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转载 How to set up "lldb_codesign" certificate!

To use the in-tree debug server on macOS, lldb needs to be code signed. TheDebug, DebugClang and Release builds are set to code sign using a code signingcertificate named "lldb_codesign". This do...

2019-05-15 18:24:00 277

转载 Unity-iPhone has Conflicting Provisioning Settings

Select the top level node called Unity-iPhone in the left tree view (the one with the blue item). Select Automatically manage signingSelect your team (now the error message should appear)Go to Bu...

2019-05-15 18:20:00 2460

转载 ETC1/DXT1 compressed textures are not supported when publishing to iPhone

Build application in Unity 2017.20f3 用Unity2017/2018编译iPhone版本出现以下错误: ETC1(or DXT1) compressed textures are not supported when publishing to iPhone Packages/com.unity.ads@1.0.7/Editor/Resources/E...

2019-05-15 18:17:00 2367

转载 Xcode 提交APP时遇到 “has one iOS Distribution certificate but its private key is not installed”...

解决办法:登录Apple开发证书后台,把发布版证书.cer文件下载到本地,双击安装即可。若还没有设置发布证书文件,则创建一个后下载。 Ref: https://blog.csdn.net/dingqk/article/details/79007072转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/open-coder/p/10518756.html...

2019-03-12 18:54:00 714

转载 XCode iOS之应用程序标题本地化

1、XCode项目中创建一个.strings 扩展名的文件:打开File > New > File,选择Resource中Strings Fils,如图:点击下一步,为文件命名为(强烈建议这样命名) InfoPlist.strings ,然后点击save。 2、创建完成后,你可以看到工程目录结构文件如下,单击InfoPlist.strings,查看右边的属性,在Locali...

2019-03-12 18:47:00 157

转载 苹果电脑(Mac mini或Macbook或iMac)恢复出厂设置

苹果电脑(Mac mini或Macbook或iMac)恢复出厂设置,首先要做好如下的准备: 第一:数据的备份;第二:保证正常的wifi连接;第三:有线的鼠标键盘连接; 具体恢复操作步骤: 步骤一:电脑启动时,按下键盘组合键(option + command + R,或alt + command + R);然后显示器屏幕上会显示小地球,且出现倒计时; 步骤二:倒计时结束后,出现macO...

2019-03-09 14:05:00 2051

转载 Unity 4.7 导出工程在XCode10.1上编译报错

Unity 4.7 导出工程在XCode 10.1上编译报错,而在XCode 9.3上是可以正常编译运行的。原因是Unity4.7所依赖的头文件和库文件在XCode10上没有了,解决办法如下,把XCode9.3目录下的相应文件或者目录拷贝到XCode10.1的对应目录下:1) /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iP...

2019-02-27 16:32:00 371

转载 Unity 4.7 导出工程在XCode9/10上报错 validateRenderPassDescriptor:644: failed assertion `XXXX'...

Unity 4.7 导出工程在XCode9/10上报错 validateRenderPassDescriptor:644: failed assertion `Texture at colorAttachment[0] has usage (0x01) which doesn't specify MTLTextureUsageRenderTarget (0x04)'报错发生时线程栈帧如下...

2019-02-27 16:11:00 543

转载 Unity-iPhone has Conflicting Provisioning Settings

Select the top level node called Unity-iPhone in the left tree view (the one with the blue item). Select Automatically manage signing Select your team (now the error message should appear) G...

2019-01-24 20:02:00 431

转载 升级MAC OS到10.13, 10.14系统后UNITY工程无法加载资源的解决办法

升级MAC OS到10.13, 10.14系统后,出现UNITY工程无法加载资源的情况: Unity项目中Asset目录显示为空! 解决办法一: 打开Launchpad中的磁盘工具 (也就是实用工具下的“磁盘工具”) 新建一分区,名称大小任意,格式为MAC OS 扩展(日志式) 将unity工程移至新分区 OK,工程已经可以正常加载了 解决办法二: 1. 升级Unity版本 (...

2018-12-19 16:07:00 1681

转载 Unity各平台内置宏定义

属性 方法 UNITY_EDITOR #define directive for calling Unity Editor scripts from your game code. UNITY_EDITOR_WIN #define directive for Editor code on Windows. UNITY_EDITOR_OSX #define directive ...

