

function MzTreeView(Tname) {
 if (typeof (Tname) != "string" || Tname == "") {
  throw (new Error(-1, "error"));
 this.url = "#";
 this.target = "_self";
 this.name = Tname;
 this.wordLine = false;
 this.currentNode = null;
 this.useArrow = true;
 this.nodes = {};
 this.node = {};
 this.names = "";
 this._d = "/x0f";
 this.index = 0;
 this.divider = "_";
 this.node["0"] = {"id":"0", "path":"0", "isLoad":false, "childNodes":[], "childAppend":"", "sourceIndex":"0"};
 this.colors = {"highLight":"#0A246A", "highLightText":"#FFFFFF", "mouseOverBgColor":"#D4D0C8"};
 this.icons = {L0:"/askmanage/tree/L0.gif", L1:"/askmanage/tree/L1.gif", L2:"/askmanage/tree/L2.gif", L3:"/askmanage/tree/L3.gif", L4:"/askmanage/tree/L4.gif", PM0:"/askmanage/tree/P0.gif", PM1:"/askmanage/tree/P1.gif", PM2:"/askmanage/tree/P2.gif", PM3:"/askmanage/tree/P3.gif", empty:"/askmanage/tree/L5.gif", root:"/askmanage/tree/root.gif", folder:"/askmanage/tree/folder.gif", file:"/askmanage/tree/file.gif", exit:"/askmanage/tree/exit.gif"};
 this.iconsExpand = {PM0:"/askmanage/tree/M0.gif", PM1:"/askmanage/tree/M1.gif", PM2:"/askmanage/tree/M2.gif", PM3:"/askmanage/tree/M3.gif", folder:"/askmanage/tree/folderopen.gif", exit:"/askmanage/tree/exit.gif"};
 this.getElementById = function (id) {
  if (typeof (id) != "string" || id == "") {
   return null;
  if (document.getElementById) {
   return document.getElementById(id);
  if (document.all) {
   return document.all(id);
  try {
   return eval(id);
  catch (e) {
   return null;
 this.toString = function () {
  var rootCN = this.node["0"].childNodes;
  var str = "<A id='" + this.name + "_RootLink' href='#' style='DISPLAY: none'></A>";
  if (rootCN.length > 0) {
   this.node["0"].hasChild = true;
   for (var i = 0; i < rootCN.length; i++) {
    str += this.nodeToHTML(rootCN[i], i == rootCN.length - 1);
   setTimeout(this.name + ".expand('" + rootCN[0].id + "', true); " + this.name + ".focusClientNode('" + rootCN[0].id + "'); " + this.name + ".atRootIsEmpty()", 10);
  if (this.useArrow) {
   if (document.attachEvent) {
    document.attachEvent("onkeydown", this.onkeydown);
   } else {
    if (document.addEventListener) {
     document.addEventListener("keydown", this.onkeydown, false);
  return "<DIV class='MzTreeView' " + "οnclick='" + this.name + ".clickHandle(event)' " + "οndblclick='" + this.name + ".dblClickHandle(event)' " + ">" + str + "</DIV>";
 this.onkeydown = function (e) {
  e = window.event || e;
  var key = e.keyCode || e.which;
  switch (key) {
    case 37:
   break;  //Arrow left, shrink child node
    case 38:
   break;  //Arrow up
    case 39:
   break;  //Arrow right, expand child node
    case 40:
   break;  //Arrow down
MzTreeView.prototype.browserCheck = function () {
 var ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), bname;
 if (/msie/i.test(ua)) {
  this.navigator = /opera/i.test(ua) ? "opera" : "";
  if (!this.navigator) {
   this.navigator = "msie";
 } else {
  if (/gecko/i.test(ua)) {
   var vendor = window.navigator.vendor.toLowerCase();
   if (vendor == "firefox") {
    this.navigator = "firefox";
   } else {
    if (vendor == "netscape") {
     this.navigator = "netscape";
    } else {
     if (vendor == "") {
      this.navigator = "mozilla";
  } else {
   this.navigator = "msie";
 if (window.opera) {
  this.wordLine = false;
MzTreeView.prototype.setStyle = function () {
    width: 16px;
    height: 16px;
    width: 20px;
    height: 20px;
