

1. Stream 示例

  • 示例
          .map(i -> i * i)
          .filter(i2 -> i2 >= 4)
          .forEach(r -> System.out.println("r = " + r));

2. ChainCollection 链式-非惰性

2.1 定义function接口(你也可以用Java自带的)

  • MyConsumer
    public interface MyConsumer<In> {
        void accept(In element);
  • MyFunction
    public interface MyFunction<In, Out> {
        Out apply(In element);
  • MyPredicate
    public interface MyPredicate<In> {
        boolean test(In element);
  • MySupplier
    public interface MySupplier<Out> {
        Out get();

2.2 容器抽象接口

import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.func.MyConsumer;
import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.func.MyFunction;
import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.func.MyPredicate;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

public interface Chain<In> {

     * map操作
     * @param function Map函数 [one to one]
     * @param <Out> 返回的类型
     * @return Chain<Out>
    <Out> Chain<Out> map(MyFunction<In, Out> function);

     * flatMap操作
     * @param function FlatMap函数 [one to multi]
     * @param <Out> 返回的类型
     * @return Chain<Out>
    <Out> Chain<Out> flatMap(MyFunction<In, Iterable<Out>> function);

     * filter过滤操作
     * @param predicate Predicate函数 [one to one/zero]
     * @return Chain<In>
    Chain<In> filter(MyPredicate<In> predicate);

     * sort排序操作
     * @param comparator 比较器 [multi to sorted multi]
     * @return Chain<In>
    Chain<In> sort(Comparator<In> comparator);

     * distinct去重操作
     * @return Chain<In>
    Chain<In> distinct();

     * 处理操作,无返回
     * @param consumer Consumer函数
    void foreach(MyConsumer<In> consumer);

     * 获取处理结果
     * @return List<In>
    List<In> collect();


2.3 实现容器

import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.func.MyConsumer;
import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.func.MyFunction;
import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.func.MyPredicate;

import java.util.*;

public class ChainCollection<In> implements Chain<In> {

    private ArrayList<In> list;

    private ChainCollection() {
        list = new ArrayList<>();

    public static <T> Chain<T> valueOf(T... elements) {
        ChainCollection<T> collection = new ChainCollection<>();
        for (T element : elements) {

        return collection;

    private void add(In element) {

    public <Out> Chain<Out> map(MyFunction<In, Out> function) {
        ChainCollection<Out> collection = new ChainCollection<>();
        for (In a : list) {

        return collection;

    public <Out> Chain<Out> flatMap(MyFunction<In, Iterable<Out>> function) {
        ChainCollection<Out> collection = new ChainCollection<>();
        for (In a : list) {
            for (Out b : function.apply(a)) {
        return collection;

    public Chain<In> filter(MyPredicate<In> predicate) {
        ChainCollection<In> collection = new ChainCollection<>();
        for (In a : list) {
            if (predicate.test(a)) {

        return collection;

    public void foreach(MyConsumer<In> consumer) {
        for (In a : list) {

    public Chain<In> sort(Comparator<In> comparator) {
        // 自己实现以一个排序算法
        // 这里为了简便,直接调Java自带的排序算法

        ChainCollection<In> collection = new ChainCollection<>();
        for (In a : list) {


        return collection;

    public Chain<In> distinct() {
        ChainCollection<In> collection = new ChainCollection<>();
        HashSet<In> set = new HashSet<>(list);
        for (In a : set) {

        return collection;

    public List<In> collect() {
        return list;


2.4 Test

ChainCollection.valueOf("5", "3", "16", "5", "2", "8")
        .map(i -> i * i)
        .filter(i2 -> i2 > 10)
        .sort((o1, o2) -> o2 - o1)

