

实现多项式相加或相减(Poly1-Ploy2 或 Poly2-Poly1):符合逻辑是输入方式实现。



View Code
  1 /*
  2  * fuction:实现多项式相加或相减(Poly1-Ploy2 或 Poly2-Poly1):符合逻辑是输入方式实现
  3  * 教师要求:多项式加法(任意输入两个多项式,实现其加减,多项式的幂次不定)。要求:选用合适的数据结构,实现算法,并将结果输出。
  4  * author:iGeneral
  5  * date:2013.04.22
  6  * 
  7  * idea:分别取出每一个项,再从项中取出系数和幂,添加到链表中
  8  * 
  9  * expe:
 10  *         1.String s="+55";
 11           int a=Integer.parseInt(s);
 12           System.out.println(a);
 13         2.String s="3x^3+2x^2+x^1-4";
 14           int point=s.indexOf('x', 0);
 15           System.out.println(point);
 16           System.out.println(s.charAt(point));
 17         3.String s="igmhqukq";
 18           System.out.println(s.substring(0, 8));
 19           succeed!
 20         4.String s="111";
 21           System.out.println(s.length());==3
 22         5.String s="iGeneral";
 23           System.out.println(s.substring(0,0));==""
 25  * caution:
 26  *             1.系数可或幂能是一个需要运算的表达式
 27  *             2.常数项的位置:最前/中间/最后
 28  *             3.一次项中没有符号'^',常数项中没有符号'x' & '^'
 29  *             4.多项式结束
 30  *             5.可能存在多个同幂的项
 31  *             6.实现排除错误输入
 32  *             7.判断多项式是否为空
 33  *             8.可能多项式只有一项,而且是常数项-----特殊处理
 34  *             9.运算结果格式化:去掉式子中的"+0"/"-0",运算结果有一项时将可能存在的 "+0"->"0"
 35  */
 36 package part03.chapter10;
 38 import java.awt.Button;
 39 import java.awt.GridLayout;
 40 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
 41 import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
 42 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
 43 import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
 44 import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
 45 import java.io.IOException;
 47 import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
 48 import javax.swing.JFrame;
 49 import javax.swing.JLabel;
 50 import javax.swing.JPanel;
 51 import javax.swing.JTextField;
 53 public class _1exercise2 extends JFrame implements ActionListener, KeyListener {
 55     // 定义组件
 56     // 第一个多项式需要的组件
 57     JLabel name_poly1;
 58     JTextField contents_poly1;
 59     Button clear_poly1;
 60     JPanel panel_poly1;
 61     // 第二个多项式需要的组件
 62     JLabel name_poly2;
 63     JTextField contents_poly2;
 64     Button clear_poly2;
 65     JPanel panel_poly2;
 66     // 对多项式进行操作需要的组件
 67     Button addBtn;
 68     Button one_twoBtn;
 69     Button two_oneBtn;
 70     JPanel panel_manager;
 71     // 显示结果需要的组件
 72     JLabel result_name;
 73     JTextField result_contents;
 74     JPanel panel_result;
 76     // 重写构造函数:初始化界面和组件
 77     public _1exercise2() {
 78         // 对第一个多项式的组件进行初始化
 79         name_poly1 = new JLabel();
 80         name_poly1.setText("PolyOne = ");
 81         contents_poly1 = new JTextField("1-2x+3x^2+4x^3+5x^4", 20);
 82         contents_poly1.setEditable(true);
 83         clear_poly1 = new Button("clear");
 84         panel_poly1 = new JPanel();
 85         panel_poly1.add(name_poly1);
 86         panel_poly1.add(contents_poly1);
 87         panel_poly1.add(clear_poly1);
 88         // 对 clear_poly1 注册监听
 89         clear_poly1.addActionListener(this);
 90         clear_poly1.setActionCommand("clear_poly1");
 91         // 对 contents_poly1 注册监听
 92         contents_poly1.addKeyListener(this);
 93         // 对第二个多项式的组件进行初始化
 94         name_poly2 = new JLabel();
 95         name_poly2.setText(" PolyTwo = ");
 96         contents_poly2 = new JTextField("1+2x+3x^2", 20);
 97         contents_poly2.setEditable(true);
 98         clear_poly2 = new Button("clear");
 99         panel_poly2 = new JPanel();
100         panel_poly2.add(name_poly2);
101         panel_poly2.add(contents_poly2);
102         panel_poly2.add(clear_poly2);
103         // 对 clear_poly2 注册监听
104         clear_poly2.addActionListener(this);
105         clear_poly2.setActionCommand("clear_poly2");
106         // 对 contents_poly2 注册监听
107         contents_poly2.addKeyListener(this);
108         // 对操作的组件进行初始化
109         addBtn = new Button("PolyOne + PolyOne");
110         one_twoBtn = new Button("PolyOne - PolyOne");
111         two_oneBtn = new Button("PolyTwo - PolyOne");
112         panel_manager = new JPanel();
113         panel_manager.add(addBtn);
114         panel_manager.add(one_twoBtn);
115         panel_manager.add(two_oneBtn);
116         // 注册监听
117         addBtn.addActionListener(this);
118         addBtn.setActionCommand("addBtn");