 var style = "<style>" + "DIV.MzTreeView DIV IMG{border: 0px solid #FFFFFF;}" + "DIV.MzTreeView DIV SPAN IMG{border: 0px solid #FFFFFF;}";
 if (this.wordLine) {
  style += "    DIV.MzTreeView DIV    {      height: 20px;" + (this.navigator == "firefox" ? "line-height: 20px;" : "") + (this.navigator == "netscape" ? "" : "overflow: hidden;") + "    }    DIV.MzTreeView DIV SPAN    {      vertical-align: middle; font-size: 21px; height: 20px; color: #D4D0C8; cursor: default;    }    DIV.MzTreeView DIV SPAN.pm    {      width: " + (this.navigator == "msie" || this.navigator == "opera" ? "11" : "9") + "px;      height: " + (this.navigator == "netscape" ? "9" : (this.navigator == "firefox" ? "10" : "11")) + "px;      font-size: 7pt;      overflow: hidden;      margin-left: -16px;      margin-right: 5px;      color: #000080;       vertical-align: middle;      border: 1px solid #D4D0C8;      cursor: " + (this.navigator == "msie" ? "hand" : "pointer") + ";      padding: 0 2px 0 2px;      text-align: center;      background-color: #F0F0F0;    }";
 style += "</style>";
MzTreeView.prototype.atRootIsEmpty = function () {
 var RCN = this.node["0"].childNodes;
 for (var i = 0; i < RCN.length; i++) {
  if (!RCN[i].isLoad) {
  if (RCN[i].text == "") {
   var node = RCN[i].childNodes[0], HCN = node.hasChild;
   if (this.wordLine) {
    var span = this.getElementById(this.name + "_tree_" + node.id);
    span = span.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0];
    span.innerHTML = RCN[i].childNodes.length > 1 ? "/u250c" : "/u2500";
   } else {
    node.iconExpand = RCN[i].childNodes.length > 1 ? HCN ? "PM0" : "L0" : HCN ? "PM3" : "L3";
    this.getElementById(this.name + "_expand_" + node.id).src = this.icons[node.iconExpand].src;
MzTreeView.prototype.dataFormat = function () {
 var a = new Array();
 for (var id in this.nodes) {
  a[a.length] = id;
 this.names = a.join(this._d + this._d);
 this.totalNode = a.length;
 a = null;
MzTreeView.prototype.load = function (id) {
 var node = this.node[id], d = this.divider, _d = this._d;
 var sid = node.sourceIndex.substr(node.sourceIndex.indexOf(d) + d.length);
 var reg = new RegExp("(^|" + _d + ")" + sid + d + "[^" + _d + d + "]+(" + _d + "|$)", "g");
 var cns = this.names.match(reg), tcn = this.node[id].childNodes;
 if (cns) {
  reg = new RegExp(_d, "g");
  for (var i = 0; i < cns.length; i++) {
   tcn[tcn.length] = this.nodeInit(cns[i].replace(reg, ""), id);
 node.isLoad = true;
MzTreeView.prototype.nodeInit = function (sourceIndex, parentId) {
 var source = this.nodes[sourceIndex], d = this.divider;
 var text = this.getAttribute(source, "text");
 var hint = this.getAttribute(source, "hint");
 var sid = sourceIndex.substr(sourceIndex.indexOf(d) + d.length);
 this.node[this.index] = {"id":this.index, "text":text, "hint":hint ? hint : text, "icon":this.getAttribute(source, "icon"), "path":this.node[parentId].path + d + this.index, "isLoad":false, "isExpand":false, "parentId":parentId, "parentNode":this.node[parentId], "sourceIndex":sourceIndex, "childAppend":""};
 this.nodes[sourceIndex] = "index:" + this.index + ";" + source;
 this.node[this.index].hasChild = this.names.indexOf(this._d + sid + d) > -1;
 if (this.node[this.index].hasChild) {
  this.node[this.index].childNodes = [];
 return this.node[this.index];
MzTreeView.prototype.getAttribute = function (source, name) {
 var reg = new RegExp("(^|;|//s)" + name + "//s*://s*([^;]*)(//s|;|$)", "i");
 if (reg.test(source)) {
  return RegExp.$2.replace(/[/x0f]/g, ";");
 return "";
MzTreeView.prototype.nodeToHTML = function (node, AtEnd) {
