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转载 PE import/export address table

#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <windows.h>// http://hatriot.github.io/blog/2017/09/19/abusing-delay-load-dll/// https://blog.csdn.net/adam001521/arti...

2019-06-13 15:11:00 266

转载 batch

batch scripthttps://ss64.com/nt/syntax-esc.htmlquote : only double quotes , make deimeter separated sentence to be treated as one itemEscape: ^ (not \) Some commands (e.g. REG and FINDSTR) use ...

2019-05-22 11:18:00 117

转载 authorization vs authenticattion

Authorize vs Authenticatehttps://www.cnblogs.com/shuidao/p/3463947.htmlhttps://connect2id.com/learn/openid-connecthttps://www.cnblogs.com/shuidao/p/3463947.html转载于:h...

2019-05-20 18:14:00 176

转载 docker 2

DockerThe Docker itself is a software container platform which allows us to create and manage containers.There are Docker Engine, Docker client.https://stackoverflow.com/questions...

2019-05-17 12:22:00 117

转载 debug 2

Red Hat Developer Toolsetdelivers the latest stable versions of essential GCC C, C++, Fortran, and supporting developmenttools to enhance developer productivity and improve deployment times. ...

2019-04-23 20:11:00 124

转载 wireshark & fiddler

wireshark display filterhttps://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChWorkBuildDisplayFilterSection.htmlwireshark can't capture loopbackhttps://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/LoopbackIf y...

2018-04-26 17:35:00 97

转载 OPENSSL_Applink 错误

原因 : 程序太老, 调用了参数为 FILE * 类型的 api.解决方式:1. windows exe, 可直接#include<openssl/applink.c> // extern "C"2. 如果是.dll文件, 可更新对应api, 使用BIO 替代FILE *, 例如    FILE * file;file = fopen(path, "...

2018-04-16 17:13:00 540

转载 temp

/* * http://www.cppblog.com/flyonok/archive/2011/03/24/133100.html */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <memory.h>#include <errno.h>#include &...

2018-04-04 17:41:00 64

转载 C++ opentracing zipkin

Useful page : https://github.com/openzipkin/b3-propagation & other official websitesSteps to run attached scriptsDownload opentracing:https://github.com/opentracing/opentracing-cpp...

2018-03-23 09:54:00 785

转载 proxy ubunta

/etc/environment : Is the correct place to specify system-wide environment variables that should be available to all processes./etc/profile : Is the system-wide proflie for shellsome other sp...

2018-03-16 14:09:00 72

转载 technologies

RPCApache Thrift,Thrift is an interface definition language and binary communication protocol, like GdbusFolly, Fackbook opensource library, C++ libs, like std or boostThe Apache Cassan...

2018-03-15 10:37:00 88

转载 Debug Dump file

dump file is a snapshot of the processs memeory. to debug it, we need use its corresponding executive to help restore the scenariopdb and source file are also needed to help analyze it.create d...

2018-03-12 15:04:00 532

转载 certificate & encryption

openssl commonly used commandsbefore use Configure to generate Makefile, should notice follow options--prefix=DIR // install dir--libdir=DIR // install dir--openssld...

2018-02-13 13:35:00 133

转载 ubuntu 32/64 bit

https://askubuntu.com/questions/454253/how-to-run-32-bit-app-in-ubuntu-64-bithow to run 32-bit app in Ubuntu 64-bit?Install 32-bit basic libs, like libc6 & libstdchttps://www.howtoge...

2018-02-11 14:22:00 86

转载 upgrade openssl

01 OpenSSL versionwiki:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenSSL02 Using TLS1.3 With OpenSSLhttps://www.openssl.org/blog/blog/2017/05/04/tlsv1.3/TLSv1.3 is a major rewrite of the specifica...

2018-01-09 11:54:00 179

转载 windows生成库文件

库文件的生成,包括静态库lib与动态库dll,需要改变编译输出的生成命令,可以一开始生成对应的库工程(或者在工程属性->常规->配置类型更改)。附基本对应命令:gcc –c -L.oCl /c /link.objar.alib.libld...

2018-01-07 23:46:00 149

转载 Visual studio 配置

解决方案一个解决方案的文件结构:.sln 项目目录 debug release其中,debug与release放置最终生成的dll或exe,项目目录下包含头文件 源文件 debug release .proj等项目debug与release只放置...

2018-01-07 23:44:00 201

转载 linux command

00 帮助Whatis|apropos :简短功能描述--help : 使用摘要及参数列表(大部分命令)Man : manual; man –k keyword; session /user/share/docInfo : 说明文档,并非所有命令皆有 /usr/infoCtrl+D : end of file命令操作对象:可按照层次选择无引号、”sof...

2018-01-07 23:29:00 70

转载 软件调试-PE & call convention

单步:Flags寄存器中的标志位,CPU每执行一条指令后会检查IF位值。如为1则产生调试异常。断点:使用INT 3替代目标指令头,执行时候则产生调试异常切换到调试器,而后返回时恢复分支踪迹存储:记录最后一次JMP的地址,LastBranchRecording系统中对对应的中断向量表,当中断产生时,PUSH现场,查询对应表中对应序号的地址,赋予CS:IP,使之执行中断程序...

