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转载 UltraVNC Windows 7 - cannot see menus from task bar

<br />Right-click on your WinVNC icon in the system tray of the target machine you will be connecting to.<br />Under Properties, make sure you have ONLY the following four boxes checked under Screen Server Updates Handling:<br />- Poll Full Screen (Ultra F

2011-02-26 23:34:00 681

原创 java html parsers

an article:http://www.benmccann.com/dev-blog/java-html-parsing-library-comparison/It includes the following 4 parsers, which all focus on "dirty, ill-formed and unsuitable" html:NekoHTMLhttp://nekohtml.sourceforge.net/HtmlCleanerhttp://htmlcleaner.sourcefo

2011-02-13 12:47:00 833

原创 vim color scheme can't work well with gnome terminal

<br />vim color scheme can't work well with gnome terminal.<br />I googled, but couldn't find a good solution.<br /> <br />CSApprox : Make gvim-only colorschemes work transparently in terminal vim<br />http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2390<b

2011-01-07 10:45:00 425

原创 remote desktop access on windows

<br />remote desk connection of windonws seems not statisfy my requirement. I need to control the descktop rather than start a new session.<br />teamviewer, LogMeIn free, vnc(such as ultravnc, realvnc server. can access through internet with no-ip).<br />B

2011-01-03 20:56:00 264

原创 note

<br />need a note software. I need the following feauters:<br />1. cross OS.<br />2. can save notes both on local and server.<br />3. good capture tools, usually provided by client or browser plugin.<br /> <br />Evernote is very good except that no linux v

2010-12-30 19:41:00 212

原创 substitutes of cscope

cscope doesn't work well with java.I try to find some substitutues of it, escpecially want to find one which can implement "quick type hierarchy" of eclipse.1. eclimpros:support java wellcons:doesn't support "type hierarchy"need eclipse2. gtagshttp://www.g

2010-12-23 16:31:00 81

原创 vim encoding change issue

Encoding is always a headache issue.After change the encoding to utf-8, I can't switch tabbar by .There're many docs about vim encoding and alt/meta issue.I find a solution. mapping it after change encoding:hook the encoding change by::au EncodingChanged *

2010-12-01 19:01:00 339

原创 Eclim is great

<br />Vrapper can't satisfy me yet because some functions aren't be implemented by it, such as highlight search, [[, ]], [}, ]{. So I have to investigate Eclim more.<br />In fact, we can use the pure gvim outside the eclipse with headed eclipse or headless

2010-12-01 15:56:00 477

原创 use cscope with gvim on windows

http://d.download.csdn.net/down/2323939/tattocaudownload cscope here.copy it under the same dir with vim.I tried another cscope bundled with emacs (for windows too). But it doesn't work with vim.find .  -name "*.h" -o -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cpp" -o -name

2010-11-29 20:25:00 464

原创 Can we add file type specific setting in vimrc?

I don't want my vim configuration is distributed among a couple of files (so I can just save and restore vimrc when I have a new install.) I tried to find a method to add file type specific setting in vimrc, but I failed. It seems at the time of vimrc bein

2010-11-29 16:54:00 336

原创 eclipse plugin

vrappervi plugin for eclipse.http://vrapper.sourceforge.net/update-site/stablestartexplorer can explore file by external editor (just by right button menu)http://startexplorer.sourceforge.net/update

2010-11-29 16:45:00 221

原创 File system buffer

buffer cache, page cache, page buffer.这篇文章介绍了buffer早期的演进。http://bulma.net/impresion.phtml?nIdNoticia=1154缺失的图可以在这里找http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_43653df6010003t6.htmlbuffer cache接口物理设备,被VM和IO子系统共享。早期,page cache建立在buffer cache之上,用于VM子系统,它和buffer cache是分离的。

2010-08-15 13:37:00 409

原创 文件系统数据的一致性

<br />Journaling file system<br />http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journaling_file_system<br /> <br />Soft updates, an alternative to journaling file systems.<br />http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_updates<br />http://www.usenix.org/event/usenix99/mckusick.htm

2010-08-15 10:22:00 826

cscope for windows gvim

cscope for windows gvim



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