3. LazyChainCollection 链式-惰性

3.1 惰性节点

  • Node
    public class Node<Out> {
        public Node<?> pre;
        public Node<?> next;
        public String toString() {
            return getClass().getSimpleName();
  • FunctionNode
    import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.func.MyFunction;
    public class FunctionNode<In, Out> extends Node<Out> {
        public MyFunction<In, Out> function;
        public FunctionNode(MyFunction<In, Out> function) {
            this.function = function;
  • FlatFunctionNode
    import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.func.MyFunction;
    public class FlatFunctionNode<In, Out> extends Node<Out> {
        public MyFunction<In, Iterable<Out>> flatFunction;
        public FlatFunctionNode(MyFunction<In, Iterable<Out>> flatFunction) {
            this.flatFunction = flatFunction;
  • PredicateNode
    import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.func.MyPredicate;
    public class PredicateNode<In> extends Node<In> {
        public MyPredicate<In> predicate;
        public PredicateNode(MyPredicate<In> predicate) {
            this.predicate = predicate;
  • SortNode
    import java.util.Comparator;
    public class SortNode<In> extends Node<In> {
    	public Comparator<In> comparator;
    	public SortNode(Comparator<In> comparator) {
    		this.comparator = comparator;
  • ConsumerNode
    import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.func.MyConsumer;
    public class ConsumerNode<In> extends Node<In> {
    	public MyConsumer<In> consumer;
    	public ConsumerNode(MyConsumer<In> consumer) {
    		this.consumer = consumer;
  • DistinctNode
    public class DistinctNode<In> extends Node<In> {
        public DistinctNode() {

3.2 Stage

  • Stage
    import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.node.Node;
    public class Stage<T> {
        public Node<T> node;
        public Stage(Node<T> node) {
            this.node = node;
        public String toString() {
            return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + getNodeString(new StringBuilder(), node) + "]";
        private String getNodeString(StringBuilder builder, Node<?> node) {
            if (node == null) {
                return builder.substring(0, builder.length() - 1);
            } else {
                return getNodeString(builder.append(node).append(","), node.next);
  • ShuffleMapStage
    import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.node.Node;
    public class ShuffleMapStage<T> extends Stage<T> {
        public ShuffleMapStage(Node<T> node) {
  • ResultStage
    import com.skey.chainprogrammingdemo.node.Node;
    public class ResultStage<T> extends Stage<T> {
        public ResultStage(Node<T> node) {

3.3 实现容器

  • 运行流程

    1. 先使用LazyChainCollection连接各个Node(Node代表一次函数操作)
    | collection1 | collection2 | collection3 |
    |      ↓      |      ↓      |      ↓      |
    |    node1  -> <-  node2  -> <-  node3    |
    |      ↓      |      ↓      |      ↓      |
    |    func1    |    func2    |    func3    |
    1. StageScheduler将Node链表按Shuffle切分为多个Stage
    |    ShuffleMapStage1    |    ShuffleMapStage2    |      ResultStage3     |
    | node1 -> node2 -> null |      node3 -> null     | node4 -> node5 -> ... |
    1. StageScheduler按顺序运行各个Stage
    | Stage1 | Stage2 | Stage3 |
    | data1 => data2 => data3  |
  • LazyChainCollection 代码

     * Description: 核心容器 惰性
     * @author ALion
    public class LazyChainCollection<In> implements Chain<In> {
        Collection<Object> data;
        Node<?> currentNode;
        private LazyChainCollection(Collection<Object> data, Node<?> currentNode) {
            this.data = data;
            this.currentNode = currentNode;
        public static <T> Chain<T> valueOf(T... elements) {
            return new LazyChainCollection<>(
                    new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(elements)),
                    new Node<>()
        public <Out> Chain<Out> map(MyFunction<In, Out> function) {
            return link(new FunctionNode<>(function));
        public <Out> Chain<Out> flatMap(MyFunction<In, Iterable<Out>> function) {
            return link(new FlatFunctionNode<>(function));
        public Chain<In> filter(MyPredicate<In> predicate) {
            return link(new PredicateNode<>(predicate));
        public Chain<In> sort(Comparator<In> comparator) {
            return link(new SortNode<>(comparator));
        public Chain<In> distinct() {
            return link(new DistinctNode<>());
        public void foreach(MyConsumer<In> consumer) {
            LazyChainCollection<In> collection =
                    (LazyChainCollection<In>) link(new ConsumerNode<>(consumer));
            new StageScheduler<>(collection).schedule();
        public List<In> collect() {
            List<In> result = new ArrayList<>();
            LazyChainCollection<In> collection =
                    (LazyChainCollection<In>) link(new ConsumerNode<In>(result::add));
            new StageScheduler<>(collection).schedule();
            return result;
        * 创建新的Collection,并与当前的node连接
        * <pre>
        *     [Node/Collection链接示意图]
        *     +-----------------------------------------+
        *     | collection1 | collection2 | collection3 |
        *     |      ↓      |      ↓      |      ↓      |
        *     |    node1  -> <-  node2  -> <-  node3    |
        *     |      ↓      |      ↓      |      ↓      |
        *     |    func1    |    func2    |    func3    |
        *     +-----------------------------------------+
        * </pre>
        * @param node 新的Node
        * @param <X>  Node最终类型
        * @return Chain
        private <X> Chain<X> link(Node<X> node) {
            LazyChainCollection<X> collection = new LazyChainCollection<>(
            this.currentNode.next = collection.currentNode;
            collection.currentNode.pre = this.currentNode;
            return collection;
  • StageScheduler 代码