 var source = this.nodes[node.sourceIndex];
 var target = this.getAttribute(source, "target");
 var data = this.getAttribute(source, "data");
 var url = this.getAttribute(source, "url");
 if (!url) {
  url = this.url;
 if (data) {
  url += (url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + data;
 if (!target) {
  target = this.target;
 var id = node.id;
 var HCN = node.hasChild, isRoot = node.parentId == "0";
 if (isRoot && node.icon == "") {
  node.icon = "root";
 if (node.icon == "" || typeof (this.icons[node.icon]) == "undefined") {
  node.icon = HCN ? "folder" : "file";
 node.iconExpand = AtEnd ? "/u2514" : "/u251c";
 var HTML = "<DIV noWrap='True'><NOBR>";
 if (!isRoot) {
  node.childAppend = node.parentNode.childAppend + (AtEnd ? "/u3000" : "|");
  if (this.wordLine) {
   HTML += "<SPAN>" + node.parentNode.childAppend + (AtEnd ? "/u2514" : "/u251c") + "</SPAN>";
   if (HCN) {
    HTML += "<SPAN class='pm' id='" + this.name + "_expand_" + id + "'>+</SPAN>";
  } else {
   node.iconExpand = HCN ? AtEnd ? "PM2" : "PM1" : AtEnd ? "L2" : "L1";
   HTML += "<SPAN>" + this.word2image(node.parentNode.childAppend) + "<IMG " + "align='absmiddle' id='" + this.name + "_expand_" + id + "' " + "src='" + this.icons[node.iconExpand].src + "' style='cursor: " + (!node.hasChild ? "" : (this.navigator == "msie" || this.navigator == "opera" ? "hand" : "pointer")) + "'></SPAN>";
 //+ "title='" + node.hint
 HTML += "<IMG " + "align='absMiddle' " + "id='" + this.name + "_icon_" + id + "' " + "src='" + this.icons[node.icon].src + "'><A " + "class='MzTreeview' hideFocus " + "id='" + this.name + "_link_" + id + "' " + "href='" + url + "' " + "target='" + target + "' "  + "' " + "οnfοcus=/"" + this.name + ".focusLink('" + id + "')/" " + "οnclick=/"return " + this.name + ".nodeClick('" + id + "')/">" + node.text + "</A></NOBR></DIV>";
 if (isRoot && node.text == "") {
  HTML = "";
 HTML = "/r/n<SPAN id='" + this.name + "_tree_" + id + "'>" + HTML;
 HTML += "<SPAN style='DISPLAY: none'></SPAN></SPAN>";
 return HTML;
MzTreeView.prototype.word2image = function (word) {
 var str = "";
 for (var i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
  var img = "";
  switch (word.charAt(i)) {
    case "|":
   img = "L4";
    case "/u2514":
   img = "L2";
    case "/u3000":
   img = "empty";
    case "/u251c":
   img = "L1";
    case "/u2500":
   img = "L3";
    case "/u250c":
   img = "L0";
  if (img != "") {
   str += "<IMG align='absMiddle' src='" + this.icons[img].src + "' height='20'>";
 return str;
MzTreeView.prototype.buildNode = function (id) {
 if (this.node[id].hasChild) {
  var tcn = this.node[id].childNodes, str = "";
  for (var i = 0; i < tcn.length; i++) {
   str += this.nodeToHTML(tcn[i], i == tcn.length - 1);
  var temp = this.getElementById(this.name + "_tree_" + id).childNodes;
  temp[temp.length - 1].innerHTML = str;
MzTreeView.prototype.focusClientNode = function (id) {
 if (!this.currentNode) {
  this.currentNode = this.node["0"];
 var a = this.getElementById(this.name + "_link_" + id);
 if (a) {
  var link = this.getElementById(this.name + "_link_" + this.currentNode.id);
  if (link) {
   with (link.style) {
    color = "";
    backgroundColor = "";
  with (a.style) {
   color = this.colors.highLightText;
   backgroundColor = this.colors.highLight;
  this.currentNode = this.node[id];
MzTreeView.prototype.focusLink = function (id) {
 if (this.currentNode && this.currentNode.id == id) {
MzTreeView.prototype.expand = function (id, sureExpand) {