2018-12-12 22:46:00 527

转载 Xcode官方xip直接离线下载地址(更新到Xcode 9.4.1)

Xcode 9.4.1 https://download.developer.apple.com/Developer_Tools/Xcode_9.4.1/Xcode_9.4.1.xip Xcode 9.4 https://download.developer.apple.com/Developer_Tools/Xcode_9.4/Xcode_9.4.xip Xcode 9.3.1 h...

2018-12-12 22:36:00 2105

转载 Machine Learning In Action

The mind-road of “Machine Learning In Action”. Read though the book totally by English!!转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/open-coder/p/5248943.html

2016-03-06 22:51:00 71

转载 <<赤裸的统计学>>思维导图


2015-10-24 07:31:00 330

转载 Unity3D Errors And Fix

Author Error: Shader warning in 'Custom/ShowAnimation': Not enough temporary registers, needs 9 (compiling for flash) at line 17 Fixed: Add “#pragma target 3.0” into the shader Error & F...

2015-03-22 12:44:00 203

转载 Crash for small compressed texture on some Android device

I created a full white texture with 4x4 size. Unity requires that compressed texture size should be at least 4x4. This will cause some artifact on some Android device, and the frame rate was very...

2015-01-24 10:56:00 115

转载 Shader Optimization Tips

Author : http://www.cnblogs.com/open-coder/p/3982999.html During the last few months, I have been working on the Graphics and shader optimization work. Good FPS is the balance between art and t...

2014-09-20 10:09:00 161

转载 Use PerfHUD ES to Do Frame Capture Android Game

Author: http://www.cnblogs.com/open-coder/p/3898224.html Get Start This is short tutorial about how to do frame capture with Nvidia PrefHUD. You could find a detail tutorial from here. Bef...

2014-08-07 22:36:00 123

转载 Inconsistant light map between PC and Mobile under Unity3D

Author: http://www.cnblogs.com/open-coder/p/3898159.html The light mapping effects between PC and Mobile become very incosistant just as following: ...

2014-08-07 22:06:00 79

转载 How to Effectively crack .JAR Files?

Author: http://www.cnblogs.com/open-coder/p/3763170.html With some external tools, we could crack a Java program without any difficult. For some big Java program that obfuscates it’s byte code, ...

2014-06-01 11:04:00 147

转载 OpenGL 3 and OpenGL 4 with GLSL

Here are some OpenGL samples with advance features. NeHe OpenGL tutorial focus on the OpenGL fixed pipeline, but those samples are foucs on the programmable renderering pipeline, OpenGL shader la...

2013-11-30 11:37:00 197

转载 Dynamic Ambient Occlusion and Indirect Lighting

This sample was presented on the Nvida witesite, which detail a new idea to calculate the ambient occlusion and indirect lighting for dynamic objects under real time mode while still keep a good ...

2013-11-24 18:10:00 268

转载 Deferred Lighting

Deferred lighting separate lighting from rendering and make lighting a completely image-space technique. This is very different from the forward rendering. At first as the limitation of the hardw...

2013-10-05 01:22:00 227

转载 About Unity3D 4.1.2 (to continue…)

Here are something that need to take care of when you work with Unity3D: 1) It seems Unity3D could could work better with Maya than 3D Max. Expecially when you do normal mapping, mirror models;...

2013-09-08 22:50:00 138

转载 Beginning DirectX11 Game Programming

DirectX11 or 10 made a big change comparing to DirectX9The fixed-function pipeline was removed in DirectX10, and totally replaced by programmable shaders. Comparing to DirectX10, Direct...

2013-08-26 22:39:00 167

转载 Unity3D usage Experience

I have been using Unity3D to make game for half one year. I began to lean Unity3D with some books, online articles, forums, documents and Google. However although there are many helps, but for so...

2013-06-22 12:36:00 135

转载 Unity3D Navmesh and Pathfinding

Unity3D provides us with some very convenient means to do path finding with navigtion mesh and agent. You could find a very short tutorial about this http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manua...

2013-06-02 08:22:00 95

转载 RakNet - Chat

Recently, I am working on the game networking module for the game. Some investigation was done to find some easy to use networking packages or problems solutions. There are a lots of packages the...

2013-05-11 11:43:00 87

转载 Unity 3D Multiplayer Games

This sample was created based on the article “Unity 3D Multiplayer Games”, you could found a translated one from here. This article tell us how to create a multiplayer game with unity, and some ...

