
只需在终端或者命令行输入:pip install easygui 稍等一会大家就可以引用自己easygui了,开始自己的easygui之旅了。

import easygui
    easygui - Hello from easygui/__init__.py


    boxes (package)


    class EgStore(__builtin__.object)
     |  A class to support persistent storage.
     |  You can use ``EgStore`` to support the storage and retrieval
     |  of user settings for an EasyGui application.
     |  **First: define a class named Settings as a subclass of EgStore** ::
     |      class Settings(EgStore):
     |          def __init__(self, filename):  # filename is required
     |              # specify default values for variables that this application wants to remember
     |              self.user_id = ''
     |              self.target_server = ''
     |              settings.restore()
     |  *Second: create a persistent Settings object** ::
     |      settings = Settings('app_settings.txt')
     |      settings.user_id = 'obama_barak'
     |      settings.targetServer = 'whitehouse1'
     |      settings.store()
     |      # run code that gets a new value for user_id, and persist the settings
     |      settings.user_id = 'biden_joe'
     |      settings.store()
     |  **Example C: recover the Settings instance, change an attribute, and store it again.** ::
     |      settings = Settings('app_settings.txt')
     |      settings.restore()
     |      print settings
     |      settings.user_id = 'vanrossum_g'
     |      settings.store()
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __getstate__(self)
     |      All attributes will be pickled
     |  __init__(self, filename)
     |      Initialize a store with the given filename.
     |      :param filename: the file that backs this store for saving and loading
     |  __repr__(self)
     |  __setstate__(self, state)
     |      Ensure filename won't be unpickled
     |  __str__(self)
     |      "Format this store as "key : value" pairs, one per line.
     |  kill(self)
     |      Delete this store's file if it exists.
     |  restore(self)
     |  store(self)
     |      Save this store to a pickle file.
     |      All directories in :attr:`filename` must already exist.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

        shows the easygui revision history

    boolbox(msg='Shall I continue?', title=' ', choices=('[Y]es', '[N]o'), image=None, default_choice='Yes', cancel_choice='No')
        Display a boolean msgbox.

        The returned value is calculated this way::

            if the first choice is chosen, or if the dialog is cancelled:
                returns True
                returns False

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed
        :param str title: the window title
        :param list choices: a list or tuple of the choices to be displayed
        :param str image: Filename of image to display
        :param str default_choice: The choice you want highlighted
          when the gui appears
        :param str cancel_choice: If the user presses the 'X' close, which button
          should be pressed
        :return: True if first button pressed or dialog is cancelled, False if
          second button is pressed

    buttonbox(msg='', title=' ', choices=('Button[1]', 'Button[2]', 'Button[3]'), image=None, images=None, default_choice=None, cancel_choice=None, callback=None, run=True)
        Display a msg, a title, an image, and a set of buttons.
        The buttons are defined by the members of the choices global_state.

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed
        :param str title: the window title
        :param list choices: a list or tuple of the choices to be displayed
        :param str image: (Only here for backward compatibility)
        :param str images: Filename of image or iterable or iteratable of iterable to display
        :param str default_choice: The choice you want highlighted when the gui appears
        :return: the text of the button that the user selected
 buttonbox(msg='', title=' ', choices=('Button[1]', 'Button[2]', 'Button[3]'), image=None, images=None, default_choice=None, cancel_choice=None, callback=None, run=True)
        Display a msg, a title, an image, and a set of buttons.
        The buttons are defined by the members of the choices global_state.

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed
        :param str title: the window title
        :param list choices: a list or tuple of the choices to be displayed
        :param str image: (Only here for backward compatibility)
        :param str images: Filename of image or iterable or iteratable of iterable to display
        :param str default_choice: The choice you want highlighted when the gui appears
        :return: the text of the button that the user selected

    ccbox(msg='Shall I continue?', title=' ', choices=('C[o]ntinue', 'C[a]ncel'), image=None, default_choice='Continue', cancel_choice='Cancel')
        Display a msgbox with choices of Continue and Cancel.

        The returned value is calculated this way::

            if the first choice ("Continue") is chosen,
              or if the dialog is cancelled:
                return True
                return False

        If invoked without a msg argument, displays a generic
        request for a confirmation
        that the user wishes to continue.  So it can be used this way::

            if ccbox():
                pass # continue
                sys.exit(0)  # exit the program

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed
        :param str title: the window title
        :param list choices: a list or tuple of the choices to be displayed
        :param str image: Filename of image to display
        :param str default_choice: The choice you want highlighted
          when the gui appears
        :param str cancel_choice: If the user presses the 'X' close,
          which button should be pressed
   :return: True if 'Continue' or dialog is cancelled, False if 'Cancel'

    choicebox(msg='Pick an item', title='', choices=[], preselect=0, callback=None, run=True)
        Present the user with a list of choices.
        return the choice that he selects.

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed
        :param str title: the window title
        :param list choices: a list or tuple of the choices to be displayed
        :param preselect: Which item, if any are preselected when dialog appears
        :return: List containing choice selected or None if cancelled

    codebox(msg='', title=' ', text='')
        Display some text in a monospaced font, with no line wrapping.
        This function is suitable for displaying code and text that is
        formatted using spaces.