 var node = this.node[id];
 if (sureExpand && node.isExpand) {
 if (!node.hasChild) {
 var area = this.getElementById(this.name + "_tree_" + id);
 if (area) {
  area = area.childNodes[area.childNodes.length - 1];
 if (area) {
  var icon = this.icons[node.icon];
  var iconE = this.iconsExpand[node.icon];
  var Bool = node.isExpand = sureExpand || area.style.display == "none";
  var img = this.getElementById(this.name + "_icon_" + id);
  if (img) {
   img.src = !Bool ? icon.src : typeof (iconE) == "undefined" ? icon.src : iconE.src;
  var exp = this.icons[node.iconExpand];
  var expE = this.iconsExpand[node.iconExpand];
  var expand = this.getElementById(this.name + "_expand_" + id);
  if (expand) {
   if (this.wordLine) {
    expand.innerHTML = !Bool ? "+" : "-";
   } else {
    expand.src = !Bool ? exp.src : typeof (expE) == "undefined" ? exp.src : expE.src;
  if (!Bool && this.currentNode.path.indexOf(node.path) == 0 && this.currentNode.id != id) {
   try {
    this.getElementById(this.name + "_link_" + id).click();
   catch (e) {
  area.style.display = !Bool ? "none" : "block";//(this.navigator=="netscape" ? "block" : "");
  if (!node.isLoad) {
   if (node.id == "0") {
   if (node.hasChild && node.childNodes.length > 200) {
    setTimeout(this.name + ".buildNode('" + id + "')", 1);
    var temp = this.getElementById(this.name + "_tree_" + id).childNodes;
    temp[temp.length - 1].innerHTML = "<DIV noWrap><NOBR><SPAN>" + (this.wordLine ? node.childAppend + "/u2514" : this.word2image(node.childAppend + "/u2514")) + "</SPAN>" + "<IMG border='0' height='16' align='absmiddle' src='" + this.icons["file"].src + "'>" + "<A style='background-Color: " + this.colors.highLight + "; color: " + this.colors.highLightText + "; font-size: 9pt'>please wait...</A></NOBR></DIV>";
   } else {
MzTreeView.prototype.nodeClick = function (id) {
 var source = this.nodes[this.node[id].sourceIndex];
 eval(this.getAttribute(source, "method"));
 return !(!this.getAttribute(source, "url") && this.url == "#");
MzTreeView.prototype.getPath = function (sourceId) {
 Array.prototype.indexOf = function (item) {
  for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
   if (this[i] == item) {
    return i;
  return -1;
 var _d = this._d, d = this.divider;
 var A = new Array(), id = sourceId;
 A[0] = id;
 while (id != "0" && id != "") {
  var str = "(^|" + _d + ")([^" + _d + d + "]+" + d + id + ")(" + _d + "|$)";
  if (new RegExp(str).test(this.names)) {
   id = RegExp.$2.substring(0, RegExp.$2.indexOf(d));
   if (A.indexOf(id) > -1) {
   A[A.length] = id;
  } else {
 return A.reverse();
MzTreeView.prototype.focus = function (sourceId, defer) {
 if (!defer) {
  setTimeout(this.name + ".focus('" + sourceId + "', true)", 100);
 var path = this.getPath(sourceId);
 if (path[0] != "0") {
  alert("dot  " + sourceId + " do not place root " + " dot id = " + path.join(this.divider));
 var root = this.node["0"], len = path.length;
 for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
  if (root.hasChild) {
   var sourceIndex = path[i - 1] + this.divider + path[i];
   for (var k = 0; k < root.childNodes.length; k++) {
    if (root.childNodes[k].sourceIndex == sourceIndex) {
     root = root.childNodes[k];
     if (i < len - 1) {
      this.expand(root.id, true);
     } else {
MzTreeView.prototype.clickHandle = function (e) {
 e = window.event || e;
 e = e.srcElement || e.target;
 switch (e.tagName) {
   case "IMG":
  if (e.id) {
   if (e.id.indexOf(this.name + "_icon_") == 0) {