2013-05-05 11:43:00 202

转载 Programming Multiplayer Game – ArmyWarClient & ArmyWarServer

This sample is a multiplayer 2D game. The communication between the server and client is the UDP socket. The UDP socket communication will be much faster compared to the TCP socket. But it wil...

2013-05-05 09:48:00 122

转载 Use Herbernate to access MySQL

MySQL database used vary from general MIS system to game development: check the current player whether is a valid or not while they login in the game lobby, and overwrite the critical player reco...

2013-05-05 08:10:00 82

转载 JBoss Netty

The Netty project provides an asynchronous event-driven network application framework and tooling for the rapid development of maintainable high-performance high-scalability protocol servers and ...

2013-04-04 18:50:00 121

转载 Programming Multiplayer Game – OpenGL 2D library

该书描述了一个简单2D 图形绘制接口。由于没有从网络上下载到本书的配套源码,所以不得不根据其提供出来的接口给出具体的实现。以下是本书中利用该2D lib编写的两个例子。相关源码可以从这里下载。 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/open-coder/archive/2013/04/04/2999549.html...

2013-04-04 17:03:00 120

转载 Programming Multiplayer Game - 使用Mysql++操作MySQL数据库

本文简要介绍了怎么样使用Mysql++库来操作MySQL数据库。 Mysql++是官方发布的、一个为MySQL设计的C++语言的API,这个API的作用是使工作更加简单且容易。你可以从这里了解以及下载到Mysql++库的详情。在使用mysql++库之前,请确保MySQL数据库服务器已经安装成功。因为编译mysql++的过程需要MySQL数据库的include目录和lib目录。 ...

2013-03-01 23:11:00 98

转载 Programming Multiplayer Games - MySQL常用命令

该书对MySQL的基本操作进行了简单的描述,此文对其进行简要概括和总结,以便以后查阅。 MySQL操作截图如下: 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/open-coder/archive/2013/03/01/2939463.html...

2013-03-01 21:45:00 109

转载 如何成为强大的程序员?

原文转自: http://blog.jobbole.com/33430/ (有改动) 英文原文:aaronstannard.com,编译:infoq – 侯伯薇 Aaron Stannard是新创公司MarkedUp的CEO,他最近花费大量时间雇佣、评估很多不同的程序员,并和他们一起协作。在这个过程中他发现并总结了十种程序员无法意识到自己潜力的原因,意在让更多程序员发掘出自己的潜力,...

2013-02-26 15:05:00 69

转载 为什么我们应该像盖房子那样写程序?

转自:http://blog.jobbole.com/33103/ 英文原文:wired.com,编译:AllanChen 在砌上一块砖或钉下一支钉子之前,建筑设计师会制定好详细的计划。程序员或者软件工程师却不会。这难道就是房子很少塌倒而程序经常会崩溃的原因? 蓝图保证建筑设计师的设计的建筑按规划建成。“建成”不仅仅意味不会塌倒,还意味达到业主要求的功能。建筑设计师和他们的客户...

2013-02-06 23:32:00 120

转载 Irrlicht-1.7.1 Tutorial Translation

When I clean the materials in my computer, I found some tutorial translations about Irrlicht-1.7.1 that is a very famous and cross platform 3D engine. Those things remember me that days when I wa...

2013-02-06 23:19:00 87

转载 助你远离科技压力的十个建议

转自:http://blog.jobbole.com/33004/ 你在影院看电影,是,你的眼睛盯着屏幕,看着画面从你眼前闪过,但你知道,你的心并不在那里。你想着从电影开始到现在,微博上发生了什么大事儿?有什么热门话题?校内上昨天发的照片,有人去踩吗?新买的书桌又什么时候到? 有趣的是,当你再次坐到电脑前时,你决定看完最新一集《生活大爆炸》之后,再做上面这些事情,只是看完之后,这一切...

2013-02-02 15:18:00 81

转载 如果你不想一辈子做工程师,必看!

转自:http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-20672257-id-1901010.html 李一男2003 年在港湾给开发人员培训时的语录 作者:【三石】 [1]好好规划自己的路,不要跟着感觉走!根据个人的理想决策安排,绝大部分人并不指望成为什么院士或教授,而是希望活得滋润一些,爽一些。那么,就需要慎重安排自己的轨迹。从哪个行业入手,逐渐对该行业深入了...

2013-01-27 16:34:00 167



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