(1) The dynamic changes of regional landscape indices can indicate the transformation of regional ecological functions, meanwhile, these characteristics of transformation changes among various landscape types are beneficial to reveal sustainability of land use and level of regional ecosystem function, to detect out change tendency of regional ecological environment and its inner factors. In this paper, land use change situation of Kitakyushu city in the past 15 years was analyzed by 11 indices. In summary, in view of land use landscape types, obvious difference of indices change existed in different landscape types, which demonstrated that distribution of land use types was inclined to more dispersed, decreasing connectivity among them and complicated spatial pattern. As a result, ecosystem stability of regional landscape and sustainability of land use were reduced. On the other hand, FN index decreased and AWMSI, FD, MPS and LPI increased, which showed land use tended to centralized distribution and complication, human activity enhanced development and exploitation degree of local land. Rising DI, decreasing SHDI and SHEI reflected that land use type appeared non-equalization in the spatial distribution. According to change of these landscape indices, ant-jamming ability of land use landscape and stability of entire ecosystem environment in Kitakyushu city were weakened. It’s evident that the following three reasons resulted in these changes. Firstly, population growth indirectly resulted in increasing of residence land and patch number. Secondly, industrialization and urbanization have been accelerated owing to development of regional economy, which has made land use change more extensively and diversely. Thirdly, policies driving resulted in which the region has been chiefly aiming at economic growth and ignoring reasonable adjustment of land use structure. Based on the above conclusions, it was recommended that mode of land use should be adjusted at landscape scale to rehabilitate and reconstruct the landscape ecosystems in Kitakyushu city.

(2) Transfer matrix of Markov was first applied to analyze change process of land use at different periods. The research results showed the changing tendency for all types of land use into urban construction land was enhanced. To some extent, the study indicated Kitakyushu was still at the rapid urbanization stage. Then, Markov process together with GIS technology was also used to simulate the potential land use changes from 2006 to 2050. According to the results, percentages of farmland and forestland and mountain and urban land will be 4.41%, 5.85%, 31.35% and 52.19%, respectively, of total land area in 2050. Economic efficiency of land use would be improved with the rapid increase of urban land. However, local ecological conditions would be deteriorated by decrease of forestland

(3) The study on the regional landscape pattern change was meaningful to understand dynamic change causes, transformation mechanisms and tendency of land use patterns. During the analysis, disturbance and damage to natural environment by human activities were announced for driving some latent and regular laws against irregular landscape. Meanwhile Markov model was employed to forecast the land use change tendency in the future, forecasting results were valuable for policy decision on the local urban sprawl and ecological conservation. At present, rapid socio-economic development and industrialization, especially in the developing countries, has imposed significant pressure on the land use structure, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and induced instability of ecosystem structure and fragility of ecological environment. Therefore, this research has an important significance to provide theory support for seeking scientific method and reasonable scale of resource to improve regional ecological environment and sustainability of land use.

(4) When landscape analysis was carried out, many proposed indices (such as, number of patch, fragmentation, border density, patches abundance degree, and so on.) were easily influenced by landscape size and researchers’ subjectivity, so that research results often lacked some a certain standard and logical contrast. To conquer these shortages, each of typical characteristic in respect of landscape ecology was synthetically analyzed by applying multiple indices. However, since landscape pattern index is more efficient to show large-scale landscape pattern changes (>1:5000), in the small-scale research fine change extraction of landscape pattern isn’t accurate, in this case, some other methods need to be combined to complete the analysis. In this paper, transformation probability of various land use types during 15 years was forecast by theoretic tendency value calculation of land use variance on Markov model that was a random without aftereffect, which effectively made up the deficiencies by applying the total area changes of various lands to explain their variances. In addition, theoretic tendency value was statistically independent. Therefore, it was appropriate that intertransforming information of land use types was digitized into typical theoretic tendency value for their comparisons, which overcame the disadvantages of their being unable to be directly compared due to different initial years. However, only if condition of dynamic changes is relatively stable, Markov model can more accurately reflect dynamic change of the type. Also, if forecast is a long-term process, different interference conditions will induce different forecast result. Therefore, when employing Markov process, first of all, its application precondition and credibility of forecasting results need to be testified by a large amount of data analysis and evaluation; and then Markov model need to be further amended according to essence and requirement of different detailed study cases.
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### 回答1: 测绘英语词汇是指与测绘领域相关的英语单词和词汇。测绘是地理信息技术的重要组成部分,涉及到测量和记录地球表面特征的过程。下面是一些常用的测绘英语词汇: 1. Surveying(测量):是指使用各种测量仪器和技术测量和记录地面和地球的过程。 2. Topography(地形):指特定地区地面的形状和特征,包括山脉、河流、湖泊等。 3. Cartography(制图):制作地图的过程,包括绘制地图和使用地图制作工具和软件。 4. GIS(地理信息系统):是一种用于收集、存储、分析和展示地理数据的电脑系统。 5. Remote sensing(遥感):使用卫星或飞机等远距离设备获取地球表面信息的过程。 6. Geodesy(大地测量学):研究地球形状、尺寸和引力场的科学。 7. Coordinate system(坐标系统):一种用于确定地球表面上任意点位置的参考系统。 8. GPS(全球定位系统):利用卫星信号来确定地球表面上任意点位置的导航系统。 9. Land survey(土地测量):对土地边界、面积和地形等进行测量和记录的活动。 10. Contour lines(等高线):连接具有相同高度的点的曲线,用于表示地形。 以上是一些常见的测绘英语词汇,熟悉这些词汇对于从事测绘工作或学习测绘领域的人来说是非常重要的。 ### 回答2: 测绘英语词汇是指在测绘领域中常用的英语词汇。随着国际交流的不断增加,测绘领域也需要进行英语沟通,因此了解相关的英语词汇是非常重要的。 测绘英语词汇主要包括以下几个方面: 1. 测量和测绘设备:包括仪器、仪表和传感器等,如total station(全站仪)、theodolite(经纬仪)、GPS receiver(全球定位系统接收机)等。 2. 测量方法和技术:如distance measurement(距离测量)、angle measurement(角度测量)、levelling(水准测量)等。 3. 地图和图纸:如topographic map(地形图)、contour map(等高线图)、plan(平面图)等。 4. 地理信息系统(GIS):包括GIS software(GIS软件)、GIS data(GIS数据)等。 5. 土地管理和土地调查:如land survey(土地测量)、cadastral survey(地籍测量)、land use planning(土地利用规划)等。 6. 地理坐标和坐标系统:如latitude(纬度)、longitude(经度)、coordinate system(坐标系)等。 了解这些词汇可以帮助测绘人员更好地与国际同行进行沟通交流,提高工作效率和准确性。同时,掌握测绘英语词汇也对广大测绘从业人员的职业发展和求职有着积极的影响。 在学习测绘英语词汇时,可以通过参加相关培训课程、阅读相关资料以及与国际同行进行交流来提高自己的英语能力。此外,利用互联网资源如CSDN等平台,也可以找到一些测绘英语词汇的学习资料和交流平台,提供更便捷的学习方式。 总之,测绘英语词汇是测绘领域必备的知识之一,掌握这些词汇对于提高专业能力和开展国际交流具有重要意义。




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