Automation for the people: Pushbutton documentation

Automate the generation of your developer and user documentation


I don't often run across developers who tell me they like writing documentation for their software-development projects. Unless you never expect to leave your project, will always be the lone developer, or have no users — probably not good signs for a project — you need a semipermanent way to communicate the software's purpose to others. Some developers misconstrue the Agile Manifesto's "Working software over comprehensive documentation" statement to mean that no documentation is necessary (see Resources ). On the other hand, you don't need to burden users or other developers with unnecessary documentation. I typically look for the happy medium. You guessed it: This article shows you how automation can streamline the process (and reduce the misery) of generating project documentation.

About this series

As developers, we work to automate processes for end-users; yet, many of us overlook opportunities to automate our own development processes. To that end, Automation for the people is a series of articles dedicated to exploring the practical uses of automating software development processes and teaching you when and how to apply automation successfully.

In my experience, two key problems plague documentation in software development. The first is the likelihood that no one is reading it. A second common problem is that almost the moment documentation is written, it is outdated. The two problems are causally connected. If documentation were current, people would be more likely to read it. Automating your documentation's generation will help you keep it up to date and thereby make it more useful for your software's users.

Other types of documentation could probably benefit from automation, but I'll focus on automating the documentation tasks that have often caused me anguish (see Resources for links to the tools in this list):

  • Generating UML diagrams based on the current source code, using UMLGraph.
  • Creating entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) to document the tables and relationships in a database, using SchemaSpy.
  • Producing build diagrams of Ant build targets and their relationships, using Grand.
  • Spawning source-code documentation , using Doxygen.
  • Making the user documentation , using DocBook.

I'll use a general format in which I:

  1. Describe the issues involved in performing each task manually.
  2. Present an automation example that uses Apache Ant in conjunction with the relevant document- or diagram-generating tool.
  3. Show an image of the script-generated documentation that's based on the code examples.

As usual in this series, all of the examples use freely available and open source tools that you can use in your projects. Some of the tools (for example, UMLGraph and Grand) use an accompanying tool called GraphViz, which consumes a .dot file generated by the particular tool.

Reverse-engineering code into UML

I've worked on projects that had some of the most wonderfully designed UML diagrams you've ever seen — at the beginning of the project. Trouble was, in one particular case, the technical lead didn't always keep the model up to date with the source code. Or he spent valuable time manually reverse-engineering the source into the model. Neither approach was an optimal solution. A beautifully constructed UML diagram means nothing if the code that's checked into the version-control repository is not accurately represented in the model. If the decisions you make aren't based on the actual code, you're likely to experience problems downstream.

You can make diagrams meaningful for decision making, easier to create, and up to date by including diagram generation in the build process and setting up a Continuous Integration (CI) environment to create the diagrams with every change (or periodically).

Listing 1 uses Ant, UMLGraph, and Graphviz to document source code:

Listing 1. Ant script using UMLGraph documentation tool

<property name="reports.dir" value="${basedir}/reports"/>
<mkdir dir="${reports.dir}"/>
<path id="project.path">
<pathelement path="${basedir}/src"/>
<pathelement path="${basedir}/lib"/>
<javadoc sourcepath="${basedir}/src" destdir="${reports.dir}"
classpathref="project.path" access="private">
<doclet name="org.umlgraph.doclet.UmlGraphDoc"
<param name="-attributes" />
<param name="-enumerations" />
<param name="-enumconstants" />
<param name="-operations" />
<param name="-qualify" />
<param name="-types" />
<param name="-visibility"
<apply executable="dot" dest="${reports.dir}" parallel="false">
<arg value="-Tpng"/>
<arg value="-o"/>
<fileset dir="${reports.dir}" includes="*.dot"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.dot" to="*.png"/>


In Listing 1, I use UMLGraph in combination with Javadoc to generate some basic UML class diagrams within a Javadoc HTML report. When calling UmlGraphDoc , I pass in the following attributes to customize the information that's displayed in each class diagram:

Graphing with GraphViz

For UMLGraph to work properly, you must have installed the Graphviz tool (see Resources ), and the Graphviz .dot file must be available in your machine's system path.

  • -attributes displays fields for a class.
  • -enumerations shows different enumerations.
  • -enumconstants shows possible values for enumerations.
  • -operations displays the Java methods for a class.
  • -qualify shows fully qualified class names.
  • -types displays data types for arguments and return types.
  • -visibility shows field and method modifiers: public , protected , private , or default .