        The text parameter should be a string, or a list or tuple of lines to be
        displayed in the textbox.

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed
        :param str title: the window title
        :param str text: what to display in the textbox

    diropenbox(msg=None, title=None, default=None)
        A dialog to get a directory name.
        Note that the msg argument, if specified, is ignored.

        Returns the name of a directory, or None if user chose to cancel.

        If the "default" argument specifies a directory name, and that
        directory exists, then the dialog box will start with that directory.

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed
        :param str title: the window title
        :param str default: starting directory when dialog opens
        :return: Normalized path selected by user

    egdemo = easygui_demo()
        Run the EasyGui demo.
:  You may optionally specify some default text, which will appear in the
        enterbox when it is displayed.


            reply = enterbox(....)
            if reply:

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed.
        :param str title: the window title
        :param str default: value returned if user does not change it
        :param bool strip: If True, the return value will have
          its whitespace stripped before being returned
        :return: the text that the user entered, or None if he cancels
          the operation.

    exceptionbox(msg=None, title=None)
        Display a box that gives information about
        an exception that has just been raised.

        The caller may optionally pass in a title for the window, or a
        msg to accompany the error information.

        Note that you do not need to (and cannot) pass an exception object
        as an argument.  The latest exception will automatically be used.

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed
        :param str title: the window title
        :return: None

    fileopenbox(msg=None, title=None, default='*', filetypes=None, multiple=False)
        A dialog to get a file name.

        **About the "default" argument**

        The "default" argument specifies a filepath that (normally)
        contains one or more wildcards.
        fileopenbox will display only files that match the default filepath.
    :param str msg: the msg to be displayed
        :param str title: the window title
        :return: None

    fileopenbox(msg=None, title=None, default='*', filetypes=None, multiple=False)
        A dialog to get a file name.

        **About the "default" argument**

        The "default" argument specifies a filepath that (normally)
        contains one or more wildcards.
        fileopenbox will display only files that match the default filepath.
        If omitted, defaults to "\*" (all files in the current directory).



        will open in directory c:\myjunk\ and show all Python files.



        will open in directory c:\myjunk\ and show all Python files
        whose names begin with "test".

        Note that on Windows, fileopenbox automatically changes the path
        separator to the Windows path separator (backslash).

        **About the "filetypes" argument**

        If specified, it should contain a list of items,
        where each item is either:

        - a string containing a filemask          # e.g. "\*.txt"
        - a list of strings, where all of the strings except the last one
          are filemasks (each beginning with "\*.",
          such as "\*.txt" for text files, "\*.py" for Python files, etc.).
          and the last string contains a filetype description


            filetypes = ["*.css", ["*.htm", "*.html", "HTML files"]  ]

        .. note:: If the filetypes list does not contain ("All files","*"), it will be added.

        If the filetypes list does not contain a filemask that includes
        the extension of the "default" argument, it will be added.
        For example, if default="\*abc.py"
        and no filetypes argument was specified, then
        "\*.py" will automatically be added to the filetypes argument.

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed.
        :param str title: the window title
        :param str default: filepath with wildcards
        :param object filetypes: filemasks that a user can choose, e.g. "\*.txt"
        :param bool multiple: If true, more than one file can be selected
        :return: the name of a file, or None if user chose to cancel

    filesavebox(msg=None, title=None, default='', filetypes=None)
        A file to get the name of a file to save.
        Returns the name of a file, or None if user chose to cancel.

        The "default" argument should contain a filename (i.e. the
        current name of the file to be saved).  It may also be empty,
        or contain a filemask that includes wildcards.

        The "filetypes" argument works like the "filetypes" argument to

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed.
        :param str title: the window title
        :param str default: default filename to return
        :param object filetypes: filemasks that a user can choose, e.g. " \*.txt"
        :return: the name of a file, or None if user chose to cancel

    indexbox(msg='Shall I continue?', title=' ', choices=('Yes', 'No'), image=None, default_choice='Yes', cancel_choice='No')
        Display a buttonbox with the specified choices.

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed.
        :param str title: the window title
        :param str default: default filename to return
        :param object filetypes: filemasks that a user can choose, e.g. " \*.txt"
        :return: the name of a file, or None if user chose to cancel

    indexbox(msg='Shall I continue?', title=' ', choices=('Yes', 'No'), image=None, default_choice='Yes', cancel_choice='No')
        Display a buttonbox with the specified choices.

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed
        :param str title: the window title
        :param list choices: a list or tuple of the choices to be displayed
        :param str image: Filename of image to display
        :param str default_choice: The choice you want highlighted
          when the gui appears
        :param str cancel_choice: If the user presses the 'X' close,
          which button should be pressed
        :return: the index of the choice selected, starting from 0

    integerbox(msg='', title=' ', default=None, lowerbound=0, upperbound=99, image=None, root=None)
        Show a box in which a user can enter an integer.

        In addition to arguments for msg and title, this function accepts
        integer arguments for "default", "lowerbound", and "upperbound".

        The default, lowerbound, or upperbound may be None.

