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转载 快速排序

快速排序 原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/morewindows/archive/2011/08/13/2137415.htm快速排序由于排序效率在同为O(N*logN)的几种排序方法中效率较高,因此经常被采用,再加上快...

2013-04-02 21:56:00 94

转载 AVL树

AVL树 http://www.cnblogs.com/xiao-cheng/archive/2011/10/04/2198972.html定义:一棵空二叉树是AVL树,如果T是非空二叉树,TL和TR分别是其左子树和右子树,则当且仅当TL和TR都...

2013-04-02 16:18:00 92

转载 Peterson算法

Peterson算法 参考:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peterson%E7%AE%97%E6%B3%95注释:  P0每次执行完turn = 0后,若P1也希望进入临界区,P0在while循环时都会忙等,然后进程切...

2013-04-01 19:26:00 342

转载 javascript 作用域杂记

javascript 作用域杂记 1 <script type="text/javascript">2 cosole.log(eve); //undefined3 </script>4 <script type=...

2013-04-01 10:00:00 100

转载 javascript prototype原型对象的问题

javascript prototype原型对象的问题 原型对象的最大问题是由其共享的本性所导致的。原型中的所有属性被很多实例共享:  通过在实例中添加一个同名属性,可以隐藏原型中的对应属性(通过实例对象操作原型对象中的属性只能读,不能写) ...

2013-03-24 10:16:00 78

转载 javascript prototype原型修改

javascript prototype原型修改 View Code 1 funciton Person(){ 2 3 } 4 5 var person = new Person(); 6 7 Person.prototype...

2013-03-24 09:45:00 164

转载 javascript prototype简单原型语法

javascript prototype简单原型语法 View Code 1 function Person(){2 3 }4 5 Person.prototype = {6 name: "june"; 7 age:...

2013-03-24 09:19:00 87

转载 java thread join用法

java thread join用法 A线程中创建B线程B.start();B.join();  //A线程等待B线程结束才继续执行  Thread A{    new Thread B;    B.start();  //必须先启动...

2013-03-22 10:08:00 69

转载 C语言学习笔记-Chapter2

C语言学习笔记-Chapter2 '\0' 表示空字符,值为0'x':字符"x": 字符串*****变量初始化(待深入学习)const限定符指定该变量的值不能改变优先级:关系运算符<算术运算符 i < lim-1 === i &l...

2013-03-21 23:12:00 83

转载 Javascript 闭包

Javascript 闭包 function User( properties ) {// Iterate through the properties of the object, and make sure// that it's properly ...

2012-09-18 14:38:00 59

转载 JavaScript 作用域

JavaScript 作用域 In JavaScript,scope iskept within functions, but not within blocks (such as while, if, and for statements).// Se...

2012-09-17 10:40:00 67

转载 Python True False

Python True False The following values are considered false:NoneFalsezero of any numeric type, for example, 0, 0L, ...

2012-09-06 22:05:00 113

转载 编码

编码 字符表 如:ABC编码字符集 字符(C)-码位(非负整数N) 如:A-65 B-66字符编码表 将编码字符集的非负整数值(即码位)转换成有限比特长度的整数值,以利于计算机系统使用固定比特长度的二进制形式表示该整数。字符编码方案定义如何将定长的整数码对应...

2012-09-06 14:58:00 84

转载 Chapter 4. Connection Management 4.1 TCP Connections

Chapter 4. Connection Management 4.1 TCP Connections 4.1.1 TCP Reliable Data Pipes HTTP connections really are nothing more than T...

2012-08-25 16:45:00 139

转载 Chapter 4. Connection Management

Chapter 4. Connection Management · How HTTP uses TCP connections · Delays, bottlenecks and clogs in TCP connections · HTTP optimiza...

2012-08-25 16:42:00 82

转载 Chapter 3. HTTP Messages

Chapter 3. HTTP Messages 3.3 Methods 3.4 Status Codes 3.5 Headers Headers and methods work together to determine what clients and ...

2012-08-25 16:30:00 85

转载 Chapter 3. HTTP Messages 3.2 The Parts of a Message

Chapter 3. HTTP Messages 3.2 The Parts of a Message HTTP messages are simple, formatted blocks of data. Take a peek at Figure 3-3 for...

2012-08-25 16:13:00 200

转载 Chapter 3. HTTP Messages 3.1 The Flow of Messages

Chapter 3. HTTP Messages 3.1 The Flow of Messages HTTP messages are the blocks of data sent between HTTP applications. These blocks o...

