Error: 'Field is too large (32k) or view's column and selection formulas too large' when saving document

IBM lotus Domino文本域限制内容大小为32k,如果通过代码对其操作超过了这个限制会导致该文档不能打开,下面是IBM给的处理方法,希望对大家会有帮助!


You create a document (manually or using an agent), and attempt to save it manually using the user interface (for example, the Notes menu File > Save) or programmatically using Functions or the LotusScript Save method (NotesUIDocument class or NotesDocument class) you see the following error message:

  • "Field is too large (32k) or View's column & selection formulas are too large"

Or, in a LotusScript agent the following error message corresponding to error code 4000 occurs:
  • "Notes error: Field is too large (32k) or View's column & selection formulas are too large"

Less frequently you may observe one of the following errors in the user interface:
  • "Only plain text can be used in this type of field"

    "Document has invalid structure"

Resolving the problem

These errors occur when a single field in the document, or the document as a whole, has reached the maximum amount of Summary data that it can hold.

Notes/Domino 6.x and later have the following limits regarding Summary fields: 32k per field, 64k per document. Relative to memos: The limit for sending to individual names and locally expanded groups is 15k. In addition, the above restrictions still apply as regards other fields in the memo.

Except for rich text fields, fields are typically flagged as "summary" by default; you can change this with the NotesItem.IsSummary property, but it will be reset to the default if the document is edited using a form that contains that field. Non-text fields (numbers, date-times) are also summary fields, so these limits apply to them also.

Note: The fact that the Domino Designer Help in releases 8.0.x incorrectly reflects that the Text field limit is 1 GB has been reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# MGAN7FXQRA.

If the limit is relative to a particular field, workarounds are as follows:

- Set the NotesItem.IsSummary property to False for some larger items, which exempts them from the document limit (but also prevents you from using those fields in views).

- For documents that are edited by a user, or if you use the NotesDocument.ComputeWithForm method, items over 15K should be flagged as non-summary automatically, provided they correspond to a field on the form.

- Place the large text content in a Rich Text field instead of a Text field; Rich Text can be as big as you need. Please note that changing the field's datatype on a form will not by itself fix existing documents. You would need to use an agent to update old documents to correspond with the form (e.g. by using the ComputeWithForm method or the IsSummary property).

- All of the above make the field unusable in views. If this is not acceptable, the only workaround is to remove some of the text or place some of the text into another field which is non-Summary. For performance reasons, it's inadvisable to display so much data in a view in any case.

- Relative to memos: If the recipient list is too long, split the memo into multiple memos and send them to fewer people at a time. Or, create one or more public groups and address the memo to the group(s) instead.

If the limit is relative to the total document, all of the above methods for reducing the size of individual items, can also be applied to reduce the total amount of summary data; focus first on the largest fields. If all this information must display in a view, you might also consider breaking the document into multiple documents so that they do not individually exceed the limit.

Supporting Information:

If the LotusScript ComputeWithForm method does not set the Summary flag as expected refer to the document, "ComputeWithForm Does Not Set Summary Flag for Text Fields Over 15k" (#1090219) for more information.

The initial releases of the Notes 6 Client Help incorrectly state that the per Text field Summary limit is 15k. This issue was reported to Quality Engineering (SPR# MGAN5GZQTT) and was addressed the Notes Client releases 6.0.3 and 6.5. For the 6.0.x codestream the fix for the issue appeared first in the release notes, not the on-line help. The on-line help has been updated in subsequent 6.0.x releases.

from the Notes/Domino 6.0.3 and 6.5.x Release Notes:

Updated information on Notes limits
In the Notes Client 6 Help topic "Limits of Notes," the following information has been changed:

from the Notes 6.5.1 Client On-line Help

Topic: "Limits of Notes"
What is the maximum size of text fields?32KB (storage); 32KB displayed in a view's column
What is the maximum amount of Text (Summary) data per document?64KB
What is the maximum number of recipients in a single mail message?For individual names and private groups which expand locally, 15KB; for public groups which expand on a server, 5MB

This error can also be observed in LotusScript agents which populate a Text field. This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# CSMH46YTN6; however it was found that Notes/Domino is working as designed. While the LotusScript Language has a text limit of 2 GB for string values, this does not take precedence over the Notes/Domino limits. An enhancement request regarding increasing the limits has been submitted to Quality Engineering (SPR#:AKNX64TLRS).





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