topic> REQUIRED: The topic to get offsets from.

Import Zookeeper Offsets

can import offsets for a topic partitions,file format is the same as for the export 。更新消费者组的消息消费偏移量,需要写一个文件,格式如查看输出的格式一样。


bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.ImportZkOffsets

required argument: [input-file]
Option Description 
------ ----------- 
--help Print this message. 
--input-file Input file 
--zkconnect ZooKeeper connect string. (default: localhost:2181)

JMX Tool

prints metrics via JMX。通过jmx端口,获取kafka审计监控信息。kafka manager和很多监控工具都是利用这个查询。

bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.JmxTool

Option Description 
------ ----------- 
--attributes <name> The whitelist of attributes to query. This is a comma-separated list. If no attributes are specified all objects will be queried. 
--date-format <format> The date format to use for formatting the time field. See java.text. SimpleDateFormat for options. 
--help Print usage information. 
--jmx-url <service-url> The url to connect to to poll JMX data. See Oracle javadoc for JMXServiceURL for details. (default: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://: 9999/jmxrmi) 
--object-name <name> A JMX object name to use as a query. This can contain wild cards, and  this option can be given multiple times to specify more than one query. If no objects are specified all objects will be queried. 
--reporting-interval <Integer: ms> Interval in MS with which to poll jmx stats. (default: 2000)

Kafka Migration Tool

Migrates a 0.7 broker to 0.8。这个工具现在不太流行了。最新kafka 版本(2018-11-24)已经是2.1了。0.7和0.8版本有点老。

bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.KafkaMigrationTool

Missing required argument "[consumer.config]"
Option Description 
------ ----------- 
--blacklist <Java regex (String)> Blacklist of topics to migrate from the 0.7 cluster 
--consumer.config <config file> Kafka 0.7 consumer config to consume from the source 0.7 cluster. You man specify multiple of these. 
--help Print this message. 
--kafka.07.jar <kafka 0.7 jar> Kafka 0.7 jar file 
--num.producers <Integer: Number of Number of producer instances (default: producers> 1) 
--num.streams <Integer: Number of Number of consumer streams (default: 1)consumer threads> 
--producer.config <config file> Producer config. 
--queue.size <Integer: Queue size in Number of messages that are buffered terms of number of messages> between the 0.7 consumer and 0.8 producer (default: 10000) 
--whitelist <Java regex (String)> Whitelist of topics to migrate from the 0.7 cluster 
--zkclient.01.jar <zkClient 0.1 jar zkClient 0.1 jar file file required by Kafka 0.7>

Mirror Maker

Provides mirroring of one Kafka cluster to another, for more info check out the wiki page on Kafka mirroring (MirrorMaker)

bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.MirrorMaker

required argument [consumer.config]
Option Description 
------ ----------- 
--blacklist <Java regex (String)> Blacklist of topics to mirror. 
--consumer.config <config file> Consumer config to consume from a source cluster. You may specify multiple of these. 
--help Print this message. 
--num.producers <Integer: Number of Number of producer instances (default: producers> 1) 
--num.streams <Integer: Number of Number of consumption streams. threads> (default: 1) 
--producer.config <config file> Embedded producer config. 
--queue.size <Integer: Queue size in Number of messages that are buffered terms of number of messages> between the consumer and producer (default: 10000) 
--whitelist <Java regex (String)> Whitelist of topics to mirror.

Replay Log Producer 

Consume from one topic and replay those messages and produce to another topic.这个工具也是非常好用。可以直接从一个topic迁移消息到另一个topic。

bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.ReplayLogProducer

required argument [broker-list], [input-topic], [output-topic], [zookeeper]
Option Description 
------ ----------- 
--async If set, messages are sent asynchronously. 
--batch-size <Integer: batch size> Number of messages to send in a single batch. (default: 200) 
--broker-list <hostname:port> REQUIRED: the broker list must be specified. 
--compression-codec <Integer: If set, messages are sent compressed compression codec > (default: 0) 
--delay-btw-batch-ms <Long: ms> Delay in ms between 2 batch sends. (default: 0) 
--inputtopic <input-topic> REQUIRED: The topic to consume from. 
--messages <Integer: count> The number of messages to send. (default: -1) 
--outputtopic <output-topic> REQUIRED: The topic to produce to 
--reporting-interval <Integer: size> Interval at which to print progress info. (default: 5000) 
--threads <Integer: threads> Number of sending threads. (default: 1)
--zookeeper <zookeeper url> REQUIRED: The connection string for the zookeeper connection in the form host:port. Multiple URLS can be given to allow fail-over. (default:

Simple Consumer Shell

Dumps out consumed messages to the console using the Simple Consumer 。这个工具也挺好用,可以直接按偏移量消费指定数量的消息并打印。

bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.SimpleConsumerShell

required argument [broker-list], [topic]
Option Description 
------ ----------- 
--broker-list <hostname:port,..., REQUIRED: The list of hostname and hostname:port> port of the server to connect to. 
--clientId <clientId> The ID of this client. (default: SimpleConsumerShell) 
--fetchsize <Integer: fetchsize> The fetch size of each request. (default: 1048576) 
--formatter <class> The name of a class to use for formatting kafka messages for display. (default: kafka.consumer. DefaultMessageFormatter) 
--max-messages <Integer: max-messages> The number of messages to consume (default: 2147483647) 
--max-wait-ms <Integer: ms> The max amount of time each fetch request waits. (default: 1000) 
--no-wait-at-logend If set, when the simple consumer reaches the end of the Log, it will stop, not waiting for new produced messages 
--offset <Long: consume offset> The offset id to consume from, default to -2 which means from beginning; while value -1 means from end (default: -2) 
--partition <Integer: partition> The partition to consume from. (default: 0) 
--print-offsets Print the offsets returned by the iterator 
--property <prop> 
--replica <Integer: replica id> The replica id to consume from, default -1 means leader broker. (default: -1) 
--skip-message-on-error If there is an error when processing a message, skip it instead of halt. 
--topic <topic> REQUIRED: The topic to consume from.