2018-01-07 23:18:00 125

转载 remote connect to ubuntu unity

https://community.nxp.com/thread/220596putty secure copy protocol can be used to transfer file among windows and ubuntu.http://c-nergy.be/blog/?p=9962used xrdp to remote connect to ubuntu u...

2017-07-19 16:47:00 83

转载 huffman tree

// todo#include <iostream>using namespace std;// buidl a huff tree with an Node array// to get the huffcode, should traverse up the tree from leafsclass Node{public: ...

2017-05-25 15:43:00 62

转载 sort algorithms

//todo#include<iostream>void swap(int *a, int *b){int temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp;}void print_array(int *arr, int len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) std::cout << arr[...

2017-05-18 15:47:00 86

转载 poll & select

//todo/* * copied from http://devarea.com/linux-io-multiplexing-select-vs-poll-vs-epoll/#.W1GZ0vkzZaQ */#include <arpa/inet.h>#include <errno.h>#include <netinet/in...

2017-05-12 16:12:00 62

转载 locale and system laungues

In computing, a locale is a set of parameters that defines the user's language, region and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface.Usually a locale iden...

2017-05-11 16:31:00 104

转载 binary search tree

#include<iostream>// Binary Tree, as a non-linear data structure, operations like search/inseart/remove are different those for linear DT;// we need a more detail rule (relationship, ...

2017-05-10 16:45:00 49

转载 most asked interview questions for C/C++

1.compared to prefix ++, postfix increment needs one more step to create a temporary variable? what's more , the return type is not reference, there will be another   temp var being created...

2017-04-27 15:07:00 296

转载 corba/ice/web service/com+


2017-04-27 14:39:00 47

转载 how to avoid inheritance abuse

Liskov Principle: if S is a subtype of Type T, then any objects of type T may be repalced by objects of type S without altering any of the properties of T;that is, if B inherits from A, then B sh...

2017-04-19 10:17:00 44

转载 unit test

1) State vs Behaviour Verificationhttps://manas.tech/blog/2009/04/30/state-vs-behaviour-verification.html2) Unit testing a class with no return value?http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1607339/...

2017-04-17 15:19:00 73

转载 object oriented programming : class application

class Thread_Sync;class Critical;class Info;class Info{Info(std::string str):m_info(str){} private: std::string m_info;};// a process need: { pre-run();run();post-run();mu...

2017-04-06 11:42:00 107

转载 event & signals & threads

The Event Systemhttp://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/eventsandfilters.htmlEach thread can have its own event loop. The initial thread starts its event loops using QCoreApplication::exec();other threads can...

2017-04-05 11:26:00 77

转载 simulate events

windows system maintains a msg queue, and any process that supports msg will create an thread that have a loop which checks its own msg queue;we can set a callback for it through define an even...

2017-04-01 16:36:00 114

转载 gstreamer

AbstractOgg Vorbisis acompletely open, patent-free, professional audio encoding and streamingtechnologyCopy-on-write (COW), sometimes referred to as implicit sharingor shadowing,is a r...

2017-04-01 14:42:00 102

转载 how to get address of member function

see:http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/136410/ &http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8121320/get-memory-address-of-member-functionstatic member function and dynamic member functions a...

2017-03-29 12:19:00 58

转载 signal & slot

The Qt signals/slots and property system are based on the ability to introspect the objects at runtime.C++ does not offer introspection support natively, so Qt comes with a tool to provide it. Th...

2017-03-28 17:11:00 52

转载 codecs and formats of digital media

A codec is a device or software that is used to compress or decompress a digital media file, such as a video or song.encoder performs the compression (encoding) functiondecoder performs the decom...

2017-03-28 11:22:00 71

转载 use Swig to create C/C++ extension for Python

SWIG is a software development tool that simplifies the task of interfacing different languages to C and C++ programs.1. The SWIG %module directive specifies the name of the Python module --t...

2017-03-22 15:12:00 124

转载 python ctypes

official tutorial for ctypes libhttps://docs.python.org/3/library/ctypes.html1 ctypes exports the cdll, and on Windows windll and oledll objects, for loading dynamic link libraries you shoul...

2017-03-20 22:39:00 71

转载 boost.Asio lib

Documentation for Boost.Asiohttp://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_62_0/doc/html/boost_asio.htmlhttps://www.gamedev.net/blog/950/entry-2249317-a-guide-to-getting-started-with-boostasio?pg=71  Your...

2017-03-17 11:48:00 241

转载 linux dynamic lib

1 // test1.h2 int a = 10;3 struct AA4 {5 int a,b:6 }; AA b(5,6);7 int ball(); 1 // test1.cpp 2 # include"test1.h" 3 4 // the following line is invalid for it will n...

2017-03-12 11:11:00 101



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