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原创 AOSP source code build error: Virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory

Sometimes compiling certain things from source I've received a "virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory" error. The following is a quick tip to maybe allow gcc/libtool/make/whatever to finish...

2014-01-02 15:47:09 280

原创 What is the purpose of different Android partitions

-- [b]Boot partition[/b] stores the Android kernel. If this partition is empty, the LK bootloader will enter the fastboot mode. -- [b]System partition[/b] contains the Android user interface and all...

2014-01-02 09:57:52 225

原创 10 Ways to sound more fluent in English

There are some common mistakes that people make when learning English. If you can correct a few simple things you can sound a lot more fluent. These are some of the tricks or pieces of advice our En...

2014-01-01 17:18:20 289

Firefox hijacked by hao123

原因是在火狐快捷方式里面,重定向到hao123"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" http://www.hao601.com/?tn=3130716_10把hao123网址去掉即可,屡试不爽

2013-12-30 20:31:19 139

Disable Amazon hint in Ubuntu search

Getting bored with Amazon association when you search in Ubuntu dash, just follow the below tips.[size=small][b]1. Remove unity shopping packages[/b][/size][code="cmd"] sudo apt-get remove unity...

2013-12-22 18:07:32 127

原创 How to Speak Fluent English: Top 10 Tips

[size=medium][b]1) Understand that there is no “magic bullet.”[/b][/size]That means there is NO secret and super-effective way to guarantee fluency very fast. There are different methods, and some...

2013-12-22 17:34:24 458

原创 Remove Ubuntu One

To start, we need to make sure that Ubuntu One isn’t running. Open the System Monitor, in System > Administration > System Monitor.In the Processes tab, look for anything that starts with “ubuntone”...

2013-12-08 23:08:32 114

原创 Get Rid Of “System Program Problem Detected” error in Ubuntu

[size=large][b]Remove old crash-reports - recommended[/b][/size]Remove all old crash-reports that might exist in the crash-report directory:[code="cmd"]sudo rm /var/crash/*[/code]After a reboo...

2013-12-08 22:59:19 115

原创 Android Kitkat ART vs. Dalvik & Impacts for end-users

[size=large][b]What's ART?[/b][/size]ART is Google's 2-year-long ongoing secret project, which aims to boost the performance of our Android devices. It's based on the premise that modern devices a...

2013-12-08 19:00:20 97

原创 error: gnutls_handshake() falied when you sync chip code in ubuntu

gnutls package is broken, workaround is compile git with openssl.[code="cmd"]sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot dpkg-devmkdir ~/git-opensslcd ~/git-opensslsudo apt-get source gi...

2013-11-30 19:47:20 158

原创 unix2dos dos2unix

sudo aptitude install tofrodos运行这两行ln -s /usr/bin/fromdos /usr/bin/dos2unixln -s /usr/bin/todos /usr/bin/unix2dos或者加入脚本

2013-03-04 20:12:44 132

原创 How to make resources added in frameworks/base/core/res/res

1) add the new id to your xml2) run "make -j4 2>&1 | sed -n -f frameworks/base/core/res/MakeJavaSymbols.sed | sort -u"will generate a output like this: 3) add the above to either:fram...

2013-02-23 10:19:06 163

JDK6 installed in Ubuntu

按照网上的方法apt-get并不成功,我这里采用的方法是手工安装,步骤如下:1. java.sun.com下载jdk-6u37-linux-i586.bin2. sudo chmod u+x /home/allen/jdk-6u37-linux-i586.bin3. JDK配置,vim ~/.bashrc[code="java"] export JAVA_HOME=/...

2012-11-10 15:23:11 137

原创 Android source sync问题汇总(since 2012)

1. [repo init] fetch address issue: change to fetch="git://Android.git.linaro.org/"2. something like "remote end hung up unexpectedly" go to the folder where you made “repo init” some days ago...

2012-11-04 16:00:12 201

原创 Android Partitions Explained: boot, system, recovery, data, cache & misc

Unless you have been using your Android phone just for calls, SMS, browsing and basic apps, you should know that Android uses several partitions to organize files and folders on the device. Each of th...

2012-09-06 16:17:38 106

原创 What is trickle charge?

Trickle charge is just a very low current charge. Many chargers, after they sense that the battery is fully charged, go into trickle mode to keep the battery fully charged without overcharging it.

