' 字符顺序反转
function StrReverse( byref s as string ) as string
dim v as string
dim i as integer
for i=len(s)-1 to 0 step -1
v = v + chr(s[i])
next i
function = v
end function
' 任意变量转二进制
function VarToBin( byval pbuf as any ptr, byval length as ubyte ) as string
dim i as integer
dim s as string
dim vs as string
dim p as ubyte ptr
dim value as ubyte
dim bi as ubyte
vs = ""
p = cptr ( ubyte ptr, pbuf )
for i = 1 to length
s = ""
value = p [ i-1 ]
while value>0
bi = ( value mod 2 )
value = fix( value / 2 )
s = s + str( bi )
s = StrReverse( s )
dim sout as string = "00000000"
mid( sout, 8-len(s)+1, len(s) ) = s
vs = sout + vs
next i
function = vs
end function
Declare Sub MsgBox(ByRef lpText as string)
Declare function VarToBin( byval pbuf as any ptr, byval length as ubyte ) as string
Declare function StrReverse( byref s as string) as string
type uquad
high as uinteger
low as uinteger
end type
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' main
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function FBMAIN( byval hInstance as HINSTANCE,
byval hPrevInstance as HINSTANCE,
byref szCmdLine as string,
byval nCmdShow as long ) as long
dim a as uquad
dim b as ulongint = 12345687878
memcpy @a, @b, sizeof(b)
MsgBox "系统内置函数:" + LRCF +
bin( b, sizeof(b)*8 ) + LRCF +
"自定义函数:"+ LRCF +
VarToBin( @a, sizeof(a) )
function = 0
end function