    this.focusClientNode(e.id.substr(e.id.lastIndexOf("_") + 1));
   } else {
    if (e.id.indexOf(this.name + "_expand_") == 0) {
     this.expand(e.id.substr(e.id.lastIndexOf("_") + 1));
   case "A":
  if (e.id) {
   this.focusClientNode(e.id.substr(e.id.lastIndexOf("_") + 1));
   case "SPAN":
  if (e.className == "pm") {
   this.expand(e.id.substr(e.id.lastIndexOf("_") + 1));
  if (this.navigator == "netscape") {
   e = e.parentNode;
  if (e.tagName == "SPAN" && e.className == "pm") {
   this.expand(e.id.substr(e.id.lastIndexOf("_") + 1));
MzTreeView.prototype.dblClickHandle = function (e) {
 e = window.event || e;
 e = e.srcElement || e.target;
 if ((e.tagName == "A" || e.tagName == "IMG") && e.id) {
  var id = e.id.substr(e.id.lastIndexOf("_") + 1);
  if (this.node[id].hasChild) {
MzTreeView.prototype.upperNode = function () {
 if (!this.currentNode) {
 if (this.currentNode.id == "0" || this.currentNode.parentId == "0") {
 if (this.currentNode.hasChild && this.currentNode.isExpand) {
  this.expand(this.currentNode.id, false);
 } else {
MzTreeView.prototype.lowerNode = function () {
 if (!this.currentNode) {
  this.currentNode = this.node["0"];
 if (this.currentNode.hasChild) {
  if (this.currentNode.isExpand) {
  } else {
   this.expand(this.currentNode.id, true);
MzTreeView.prototype.pervNode = function () {
 if (!this.currentNode) {
 var e = this.currentNode;
 if (e.id == "0") {
 var a = this.node[e.parentId].childNodes;
 for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
  if (a[i].id == e.id) {
   if (i > 0) {
    e = a[i - 1];
    while (e.hasChild) {
     this.expand(e.id, true);
     e = e.childNodes[e.childNodes.length - 1];
   } else {
MzTreeView.prototype.nextNode = function () {
 var e = this.currentNode;
 if (!e) {
  e = this.node["0"];
 if (e.hasChild) {
  this.expand(e.id, true);
 while (typeof (e.parentId) != "undefined") {
  var a = this.node[e.parentId].childNodes;
  for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
   if (a[i].id == e.id) {
    if (i < a.length - 1) {
     this.focusClientNode(a[i + 1].id);
    } else {
     e = this.node[e.parentId];
MzTreeView.prototype.expandAll = function () {
 if (this.totalNode > 500) {
  if (confirm("do you want to expand all?")) {
 if (this.node["0"].childNodes.length == 0) {
 var e = this.node["0"].childNodes[0];
 var isdo = t = false;
 while (e.id != "0") {
  var p = this.node[e.parentId].childNodes, pn = p.length;
  if (p[pn - 1].id == e.id && (isdo || !e.hasChild)) {
   e = this.node[e.parentId];
   isdo = true;
  } else {
   if (e.hasChild && !isdo) {
    this.expand(e.id, true), t = false;
    for (var i = 0; i < e.childNodes.length; i++) {
     if (e.childNodes[i].hasChild) {
      e = e.childNodes[i];
      t = true;
    if (!t) {
     isdo = true;
   } else {
    isdo = false;
    for (var i = 0; i < pn; i++) {
     if (p[i].id == e.id) {
      e = p[i + 1];
MzTreeView.prototype.setIconPath = function (path) {
 var k = 0, d = new Date().getTime();
 for (var i in this.icons) {
  var tmp = this.icons[i];
  this.icons[i] = new Image();
  this.icons[i].src = path + tmp;
  if (k == 9 && (new Date().getTime() - d) > 50) {
  //屏蔽文字树形  zl
   //this.wordLine = true;
 for (var i in this.iconsExpand) {
  var tmp = this.iconsExpand[i];
  this.iconsExpand[i] = new Image();
  this.iconsExpand[i].src = path + tmp;
MzTreeView.prototype.setURL = function (url) {
 this.url = url;
MzTreeView.prototype.setTarget = function (target) {
 this.target = target;








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