当需要移除greenplum集群中的某些主机,并将其上的数据均匀地恢复到其他主机上时, 对这些主机单独备份,并进行串行恢复就是很好的选择。
[gpadmin@mdw~]$ gp_dump --help
gp_dumpdumps a database as a text file or to other formats.
--gp_dump 以text文件或其他格式备份数据库
gp_dump [OPTION]... [DBNAME]
-i, --ignore-version proceed even when server versionmismatches gp_dump version
-v, --verbose verbose mode. adds verbose informationto the per segment status files
--help show this help, then exit
--version output version information, then exit
Optionscontrolling the output content:
-a, --data-only dump only the data, not the schema
-c, --clean clean (drop) schema prior tocreate
-d, --inserts dump data as INSERT, rather thanCOPY, commands
-D, --column-inserts dump data as INSERT commands with columnnames
-E, --encoding=ENCODING dump the data in encoding ENCODING
-n, --schema=SCHEMA dump the named schema only
-N, --exclude-schema=SCHEMA do NOT dump the named schema(s)
-o, --oids include OIDs in dump
-O, --no-owner do not output commands to set object ownershipin plain text format
-s, --schema-only dump only the schema, no data
-S, --superuser=NAME specify the superuser user name to use in plaintext format
-t, --table=TABLE dump only matching table(s) (or viewsor sequences)
-T, --exclude-table=TABLE do NOT dump matching table(s) (or views orsequences)
-x, --no-privileges do not dump privileges (grant/revoke)
--disable-triggers disable triggers during data-onlyrestore
--incremental dump only modified patitions
--use-set-session-authorization use SESSION AUTHORIZATION commands insteadof
ALTER OWNERcommands to set ownership
-h, --host=HOSTNAME database server host or socket directory
-p, --port=PORT database server port number
--master 端口
-U, --username=NAME connect as specified database user
-W, --password force password prompt (should happenautomatically)
GreenplumDatabase specific options:
-- GreenplumDatabase特殊选项
--gp-c use gzip for in-linecompression
--gp-d=BACKUPFILEDIR directory where backup files are placed
--gp-k=TIMESTAMP timestamp key to be used for the dumpfiles
--gp-r=REPORTFILEDIR directory where report file is placed
--gp-s=BACKUPSET backup set indicator - (p)rimaries only(default)
or (i)ndividual segdb(must be followed with a list of dbids
of primary segmentsto dump. For example: --gp-s=i[10,12,14]
--rsyncable pass --rsyncable option to gzip
If nodatabase name is supplied, then the PGDATABASE environment variable value isused.
gpdumptest =#select * from gp_segment_configuration;
dbid | content | role | preferred_role | mode| status | port | hostname | address |replication_port | san_mounts
1 | -1 | p | p | s | u | 5432 | mdw | mdw | |
2 | 0 | p | p | s |u | 40000 | sdw1 | sdw1 | 41000 |
4 | 0 | m | m | s | u | 50000 | sdw2 | sdw2 | 51000 |
3 | 1 | p | p | s | u | 40000 | sdw2 | sdw2 | 41000 |
5 | 1 | m | m | s | u | 50000 | sdw1 | sdw1 | 51000 |
(5 rows)
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Storage
public | test | table | gpadmin | heap
(1 row)
-- gpdumptest该数据库上只有一个关系。
gpdumptest=#select * from test;
id | id2
2 | 3
4 | 5
6 | 7
8 | 9
10 | 11
1 | 2
3 | 4
5 | 6
7 | 8
9 | 10
(10 rows)
[gpadmin@mdw~]$ gp_dump --gp-s=i[3] --gp-d=/home/gpadmin/gp_dump/ --gp-r=/home/gpadmin/gp_dump/ gpdumptest
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Readparams: <empty>
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Commandline options analyzed.
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Connectingto master database on host localhost port 5432 database gpdumptest.
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-ReadingGreenplum Database configuration info from master database.
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Preparingto dump the following segments:
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Segment1 (dbid 3)
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Startinga transaction on master database gpdumptest.
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Gettinga lock on pg_class in database gpdumptest.
20150612:21:59:08|GetTimestampKey-[INFO]:-Timestampkey is generated as it is not provided by the user.
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Aboutto spin off 1 threads with timestamp key 20150612215908
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Creatingthread to backup dbid 3: host sdw2 port 40000 database gpdumptest
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Waitingfor remote gp_dump_agent processes to start transactions in serializableisolation level
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Listeningfor messages from server on dbid 3 connection
20150612:21:59:08|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Successfullylaunched Greenplum Database backup on dbid 3 server
20150612:21:59:10|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Allremote gp_dump_agent processes have began transactions in serializableisolation level
20150612:21:59:10|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Waitingfor remote gp_dump_agent processes to obtain local locks on dumpable objects
20150612:21:59:10|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Allremote gp_dump_agent processes have obtains the necessary locks
20150612:21:59:10|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Committingtransaction on the master database, thereby releasing locks.
20150612:21:59:10|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Waitingfor all remote gp_dump_agent programs to finish.
20150612:21:59:10|gp_dump-[INFO]:-backupsucceeded for dbid 3 on host sdw2
20150612:21:59:10|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Allremote gp_dump_agent programs are finished.
20150612:21:59:10|gp_dump-[INFO]:-Reportresults also written to /home/gpadmin/gp_dump/gp_dump_20150612215908.rpt.
GreenplumDatabase Backup Report
TimestampKey: 20150612215908
gp_dumpCommand Line: --gp-s=i[3] --gp-d=/home/gpadmin/gp_dump/ --gp-r=/home/gpadmin/gp_dump/gpdumptest
Pass throughCommand Line Options: None
CompressionProgram: None
Backup Type:Full
segment 1 (dbid 3) Host sdw2 Port 40000Database gpdumptest BackupFile/home/gpadmin/gp_dump/gp_dump_0_3_20150612215908: Succeeded
gp_dumputility finished successfully.
[gpadmin@sdw2 gp_dump]$ cat gp_dump_0_3_20150612215908
-- Greenplum Database database dump
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET escape_string_warning = off;
SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
SET default_with_oids = false;
-- Data for Name: test; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner:gpadmin
COPY test (id, id2) FROM stdin;
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
10 11
-- Greenplum Database database dump complete
[gpadmin@mdwgp_dump]$ psql gpdumptest -f gp_dump_0_3_20150612215908
gpdumptest=#select * from test;
id | id2
2 | 3
4 | 5
6 | 7
8 | 9
10 | 11
2 | 3
4 | 5
6 | 7
8 | 9
10 | 11
1 | 2
3 | 4
5 | 6
7 | 8
9 | 10
(15 rows)