Up in the Air-9

Take a photo.
  • He just waltzes(华尔兹) in and cuts in line?

  • We reserve priority assistance(优先特权) for our Hilton Honors members.

  • The promotions(推广) are great. You should check it out.

  • you got to fill me in on(详细说明) the miles thing. What is that about?

  • Our business expense allots $40 each for dinner. I plan on grabbing(抓住) as many miles as I can.

  • Are you talking about, like, frequent-flyer miles?

  • You really want to know?

  • I’m dying to know.(我太想知道)

  • I don’t spend a nickel if I can help it(如果可以我不会花一分钱) unless it somehow profits my mileage account.

  • Let’s just say that I have a number in mind and I haven’t hit(达到) it yet.

  • That’s a little abstract(抽象的). What’s the target?

  • I’d rather not.

  • Is it a secret target?

  • And they put your name on the side of a plane.

  • Men get such hard-ons(兴奋) from putting their name on stuff. You guys don’t grow up. It’s like you need to pee on everything.

  • ow who’s stereotyping?

  • Fear of mortality(死亡). It’s like, “Yeah, you’re gonna die one day.”

  • Well, we all need a hobby. No, I…I don’t mean to belittle(贬低) your collection(收藏). I get it. It sounds cool.

  • I’d be the seventh person to do it. More people have walked on the moon.

  • Do they throw you a parade(组织颁奖)?

  • You get lifetime executive status(终身成就). You get to meet the chief pilot(机长), Maynard Finch.

  • And why do you suppose that’s singular(单一的) to men?

  • Probably because you can’t have babies.

  • If I had that many miles, I would show up(出现) at an airport, look at the destination board, pick a place and go.

  • Why she wants dozens of reminders of all the places she hasn’t been is beyond me(难以理解)

  • Can’t fall asleep.(睡不着)

  • Me too just laying here.

  • You should rub one out.

  • Thanks for the advice.

  • Way ahead of you.(早就弄了)

  • I don’t get it. Why does your sister want a fake(假的) photo?

  • My sister is kooky(古怪的). She thinks this is charming(可爱的). It’s like the gnome thing.

  • Just take the picture.

  • that’s a keeper.

  • Let me see it.

    • Well, I’m sure she’ll be crushed(沮丧) for having missed this airport.
  • Only fair if you do too.

  • Look, before Lindbergh had crossed the Atlantic, he took off from one of those runways. Do you ever wonder why they called it the Spirit of St. Louis?


Based on the following story, continue the story by writing two paragraphs, paragraph 1 beginning with "A few weeks later, I went to the farm again. " and paragraph 2 beginning with "I was just about to leave when the hummingbird appeared."respectively with 150 words. I was invited to a cookout on an old friend's farm in western Washington. I parked my car outside the farm and walked past a milking house which had apparently not been used in many years.A noise at a window caught my attention,so I entered it. It was a hummingbird,desperately trying to escape. She was covered in spider-webs and was barely able to move her wings. She ceased her struggle the instant I picked her up. With the bird in my cupped hand, I looked around to see how she had gotten in. The broken window glass was the likely answer. I stuffed a piece of cloth into the hole and took her outside,closing the door securely behind me. When I opened my hand, the bird did not fly away; she sat looking at me with her bright eyes.I removed the sticky spider-webs that covered her head and wings. Still, she made no attempt to fly.Perhaps she had been struggling against the window too long and was too tired? Or too thirsty? As I carried her up the blackberry-lined path toward my car where I kept a water bottle, she began to move. I stopped, and she soon took wing but did not immediately fly away. Hovering,she approached within six inches of my face. For a very long moment,this tiny creature looked into my eyes, turning her head from side to side. Then she flew quickly out of sight. During the cookout, I told my hosts about the hummingbird incident. They promised to fix the window. As I was departing, my friends walked me to my car. I was standing by the car when a hummingbird flew to the center of our group and began hovering. She turned from person to person until she came to me. She again looked directly into my eyes, then let out a squeaking call and was gone. For a moment, all were speechless. Then someone said, “She must have come to say good-bye.”




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