119         one_twoBtn.addActionListener(this);
120         one_twoBtn.setActionCommand("one_twoBtn");
121         two_oneBtn.addActionListener(this);
122         two_oneBtn.setActionCommand("two_oneBtn");
123         // 对显示结果的组件进行初始化
124         result_name = new JLabel();
125         result_name.setText("result = ");
126         result_contents = new JTextField(20);
127         result_contents.setEditable(false);
128         panel_result = new JPanel();
129         panel_result.add(result_name);
130         panel_result.add(result_contents);
131         // 对窗体进行设置
132         this.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1));
133         this.add(panel_poly1);
134         this.add(panel_poly2);
135         this.add(panel_manager);
136         this.add(panel_result);
137         this.setTitle("两个多项式的加减运算");
138         BufferedImage image = null;
139         try {
140             image = ImageIO.read(this.getClass().getResource("/colors.png"));
141         } catch (IOException e) {
142             e.printStackTrace();
143         } finally {
145         }
146         this.setIconImage(image);
147         this.setSize(400, 300);
148         this.setLocation(300, 100);
149         this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
150         this.setVisible(true);
151     }
153     public static void main(String[] args) {
154         _1exercise2 computingTowPolys = new _1exercise2();
155     }
157     // 判断多项式是否为空
158     public boolean isNull() {
160         if (contents_poly1.getText().equals("")
161                 && contents_poly2.getText().equals("")) {
162             result_name.setText("result = ");
163             result_contents.setText("多项式不能为空!");
164             return true;
165         }
166         if (contents_poly1.getText().equals("")) {
167             result_name.setText("result = ");
168             result_contents.setText("多项式  PolyOne 不能为空!");
169             return true;
170         }
171         if (contents_poly2.getText().equals("")) {
172             result_name.setText("result = ");
173             result_contents.setText("多项式 PolyTwo 不能为空!");
174             return true;
175         }
176         return false;
177     }
179     @Override
180     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
181         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
182         SumTowPolynomial sumTowPolynomial = new SumTowPolynomial();
183         // 存放运算结构
184         String result = "";
185         String poly1 = contents_poly1.getText().toString();
186         String poly2 = contents_poly2.getText().toString();
187 //        if(e.getActionCommand().equals("addBtn")){
188 //            if (!isNull()) {
189 //                result = sumTowPolynomial.sum(poly1, poly2, '+');
190 //                result_contents.setText(result);
191 //                result_name.setText(addBtn.getLabel().toString() + " = ");
192 //            }
193 //        }
194         switch (e.getActionCommand()) {
196         case "addBtn":
197             if (!isNull()) {
198                 result = sumTowPolynomial.sum(poly1, poly2, '+');
199                 result_contents.setText(result);
200                 result_name.setText(addBtn.getLabel().toString() + " = ");
201             }
202             break;
203         case "one_twoBtn":
204             if (!isNull()) {
205                 result = sumTowPolynomial.sum(poly1, poly2, '-');
206                 result_contents.setText(result);
207                 result_name.setText(one_twoBtn.getLabel().toString() + " = ");
208             }
209             break;
210         case "two_oneBtn":
211             if (!isNull()) {
212                 result = sumTowPolynomial.sum(poly2, poly1, '-');
213                 result_contents.setText(result);
214                 result_name.setText(two_oneBtn.getLabel().toString() + " = ");
215             }
216             break;
217         case "clear_poly1":
218             contents_poly1.setText("");
219             break;
220         case "clear_poly2":
221             contents_poly2.setText("");
222             break;
223         default:
224             break;
225         }
226     }
228     @Override
229     public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
230         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
231     }
233     @Override
234     public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