2012-07-02 09:47:13 530

原创 如何培养商业头脑?

http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4fe0f5860100klvw.html《锻炼商业思考力的七种框架力》《犹太人经商哪些最有效》《财富》推荐的75本必读书: 商业兴衰--企业--决策--经济学--道德--全球化--投资--领导力--谈判和管理--办公室政治--权力--项目管理--战略--技术和革新--华乐街--工作和生活 在一个完...

2012-06-30 17:16:03 874

原创 Android IPC AudioFlinger binder实例


2012-06-20 13:32:15 254

原创 Eclipse Android project name有错误, source tree无红叉解决办法

linux:Window -> Preferences -> Android -> Build中Default debug keystore显示了地址“/home/xxx/.android/debug.keystore”,删除此路径下的debug.keystore 及 ddms.cfgWindow XP:进入:C:\Documents and Settings\A...

2012-06-07 13:22:19 131

原创 基金备忘

诺安黄金 (320013)指数QDII华夏回报 (002001) 混合金鹰中小盘精选(162102) 成长大成沪深300(519300) 指数(后)华安宝利配置 (040004) (后) 富国天惠 南方全球精选转富国天惠===================广发增强债易方达货币A (110006)广发货币A (270004...

2012-04-17 22:21:00 97

原创 为什么ios比android流畅

         Andorid更新了一个又一个版本,硬件从单核到双核到四核,系统流畅度总算基本能和iOS持平了。不过人们不禁会问,为什么都是基于Linux,两个系统会差别如此大?为什么iPhone 4用单核处理器就能实现的流畅度,Android要高端双核才能保证?近日,Android开发小组工程师Dianne Hackborn算是半官方回答了其中的一个缘由。          D...

2012-04-13 10:25:13 162

原创 Android内核开发的几个常用命令

在android源码的根目录下执行:. build/envsetup.sh 可以获得下列非常方便的命令:croot:   Changes directory to the top of the tree.m:       Makes from the top of the tree.mm:      Builds all of the modules in the curr...

2012-02-23 15:29:41 213

原创 VIM攻略

摘自:http://coolshell.cn/articles/5426.html vim的学习曲线相当的大(参看各种文本编辑器的学习曲线),所以,如果你一开始看到的是一大堆VIM的命令分类,你一定会对这个编辑器失去兴趣的。下面的文章翻译自《Learn Vim Progressively》,我觉得这是给新手最好的VIM的升级教程了,没有列举所有的命令,只是列举了那些最有用的命令。非...

2012-02-23 14:57:39 87

原创 MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) Introduction

    微軟制訂了一套名為媒體傳輸協議(MTP)的新USB類別,希望協助Windows CE設備與Apple iPod產品系列匹敵。MTP協議與MSC的主要差異在於通信的層次、低階傳輸協議及設備控制的層級。本文將討論MTP協議的細節、MSC與MTP之間的異同之處,並介紹一些MTP傳輸範例.     安全地傳送數字內容不是一件容易的事,為使用者開發一套簡化操作的底層技術就更加...

2012-02-07 14:46:48 524

原创 Why is Android laggy, while iOS, Windows Phone 7, QNX, and WebOS are fluid?

The Root CauseIt’s not GC pauses. It’s not because Android runs bytecode and iOS runs native code. It’s because on iOS all UI rendering occurs in a dedicated UI thread with real-time priority. O...

2011-12-12 17:55:07 113

原创 O2O - Online 2 Offline

所谓O2O就是online to offline,也就是说将线下商务的机会与互联网结合在了一起,让互联网成为线下交易的前台。这样线下服务就可以在线上揽客,消费者可以在线上筛选服务,还有成交可以在线结算,很快达到规模。最重要的是:推广效果可查,每笔交易可跟踪。 O2O和B2C、C2C的区别:B2C、C2C是在线支付,购买的商品会塞到箱子里通过物流公司送到你手中。O2O与团...

2011-12-02 10:06:09 194

原创 NFC近场通讯技术介绍

NFC简介NFC(Near FieldCommunication)是短距离非接触式的一种通信方式,它结合了非接触式感应以及无线连接技术,作用于13.56Mhz 频带,传输距离大约10CM 左右。传输速度目前为106Kbit/s、212Kbit/s 或者424Kbit/s,将来可提高至1Mb 左右。它不仅符合ISO18092、ISO21481、ECMA(340,352 以...