Figure 1 shows an example UML diagram for the LoginDaoImpl class and its relationships, as generated to HTML by UMLGraph:

Figure 1. UML diagram generated by UMLGraph
UML diagram of Java class and its relationships generated by UMLGraph

See the full figure here .

UMLGraph can generate more complex relationships and additional detail. But even the rather rudimentary UML class diagram in this simple example provides a lot of information. It also serves the purpose of providing a quick visual representation of the software based on the current code base. It prevents "Well, that's what the code is supposed to look like" types of statements and can enable opportunities for better decision making (see Resources for a link describing the many attributes that can be used to customize UMLGraph's output).

Documenting the database

Just as automating the creation of the latest UML diagrams is beneficial, so too is automating a visual representation of your database. The entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is the most popular diagram type for visualizing databases. Most tools that create ERDs (ERWin, for example, among many others) require manual generation of the ERD. Although the tool I'll demonstrate, SchemaSpy, is no match for some of the more sophisticated tools available, it can give you a high-level ERD view of your database — along with constraints, relationships, and so on. What's more, by running it with an automated build, you can painlessly check the latest representation of the Data Definition Language (DDL) from your version-control repository.

The Ant script in Listing 2 uses the SchemaSpy tool to create a file formatted for Javadoc:

Listing 2. Using SchemaSpy with Ant and Javadoc

<property name="reports.dir" value="${basedir}"/>
<java jar="schemaSpy_3.1.1.jar"
<arg line="-t mysql"/>
<arg line="-host localhost"/>
<arg line="-port 3306"/>
<arg line="-db brewery"/>
<arg line="-u root"/>
<arg line="-p sa"/>
<arg line="-cp mysql-connector-java-5.0.5-bin.jar"/>
<arg line="-o ${reports.dir}


Listing 2 uses the java Ant task to call SchemaSpy, passing a number of attributes:

  • -t is the type of database. (Valid values are mysql , ora , db2 , and the like.)
  • -host is name of the machine where the database is hosted.
  • -port is the port number for the database URL.
  • -u is the database username.
  • -p is the database password.
  • -cp is the classpath (used to indicate the location of the database driver JAR file).
  • -o is the output directory location.

These command-line attributes for SchemaSpy are used to generate the HTML file that displays the ERD, as shown in Figure 2:

Figure 2. ERD created with SchemaSpy and Ant
ERD created with SchemaSpy and Ant

By using a combination of tools, executing ERD-generation scripts against the database as part of a build, and scheduling ERD generation, you gain a quick and easy way to make many database decisions during development.

Diagramming your builds

Often, build scripts have complex relationships among dependent targets. I've seen many build scripts of more than 1,000 lines containing unnecessary duplication. It can be difficult to get a handle on them without a high-level view of the automated build. An effective way to determine quickly what a build is doing or not doing is to create a diagram of its targets and relationships. A visual model of your Ant targets can help you make more effective and expedient decisions to improve your build scripts' designs.

A combination of Ant, Grand, and Graphviz lets you create an accurate visual representation of your build targets. A number of tools purport to visualize Ant targets. An advantage of Grand is that it uses the Ant API, so it creates a diagram whether or not the Ant script is fully working.

The Ant script in Listing 3 demonstrates the use of the Grand tool to create a visual representation of an Ant script's targets, including the dependencies among the targets:

Listing 3. Creating diagram of Ant targets using Ant and Grand

<target name="create-ant-diagram">
<property name="file.type" value="pdf" />
<typedef resource="net/ggtools/grand/antlib.xml"
<grand output="" buildfile ="${basedir}/build.xml"/>
<exec executable="dot" >
<arg line="-T${file.type} -Gsize=11.69,8.27 -Grotate=90 -o build.${file.type}


In Listing 3, first I create the task by pointing to grand-1.8.jar . Next, I provide the name of the build file I'm analyzing, in the buildfile attribute. The output attribute is the Graphviz file (I named it ) I'm creating. Finally, I call the dot executable to generate the PDF of the build targets of the buildfile . Figure 3 shows an example of this file:

Figure 3. Diagram of Ant targets generated by Ant, Grand, and GraphViz
Diagram of Ant targets generated by Ant, Grand, and GraphViz

I can use these diagrams to analyze a completed project or to refine the build process for a project that's still in development.