        When the user enters some text, the text is checked to verify that it
        can be converted to an integer between the lowerbound and upperbound.

        If it can be, the integer (not the text) is returned.

        If it cannot, then an error msg is displayed, and the integerbox is

        If the user cancels the operation, None is returned.

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed
        :param str title: the window title
        :param int default: The default value to return
       :param str title: the window title
        :param str ok_button: text to show in the button
        :param str image: Filename of image to display
        :param tk_widget root: Top-level Tk widget
        :return: the text of the ok_button

    multchoicebox(msg='Pick an item', title='', choices=[], preselect=0, callback=None, run=True)
        Same as choicebox, but the user can select many items.

    multenterbox(msg='Fill in values for the fields.', title=' ', fields=[], values=[], callback=None, run=True)
        Show screen with multiple data entry fields.

        If there are fewer values than names, the list of values is padded with
        empty strings until the number of values is the same as the number
        of names.

        If there are more values than names, the list of values
        is truncated so that there are as many values as names.

        Returns a list of the values of the fields,
        or None if the user cancels the operation.

        Here is some example code, that shows how values returned from
        multenterbox can be checked for validity before they are accepted::

            msg = "Enter your personal information"
            title = "Credit Card Application"
            fieldNames = ["Name","Street Address","City","State","ZipCode"]
            fieldValues = []  # we start with blanks for the values
            fieldValues = multenterbox(msg,title, fieldNames)

            # make sure that none of the fields was left blank
            while 1:
                if fieldValues is None: break
                errmsg = ""
                for i in range(len(fieldNames)):
                    if fieldValues[i].strip() == "":
                        errmsg += ('"%s" is a required field.\n\n' % fieldNames[i])
                if errmsg == "":
                    break # no problems found

           break # no problems found
                fieldValues = multenterbox(errmsg, title, fieldNames, fieldValues)

            print("Reply was: %s" % str(fieldValues))

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed.
        :param str title: the window title
        :param list fields: a list of fieldnames.
        :param list values: a list of field values
        :return: String

    multpasswordbox(msg='Fill in values for the fields.', title=' ', fields=(), values=(), callback=None, run=True)
        Same interface as multenterbox.  But in multpassword box,
        the last of the fields is assumed to be a password, and
        is masked with asterisks.

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed.
        :param str title: the window title
        :param list fields: a list of fieldnames.
        :param list values: a list of field values
        :return: String


        Here is some example code, that shows how values returned from
        multpasswordbox can be checked for validity before they are accepted::

            msg = "Enter logon information"
            title = "Demo of multpasswordbox"
            fieldNames = ["Server ID", "User ID", "Password"]
            fieldValues = []  # we start with blanks for the values
            fieldValues = multpasswordbox(msg,title, fieldNames)

            # make sure that none of the fields was left blank
            while 1:
                if fieldValues is None: break
                errmsg = ""
                for i in range(len(fieldNames)):
                    if fieldValues[i].strip() == "":
                        errmsg = errmsg + ('"%s" is a required field.\n\n' %
  print("Reply was: %s" % str(fieldValues))

    passwordbox(msg='Enter your password.', title=' ', default='', image=None, root=None)
        Show a box in which a user can enter a password.
        The text is masked with asterisks, so the password is not displayed.

        :param str msg: the msg to be displayed.
        :param str title: the window title
        :param str default: value returned if user does not change it
        :return: the text that the user entered, or None if he cancels
          the operation.

    textbox(msg='', title=' ', text='', codebox=False, callback=None, run=True)
        Display a message and a text to edit

        msg : string
            text displayed in the message area (instructions...)
        title : str
            the window title
        text: str, list or tuple
            text displayed in textAreas (editable)
        codebox: bool
            if True, don't wrap and width is set to 80 chars
        callback: function
            if set, this function will be called when OK is pressed
        run: bool
            if True, a box object will be created and returned, but not run

            If cancel is pressed
            If OK is pressed returns the contents of textArea

    ynbox(msg='Shall I continue?', title=' ', choices=('[<F1>]Yes', '[<F2>]No'), image=None, default_choice='[<F1>]Yes', cancel_choice='[<F2>]No')
        Display a msgbox with choices of Yes and No.

        The returned value is calculated this way::
    if the first choice ("Yes") is chosen, or if the dialog is cancelled:
                return True
                return False

        If invoked without a msg argument, displays a generic
        request for a confirmation
        that the user wishes to continue.  So it can be used this way::

            if ynbox():
                pass # continue
                sys.exit(0)  # exit the program

        :param msg: the msg to be displayed
        :type msg: str
        :param str title: the window title
        :param list choices: a list or tuple of the choices to be displayed
        :param str image: Filename of image to display
        :param str default_choice: The choice you want highlighted
            when the gui appears
        :param str cancel_choice: If the user presses the 'X' close, which
          button should be pressed

        :return: True if 'Yes' or dialog is cancelled, False if 'No'

    __all__ = ['buttonbox', 'diropenbox', 'fileopenbox', 'filesavebox', 't...
    eg_version = '0.98.0-RELEASED'
    egversion = '0.98.0-RELEASED'





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