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原创 《无人驾驶车辆模型预测控制(第一版)》中的错误更正与代码解析(一)

《无人驾驶车辆模型预测控制(第一版)》中的错误更正与代码解析(一)以下内容针对**第三章**中的工程实例错误点 1问题分析中的运动学方程:[x˙ry˙rφ˙r]=[cos⁡φsin⁡φtan⁡δf/l]vr\begin{bmatrix}\dot{x}_{r} \\ \dot{y}_{r}\\ \dot{\varphi}_{r}\\ \end{bmatrix}= \begin...

2019-03-27 08:46:14 10917 61

原创 【ROS节点订阅异常,必须在发布节点启动后再启动订阅节点才能收到订阅信息】

ROS节点订阅异常,必须在发布节点启动后再启动订阅节点才能收到订阅信息关闭roscore,并使用rosclean purge对ROS的log directory进行清理后,重启roscore,节点订阅恢复正常关闭roscore,并使用rosclean purge对ROS的log directory进行清理后,重启roscore,节点订阅恢复正常...

2022-03-30 16:36:02 2120 1

原创 ThinkPad 安装Ubuntu18.04, 无法发现WIFI适配器

ThinkPad 安装Ubuntu18.04, 无法发现WIFI适配器1、参照如下网址,更新Ubuntu内核https://blog.csdn.net/caigen0001/article/details/1022955852、更新内核后,启动发生问题,可以参照如下网址,将BIOS 中 Secure Boot 更改为 Disabledhttps://blog.csdn.net/qq_33588730/article/details/1001536183、通过 uname -sr 查看当前内核,如果

2021-09-12 12:02:50 635

原创 Stateflow中的除法运算

将Stateflow中的Action Language设置为MATLAB;在Chart中,让两个数相除,如下图所示;Tsig、Tstep、Rate的类型均为uint8 (对应C语言的unsigned char)如果对该模型进行编译,那么上图中的 Rate = Tsig/Tstep,将生成如下代码:41 uint8_T x; // 此为生成的中间变量42 ttt_DW.count...

2019-09-15 11:23:30 2109

原创 前台任务(Foreground Task)和后台任务(Background Task)

Threads can be executing in either foreground mode or background mode. A foreground task is one that displays and controls animations on your graphics pages. Any expression (not a command) entered in ...

2019-04-29 09:56:36 2430

原创 MotoHawk实时抢占式多任务内核(real-time pre-emptive multi-tasking kernel)

任务分配内核(Tasking Kernel)什么是“抢占”?抢占,描述的是这样一种动作:具有较高优先级的线程中断较低优先级线程的执行,意图在稍后的时间恢复低优先级线程的执行。什么是“多任务”?多任务,是指系统使用多个线程执行工作。多任务的好处是,可以将需要完成的工作,进行逻辑上的分解,得到子任务;并且可以根据需要,为子任务划分优先级。什么是“任务”?一个任务,就是一个线程。...

2019-04-28 23:19:34 818

原创 Kvaser、C++、Qt编写监控界面(三)

1、在利用Python和Kvaser进行二次开发时,Kvaser官方提供了可以解析原始CAN报文的Python模块 canlib.kvadblib,使用方法如下: // python mydbc = kvadblib.Dbc("mydbc.dbc") ... frame = ch.read(timeout=int(timeout * 1000)) bmsg = d...

2019-04-24 09:59:54 1817 1

原创 Kvaser、C++、Qt编写监控界面(二)

一、对DEMO - qtcandemo进行修改       例程qtcandemo,采用了两个线程:主程序线程、和CAN信号读取线程。存在的问题是:打开界面,点击运行“Bus on”之后,再点击“Bus off”时,程序经常卡死。       需要对canreader.cpp中的exec()进行修改。 //原程...

2019-04-23 16:43:44 1349

原创 Kvaser、C++、Qt编写监控界面(一)

从Kvaser官网下载开发组件下载地址:https://www.kvaser.com/download/下载文件:Kvaser CANlib SDK(canlib.exe)下载并安装Qt下载地址:http://download.qt.io/下载文件:qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.12.2.exe编译DEMO - qtcandemo1、用Qt打开范...

