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原创 修改postgres时区
修改postgres时区vi /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data/postgresql.conf修改timezone 为 Asia/Shanghai进入postgres bin 目录cd /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/./pg_ctl reload 重启数据库service postgr
2016-05-27 18:11:46 3917
原创 No boot device available. Current boot mode is set to BIOS. Please ensure compatible bootable media
dell R720xd,由原来的windows更换为centos.系统单独在一个raid 0里,将原来的raio 0初始化后安装centos,安装过程很顺利,安装后重启提示No boot device available.Current boot mode is set to BIOS. Please ensure compatible bootable media is av
2015-01-16 16:20:31 24334 2
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