LSAT的逻辑组题 5

  On Wednesday a physician will have exactly one appointment with seven patients—P, Q, R, S, T, U, W—one patient per appointment. The schedule of appointments chronologically numbered 1 through 7, must meet the following conditions:
  Q's appointment is at some time before P's appointment
  U's appointment is at some time before P's appointment
  Either R or T has appointment 3
  S's appointment is either the appointment immediately before or the appointment immediately after R's appointment.

1. Which one of the following is an acceptable schedule of appointments in order from 1 to 7?  选 E
(A) Q, S, R, P, W, U, T  x
(B) Q, U, W, S, R, T, P  x
(C) S, Q, R, T, W, U, P  x
(D) T, U, R, S, W, P, Q  x
(E) U, Q, T, P, R, S, W
2. If W has appoinment 2 and P has appointment 5. then which one of the following must be true?(此题有问题,Q,U可以约在1,4, RS或SR在6,7) ,故无答案
(A) R has appointment 6
(B) S has appointment 4
(C) S has appointment 7
(D) U has appointment 1
(E) U has appointment 4
3. If U's appointment is immediately after T's appointment and immediately before R's appointment, then which one of the following must be true? 选B
(A) W's  before P's .
(B) S's before P's .
(C) S's immediately before Q's   x
(D) W's immediately before P's   x
(E) W's  before S's    x
4. If P's appointment is immediately before S's appointment, then each of the following could be true EXCEPT:  (此题有问题,按题意可出现 Q U T P S R W排列)故无答案
(A) R's  immediately before W's       
(B) T's  immediately before Q's 
(C) U's  immediately before P's
(D) U's  immediately before Q's 
(E) W's immediately before T's 
5. If T's appoinemtne is immediately after P's appointment and immediately before W's appointment, then which one of the following must be true?  (此题答案有三个)
(A) W's  before R's  x                                        按题意只有二种排列  Q/U U/Q R S P T W 
(B) U's before R's 
(C) S's  before U's    x
(D) R's  before P's  

(E) Q's before S's    


题意 周三医生将有一个确切的预约七名病人,P,Q,R,S,T,U,W  一个病人对应一个预约。约会时间顺序编号为1到7,必须满足以下条件:
Q  的预约 在P的前一段时间
U  的预约是在P的前一段时间
R或T有预约在 第3

  Exactly six employees—officers F, G, and H, and supervisors K, L, and M—must be assigned to exactly three committees—Policy, Quality, and Sales—with exactly three employees per committee Committee assignments must conform to the following conditions:
  Each committee must have at least one officer assigned to it
  Each employee must be assigned to at least one committee
  All three officers must be assigned to the Policy Committee.
  G cannot be assigned to the same committee as L. 
  K must be assigned to the Sales Committee

6. Which one of the following is a group of three employees who can be assigned together to the Sales Committee?
(A) F, G, and M
(B) F, G, and M
(C) G, K, and L
(D) H, K, and L
(E) K, L, and M
7. If H is assigned to exactly one committee, and if no committee has both F and M assigned to it, then it must be true that
(A) G and M are both assigned to the Quality Committee
(B) K and L are both assigned to the SalesCommittee
(C) K is assigned to exactly two committees
(D) L is assigned to exactly two committees
(E) M is assigned to exactly two committees
8. Which one of the following CANNOT be true?
(A) F is assigned to exactly one committee
(B) G is assigned to exactly three committee
(C) H is assigned to exactly three committee
(D) K is assigned to exactly one committee
(E) L is assigned to exactly two committee
9. If F is assigned to exactly three committees, and G is assigned to exactly two committees, then which one of the following must be true?
(A) G is assigned to the Quality Committee.
(B) G is assigned to the SalesCommittee.
(C) K is assigned to the Quality Committee.
(D) L is assigned to the Sales Committee.
(E) M is assigned to the Quality Committee.
10. Which one of the following is a group of three empoyees who can be assigned together to the Quality Committee?
(A) F, G, and H
(B) F, G, and K
(C) G, H, and K
(D) G, K and L
(E) H, L, and M
11. If L is assigned to exactly two committee. which one of the following must be true?
(A) F is assigned to the Sales Committee.
(B) G is assigned to the Sales Committee.
(C) H is assigned to the Quality Committee.
(D) K is assigned to the Quality Committee.
(E) M is assigned to the Quality Committee.
12. Which one of the following CANNOT be true?
(A) F and G are each assigned to exactly one committee.
(B) F and H are each assigned to exactly one committee.
(C) G and H are each assigned to exactly one committee.
(D) F and M are both assigned to the Sales Committee

(E) G and K are both assigned to the Quality Committee


有六个人,职员F,G和H,管理层K,L和M必须分配给恰好三个委员会,策略,质量和销售,每个委员会要有三个人, 必须符合下列条件:

1.  每个委员会必须有至少一名职员分配给它
2.  每个人必须分配到至少一个委员会
4.  所有三个职员必须分配给政策委员会。
4   G不能与L 被分配到同一个委员会。
5.  K必须被分配到销售委员会

  On Tuesday Vladimir and Wendy each eat exactly four separate meals: breakfast. luch, dinner, and a snack. The following is all that is known about what they eat during that day.
  At no meal does Vladimir eat the same kind of food as Wendy
  Neither of them eats the same kind of food more than once during the day
  For breakfast, each eats exactly one of the following: hot cakes poached eggs, or omelet
  For lunch each eats exactly one of the following fish. hot cakes, macaroni, or omelet
  For a snack each eats exactly one of the following fish or omelet.
  Wendy eats an omelet for lunch

13. Which one of the following statements musts be true?
(A) Vladimir eats fish for lunch
(B) Vladimir eats fish for dinner
(C) Vladimir eats fish for his snack
(D) Wendy eats fish for dinner
(E) Wendy eats fish for her snack
14. Vladimir must eat which one of the following foods?
(A) fish
(B) hot cakes
(C) macaroni
(D) omelet
(E) poached eggs
15. If both Vladimir and Wendy eat macaroni on Tuesday, then which one of the following statements could be true?
(A) Vladimir eats fish for lunch
(B) Vladimir eats hot cakes for lunch
(C) Vladimir eats macaroni for dinner
(D) Wendy eats hot cakes for breakfast
(E) Wendy eats hot cakes for dinner
16. If Wendy does not eat macaroni on Tuesday then which one of the following statements could be true?
(A) Vladimir eats poached eggs for breakfast
(B) Vladimir eats fish for lunch
(C) Vladimir eats hot cakes for lunch
(D) Wendy eats hot cakes for breakfast
(E) Wendy eats fish for dinner
17. If Wendy eats poached eggs for breakfast, then which one of the following statements cannot be true?
(A) Vladimir eats fish for lunch
(B) Vladimir eats hot cakes for lunch
(C) Vladimir eats macaroni for lunch
(D) Wendy eats hot cakes for dinner
(E) Wendy eats macaroni for dinner




1.  没有任何一餐, 弗拉基米尔跟温迪吃同一种食物
2.  白天他们都没有吃同样的食物超过一次
3.  对于早餐,每吃正好执行下列操作之一:热蛋糕,荷包蛋,或煎蛋卷
4.  对于每一个午餐 吃下列之一:   鱼类,热蛋糕,通心粉,或煎蛋卷
5.  对于每个零食吃:    鱼或煎之一。
6.  温迪吃一个煎鸡蛋作为午饭





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