2019-04-18 09:36:55 2342 1

原创 在Stateflow中调用C函数

在Stateflow中调用自己定义的C函数基于MATLAB 2017b示例如下图所示,Stateflow的输入为a和b,输出为b;在Stateflow内部,直接调用自己定义的C函数add。为实现上述功能,需要对Simulink模型进行配置。通过“Simulation-Model Configuration Parameters”打开配置窗口,点击左侧的“Simulation Targe...

2019-04-01 15:54:37 7513

原创 make、makefile、cmake之间的区别与联系


2019-01-16 09:28:37 5866 2

原创 Ubuntu18.04 Qt编译过程中,“找不到 -lGL”

终端输入 sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev

2019-01-13 12:13:35 4241

原创 利用kvaser和Python编写监控界面(1)

操作一:连接Kvaser,输出设备的连接状态1、首先,在Kvaser官网下载pycanlib.zip并解压2、然后,在命令行窗口进入pycanlib的解压路径。利用pip install canlib-xxxxxx.whl命令安装canlib3、在官网下载“Kvaser Driver for Windows”安装后,重启电脑运行如下代码:from canlib import canlib...

2019-01-10 22:00:31 2290

原创 关于Python和PyQt线程问题


2019-01-10 22:00:10 371

原创 利用kvaser和Python编写监控界面(2)

利用Python,通过kvaser读取CAN信号,在DBC翻译信号时发生错误错误信息:UnicodeDecodeError:‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte …解决方法:1、利用文本编辑器(Geany)打开DBC文件2、进行如下设置:“文档”-“设置文件编码”-“Unicode”-“Unicode(UTF-8)”...

2019-01-10 21:59:38 1432

原创 利用kvaser和Python编写监控界面(3)

在窗口中打印byte时,特殊现象的解释def printframe(frame, width): form = '═^' + str(width - 1) print(format(" Frame received ", form)) print("id:", frame.id) # id:784 print("data:", bytes(frame.dat

2019-01-10 21:59:19 1400

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control For Autonomous Vehicles

In this thesis we consider the problem of designing and implementing Model Predictive Controllers (MPC) for stabilizing the dynamics of an autonomous ground vehicle. For such a class of systems, the non-linear dynamics and the fast sampling time limit the real-time implementation of MPC algorithms to local and linear operating regions. This phenomenon becomes more relevant when using the limited computational resources of a standard rapid prototyping system for automotive applications. In this thesis we first study the design and the implementation of a nonlinear MPC controller for an Active Font Steering (AFS) problem. At each time step a trajectory is assumed to be known over a finite horizon, and the nonlinear MPC controller computes the front steering angle in order to follow the trajectory on slippery roads at the highest possible entry speed. We demonstrate that experimental tests can be performed only at low vehicle speed on a dSPACE rapid prototyping system with a frequency of 20 Hz. Then, we propose a low complexity MPC algorithm which is real-time capable for wider operating range of the state and input space (i.e., high vehicle speed and large slip angles). The MPC control algorithm is based on successive on-line linearizations of the nonlinear vehicle model (LTV MPC). We study performance and stability of the proposed MPC scheme. Performance is improved through an ad hoc stabilizing state and input constraints arising from a careful study of the vehicle nonlinearities. The stability of the LTV MPC is enforced by means of an additional convex constraint to the finite time optimization problem. We used the proposed LTV MPC algorithm in order to design AFS controllers and combined steering and braking controllers. We validated the proposed AFS and combined steering and braking MPC algorithms in real-time, on a passenger vehicle equipped with a dSPACE rapid prototyping system. Experiments have been performed in a testing center equipped with snowy and icy tracks. For both controllers we showed that vehicle stabilization can be achieved at high speed (up to 75 Kph) on icy covered roads. This research activity has been supported by Ford Research Laboratories, in Dearborn, MI, USA.



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