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Kubernetes is often documented and approached from the perspective of someone just running software already built. Kubernetes may also be used to enhance the development process itself, enabling more consistent testing and analysis of written code so that developers can verify not only correctness, but efficiency as well. This book will introduce the key concepts of Kubernetes, linked with examples of how to deploy and use those with a bit of NodeJS and Python example code, so that a reader could quickly replicate and use that knowledge themselves in their development process. You will begin by setting up Kubernetes for development and packaging your code to run in Kubernetes. It will walk you through the set up and installation process before working with Kubernetes in the development environment. We will then take a deep dive into concepts like automating your build process, autonomic computing, debugging, integration testing and so on. This book will cover all the necessary concepts required for any developer to work with Kubernetes. Towards the end of this book, we will be covering few security best practices which will secure the developer environment. By the end of this book, you will be in a position to use Kubernetes in the development ecosystem. What you will learn Build your software into containers. Deploy and debug those containers with Kubernetes. Define and add configuration through Kubernetes. Declare how your application fits together, using internal and external services. Add feedback in your code to help Kubernetes manage your services. Monitor, measure your services through integration testing and in production deployments.
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