2011-12-01 13:39:54 848

原创 How to develpe Object-C on Ubuntu

1) Install the GNU Objective-C compiler:sudo apt-get install gobjc2) Write a quick bit of test code:// hello.m#import <objc/Object.h>#import <stdio.h>@interface...

2011-11-21 17:08:10 77

原创 Ubuntu-Studio 11.10下载

http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/11.10/release/ Select an imageAlternate install DVDThe alternate install DVD allows you to perform certain specialistinstallations of Ubuntu-S...

2011-11-15 17:46:58 82

原创 Dual-Mode Wifi and Dual-Band Wifi

Dual-Band Wifi:In Wifi wireless networking, dual band is the capability to transmit on the 5 GHz band of 802.11a and also the 2.4 GHz band used by 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n.Unlike ordinar...

2011-11-07 11:02:01 734

原创 cygwin如何设置subversion代理

找到如下文件~/.subversion/servers修改内容:[global]http-proxy-host = your.server.addresshttp-proxy-port = your_server_port

2011-10-11 11:13:48 99


在RS232中RTS与CTS有明确的定义,但贺氏(HAYES)推出SmartModem后,这两者定义就有点混淆了。在RS232中RTS与CTS是用来半双工模式下的方向切换;HAYES Modem中的RTS与CTS是用来进行硬件流控的。通常UART的RTS和CTS的含义指后者,即用来做硬流控的。 RTS(Request To Send)请求发送:为输出信号,由计算机产生,通知Modem可...

2011-10-08 15:50:47 894

原创 OMAP UART pm debugging

OMAP UART PM Debugging/Test Techniques The onboard UART-controller can usually be tested via a loop-back connection using a cable. However, when testing the behavior during suspend/resume th...

2011-10-08 10:59:58 199

原创 Writing Native Code for Android Systems

Writing Native Code for Android Systems.

2011-09-26 17:53:36 82

原创 JNI Types

More info, plz take the reference from jni.h in SUN java / android NDK. Primitive Types:Java Language Type Native Type Description boolea...

2011-09-26 17:51:01 81

原创 spink_lock及其各个变种区别

spin_lock用于阻止在不同CPU上的执行单元对共享资源的同时访问以及不同进程上下文互相抢占导致的对共享资源的非同步访问,而中断失效和软中断失效却是为了阻止在同一CPU上软中断或中断对共享资源的非同步访问。 1.有些情况下需要在访问共享资源时必须中断失效,而访问完后必须中断使能,这样的情形使用spin_lock_irq和spin_unlock_irq最好;2.spin_lock...

2011-09-23 13:37:46 270

原创 Android JNI 使用的数据结构JNINativeMethod详解

Andoird 中使用了一种不同传统Java JNI的方式来定义其native的函数。其中很重要的区别是Andorid使用了一种Java 和 C 函数的映射表数组,并在其中描述了函数的参数和返回值。这个数组的类型是JNINativeMethod,定义如下: typedef struct {const char* name;const char* signature;v...

2011-09-13 10:26:42 62

原创 Mac OS X Lion虚拟机完整镜像_Intel版

http://mac.pcbeta.com/thread-45168-1-1.html 下面是用户共享的文件列表,安装电驴后,您可以点击这些文件名进行下载【Mac OSX Lion v10.7 11A390虚拟机镜像】Mac.OSX.10.7(纯净OS)-VM.rar 详情3.7GB[Mac.OS.X.Lion虚...

2011-09-02 11:07:50 4038

原创 Linux内核中的jiffies

        硬件给内核提供一个系统定时器用以计算和管理时间,内核通过编程预设系统定时器的频率,即节拍率(tick rate),每一个周期称作一个tick(节拍)。Linux内核从2.5版内核开始把频率从100调高到1000(当然带来了很多优点,也有一些缺点).      jiffies是内核中的一个全局变量,用来记录从系统启动以来产生的节拍数。譬如,如果计算系统运行了多长时间,...

2011-08-25 17:03:13 98

原创 Android property system

         属性系统是android的一个重要特性。它作为一个服务运行,管理系统配置和状态。所有这些配置和状态都是属性。每个属性是一个键值对(key/value pair),其类型都是字符串。         从功能上看,属性与windows系统的注册表非常相似。许多android应用程序和库直接或者间接地依赖此特性,以决定它们...

2011-08-25 15:11:56 64

Android-AIDL Demo

一个示例程序。 介绍Android AIDL IPC机制。 可以让你编写的组件类似Windows ActiveX COM一样更好的复用。



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