2012-08-25 16:02:00 113

转载 Chapter 3. HTTP Messages

Chapter 3. HTTP Messages · How messages flow · The three parts of HTTP messages (start line, headers, and entity body) · The diffe...

2012-08-25 15:57:00 142

转载 Chapter 2. URLs and Resources 2.5 A Sea of Schemes

Chapter 2. URLs and Resources 2.5 A Sea of Schemes http The Hypertext Transfer Protocol scheme conforms to the general URL format, e...

2012-08-25 15:55:00 117

转载 Chapter 2. URLs and Resources 2.4 Shady Characters

Chapter 2. URLs and Resources 2.4 Shady Characters URLs were designed to be portable. They were also designed to uniformly name all t...

2012-08-25 15:52:00 114

转载 Chapter 2. URLs and Resources 2.3 URL Shortcuts

Chapter 2. URLs and Resources 2.3 URL Shortcuts Web clients understand and use a few URL shortcuts. Relative URLs are a convenient sh...

2012-08-25 15:41:00 96

转载 Chapter 2. URLs and Resources 2.2 URL Syntax

Chapter 2. URLs and Resources 2.2 URL Syntax 2.2 URL Syntax URLs provide a means of locating any resource on the Internet, but these...

2012-08-25 15:32:00 263

转载 Chapter 2. URLs and Resources 2.1 Navigating the Internet's Resources

Chapter 2. URLs and Resources 2.1 Navigating the Internet's Resources 2.1 Navigating the Internet's Resources URLs are the resource ...

2012-08-25 15:14:00 92

转载 HTTP:The Definitive Guide 1.8 Architectural Components of the Web

HTTP:The Definitive Guide 1.8 Architectural Components of the Web In this overview chapter, we've focused on how two web applications...

2012-08-25 15:10:00 90

转载 HTTP:The Definitive Guide 1.7 Protocol Versions

HTTP:The Definitive Guide 1.7 Protocol Versions There are several versions of the HTTP protocol in use today. HTTP applications need ...

2012-08-25 14:57:00 59

转载 HTTP:The Definitive Guide 1.6 Connections

HTTP:The Definitive Guide 1.6 Connections 1.6.1 TCP/IP HTTP is an application layer protocol. HTTP doesn't worry about the nitty-gri...

2012-08-25 14:56:00 79

转载 HTTP:The Definitive Guide 1.5 Messages

HTTP:The Definitive Guide 1.5 Messages HTTP messages are simple, line-oriented sequences of characters. Because they are plain text, ...

2012-08-25 14:43:00 59

转载 HTTP:The Definitive Guide 1.4

HTTP:The Definitive Guide 1.4 1.4.1 Methods HTTP supports several different request commands, called HTTP methods. Every HTTP reques...

2012-08-25 14:37:00 105

转载 Javascript Template笔记

Javascript Template笔记 1 (function(){ 2 var cache = {}; 3 4 this.tmpl = function tmpl(str, data){ 5 //...

2012-08-23 11:34:00 90

转载 Evaluation in the global scope

Evaluation in the global scope 1 <script type="text/javascript"> 2 function globalEval(data) { 3 data = data.replace(/...

2012-08-22 17:17:00 57

转载 Evaluation with timers

Evaluation with timers Another way that we can cause strings of code to be evaluated, and in this caseasynchronously, is through the ...

2012-08-22 17:03:00 46

转载 Evaluation via the Function constructor

Evaluation via the Function constructor All functions in JavaScript are an instance of Function.; we learned that back in chapter 3.T...

2012-08-22 17:00:00 53

转载 JavaScript eval()笔记

JavaScript eval()笔记 The eval() method will return the result of the last expression in the passed code string.For example, if we were...

2012-08-22 16:57:00 84

转载 setTimeout() and setInterval()

setTimeout() and setInterval() setTimeout(function() { #1/* Some long block of code... */ #1setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); #1}, 10...

2012-08-21 17:05:00 52

转载 JavaScript RegExp-笔记

JavaScript RegExp-笔记 var pattern = /test/;var pattern = new RegExp("test");i (insensitive), g (global), and m (multi-line) /test/i...

2012-08-21 11:09:00 72

转载 JavaScript trim()---去除字符串两边空格

JavaScript trim()---去除字符串两边空格   function trim(str){ //删除左右两端的空格  return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");  }  function l...

2012-07-10 15:44:00 109



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