opengrok setup on ubuntu for android source code browser



Downloading the distribution tar ball and setting up directory structure

First, download the latest version from

To make everything tidy, we will store everything under the /opengrok directory. We will prepare the ground like so:

mkdir /opengrok/{src,data,dist,etc,log}

Unpack (assumes GNU tar) the release tarball as follows:

tar -C /opengrok/dist --strip-components=1 -xzf opengrok-X.Y.Z.tar.gz

Copy the logging configuration:

cp /opengrok/dist/doc/ /opengrok/etc

The stock logging configuration should be customized, in this case we would like to store all logs under the /opengrok/logs directory so the contents of the file will look like this:

handlers= java.util.logging.FileHandler

java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = /opengrok/log/opengrok%g.%u.log
java.util.logging.FileHandler.append = false
java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit = 0
java.util.logging.FileHandler.count = 30
java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = org.opengrok.indexer.logger.formatter.SimpleFileLogFormatter

java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = WARNING
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = org.opengrok.indexer.logger.formatter.SimpleFileLogFormatter

Now is is also good time to ensure the web application can read from and indexer can write to certain directories. The indexer will need to write to /opengrok/{data,log} and the web application will need to be able to read from /opengrok/{src,etc,data}.

Creating the index

The data to be indexed should be stored in a directory called source root. Each subdirectory under this directory is called project (projects can be disabled but let's leave this detail aside for now) and usually contains checkout of a repository (or it's branch, version, ...) sources. Each project can have multiple repositories.

The indexer will process any input data - be it source code checkouts, plain files, binaries, etc.

The concept of projects was introduced to effectively replace the need for multiple web applications with opengrok .war file (see below) and leave you with one indexer and one web application serving more source code repositories - projects.

That said, OpenGrok can be run in project-less setup where all the input data is always searched at once.

The index data will be created under directory called data root.

Step.0 - Setting up the sources / input data

Input data should be available locally for OpenGrok to work efficiently since indexing is pretty I/O intensive. No changes are required to your source tree. If the code is under CVS or SVN, OpenGrok requires the '''checked out source''' tree under source root.

The source root directory needs to be created first. We did that above.

The indexer assumes the input data is stored in the UTF-8 encoding (ASCII works therefore too).

For example, to add 2 sample code checkouts using the default source root on Unix system:

cd /opengrok/src

# use one of the training modules at GitHub as an example small app.      
git clone

# use OpenGrok as an example large app
git clone

These 2 directories will be treated as projects if the indexer is run with projects enabled (the -P option), otherwise the data will be treated as a whole.

Step.1 - Install management tools (optional)

This step is optional, the python package contains wrappers for OpenGrok's indexer and other commands. In the release tarball navigate to tools subdirectory and install the opengrok-tools.tar.gz as a python package. Then you can use defined commands. You can of course run the plain java yourself, without these wrappers. The tools are mainly useful for parallel repository synchronization and indexing and also in case when managing multiple OpenGrok instances with diverse Java installations.

In shell, you can install the package simply by:

$ python3 -m pip install opengrok-tools.tar.gz
Pyhton 3, Ubuntu


linux下直接使用apt-get install python3-pip


sudo python3.5

Of course, the Python package can be installed into Python virtual environment.

Step.2 - Deploy the web application

Install web application container of your choice (e.g. TomcatGlassfish).

The web application is distributed in the form of WAR archive file called source.war by default. The WAR file is part of the release archive; it is located under the lib directory. To deploy the application, it means to copy the .war file to the location where the application container will detect it and deploy the web application. The container application will usually detect the new file (even if previous version of the web application is already running), unpack the archive and start the web application. Usually, it is not necessary to unpack the archive by hand. It depends on the container server how quickly it will discover the new archive; usually it takes just a couple of seconds. The destination directory varies per application server. For example for Tomcat 8 it might be something like /var/tomcat8/webapps however this could vary based on operating system as well. So, if you copy the archive to say /var/tomcat8/webapps/source.war, the application server will extract the contents of the archive to the /var/tomcat8/webapps/source/ directory.

Once started, the web application will be served on http://ADDRESS:PORT/source/ where ADDRESS and PORT depend on the configuration of your application server. For instance, it could be http://localhost:8080/source. The source part of the URI matches the name of the WAR file, so if you want your application to be available on http://localhost:8080/FooBar/ , copy the file into the destination directory as FooBar.war.

After the initial startup (i.e. before the indexer is run for the first time) the web application will display an error saying that it cannot read the configuration file. This is expected since the configuration file is yet to be generated by the indexer.

