Getting and keeping management commitment获得和保持管理层的承诺

There are three types of management commitment needed for successful test automation: money, time and resources. And it is just as important to keep commitment as it is to get it in the first place! Keep in mind that test automation is a project that will continue for the life of the application under test.


Commit money


Acquiring a test automation tool involves spending money for software, training and perhaps consulting. It is easier to get money allocated all at once instead of piece meal, so be careful not to buy the software first then decide later you need training or additional services. Although the tool itself may be advertised as “easy to use”,this is different from “easy to implement”. A hammer is easy to swing, but carpentry takes skill.


Do a pilot


Just because the money is allocated all at once, don’t spend it that way! If this is your first time to automate, do a small pilot project to test your assumptions and prove the concept. Ideally, a pilot should involve a representative subset of your application and have a narrow enough scope that it can be completed in 2-4 weeks.


Take the time to carefully document the resource investment during the pilot as well as the benefits, as these results can be used to estimate a larger implementation. Since you can be sure you don’t know what you don’t know, it is better to learn your lessons on a small scale. You don’t learn to drive on a freeway!


Commit time


All too often tools are purchased with the expectation that the acquisition itself achieves automation, so disappointment sets in when results aren’t promptly forthcoming. It is essential to educate management about the amount of time it takes to realize the benefits,but be careful about estimating the required time based on marketing literature: every organization and application is different.

很多时候被购买的工具被寄予了可成功实现自动化的期望,所以当没立刻达到效果时往往会失望。至关重要的是,要让管理层了解实现的好处,但要小心关于估算所需的时间,基于营销文学所花费的时间量: 每个团队和应用程序都是不同的。

When you ask for time, be clear about what will be accomplished and how it will be measured.


Commit resources


Remember that even though test automation saves resources in the long run, in the short term it will require more than a manual process.Make sure management understands this, or you may find yourself with a tool and no one to implement it.


Also be sure to commit the right type of resources. As further described in the Test Team section of this Handbook, you will need a mix of skills that may or may not be part of your existing test group.Don’t imagine that having a tool means you can get by with less skill or experience: the truth is exactly the opposite.


Track progress


Even though benefits most likely won’t be realized for several months, it is important to show incremental progress on a regular basis - monthly at the least. Progress can be measured in a number of ways: team members trained on the tool, development of the test plan, test requirements identified, test cases created, test cases executed, defects uncovered, and so forth.

即使在几个月内可能仍然看不到效果,重要的是至少定期或每月都可以显示增量进度。可以在大量的方法来衡量进展情况: 团队成员在工具上的培训、 开发测试计划,查明的测试需求,创建的测试用例,执行测试用例,缺陷发现,等等。

Identify the activities associated with your test plan, track them and report them to management regularly. Nothing is more disconcerting than to wait for weeks or months with no word at all. Also, if you run up against obstacles, it is critical to let management know right away.Get bad news out as early as possible and good news out as soon as you can back it up.


Adjust as you go


If one of your assumptions changes, adjust the schedule and expectations accordingly and let management know right away. For example, if the application is not ready when expected, or if you lose resources, recast your original estimates and inform everyone concerned. Don’t wait until you are going to be late to start explaining why. No one likes surprises!


Plan for the long term


Be sure to keep focus on the fact that the test automation project will last as long as the application under test is being maintained.Achieving automation is not a sprint, it is a long distance run. Just as you are never through developing an application that is being actively used, the same applies to the test library.


In order for management to manage, they must know where things stand and what to expect. By letting them know up front what is needed, then keeping them informed every step of the way, you can get their commitment and keep it.







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