Documenting your code

If I want to remember what or possibly why I created a new Java class or method, I write a Java code comment. But if I want to get a more comprehensive view of the classes, methods, and attributes, I need a code documentation tool. For years, the Java platform has provided Javadoc as a way of generating code documentation for all classes in a code base. In fact, the javadoc task comes standard in Ant, and it generates code documentation. However, the onus is on the developer to embed a collection of unsightly HTML tags within the Java source code comments. For example, with Javadoc, your code comments might look like Listing 4:

Listing 4. Code comments for Javadoc

This is <i>the</i> LoginServiceImpl class.
Refer to <a href="url.html">
LoginService overview</a> for more details.
There is one type of supported {@link LoginServiceImpl }:
<li>{@link LoginServiceImpl } (this class)</li>


When you use Doxygen, code comments are much more terse, without the embedded HTML, as demonstrated in Listing 5:

Listing 5. Code comments for Doxygen

This is <i>the</i> LoginServiceImpl class.
Refer to /ref LoginService for more details.
There is one type of supported LoginService:
- LoginServiceImpl (this class)


Both Javadoc and Doxygen provide support for automating the generation of code documentation, but Doxygen makes it easier by offering a more intuitive approach to annotating source code using comments. The Ant snippet in Listing 6 shows the most basic use of Doxygen:

Listing 6. Ant script using Doxygen documentation tool

<target name="generate-doxygen">
<taskdef name="doxygen" classname=""
classpath="ant-doxygen.jar" />
<doxygen configFilename="Doxyfile">
<property name="INPUT" value="${src.dir}" />
<property name="RECURSIVE" value="yes" />


In Listing 6, the configFilename value of Doxyfile is the name of a configuration file that is generated through Doxygen; you can customize it for your own use. Figure 4 shows an example HTML report generated for the LoginDaoImpl class by the Doxygen example in Listing 6:

Figure 4. HTML Doxygen documentation
HTML Doxygen documentation

See the full figure here .

By creating Doxygen documentation as part of an automated build, you can get the most up-to-date usage information on an API.

User documentation

So far, you may have been thinking that generating technical documentation automatically is nice but that your pain lies in creating user documentation. In writing my own user documentation, I found I was spending quite a bit of time simply copying and pasting text throughout the document. When I started to analyze the process, I determined that I can automate items such as version numbers and file names by defining them in a single source. And by separating the content from the formatting using XML and Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), I can make wholesale changes to the document's look and feel with a simple change to a stylesheet.

DocBook, a tool that's been available for years, lets you define documents in XML and produce the document in many formats, including HTML and PDF. DocBook provides a schema that defines the templates for writers to use.

Listing 7 uses a combination of Ant, a DocBook XSL file, and XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) to generate a PDF of my user documentation (see Resources ):

Listing 7. Creating a PDF using Ant, DocBook, and FO

<target name="pdf" depends="init" description="Generates PDF files from DocBook XML">
<property name="fo.stylesheet" value="${docbook.xsl.dir}/fo/docbook.xsl" />
<xslt style="${fo.stylesheet}" extension=".fo" basedir="${src.dir}" destdir="${fo.dir}">
<classpath refid="xalan.classpath" />
<include name="${guide}.xml" />
<property name="fop.home" value="lib/fop-0.94" />
<taskdef name="fop" classname="">
<fileset dir="${fop.home}/lib">
<include name="*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${fop.home}/build">
<include name="fop.jar" />
<include name="fop-hyph.jar" />
<fop format="application/pdf" fofile="${fo.dir}/${guide}.fo"
outfile="${doc.dir}/${guide}.pdf" />


Figure 5 shows a section of a PDF generated from the script in Listing 7:

Figure 5. PDF of user-guide documentation
PDF of user-guide documentation

Because all of my content is defined in text-based XML, I can easily write scripts that make wide-sweeping changes to the documentation. Further, I can generate these documents as part of the build process, thus providing a single standard source to define elements such as versions, definitions, abbreviations, file names, and directories.

Documentation doesn't need to be manual

I hope this article has convinced you that effective approaches to automating the generation of documentation are available. In my view, the most important aspect of documentation is communication, not the process of generating the document. The automation tools and techniques I've described can help you keep your documentation accurate and up to date, thereby eliminating the main culprit — outdated information — behind documentation's chronic underuse.




Get products and technologies

  • Ant : Download Ant and start building software in a predictable and repeatable manner.
  • Grand : Download Grand to diagram Ant build scripts.
  • SchemaSpy : Download SchemaSpy to create ERDs for your database.
  • Doxygen : Download Doxygen to generate detailed code documentation.
  • UMLGraph : Download UMLGraph to reverse-engineer source code into UML diagrams automatically.
  • DocBook : Download DocBook to generate content in different formats.
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