Oracle ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
Cause: The requested format conversion is not supported.
Action: Remove the requested conversion from the SQL statement. Check the syntax for the TO_CHAR, TO_DATE, and TO_NUMBER functions to see which conversions are supported.
Oracle MOSC documentation reveals that on Oracle versions 8.0.3 and higher, ORA-01460 can be associated with bug 2735156 which is caused by "'mixing' PLSQL and SQL".
There are other reported causes of the ORA-01460 as well:
Incompatible character sets can cause an ORA-01460
Using SQL Developer, attempting to pass a string to a bind variable value in excess of 4000 bytes can result in an ORA-01460
With ODP, users moving from the 10.2 client and 10.2 ODP to the 11.1 client and ODP reported an ORA-01460 error. This was a bug that should be fixed by patching ODP to the most recent version.
It appears, according to information on bug 5872943, that the ORA-01460 associated with ODP.NET, while not an ODP error, persisted through database version 11.2 where it has been reported as fixed.
出现的原因是 在PLSQL中定义的变量 赋值后的长度为 4436超过 4000
导致使用的方法 异常。