     * Description: Stage调度器
     * @author ALion
    public class StageScheduler<T> {
        private LazyChainCollection<T> collection;
        public StageScheduler(LazyChainCollection<T> collection) {
            this.collection = collection;
         * 开始调度
         * <pre>
         *     [Stage运行与数据流转]
         *     +--------------------------+
         *     | Stage1 | Stage2 | Stage3 |
         *     |--------------------------|
         *     | data1 => data2 => data3  |
         *     +--------------------------+
         * </pre>
        public void schedule() {
            System.out.println("---> 开始执行任务!解析Stage...");
            List<Stage<?>> stages = parseStage(collection.currentNode);
            System.out.println("---> Stage 解析完毕!stages = " + stages);
            System.out.println("---> 提交Stage ===>");
            // 数据存储点
            Collection<Object> data = collection.data;
            for (Stage<?> stage : stages) {
                System.out.println("---> Start Stage[" + stage + "]");
                if (stage instanceof ShuffleMapStage) {
                    // 处理 ShuffleMapStage
                    handleStageToStage(data, (ShuffleMapStage<?>) stage);
                } else if (stage instanceof ResultStage) {
                    // 处理 ResultStage
                    handleStage(data, stage);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "No such type Stage[" + stage + "]! " +
                                    "Stage must be in [ShuffleMapStage,ResultStage]!"
         * 为Node链划分Stage
         * <pre>
         *     [Stage划分示意图]
         *     +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
         *     |    ShuffleMapStage1    |    ShuffleMapStage2    |      ResultStage3     |
         *     |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
         *     | node1 -> node2 -> null |      node3 -> null     | node4 -> node5 -> ... |
         *     +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
         * </pre>
         * @return Stage列表
        private List<Stage<?>> parseStage(Node<?> node) {
            List<Stage<?>> stages = new ArrayList<>();
            // 找到第一个Node,构建第一个Stage
            Node<?> current = findFirstNode(node).next; // 不要起始node,因为LazyChainCollection创建时,该node是空的
            stages.add(new ShuffleMapStage<>(current)); // 添加第一个Node到stages中
            while (current != null) {
                Node<?> next = current.next;
                if (current instanceof SortNode || current instanceof DistinctNode) {
                    // 切割Stage
                    current.next = null; // 当前Node向后指向null
                    next.pre = null; // 后一个Node向前指向null
                    // 新起一个Stage
                    stages.add(new ShuffleMapStage<>(next));
                } else if (current instanceof ConsumerNode) {
                    // 如果找到ConsumerNode,更新最后的Stage为ResultStage
                    Node<?> stageFirstNode = findFirstNode(current);
                    stages.set(stages.size() - 1, new ResultStage<>(stageFirstNode));
                // 移动指针到下一个节点
                current = next;
            return stages;
         * 向前查找第一个Node
         * @param node 任意节点
         * @return 第一个Node
        private Node<?> findFirstNode(Node<?> node) {
            if (node.pre == null) {
                return node;
            } else {
                return findFirstNode(node.pre);
         * 向后查找最后一个Node
         * @param node 任意节点
         * @return 最后一个Node
        private Node<?> findLastNode(Node<?> node) {
            if (node.next == null) {
                return node;
            } else {
                return findLastNode(node.next);
         * 处理ShuffleMapStage到下一个Stage的操作
         * @param data  数据容器
         * @param stage 当前Stage
        private <In> void handleStageToStage(Collection<In> data, ShuffleMapStage<?> stage) {
            Node<?> lastNode = findLastNode(stage.node);
            if (lastNode instanceof SortNode) {
                SortNode<In> sortNode = (SortNode<In>) lastNode;
                // TreeSet代表了接下来的 排序Shuffle
                // 最好找一个只排序不去重的容器(更快),这里为了便利使用TreeSet
                TreeSet<In> treeSet = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<In>() {