235         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
236         switch (e.getKeyCode()) {
237         case KeyEvent.VK_0:
238         case KeyEvent.VK_1:
239         case KeyEvent.VK_2:
240         case KeyEvent.VK_3:
241         case KeyEvent.VK_4:
242         case KeyEvent.VK_5:
243         case KeyEvent.VK_6:
244         case KeyEvent.VK_7:
245         case KeyEvent.VK_8:
246         case KeyEvent.VK_9:
247         case KeyEvent.VK_X:
248         case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE:
249         case KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT:
250         case KeyEvent.VK_EQUALS:// '='
251         case KeyEvent.VK_MINUS:// '-'
252             // case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT_PARENTHESIS:// '('
253             // case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS:// ')'
254         case KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL:
255         case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER:
256         case KeyEvent.VK_COPY:
257         case KeyEvent.VK_CUT:
258         case KeyEvent.VK_PASTE:
259         case KeyEvent.VK_HOME:
260         case KeyEvent.VK_END:
261         case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
262         case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
263         case KeyEvent.VK_PERIOD:// '.'
265             break;
267         default:
268             if (this.getFocusOwner() == contents_poly1) {
269                 contents_poly1
270                         .setText(contents_poly1
271                                 .getText()
272                                 .toString()
273                                 .substring(
274                                         0,
275                                         contents_poly1.getText().toString()
276                                                 .length() - 1));
277             }
278             if (this.getFocusOwner() == contents_poly2) {
279                 contents_poly2
280                         .setText(contents_poly2
281                                 .getText()
282                                 .toString()
283                                 .substring(
284                                         0,
285                                         contents_poly2.getText().toString()
286                                                 .length() - 1));
287             }
288             result_contents.setText("请输入数字,'+','_','x','^'!");
289             break;
290         }
291     }
293     @Override
294     public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
295         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
297     }
299 }
301 // 多项式的项--类
302 class Term {
303     // 系数
304     int coefficient = 0;
305     //
306     int power = 0;
307     // 下一个Term的指针
308     Term next = null;
310     // 重写构造函数:初始化
311     public Term(int coefficient, int power) {
312         this.coefficient = coefficient;
313         this.power = power;
314     }
315 }
317 // 多项式--类
318 class SumTowPolynomial {
320     // 格式化多项式成链表形式:使容易处理
321     public Term formatPolynomial(String polynomial) {
322         // 创建两个指针,用来构建链表
323         // 多项式链表头指针(是多项式的第一项)
324         Term head = new Term(0, 0);
325         // 多项式链表当前指针(是多项式的当前项)
326         Term point = new Term(0, 0);
327         // 当前项的系数
328         int coefficient = 0;
329         // 当前项的幂
330         int power = 0;
331         // 多项式的长度
332         int polynomualLenth = polynomial.length();
333         // 定义两个下标,来标志多项是中某一项的开始下标和结束下标
334         int firstIndex = 0;
335         int laterIndex = 0;
336         // 定义两个下标,用来标识多项式中某个系数或幂在字符串中的开始下标和结束下标
337         // 开始下标
338         int beginIndex = 0;
339         // 结束下标
340         int endIndex = 0;
341         // 如果多项式只有一项常数项-----特殊情况特殊处理
342         if (polynomial.indexOf('+', 1) == -1
343                 && polynomial.indexOf('-', 1) == -1
344                 && polynomial.indexOf('x', 1) == -1) {
345             head.coefficient = Integer.parseInt(polynomial);
346             head.power = 0;
347             return head;
348         }
349         // 循环取出多项式中的每一项,再从项中取出其系数和幂,添加到链表中
350         // 当前项的字符串表示
351         String currentTerm = "";
352         for (int i = 1; i < polynomualLenth; i++) {// i 从 1 开始--------
353             // 遇到 '+' / '-' / "i == polynomualLenth-1---最后一项的结束标识" 表示某一项的结束标识
