Websphere portal uninstall mannually.

Uninstalling WebSphere Portal manually

In most cases, you should follow one of the other choices for uninstalling IBM® WebSphere® Portal . However, if the uninstallation program is not present or if an aborted installation did not create a complete and functional uninstallation program, you can manually uninstall the product.

A reference to uninstalling WebSphere Application Server is provided. Make sure that you follow all instructions for uninstalling WebSphere Application Server before continuing with the remainder of the steps in this section.

Perform the followings steps to manually uninstall the product:

  1. Delete the directory tree for WebSphere Portal (PortalServer ). The following table shows the default location if it is not otherwise specified during installation:
    Operating systemLocation
    AIX /usr/IBM/PortalServer
    Linux /opt/IBM/PortalServer
    Solaris /opt/IBM/PortalServer
    Windows C:/IBM/PortalServer
    HP-UX /opt/IBM/PortalServer
  2. Uninstall WebSphere Application Server . Depending on the state of WebSphere Application Server , you might need to uninstall WebSphere Application Server manually. Refer to the Uninstalling manually topic for instructions.
  3. Uninstall IBM WebSphere Process Server . Depending on the state of WebSphere Process Server , you might need to uninstall IBM WebSphere Process Server manually. Refer to the Preparing for reinstallation after a failed uninstallation topic for instructions.
  4. Use the following steps to edit the vpd.properties file to remove the related lines. Do not delete or rename the vpd.properties file because the InstallShield for Multiplatforms (ISMP) program uses it for other products that it installs.
    1. Locate the vpd.properties file. The following table shows the default location for the vpd.properties file:
      Operating systemLocation
      AIX /usr/lib/objrepos/vpd.properties
      Linux /vpd.properties or /root/vpd.properties
      Solaris /vpd.properties or /root/vpd.properties
      Windows C:/WINNT/vpd.properties or C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/WINDOWS/vpd.properties
      Note: The Administrator in this path name is the system login user that you used during installation.
      HP-UX /vpd.properties or /root/vpd.properties
    2. Remove all lines that contain the string that represents the installation location. For example, delete lines that contain the following strings:

      For information about the vpd.properties file, see vpd.properties file .

      Operating systemDelete lines that contain this string
      AIX /usr/IBM/PortalServer
      Linux /opt/IBM/PortalServer
      Solaris /opt/IBM/PortalServer
      Windows C:/IBM/PortalServer
      HP-UX /opt/IBM/PortalServer
      Note: The default installation locations are shown in the previous list. The location for your installation might differ.
    3. Save the vpd.properties file and close it.
  5. Use the following steps to edit the .ITLMRegistry file to remove the related lines. Do not delete or rename the .ITLMRegistry file because the InstallShield for Multiplatforms (ISMP) program uses it for other products that it installs.
    1. Locate the .ITLMRegistry file. The following table shows the default location for the .ITLMRegistry file:
      Operating systemLocation
      AIX /root/.ITLMRegistry
      Linux /.ITLMRegistry or /root/.ITLMRegistry
      Solaris /.ITLMRegistry or /root/.ITLMRegistry
      Windows C:/WINNT/.ITLMRegistry or C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/WINDOWS/.ITLMRegistry
      Note: The Administrator in this path name is the system login user that you used during installation.
      HP-UX /.ITLMRegistry or /root/.ITLMRegistry
    2. Remove all lines that contain the string that represents the installation location. For example, delete lines that contain the following strings:
      Operating systemDelete lines that contain this string
      AIX /usr/IBM/PortalServer
      Linux /opt/IBM/PortalServer
      Solaris /opt/IBM/PortalServer
      Windows C:/IBM/PortalServer
      HP-UX /opt/IBM/PortalServer
      Note: The default installation locations are shown in the previous list. The location for your installation might differ.
    3. Save the .ITLMRegistry file and close it.
  6. Remove entries that are related to WebSphere Portal from the native registry for your operating system. Use the native registry tool for your operating system to remove the following entries.
    • Windows :
      1. Read the Windows help system for information about using the Windows Registry Editor.
        Important: The following instructions provide steps for editing the Windows registry. Before you proceed, note that your computer may not function properly if an incorrect entry or deletion is made. If this happens, you can restore the registry. See the Windows Help system for more information.
      2. Click Start > Run , and then type regedit to start the Windows Registry Editor.
      3. Delete all entries under the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> IBM -> WebSphere Portal Server .
      4. Remove a Windows service from the Services list and registry by typing sc delete service_name at a command prompt. You can find service_name by going to Control Panel > Administration Tools > Services and viewing the properties of the IBM WebSphere services left behind.
    • AIX :
      1. Search for the two entries in the AIX® registry:
        • #lslpp -l | grep IBMWPS
          If there are no matching entries when using this command, no further action is required for this entry. The resulting list of packages are in the following format:
          IBMWPScore COMMITTED ISMP installed entry
        • #lslpp -l | grep WebSpherePortalProduct
          If there are no matching entries when using this command, no further action is required for this entry. The resulting list of packages are in the following format:
          WebSpherePortalProduct COMMITTED ISMP installed entry
      2. Remove the entries:
        • #geninstall –u IBMWPScore
        • #geninstall –u WebSpherePortalProduct
    • Linux :
      1. Search for two entries
        • #rpm -qa | grep IBMWPS

