在 Xilinx SDK 中, 有时我们会出现 'No rule to make target ' / '没有规则可以创建...' 的报警
对于Xilinx SDK 来讲:
SDK has an incorrect path to the Linker Script. To work around this problem:
1. Select Project -> Properties.
2. Select C/C++ Build.
3. Select Linker Script.
4. Press the "+" button and browse to the proper location of the linker script.
5. Highlight the incorrect linker script path and press the "x" button.
总之要确认 Linker Script是否存在, 在SDK中应该是"lscript.ld"
如果不存在的话,可能需要新建工程后等待其他进程后(会生成这个script)后再import 文件
刘振宇 / Luke Liu 原创
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