State Change Log Merger

A utility that merges the state change logs (possibly obtained from different brokers and over multiple days).

bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.StateChangeLogMerger

Provide arguments to exactly one of the two options "[logs]" or "[logs-regex]"
Option Description 
------ ----------- 
--end-time <end timestamp in the The latest timestamp of state change format java.text. log entries to be merged (default: SimpleDateFormat@f17a63e7> 9999-12-31 23:59:59,999) 
--logs <file1,file2,...> Comma separated list of state change logs or a regex for the log file names 
--logs-regex <for example: /tmp/state- Regex to match the state change log change.log*> files to be merged 
--partitions <0,1,2,...> Comma separated list of partition ids whose state change logs should be merged 
--start-time <start timestamp in the The earliest timestamp of state change format java.text. log entries to be merged (default: SimpleDateFormat@f17a63e7> 0000-00-00 00:00:00,000) 
--topic <topic> The topic whose state change logs should be merged

Update Offsets In Zookeeper

A utility that updates the offset of every broker partition to the offset of earliest or latest log segment file, in ZK.

bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.UpdateOffsetsInZK

USAGE: kafka.tools.UpdateOffsetsInZK$ [earliest | latest] consumer.properties topic

Verify Consumer Rebalance

Make sure there is an owner for every partition. A successful rebalancing operation would select an owner for each available partition. 
This means that for each partition registered under /brokers/topics/[topic]/[broker-id], an owner exists under /consumers/[consumer_group]/owners/[topic]/[broker_id-partition_id]

bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.VerifyConsumerRebalance

required argument: [group]
Option Description 
------ ----------- 
--group Consumer group. 
--help Print this message. 
--zookeeper.connect ZooKeeper connect string. (default: localhost:2181)

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### 回答1: "kafka权威指南2pdf"指的是一本关于Kafka分布式消息系统的权威指南,并且是以PDF电子书的形式出现。Kafka是一个高吞吐量的分布式发布订阅消息系统,广泛应用于实时数据处理和其它互联网技术。本指南的第二版涵盖了Kafka 2.0的新特性和改进,包括可靠的管道处理、连接器、Kafka Streams等,帮助读者深入了解Kafka的全貌,并进一步优化自己的架构设计和应用场景。 指南通过深入浅出的方式,逐步介绍了Kafka的核心概念和使用方法,包括消息存储、分布式产生消费流程、数据读写、消息分区和复制以及集群管理等方面。同时,书中也针对生产环境中的各种实际问题进行了详细阐述和解决方案。除此之外,本指南还讲述了一些使用场景以及常见错误和故障处理的方法。 本书面向从事分布式系统、大数据、消息队列等领域的研究人员和技术工程师,对于对Kafka有兴趣的读者也是一个很好的入门教材。PDF电子书格式的发布方便了读者的获取和查阅,同时也便于搜索和存储。总之,kafka权威指南2pdf是一本Kafka方面的精彩书籍,值得广大读者的借鉴和阅读。 ### 回答2: Kafka权威指南2是一本权威的分布式消息系统Kafka指南,其中包含了Kafka的基本概念、设计原则、架构以及各个组件的实现流程和细节等方面的内容。通过阅读该指南,读者可以深入了解Kafka的架构和运作机制,掌握Kafka的基本使用和实践技术,以及学习到Kafka的性能优化技巧和最佳实践等知识。 该指南的第二版相较于第一版进行了全面的更新和扩充,其中包含了新增加的Kafka Streams、Kafka Connect和Kafka Security等新特性的介绍和使用方法,以及更为深入的代码实现和性能优化技巧的详述。此外,该指南还包含了Kafka在不同应用场景下的实际应用案例,为读者提供了更加丰富的学习内容和实践参考。 总之,Kafka权威指南2是一本非常值得学习和研究的指南,对于从事大数据分布式系统开发、架构设计和运维管理的工程师以及对Kafka感兴趣的开发者来说,都是一本具有实用性和价值的技术书籍。 ### 回答3: Kafka权威指南2是由Jay Kreps, Neha Narkhede和Gwen Shapira联合撰写的Kafka技术详解书籍的第2版。该书详细介绍了Kafka的核心概念、架构设计、应用场景等,适合那些想要深入理解Kafka的开发者、架构师以及数据处理工程师等阅读。该书主要分为两部分,第一部分介绍了核心概念和技术,包括Kafka的可扩展性、Partition的原理、Producer和Consumer的实现以及如何通过Kafka实现数据流的处理等;第二部分主要介绍了如何使用Kafka构建实际应用场景,包括log aggregation、stream processing、messaging系统等。此外,该书还介绍了一些Kafka生态系统中的工具和框架,如Kafka Connect和Kafka Streams等,帮助读者深入了解如何在实际项目中应用Kafka。总的来说,该书不仅适合那些刚开始接触Kafka的开发者,也适合那些想要深入了解Kafka技术细节的开发者。通过阅读该书,读者可以掌握Kafka的核心知识,进而在实际项目中正确构建Kafka应用场景。


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