354             if (polynomial.charAt(i) == '+'
355                     || (polynomial.charAt(i) == '-' && polynomial.charAt(i - 1) != '^')
356                     || i == (polynomualLenth - 1)) {
357                 if (i != (polynomualLenth - 1)) {
358                     laterIndex = i;
359                 } else {
360                     laterIndex = i + 1;
361                 }
362                 // 获取某一项
363                 currentTerm = polynomial.substring(firstIndex, laterIndex);
364                 firstIndex = i;
365                 // 判断该项是常数项还是非常数项:不同情况不同处理方案----------注意
366                 endIndex = currentTerm.indexOf('x');
367                 // 该项为非常数项(非常数项包括一次项和多次项)的处理方案
368                 if (endIndex != -1) {
369                     beginIndex = 0;
370                     // 取出系数
371                     // 系数可能为 1 ,存在情况有:-x;+x;+x^2;-x^2;第一项的情况:x;
372                     if (currentTerm.substring(beginIndex, endIndex).equals("+")
373                             || currentTerm.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)
374                                     .equals("-")
375                             || currentTerm.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)
376                                     .equals("")) {
377                         coefficient = 1;
378                     } else {
379                         coefficient = Integer.parseInt(currentTerm.substring(
380                                 beginIndex, endIndex));
381                     }
382                     // 取出幂
383                     // 如果该项为多次项
384                     if (currentTerm.indexOf('^') != -1) {
385                         beginIndex = endIndex + 2;
386                         endIndex = currentTerm.length();
387                         power = Integer.parseInt(currentTerm.substring(
388                                 beginIndex, endIndex));
389                     } else {// 如果该项为一次项
390                         power = 1;
391                     }
392                     // 该项为常数项的处理方案
393                 } else {
394                     coefficient = Integer.parseInt(currentTerm);
395                     power = 0;
396                 }
397                 // 将该项的系数和幂添加到链表中
398                 Term term = new Term(coefficient, power);
399                 if (head.coefficient != 0) {
400                     point.next = term;
401                     point = term;
402                 } else {
403                     head = term;
404                     point = head;
405                 }
406             }
407         }
408         return head;
409     }
411     // 对多项式的幂按非降序排序:冒泡排序
412     public Term sortPolynomial(Term head) {
413         Term point = head;
414         // 计算出链表的长度
415         int linkLength = 0;
416         while (point != null) {
417             linkLength++;
418             point = point.next;
419         }
420         // 重置 point,使其指向链表头 head
421         point = head;
422         // 用于数据的临时变量
423         int temp = 0;
424         for (int i = 0; i < (linkLength - 1); i++) {
425             for (int j = 0; j < linkLength - i - 1; j++, point = point.next) {
426                 if (point.power > point.next.power) {
427                     // 交换系数
428                     temp = point.coefficient;
429                     point.coefficient = point.next.coefficient;
430                     point.next.coefficient = temp;
431                     // 交换幂
432                     temp = point.power;
433                     point.power = point.next.power;
434                     point.next.power = temp;
435                 }
436             }
437             // 重置 point 至链表头 head
438             point = head;
439         }
440         // 合并同幂项
441         // ----------------------------
442         return head;
443     }
445     // 两个多项式相加
446     public String sum(String polynomial1, String polynomial2, char sign) {
448         // 判断多项式是否为空
449         if (polynomial1.equals("") && polynomial2.equals("")) {
450             return "多项式不能为空!";
451         }
452         if (polynomial1.equals("")) {
453             return "多项式 PolyOne 不能为空!";
454         }
455         if (polynomial2.equals("")) {
456             return "多项式 PolyTwo 不能为空!";
457         }
458         // 对两个多项式进行格式化处理
459         Term polynomial_1_head = formatPolynomial(polynomial1);
460         Term polynomial_2_head = formatPolynomial(polynomial2);