After application server unpacks the War file, it will search for the WEB-INF/web.xml file. For example, deployed default War archive in Tomcat 8 on a Unix system might have the file present as /var/tomcat8/webapps/source/WEB-INF/web.xml. Inside this XML file there is an parameter called CONFIGURATION. Inside the XML file it might look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns=""

    <description>A wicked fast source browser</description>
        <description>Full path to the configuration file where OpenGrok can read its configuration</description>

This is where the web application will read the configuration from. The default value is /opengrok/etc/configuration.xml (notice that in the above example non-default path was used). This configuration file is created by the indexer when using the -W option and the web application reads the file on startup - this is a way how to make the configuration persistent.

If you happen to be using the Python tools distributed with OpenGrok, you can use the opengrok-deploy script to perform the copying of the War file while optionally changing the CONFIGURATION value if the configuration file is stored in non-default location. In this case it is (the default is /var/opengrok/etc/configuration.xml), so we can run it like so:

opengrok-deploy -c /opengrok/etc/configuration.xml \
    /opengrok/dist/lib/source.war /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps

Note that the web application needs to be able to access the files under both data and source root, so make sure file level permissions are set appropriately (this is even more true when running under SELinux or such).

Another thing to keep in mind is that the web application needs to be able to run source code management commands (such as git) in order to display history related views (e.g. making diffs of changes, displaying annotations etc.), basically in the same way as the indexer when it generates history cache. Therefore, permissions and/or environment variables need to be set for the application server.

See for more configuration options of the web application.

Also see

Step.3 - Indexing

This step consists of these operations:

  • create index
  • let the indexer generate the configuration file
  • notify the web application that new index is available

For the indexing step, the directories that store the output data need to be created first, we did that above.

The initial indexing can take a lot of time - for large code bases (meaning both amount of source code and history) it can take many hours. Subsequent indexing will be much faster as it is incremental.

To run the indexer you will need the opengrok.jar file that is found in the release tar.gz file plus all the libraries found therein.

The indexer can be run either using opengrok.jar directly (assuming Universtal ctags binary is installed to /usr/local/bin/ctags):

java \
    -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opengrok/etc/ \
    -jar /opengrok/dist/lib/opengrok.jar \
    -c /usr/local/bin/ctags \
    -s /opengrok/src -d /opengrok/data -H -P -S -G \
    -W /opengrok/etc/configuration.xml -U http://localhost:8080/source

or using the opengrok-indexer wrapper like so:

opengrok-indexer \
    -J=-Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opengrok/etc/ \
    -a /opengrok/dist/lib/opengrok.jar -- \
    -c /usr/local/bin/ctags \
    -s /opengrok/src -d /opengrok/data -H -P -S -G \
    -W /opengrok/etc/configuration.xml -U http://localhost:8080/source

Notice how the indexer arguments in both commands are the same. The opengrok-indexer script will merely find the Java executable and run it.

At the end of the indexing the indexer automatically attempts to upload newly generated configuration to the web application. Until this is done, the web application will display the old state. The indexer needs to know where to upload the configuration to - this is what the -U option is there for. The URI supplied by this option needs to match the location where the web application was deployed to, e.g. for War file called source.war the URI will be http://localhost:PORT_NUMBER/source.

The above will use /opengrok/src as source root, /opengrok/data as data root. The configuration will be written to /opengrok/etc/configuration.xml and sent to the web application (via the URL passed to the -U option) at the end of the indexing. The location of the configuration file needs to match the configuration location in the web.xml file (see the Deploy section above).

Run the command with -h to get more information about the options, i.e.:

java -jar /opengrok/dist/lib/opengrok.jar -h

or when using the Python scripts:

opengrok-indexer -a /opengrok/dist/lib/opengrok.jar -- -h

Optionally use --detailed together with -h to get extra detailed help, including examples.

It is assumed that any SCM commands are reachable in one of the components of the PATH environment variable (e.g. the git command for Git repositories). Likewise, this should be maintained in the environment of the user which runs the web server instance.

You should now be able to point your browser to http://YOUR_WEBAPP_SERVER:WEBAPPSRV_PORT/source to work with your fresh installation.

In some setups, it might be desirable to run the indexing (and especially mirroring) of each project in parallel in order to speed up the overall progress. See on how this can be done.

See for more indexer configuration options.

Step.4 - setting up periodic reindex and data synchronization

The index needs to be kept consistent with the data being indexed. Also, the data needs to be kept in sync with their origin. Therefore, there has to be periodic process that syncs the data and runs reindex. On Unix this is normally done by setting up a crontab entry.

Ideally, the time window between the data being changed on disk and reindex done should be kept to minimum otherwise strange artifacts may appear when searching/browsing.

For syncing repository data see

Also see





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