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原创 Vignette Portal Development tips

Get Secondary page URI based on template friendly name: portalContext.createProcessURI(String templateFriendlyID)For value of templateFriendlyID, please refer to com.epicentric.common.website.Pa

2012-08-20 22:31:32 540 1

原创 Vignette Social Community development tips

User Profile: Can we find user profile OID if we know user OID? or vice versa?1.     If you have the user oid, you can see the details of user profile by following XAPI –  /xapi/user-oid?inc

2012-08-20 22:28:49 462

转载 I’ve virtualized my systems…isn’t that a cloud?

When many people think of cloud computing they immediately think of virtualization and virtual machines in particular.   This is completely natural and not at all surprising.  After all, one of the co

2012-05-19 12:03:12 734

转载 Cloud computing fundamentals

A revolution is defined as a change in the way people think and behave that is both dramatic in nature and broad in scope. By that definition, cloud computing is indeed a revolution. Cloud computing

2012-05-05 13:27:28 1161

转载 Linux Command Tips - User Management

Every user who has access to a Linux system needs a login and apassword. Each user must belong to a primary group and for security oraccess purposes can belong to several secondary groups.In order t

2011-12-16 02:28:56 430

转载 VCM - Memory leak check list

VCM - Memory leak check listSTEP 1 – Identify patterns of your systems memory use over time (KB 8381)==========================================================================If you suspect

2011-06-16 04:01:00 546


VIEW GARBAGE COLLECTION OPERATION GRAPHICALLY–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––To track memory usage of a running VCM system, it can be helpful to see theGarbage Collector operation i

2011-06-16 03:51:00 416

原创 Autonomy IDOL in VCM

ConfigurationQuery port: 4002Help:http://vcm_host:4002/action=helpQuery:http://vcm_host:4002/action=query&text={search key}

2011-06-15 04:44:00 428

转载 The Truth About Federated Searching

<br />Source: WebFeat (http://www.webfeat.org)<br /> <br />Federated searching is a hot topic that seems to be gaining traction in libraries everywhere. As with many technologies that are rapidly adopted,

2010-12-27 02:29:00 415

原创 VCM V8 content management tips

Weblogic.jar has dependency on its manefist file to reference to other jars.

2010-12-21 01:39:00 7069

转载 Custom NAT and DHCP Configuration on a Windows Host

If you are an advanced user on a Windows host computer, you can make custom configuration settings by editing the NAT and DHCP configuration files. If your host operating system is installed on the C drive, the configuration files for NAT and DHCP

2010-12-21 01:30:00 341

转载 Adding a required attribute while having CIs of this type for VCM version earlier than 7.6

<br /><br />VCM does not allow CTD to be changed significantly while having CI of this CTD in system<br />We have few options in hand: If you are using VCM 7.6, you can use Content Type Evolution feature of VCM 7.6 2. If you are using VCM 6.5 or earli

2010-12-01 04:34:00 393

转载 Making DPM caching locale specific

Issue Statement:<br />In case of Item Publisher portlet, DPM caches whole HTML fragment. This caching is not locale specific. This creates in-consistent content in multi-lingual site. Consider the scenario below:User 1 with English as preferred local

2010-12-01 03:53:00 478

转载 OASIS announced Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) Version 1.0

<br />On May 04, 2010, OASIS announced that members had voted to approve the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) Version 1.0 specification as an OASIS Standard. Contributing sponsor members included Adobe, Alfresco, ASG, Booz Allen Ha

2010-09-09 22:18:00 415

原创 Tips on upgrading DPM 7.6 for WebSphere Portal to DPM 8.0 for WebSphere Portal

VCM has a significant change from 7.6 to 8.0, the upgrade process has been provided. But for DPM part, you only can find document of how do you install it, but nothing about upgrade is mentioned in document of DPM for WebSphere Portal. I try to do an upgra

2010-08-16 21:47:00 494

转载 Portlet or component that can be uninstalled or stoped in WebSphere Portal

<br />There are three different kind of applications / portlets that can be either disabled or removed from WebSphere Portal depending on the usage scenario of the Portal. While some portlets can be removed that are optional, administration portlets

2010-08-14 01:03:00 686

原创 Some interested WebSphere Portal API

<br />Get object id from unique name:private ObjectID getObjectID(String uniqueNameStr){<br /> try {<br /> InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();<br /> final Name uniqueName = new CompositeName("portal:uniquename");<br /> uniq

2010-08-05 03:06:00 553

转载 What’s New in WebSphere Portal 7

It's an article from Portal Solution Blog, http://blogs.perficient.com/portals/2010/07/19/whats-new-in-websphere-portal-7/

2010-07-23 21:40:00 752

原创 Open Text VCM8.0 installation and upgrade on Windows XP

Open Text VCM8.0 installation on Windows XP:VCM 7.6 supports to be installed on Windows XP for design and development purpose, but V8 remove Windows XP from its support matrix. Author did a test i

2010-05-15 01:26:00 743

原创 DPM for WebSphere Portal best practice 2 - Vignette Site and WebSphere Virtual Portal

WebSphere Virtual Portal as equivalent to Vignette Portal Site:Vignette has site defintion for both Vignette content management and Vignette Portal, it is easy to manage and deliver content with s