461         // 将第二个多项式与第一个多项式相加:通过判断项的幂来判断是否为同一次项,若是,使其系数相加;若不是,直接将其链接到第一个多项式的链表中
462         // 先对两个多项式按多项式的幂按非降序排序
463         polynomial_1_head = sortPolynomial(polynomial_1_head);
464         polynomial_2_head = sortPolynomial(polynomial_2_head);
465         // 两个多项式相加
466         // 定义两个指针,指向第一个多项式当前项的前后项
467         Term point1 = polynomial_1_head;
468         Term prevPoint1 = new Term(0, 0);
469         prevPoint1.next = polynomial_1_head;
470         // 定义一个指针,指向第二个多项式的当前项
471         Term point2 = polynomial_2_head;
472         // 将第二个多项式添加到第一个多项式中
473         while (point2 != null && point1 != null) {
474             if (point2.power == point1.power) {
475                 // 系数相加
476                 if (sign == '+') {
477                     point1.coefficient += point2.coefficient;
478                 } else if (sign == '-') {
479                     point1.coefficient -= point2.coefficient;
480                 }
481                 // point2 指针下移一项, 不移动point1的原因:point2的下一项的幂可能与该 point1
482                 // 项的幂相等,因为没有对同幂项进行预合并处理
483                 point2 = point2.next;
484             } else if (point2.power > point1.power) {
485                 point1 = point1.next;
486                 prevPoint1 = prevPoint1.next;
487             } else if (point2.power < point1.power) {
488                 // 用 point2
489                 // 的系数和幂创建一个新项,并将其链接到point1与prePoint1中间
490                 // ------------注意,并不是直接用point2来初始化tempTerm,因为tempTerm.next =
491                 // point1;会让 point2.next = point1;
492                 Term tempTerm = new Term(point2.coefficient, point2.power);
493                 tempTerm.next = point1;
494                 if (prevPoint1.next != polynomial_1_head) {
495                     prevPoint1.next = tempTerm;
496                 } else {
497                     polynomial_1_head = tempTerm;
498                     prevPoint1.next = polynomial_1_head;
499                 }
500                 prevPoint1 = prevPoint1.next;
501                 // point2 移动到下一项
502                 point2 = point2.next;
503             }
504         }
505         // 如果还多项式2中存在幂比多项式1中最大幂还大的项,则将这些项全部添加到多项式1的后面(注意两个多项式都已排序)
506         if (point2 != null) {// 从上面的while{}可以判断,该条件语句隐含着 && point1==null
507             Term point2_point = point2;
508             if (sign == '-') {
509                 while (point2_point != null) {
510                     point2_point.coefficient *= (-1);
511                     point2_point = point2_point.next;
512                 }
513             }
514             // 注意------此处不能用point1=point2;因为point1==null,已不具有指针性质
515             prevPoint1.next = point2;
516         }
517         // 得到相加后的多项式字符串
518         String result = getResult(polynomial_1_head);
519         return result;
520     }
522     // 得到相加后的多项式字符串
523     public String getResult(Term polynomial_1_head) {
524         String result = "";
525         Term point1 = polynomial_1_head;
526         while (point1 != null) {
527             // 幂大于1或小于0 的输出格式
528             if (point1.power > 1 || point1.power < 0) {
529                 if (point1.coefficient > 0) {
530                     if (point1 != polynomial_1_head) {
531                         // System.out.print("+" + point1.coefficient + "x^"
532                         // + point1.power);
533                         result += "+" + point1.coefficient + "x^"
534                                 + point1.power;
535                     } else {
536                         // System.out.print(point1.coefficient + "x^"
537                         // + point1.power);
538                         result += point1.coefficient + "x^" + point1.power;
539                     }
540                 } else if (point1.coefficient < 0) {
541                     // System.out.print(point1.coefficient + "x^" +
542                     // point1.power);
543                     result += point1.coefficient + "x^" + point1.power;
544                 } else if (point1.coefficient == 0) {
545                     result += "+0";
546                 }
547             } else if (point1.power == 1) {// 幂等于1 的输出格式
548                 if (point1.coefficient > 0) {
549                     if (point1 != polynomial_1_head) {
550                         // System.out.print("+" + point1.coefficient + "x");
551                         result += "+" + point1.coefficient + "x";
552                     } else {