                    public int compare(In o1, In o2) {
                        // 防止去重
                        int num = sortNode.comparator.compare(o1, o2);
                        return num == 0 ? 1 : num;
                // 切换Stage最后一个Node为ConsumerNode[添加结果到treeSet]
                lastNode.pre.next = new ConsumerNode<>(treeSet::add);
                // 开始处理
                handleStage(data, stage);
                System.out.println("------> Current Stage: shuffle[sort] => data");
            } else if (lastNode instanceof DistinctNode) {
                // HashSet代表了接下来的 去重Shuffle
                HashSet<In> hashSet = new HashSet<>();
                // 切换Stage最后一个Node为ConsumerNode[添加结果到hashSet]
                lastNode.pre.next = new ConsumerNode<>(hashSet::add);
                // 开始处理
                handleStage(data, stage);
                System.out.println("------> Current Stage: shuffle[distinct] => data");
            } else {
                // 除了Sort/distinct外,可能你还有其他shuffle需求,在else处修改
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "No such type Node[" + lastNode + "]! " +
                                "Shuffle Node must be in [DistinctNode,SortNode]!"
         * 处理 Stage
        private <A> void handleStage(Collection<A> list, Stage<?> stage) {
            for (A element : list) {
                handleStageNode(element, stage.node);
            System.out.println("------> Current Stage: map over");
         * 递归处理Node后续所有节点
        private <A, B> void handleStageNode(A element, Node<B> node) {
            if (node != null) {
                if (node instanceof FunctionNode) {
                    FunctionNode<A, B> functionNode = (FunctionNode<A, B>) node;
                    B apply = functionNode.function.apply(element);
                    handleStageNode(apply, node.next);
                } else if (node instanceof FlatFunctionNode) {
                    FlatFunctionNode<A, B> flatFunctionNode = (FlatFunctionNode<A, B>) node;
                    Iterable<B> iter = flatFunctionNode.flatFunction.apply(element);
                    for (B b : iter) {
                        handleStageNode(b, node.next);
                } else if (node instanceof PredicateNode) {
                    PredicateNode<A> predicateNode = (PredicateNode<A>) node;
                    boolean test = predicateNode.predicate.test(element);
                    if (test) {
                        handleStageNode(element, node.next);
                } else if (node instanceof ConsumerNode) {
                    ConsumerNode<A> consumerNode = (ConsumerNode<A>) node;
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "No such type Node[" + node + "]! " +
                                    "Map Node must be in [FunctionNode,FlatFunctionNode,PredicateNode,ConsumerNode]!"

3.4 Test

  • Person
    public class Person {
        String name;
        int age;
        String address;
        Person(String name, int age, String address) {
            this.name = name;
            this.age = age;
            this.address = address;
        public String toString() {
            return "Person{" +
                    "name='" + name + '\'' +
                    ", age=" + age +
                    ", address='" + address + '\'' +
  • Test1 不会被触发
    .flatMap(str -> Arrays.asList(str.split(",")))
    .map(c -> Integer.parseInt(c))
    .map(i -> i * i)
    .filter(i2 -> i2 > 10)
    .sort((o1, o2) -> o2 - o1)
  • Test 2 会被触发
    ).map(line -> line.toLowerCase())
    .filter(line -> !line.startsWith("xiao"))
    .flatMap(line -> {
        List<Person> personList = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            String[] fields = line.split(",");
            String name = fields[0];
            int age = Integer.parseInt(fields[1]);
            String address = fields[2];
            // 添加一个过滤条件
            if (age > 18) {
                personList.add(new Person(name, age, address));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // int 解析异常,不要该数据,直接忽略
            // e.printStackTrace();
        return personList;
    .sort((p1, p2) -> p2.age - p1.age)
    .map(p -> p.name.toUpperCase())
评论 2




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