
session1 :alter table baixyu2 add(id number default 0);

SQL> select  username,v$lock.sid,id1,id2,lmode,request,block,v$lock.type from v$lock,v$session where v$lock.sid=v$session.sid and  username='SCOTT' and v$lock.type not in('AE','TO');

USERNAME            SID        ID1    ID2      LMODE    REQUEST  BLOCK TYPE
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SCOTT               200     327705   3094          6      0      0 TX
SCOTT               200      89562      0          6      0      0 TM


SQL> select * from v$lock_type where type in('TX','TM','AE','TO');

TYPE       NAME              ID1_TAG    ID2_TAG    IS_USE DESCRIPTION
---------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------------------------------
TM     DML               object #   table/part YES    Synchronizes accesses to an ob
                        ition         ject

TX     Transaction           usn<<16 |  sequence   YES    Lock held by a transaction to
                     slot             allow other transactions to wa
                                  it for it

AE     Edition Lock          edition ob 0      NO     Prevent Dropping an edition in
                     j#                use

TO     Temp Object           object #   1      NO     Synchronizes DDL and DML opera

TYPE       NAME              ID1_TAG    ID2_TAG    IS_USE DESCRIPTION
---------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------------------------------
                                  tions on a temp object


update baixyu2 set object_name='aa' where owner='SCOTT';
SQL> select  username,v$lock.sid,id1,id2,lmode,request,block,v$lock.type from v$lock,v$session where v$lock.sid=v$session.sid and  username='SCOTT' and v$lock.type not in('AE','TO');

USERNAME            SID        ID1    ID2      LMODE    REQUEST  BLOCK TYPE
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SCOTT               197 -435190464      0          6      0      0 CU
SCOTT               200     327705   3094          6      0      0 TX
SCOTT               200      89562      0          6      0      0 TM


SQL> select * from v$lock_type where type in('CU');

TYPE       NAME              ID1_TAG    ID2_TAG    IS_USE DESCRIPTION
---------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------------------------------
CU     Cursor            handle handle     NO     Recovers cursors in case of de
                                  ath while compiling

If a new column is added to a table, the column is initially NULL unless you specify the DEFAULT clause. When you specify a default value, the database immediately updates each row with the default value. Note that this can take some time, and that during the update, there is an exclusive DML lock on the table. For some types of tables (for example, tables without LOB columns), if you specify both a NOT NULL constraint and a default value, the database can optimize the column add operation and greatly reduce the amount of time that the table is locked for DML.


SQL> select  username,v$lock.sid,id1,id2,lmode,request,block,v$lock.type,v$lock.block from v$lock,v$session where v$lock.sid=v$session.sid and  username='SCOTT' and v$lock.type not in('AE','TO');

USERNAME            SID        ID1    ID2      LMODE    REQUEST  BLOCK TYPE        BLOCK
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SCOTT               197      89562      0          0      3      0 TM          0
SCOTT               200     393249   3267          6      0      0 TX          0
SCOTT               200        499      0          3      0      0 TM          0
SCOTT               200        494      0          3      0      0 TM          0
SCOTT               200      89562      0          6      0      1 TM          1

SQL> alter table baixyu2 modify(object_name varchar2(200));

Table altered.

SQL> alter table baixyu2 modify(id2 default 2);

Table altered.


alter table baixyu2 move;这个语句的效果跟drop字段的效果是一样的,别的会话不能ddl,不能dml多了一个锁类型

SQL> select  username,v$lock.sid,id1,id2,lmode,request,block,v$lock.type,v$lock.block from v$lock,v$session where v$lock.sid=v$session.sid and  username='SCOTT' and v$lock.type not in('AE','TO');

USERNAME            SID        ID1    ID2      LMODE    REQUEST  BLOCK TYPE        BLOCK
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SCOTT               197      89562      0          0      3      0 TM          0
SCOTT               200     327703   3095          6      0      0 TX          0
SCOTT               200      4   16777386          6      0      0 TS          0
SCOTT               200      89562      0          6      0      1 TM          1

create index idx_sub_name on baixyu2(SUBOBJECT_NAME);添加索引的语句也会阻塞dml操作

SQL> select  username,v$lock.sid,id1,id2,lmode,request,block,v$lock.type,v$lock.block from v$lock,v$session where v$lock.sid=v$session.sid and  username='SCOTT' and v$lock.type not in('AE','TO');

USERNAME            SID        ID1    ID2      LMODE    REQUEST  BLOCK TYPE        BLOCK
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SCOTT               197      89562      0          0      3      0 TM          0
SCOTT               200     524288   3135          6      0      0 TX          0
SCOTT               200     18      0          3      0      0 TM          0
SCOTT               200      89562      0          4      0      1 TM          1
SCOTT               200      89562      0          3      0      0 DL          0
SCOTT               200      89562      0          3      0      0 DL          0


create index idx_sub_name on baixyu2(SUBOBJECT_NAME) online;

SQL> select  username,v$lock.sid,id1,id2,lmode,request,block,v$lock.type,v$lock.block from v$lock,v$session where v$lock.sid=v$session.sid and  username='SCOTT' and v$lock.type not in('AE','TO');

USERNAME            SID        ID1    ID2      LMODE    REQUEST  BLOCK TYPE        BLOCK
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SCOTT               197      89562      0          3      0      0 TM          0
SCOTT               200     327708   3105          6      0      0 TX          0
SCOTT               200      89715      0          4      0      0 TM          0
SCOTT               200      89562      0          2      0      0 TM          0
SCOTT               200      89562      0          3      0      0 DL          0
SCOTT               200      89562      0          4      0      0 OD          0
SCOTT               200      89562      0          3      0      0 DL          0


SQL> create or replace procedure p 
  2  as
  3  begin
  4  null;
  5  end;
  6  /

Procedure created.

SQL> exec p

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select session_id sid,owner,name,type, mode_held held,mode_requested request from dba_ddl_locks where session_id=(select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1);

       SID OWNER        NAME                   TYPE         HELD           REQUEST
---------- -------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------ ------------------
       201 SCOTT        P                  Table/Procedure/Type Null           None
       201 SYS          DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO          Body         Null           None
       201 SYS          DBMS_STANDARD              Table/Procedure/Type Null           None
       201 SYS          DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO          Table/Procedure/Type Null           None
       201 SCOTT        SCOTT                  18           Null           None
       201          SCOTT                  73           Share          None
       201 SYS          DATABASE               18           Null           None

7 rows selected.


SQL> alter procedure p compile;

Procedure altered.

SQL> select session_id sid,owner,name,type, mode_held held,mode_requested request from dba_ddl_locks where session_id=(select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1);

       SID OWNER        NAME                   TYPE         HELD           REQUEST
---------- -------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------ ------------------
       201 SYS          DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO          Body         Null           None
       201 SYS          DBMS_STANDARD              Table/Procedure/Type Null           None
       201 SYS          DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO          Table/Procedure/Type Null           None
       201 SCOTT        SCOTT                  18           Null           None
       201          SCOTT                  73           Share          None
       201 SYS          DATABASE               18           Null           None


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