553                         // System.out.print(point1.coefficient + "x");
554                         result += point1.coefficient + "x";
555                     }
556                 } else if (point1.coefficient < 0) {
557                     // System.out.print(point1.coefficient + "x");
558                     result += point1.coefficient + "x";
559                 } else if (point1.coefficient == 0) {
560                     result += "+0";
561                 }
562             } else if (point1.power == 0) {// 幂等于0 的输出格式
563                 if (point1.coefficient > 0) {
564                     if (point1 != polynomial_1_head) {
565                         // System.out.print("+" + point1.coefficient);
566                         result += "+" + point1.coefficient;
567                     } else {
568                         // System.out.print(point1.coefficient);
569                         result += point1.coefficient;
570                     }
571                 } else if (point1.coefficient < 0) {
572                     // System.out.print(point1.coefficient);
573                     result += point1.coefficient;
574                 } else if (point1.coefficient == 0) {
575                     result += "+0";
576                 }
577             }
578             point1 = point1.next;
579         }
580         // 去掉式子中的"+0"/"-0"/将仅有一项时的"+0"->"0"
581         if (result.length() != 2) {
582             for (int i = 0; i < result.length();) {
583                 if ((result.charAt(i) == '+' && result.charAt(i + 1) == '0')
584                         || (result.charAt(i) == '-' && result.charAt(i + 1) == '0')) {
585                     result = result.substring(0, i)
586                             + result.substring(i + 2, result.length());
587                 } else {
588                     i++;
589                 }
590             }
591         }
592         // 不能用else if(){} 因为上面的处理可能使多项式出现下面这种情况
593         if (result.equals("+0") || result.equals("")) {
594             result = "0";
595         }
596         // 结果式子可能第一位为'+'号,比如出现这种结果"+3+2x^4",需要将'+'号去掉
597         if (result.charAt(0) == '+') {
598             result = result.substring(1, result.length());
599         }
600         return result;
601     }
602 }



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一元多项式相加相减运算可以使用上面的链表实现。假设有两个多项式 $p_1$ 和 $p_2$,它们的单项式按照指数从大到小排列,可以按照以下方式实现相加、相减运算: ```python def add(p1, p2): result = Polynomial() current_p1 = p1.head.next current_p2 = p2.head.next while current_p1 is not None and current_p2 is not None: if current_p1.exp == current_p2.exp: result.insert(current_p1.coef + current_p2.coef, current_p1.exp) current_p1 = current_p1.next current_p2 = current_p2.next elif current_p1.exp > current_p2.exp: result.insert(current_p1.coef, current_p1.exp) current_p1 = current_p1.next else: result.insert(current_p2.coef, current_p2.exp) current_p2 = current_p2.next while current_p1 is not None: result.insert(current_p1.coef, current_p1.exp) current_p1 = current_p1.next while current_p2 is not None: result.insert(current_p2.coef, current_p2.exp) current_p2 = current_p2.next return result def sub(p1, p2): result = Polynomial() current_p1 = p1.head.next current_p2 = p2.head.next while current_p1 is not None and current_p2 is not None: if current_p1.exp == current_p2.exp: result.insert(current_p1.coef - current_p2.coef, current_p1.exp) current_p1 = current_p1.next current_p2 = current_p2.next elif current_p1.exp > current_p2.exp: result.insert(current_p1.coef, current_p1.exp) current_p1 = current_p1.next else: result.insert(-current_p2.coef, current_p2.exp) current_p2 = current_p2.next while current_p1 is not None: result.insert(current_p1.coef, current_p1.exp) current_p1 = current_p1.next while current_p2 is not None: result.insert(-current_p2.coef, current_p2.exp) current_p2 = current_p2.next return result ``` 以上代码中,`add` 函数和 `sub` 函数分别实现多项式的加法和减法,返回一个新的多项式。在循环中,比较两个多项式当前单项式的指数大小,如果相同则将系数相加(或相减),否则插入指数较大的单项式。最后,如果有一个多项式已经遍历完,则将另一个多项式的剩余单项式全部插入到结果多项式中。 使用示例: ```python p1 = Polynomial() # 2x^3+3x^2-4x+1 p1.insert(2, 3) p1.insert(3, 2) p1.insert(-4, 1) p1.insert(1, 0) p2 = Polynomial() # -x^2+2x+1 p2.insert(-1, 2) p2.insert(2, 1) p2.insert(1, 0) p3 = add(p1, p2) # 2x^3+2x^2-2x+2 print(p3) # 2x^3+2x^2-2x+2 p4 = sub(p1, p2) # 2x^3+4x^2-6x print(p4) # 2x^3+4x^2-6x ```


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