          If there are no matching entries when using this command, no further action is required for this entry. The resulting list of packages are in the following format: IBMWPScore 6.0-0

        • #rpm -qa | grep WebSpherePortalProduct

          If there are no matching entries when using this command, no further action is required for this entry. The resulting list of packages are in the following format: WebSpherePortalProduct-6.0.-0

      2. Remove the entries:
        • #rpm –e IBMWPScore-6.0-0
        • #rpm –e WebSpherePortalProduct-6.0-0
    • Solaris :
      1. Search for two entries in the Solaris registry:
        • #pkginfo | grep IBMWPS

          If there are no matching entries when using this command, no further action is required for this entry. The resulting list of packages are in the following format: application ISIBMWPSc WebSphere Portal Server Component

        • #pkginfo | grep WebSpherePortalProduct

          If there are no matching entries when using this command, no further action is required for this entry. The resulting list of packages are in the following format: application WebSpherePortalProduct WebSphere Portal Server Product

      2. Change to the directory where the package information is registered: #cd /var/sadm/pkg
      3. Remove packages using the following command: #pkgrm ISIBMWPSc WebSpherePortalProduct
    • HP-UX
      For more information on manually uninstalling WebSphere Application Server , see Manually uninstalling on an HP-UX system .
      1. Use HP-UX System Administration Manager (SAM) to remove packages.
        1. Start the SAM utility and verify that your DISPLAY and TERM environment variables are set properly.
        2. Click Software management .
        3. Click View installed software .
        4. Look for WebSphere Portal entries in the SD list.
        5. Close the SD list.
        6. Click Remove local host software .
          1. Find the following packages and remove:
            • IBMWPS
            • Portal
            • IBMPZN
            • pzn
            • IBMFB
            • IBMLM
            • e44a44c17bc4df37f9e9a6e911e59b42-5.1-0
          2. Examples to find installed packages:
            • HP-UX : swlist | grep IBMWPS
        7. Click the instances in the SD Remove List that you would like to remove.
        8. Click Actions > Mark for remove .
        9. Click Actions > Remove .
        10. Click OK in the Remove analysis dialog box.
        11. Click Logs to display real-time removal of selected packages.
        12. Click Done when all packages are removed.
        13. Exit SAM.
      2. Search for the packages to verify their removal.
        • Type swlist | grep package name to show packages for WebSphere Portal .
        • Package names for WebSphere Portal are:
          • IBMWPS
          • Portal
          • Portal
          • IBMPZN
          • pzn
          • IBMFB
          • IBMLM
          • e44a44c17bc4df37f9e9a6e911e59b42-5.1-0
  • 0
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