2010-05-09 03:10:00 650

转载 Dojo and WebSphere portal 6.1.5 / 6.1

One of the most common questions about WebSphere Portal is, which version of Dojo does IBM WebSphere Portal use and what should i do if i want to use newer version of Dojo.WebSphere Portal 6.1 is

2010-04-26 21:39:00 720

原创 DPM for WebSphere Portal best practice 1 - Portal page for both anonymous/authenticate user and WebSphere portal implicit logout

VILT and Vignette provides Dynamic Portal Module (DPM) for Third Party Portals for clients of WebSphere Portal, Oracle WebCenter Interaction and liferay, this saves a lot of time for delivery VCM cont

2010-04-25 04:22:00 798

原创 How to migrate a VCM 7.6 configuration to another database server

* This procedure works for Content Suite 7.6* The procedure applies in general to all databases but only tested on Oracle 10g. Please refer to the database server documentation for instructi

2010-04-24 05:51:00 476

转载 Read LTPA token with API

We have two options to do this    * Cookie: You can use the LtpaToken from the cookie. This approach works in all cases but one, which is that as soon as you login the first request wont have th

2010-03-23 03:09:00 1241

原创 JSR 286 Portlet wiring in different pages.

When two jsr286 portlet wiring in different pages, Page-switching does not occur when the source portlet send a message to target portlet. A workway around was add the following code snippet to the i

2009-12-10 23:16:00 491

转载 Websphere portal uninstall mannually.

Uninstalling WebSpherePortal manuallyIn most cases, you should follow one of the other choices for uninstalling IBM® WebSphere® Portal. However, if the uninstallationprogram is not present

2009-12-08 05:15:00 980

转载 WebSphere Portal Security

Initial Access Control Settings When you install portal server,the installation program will ask you for administrative user name.That user will become administrator of the portal. In addi

2009-12-03 02:38:00 581

转载 Websphere portal 6.1 Web 2.0 user interface features

 Learn about new portal features that pertain to the nextgeneration type of Web user interface.Web technology has recently evolved towards a new direction.In the public this evolution has

2009-11-26 14:10:00 949

转载 Test LOT-959: IBM WebShere Portal 6.1 Application Development

 Exam 959: IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1 Application DevelopmentExam CompetenciesExam Type: Multiple ChoiceDescription: Covers Portal 6.1 material as it relates to these compe

2009-11-26 14:01:00 703

转载 RSS 2.0 Specification

 ContentsWhat is RSS?Sample filesAbout this documentRequired channel elementsOptional channel elementsElements of CommentsExtending RSSRoadmapLicense and auth

2009-11-05 23:21:00 633

原创 Single Sign on solutions and resource

Sun on document:http://docs.sun.com/source/816-6774-10/index.htmlsingle sign on using Kerberos:http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/security/jgss/single-signon.html IBM single sign on s

2009-11-02 03:44:00 369

原创 WebSphere Portal Transfer with XMLAccess, Release Builder and Site Management

XMLAccess Export from wps01: Copy ExportRelease.xml from /doc/xml-samples/  to /bin Run xmlaccess.bat -in ExportRelease.xml -user wpsadmin -password wpsadmin -url ht

2009-10-30 13:53:00 1516

转载 Breakdown of WebSphere portal Solution Release Elements

The following section provides an overview of the components and entities which make up a complete Solution Release. This section provides a listing of the components and entities, while a subse

2009-10-30 00:59:00 1337

转载 WebSphere Portal Solution Release Terminology

 Solution Release Terminology Once the Portal software is installed and the customization of the site has reached a stable state, a solution release can be created. A solution release is the s

2009-10-30 00:48:00 443

原创 Customizing themes and skins -- modified jsp pages list.

Assumption, use IBM Portal theme as template. Themes:Default.jsphead.jspfhead_links.jspfhead_externalJS.jspfBanner.jspfbanner_searchControl.jspfbanner_toolbar.jspftopNav.jspfside

2009-10-22 21:11:00 609

原创 VCM tips: jar deployment path/install default user name and password/Oracle database schema clean/VPD file clean

Jar file need to be copied to at least three folders for Dev environment /Vignette/Content/7_6/deployedExtns/ctsvcsext/Vignette/Content/7_6/deployedApps/VgnContentSvcs.ear/APP-INF/lib/Vignet

2009-10-22 04:21:00 750

转载 Customizing WebSphere Portal

You must first understand the composition of the portalpage and how the page elements are aggregated before creating yourcustom portal site.Make sure that you have read the Layout of the por

2009-10-17 10:02:00 844

转载 Layout of WebSphere portal page

Layout of the portal pageBefore customizing your portal site, understand the underlyingstructure of the portal.The portal page is composed of JSPs and statically included JSPfragments (JSPFs

2009-10-17 09:16:00 4314

原创 Vignette Content Management command line -- vgnimport / vgnexport

For widget configuration vgnimport -h vcmhost:vcmport -u vgnadmin -p vgnadmin -f C:/temp/history.zip vgnexport -h vcmhost:vcmport -u vgnadmin -p vgnadmin -t confi

2009-10-16 08:17:00 1252

转载 Customizing Websphere Portal themes

Change the appearance and behavior of a theme. You can select colors,fonts, graphics, turn areas of the page on and off, and adjust the settingsfor areas of the page such as the navigation. Cu

2009-10-15 04:54:00 536



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